Mix signal-rileksdevMix Signal Indicator by rileksdev
Indikator ini mengandungi
-3 line bewarna hjau,merah,biru
-1 indikator MACD yang sudah diubahsuai supaya boleh mengesan pergerakan awal harga akan turun atau naik.
-Support & Resistance sudah tersedia pada chart,jadi tidak perlu susah payah cari sendiri
-Buy signal & Sell signal yang keluar apabila harga akan membuat kenaikan atau penurunan
Cara guna:
Line biru: digunakan untuk intraday timetrame 5minit.
Line hijau & merah digunakan untuk Intraday pada timeframe 15minit timeframe 30minit untuk swing short term atau midterm.
MACD MOD untuk mengesan pergerakan awal harga akan turun atau naik.
Garis bintik hijau(Support) & Garis bintik merah (Resistance) yang sudah tersedia pada Chart
Buy signal apabila harga akan membuat kenaikan
Sell signal apabila harga akan membuat penurunan
Indikator Bill Williams
Vix SpikeThis script calculates spikes Vix tops and bottoms. The Vix Market Bottom is calculated using CM_Williams_Vix_Fix Finds Market Bottoms (Chris Moody). The Vix Market Top is calculated as the inverse of CM Williams’ formula.
The highest Vix Bottom and the highest Vix Top are averaged (over the Highest Vix Lookback period).
Buys are signaled when the Vix Bottom line crosses below the Highest Vix Average.
Sells are signaled when the Vix Top line crosses below Highest Vix Average.
Technical checklistNo one indicator is perfect. People always have their favorite indicators and maintain a bias on weighing them purely on psychological reasons other than mathematical. This technical checklist indicator collected 20 common indicators and custom ones to address the issue of a bias weighted decision.
Here, I apply machine learning using a simple sigmoid neuron network with one hidden layer and a single node to avoid artifacts. For the ease of data collection, the indicator matrix is first shown as a heatmap. Once an uptrend signal window is selected manually, an indicator matrix can be recorded in a binary format (i.e., 1 0 0 1 1 0, etc.).
For example, the following indicator matrix was retrieved from the MRNA chart (deciscion: first 5 rows, buying; last 5 rows, no buying):
1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
This matrix is then used as an input to train the machine learning network. With a correlated buying decision matrix as an output:
After training, the corrected weight matrix can be applied back to the indicator. And the display mode can be changed from a heatmap into a histogram to reveal buying signals visually.
python stock_ml.py mrna_input.txt output.txt
Weight matrix output:
Corresponding indicators to the weight matrix:
1. Breakout
2. Reversal
3. Crossover of ema20 and ema60
4. Crossover of ema20 and ema120
5. MACD golden cross
6. Long cycle (MACD crossover 0)
7. RSI not overbought
8. KD not overbought and crossover
9. OBV uptrend
10. Bullish gap
11. High volume
12. Breakout up fractal
13. Rebounce of down fractal
14. Convergence
15. Turbulence reversal
16. Low resistance
17. Bullish trend (blue zone)
18. Bearish trend (red zone)
19. VIX close above ema20
20. SPY close below ema20
PS. It is recommended not to use default settings but to train your weight matrix based on underlying and timeframe.
Breach v3 BetaThis is a script that allows you to toggle multiple indicators related to support and resistance, CCI, and Breaches (Crossovers based on William's Fractals).
How to use:
Custom Timeframe (Minutes) - To compare to current candles
Crossovers on custom - Crossovers and breaches on custom timeframe (Blue Triangle up)
Crossunders on custom - Crossunders and breaches on custom timeframe (Blue Triangle down)
Crossovers on current candles - Crossovers and breaches on current timeframe/Candlestick (Purple Triangle up)
Crossunder on current candles - Crossunders and breaches on current timeframe/Candlestick (Purple Triangle down)
CCI - CCI Trend indicator (red/green dots)
CCI - window - Input CCI window size in candlesticks (Integer)
Resistance on current candles - Resistance on current candles (Green Line)
Support on current candles - Support on current candles (Red Line)
Resistance - Custom - Resistance line based on Custom Timeframe (Blue Line)
Support - Custom - Support line based on Custom Timeframe (Purple Line)
Price on current support/resistance - Label displaying the price of current (candlestick) support/resistance
Price on custom support/resistance - Label displaying the price of custom (Custom Timeframe) support/resistance
Williams KDJ Burst W/AlertsThis script uses the Williams %R , and KDJ indicators in unison to help determine breakouts and reversals. Long and short signals are given when both key components of the indicators turn in the same direction. I built it to be used on the 4 hour timeframe but it may work on others as well. The current bar can change so it is strongly recommended that you set alerts to trigger once the bar is closed. I also recommend putting in a full order on the first long or short arrow instead of pyramiding. PM me to obtain access.
