Service Properties Trust - Shares of Beneficial InterestService Properties Trust - Shares of Beneficial InterestService Properties Trust - Shares of Beneficial Interest

Service Properties Trust - Shares of Beneficial Interest

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Berikut ini adalah daftar obligasi korporasi Service Properties Trust - Shares of Beneficial Interest. Investor sering memilih obligasi perusahaan karena stabilitasnya yang lebih baik di saat pasar bergejolak. Pelajari harga, imbal hasil, dan statistik mereka lainnya dan temukan investasi yang dapat diandalkan.
Harga %
Kupon %
Tanggal Jatuh Tempo
Jumlah yang belum dibayar
Nilai nominal
Jumlah denominasi minimum
SVC4593973Service Properties Trust 4.375% 15-FEB-2030
12,20%250 K75,29%4,38%2030-02-15400 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDService Properties Trust
SVC4882931Service Properties Trust 4.95% 01-OCT-2029
11,61%149 K79,57%4,95%2029-10-01425 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDService Properties Trust
SVC4554658Service Properties Trust 3.95% 15-JAN-2028
10,87%110 K84,14%3,95%2028-01-15400 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDService Properties Trust
SVC5814762Service Properties Trust 8.875% 15-JUN-2032
10,51%133 K93,14%8,88%2032-06-15500 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDService Properties Trust
SVC5814763Service Properties Trust 8.375% 15-JUN-2029
9,20%404 K97,40%8,38%2029-06-15700 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDService Properties Trust
SVC4443720Service Properties Trust 4.95% 15-FEB-2027
8,63%50 K93,35%4,95%2027-02-15400 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDService Properties Trust
SVC4162878Service Properties Trust 4.5% 15-MAR-2025
8,24%64 K99,21%4,50%2025-03-1577,2 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDService Properties Trust
SVC5080846Service Properties Trust 5.5% 15-DEC-2027
8,21%160 K93,53%5,50%2027-12-15450 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDService Properties Trust
SVC4882930Service Properties Trust 4.75% 01-OCT-2026
8,17%45 K94,72%4,75%2026-10-01450 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDService Properties Trust
SVC4332499Service Properties Trust 5.25% 15-FEB-2026
7,83%190 K97,30%5,25%2026-02-15350 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDService Properties Trust
SVIE5701042Service Properties Trust 8.625% 15-NOV-2031
7,41%1 M105,75%8,63%2031-11-151 B USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDService Properties Trust