Link to the strategy version of this script:
BTC: 14CwzW2RbV5NhGDHPPyNto9i95eoyKXZ2E
ETH: 0x2a0c7b2d9849b7718680ee2d28aa06dc1676b698
Williams KDJ Burst StrategyThis script uses the Williams %R, and KDJ indicators in unison to help determine breakouts and reversals. Long and short signals are given when both key components of the indicators turn in the same direction. I built it to be used on the 4 hour timeframe but it may work on others as well. PM me to obtain access.
BTC: 14CwzW2RbV5NhGDHPPyNto9i95eoyKXZ2E
ETH: 0x2a0c7b2d9849b7718680ee2d28aa06dc1676b698
FractalThis fractal indicator provides fractal support and resistance together with other integrated features, such as short-, mid-, and long-term SMA and EMA lines, color code for bullish and bearish candles, and showing closing price to length for planning future trend scenarios.
Using fractal support and resistance and a triple moving average trading system helps traders identify better trade signals.
Click on Settings to select indicators for those features. The default setting is showing all.
GBP/JPY Daily time FX Strategy ATR W% BaselineThis is a preety good strategy suited for long term trading.
It has been adapted and optimized in this case for GBP/JPY 1D time frame.
Its made of Kiojun baseline, together with ATR for stop loss and size calculation and Williams % R
For the purpose of this example we simulate that we have a leverage of 100x in order to be able to buy the ammount of lots required for our stop loss to be in same page with the risk % of our capital.
For entry we have for long, ascending R in the last 2 candles and crossover of close with KIOJUN baseline. For short the same but in reverse.
We exit if we reach the TP -100 points in this example, or SL , which is based on ATR of the last x days.
If you have any questions feel free to write me in private !
in case you don’t know what fractal is fractal is a way of a trading by finding critical price levels those critical price levels formed every five candle The middle candle is the critical one, The high or low of this candle is considered support or resistant at the current moment.
The current implementation of fractals indicators across many platforms, tradingview one of them not that Great although it undefined the fractals however at least the hard bar for your brain to process you need to link these factors together to form a trend line , has no directions for the trend and for sure it doesn’t show you the trigger candle.
I have been working for the best three years in a new way to trade fractals A new ecosystem that has it all, support and resistance level showing the trend and also show you the trigger candle where are you can but your buy or sell order. and I call it Obbar.
Identifying the trade:
now let’s see how you can trade this indicator, first let’s identify the trend because you know trend is your friend, and since fractal does not tell you the trend, Will use OBV for this task by applying fractals concepts to OBV we can easily see in which level buyer or seller appeal, since that level is important we should also see a huge volume on those levels, and by applying this concepts we have three area bluish The green one where you should only look for buy signal, a bearish area the red one where you should only look for sell signal, indecision area the blue where are you should just ignore the market.
The trigger candle:
it’s yellow when it’s buying signal don’t forget the trend of course so if the trend is bluish and you have yellow candle The trigger candle will be buying candle.
it’s red when it’s a sell signal added to the trend you should only sell when the trend is bearish of course.
hope this indicator improve your fractal trading, have fun
2B detector betaIdentifying a trend reversal is practically tricky, given that price movement is somewhat unpredictable and mostly obeys a power law. In which the price difference is primarily out of normal distribution. According to Benoit Mandelbrot, the price distribution follows an alpha-stable distribution with α equal to 1.7.
Real data observation suggests that stock prices do not follow the Random Walk Hypothesis or Brownian motion. Instead, they follow a fractal pattern. Fractals exhibit similar patterns at different scales called self-similarity. Using this character, one can develop fractal patterns to identify local highs and local lows.
This indicator identifies the reversal signal so-called 2B base on the following logic:
1. Identify local highs and local lows with fractals
2. Define relative positions of those local highs and lows (ABC and 2B)
3. Define the local range of ABC and B
Disclaimer: This indicator is only for research purposes. Please do not take it as investing or trading advice.
Williams%R EMA CROSSESWilliams %R , also known as the Williams Percent Range, is a type of momentum indicator that moves between 0 and -100 and measures overbought and oversold levels. The Williams %R may be used to find entry and exit points in the market.
In this study, exponential moving averages are used in order to smooth out the false signals produced by Williams %R and to see more accurate signals.
In addition, it is aimed to see the divergences by using the moving averages of The Williams %R.
When the short exponential moving averages of Williams %R is above the longs, it may be a signal to think an uptrend will begin, and the long exponential moving averages of Williams %R is above the shorts, it may be a signal to think a downtrend will begin.
At the same time, a second check can be made for price movement with weighted moving averages.
RSI of Ultimate Oscillator [SHORT Selling] StrategyThis is SHORT selling strategy with Ultimate Oscillator. Instead of drectly using the UO oscillator , I have used RSI on UO (as I did in my previous strategies )
Ultimator Oscillator settings are 5, 10 and 15
RSI of UO setting is 5
Short Sell
I have used moving averages from WilliamAlligator indicator --- settings are 10(Lips), 20(teeth) and 50 (Jaw)
when Lips , Teeth and Jaw are aligned to downtrend (that means Lips < Teeth < Jaw )
Look for RSIofUO dropping below 60 ( setting parameter is Sell Line )
Partial Exit
When RSIofUO crossing up Oversold line i.e 30
Cover Short / Exit
When RSIofUO crosisng above overbought line i.e 70
StopLoss defaulted to 3 % , Though it is mentioned in settings , it has not been not used to calcuate and StopLoss Exit... Reason is, when RSIofUO already crossed 60 line (for SHORTING) , then it would take more efforts go up beynd 60. There is saying price takes stairs to climb up but it takes elevator to go down. I have not purely depend on this to exit stop loss, however noticed the trades in this stratgey did not get out with loss higher than when RSIofUO reaching 70 level.
Williams Alligator is not drawn from the script. It is manually added to chart for illustration purpose. Please add it when you are using this strategy , whch woould give an idea how the strategy is taking Short Trades.
This is tested on Hourly chart for SPY
Bar color changes to purple when the strategy is in SHORT trade
For the eductional purposes only
Relative AO (RAO)Relative AO is an adaptation of Bill Williams' Awesome Oscillator for a logarithmic scale that measures the percentage of convergence/divergence of moving averages (similar to MARCD). The Signal Line allows you to use RAO instead of MACD (offset off), or to smooth the edge of the histogram for convenience (offset on).
Divergent Bars[Salty]Updated an existing Divergent Bar script to be able to show all divergent bars. There are 2 set of divergent bars that can be turned on. The original one based on price and alligator lines, and a new second one that shows ALL divergent bars. The second set has lighter lines and colors to differentiate them from the filtered alligator divergent bars.
William %R Scalper for GoldWilliam %R Scalper or WPR Scalper tool is used with small time frame : 5 , 3 or 1 minute, it uses two different William %R indicators : one for fast move with 9 period WPR9 and one slow with 54 period WPR54. You can find buy zone when WPR9 < -90 and WPR54 < -80 and sell zone when WPR9 > -10 AND WPR54 > -20. For experience user only you can adapt the two periods and threshold levels to your need. You can use only WPR9 to place trade and validate trend with WPR54.
Awesome Oscillator (AO) - Two EMA / SMA Awesome Oscillator with EMA indicator plots Awesome Oscillator indicator (Bill M. Williams) on Two Exponential Moving Averages.
The value of the Awesome Oscillator indicator is calculated as the difference between moving averages over these two time frames.
Rather than using closing prices, though, these moving averages use the midpoints of the bars (i.e. halfway between the high and the low).
Midpoint = (H + L)/2
AO = Fast Moving Average - Slow Moving Average
The indicator subtracts the Fast Moving Average from the Slow Moving Average and plots this value as a histogram.
It measures the market momentum with the aim to detect potential trend direction or trend reversals and momentum.
How to read the Indicator ?
When AO is greater than zero line, it is an uptrend. When AO is less than zero it is a downtrend.
Rising AO indicates momentum intact. Falling AO indicates momentum loosing the steam.
When AO is nearing zero, one can expect the trend reversal & big move in opposite direction in trending market.
OFA - Order Flow AnalysisThe script analyzes order flow based on fractal structure breaks. Every time there is a fractal breakout in the opposite direction of the dominant side in control a new leg ( bullish or bearish ) forms. This script comes with the added value of displaying the velocity and the magnitude of each leg/cycle.
Order flow leaves a trail of the future market intentions via the ability or lack thereof of the aggregated flow to keep consuming liquidity provided by market makers and find or not equilibrium in price. The proper reading of order flow can provide information advantage. Flows can be read via two main venues:
1 - Magnitude: A major clue that will help determine the health of a trend is the type of progress by the dominant side in control of the trend. We need to ask the following question: Are the new legs in the active buy-sell side campaign as identified by the script increasing or decreasing in magnitude?
2. Velocity: When it comes to the distance the price moves, the magnitude is only ½ the equation. The other ½ has to do with the velocity of the move or the speed. Was the new leg created after a fast and impulsive move? Or did price make a new low or high with the movement being sluggish, compressive and taking too long to form? A good rule of thumb is to count the number of candles it took to achieve a new leg.
Fractals (Expo)
Fractals (Expo) make use of fractals to identify trends and reversals. The indicator is designed to adapt smoothly and quickly to significant price moves in order to identify trend reversals as well as filtering out noise in an established trend. The indicator is simple to use and understand therefore valuable to all trading styles.
The user has the ability to enable a custom input source which gives the user great flexibility and full control over what the calculations should be based on. The default input source is fractals from the swing points of the market.
Real-Time Trend Alerts
No Repainting
Works on any market and in any timeframe
Use the indicator to gain insights into trends and trend reversals.
Identify Trends
Identify Trend reversals
Use it as a Trend filter
Daily Chart
I hope you find this indicator useful , and please comment or contact me if you like the script or have any questions/suggestions for future improvements. Thanks!
I will continually work on this indicator, so please share your experience and feedback as it will enable me to make even better improvements. Thanks to everyone that has already contacted me regarding my scripts. Your feedback is valuable for future developments!
Copyright by Zeiierman.
The information contained in my scripts/indicators/ideas does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, or individual’s trading does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
My scripts/indicators/strategies/ideas are only for educational purposes!
• Contact me on TradingView or use the links below
Fractal ConvergenceThis is an indicator, ideally for use with the 15M charts, will mark out both buy and sell signals based on Fractal Convergence. If based on the direction and layout of the EMA (8/20 from 60 min) it determines the market to be sell biased it will look for a higher low fractal to the preceding low fractal. For a Buy biased market it will look for a lower high fractal to the preceding high fractal. The indicator will mark out the entry, stop-loss, and take profit, based on the convergence it sees. You should manage your risk as per your trading plan. A further extension to this Indicator is the ability to look for confluence with the higher timeframe i.e. H4(240M). With this it will require the EMAs for the 1 hour and 4 hour to be pointing in the right direction before looking for fractal convergence.
There is a balance to be met, and a decision to be made around whether to seek confluence with HTFs or not. In some market conditions waiting will mean fewer opportunities, but at the same time, it is supposed to be a higher probability move. At the same time if you are looking for higher risk to reward opportunities you will want to be looking to get in as soon after the crossover as possible. This will "likely" give you the run up to when the higher timeframe catches up (but not always).
As with any indicator it carries the risk that it may not always work in all conditions. One should test it out and be comfortable with the likeliness of the indicator use resulting in a loss as well as a win.
To further help you get in on those early entries the indicator has an alert condition that can alert you to the first signal after the EMA cross. Please use trader discretion when deciding to take this first signal i.e. presence of horizontal, trend and direction, any fundamentals (eg. avoid trading within 2 hours of news).
One might choose to incorporate other indicators to help in decision making. One such idea would be to combine it with pivot points and maybe using them for advanced stop loss placement, or ATR for deciding if the stop placement is too close for current market conditions, Stochastic for determining if there is likely going to be a pull back(overbought/oversold), RSI to determine if the market is in an established trend (above/below 50 and inside 70/30 respectively). Lots can be done - but it is just an idea and you must decide if the entry looks good for you and you are comfortable with the risk.
EOD TraderMy EOD (End of Day) system for trading on the daily timeframe with minimum stress. Just pair the built-in alerts with the bot of your choice and then let the indicator do the rest. It'll determine the current trend, filter out as much noise as possible and then take you from long to short.
There are options to toggle the following:
Auto fibonacci levels with alerts for the look-back period of your choosing
Auto support and resistance with alerts
Alerts for the price closing above/below the 50MA
A coloured background to show the trend direction (green = up, red = down)
The fib and support levels can be handy when trying to determine when best to take profit or even exit the trade entirely.
Important: I personally use Heikin Ashi candles with this script to further filter entries. An option is available within the script settings to toggle this on/off should you wish to do the same.
This is a premium script. Please DM me for access.
Zalligator - Zero-Lag Alligator IndicatorI applied the zero-lag moving average theory to the Alligator Indicator. It seems like some different rules would would be required versus the traditional Alligator. Let me know what you think!