💥➡ Gas is going to explode?

Fundamentally, I think natural gas is going to "explode". I don't know if this will happen in the next months or, as the demand tends to drop during the warmer months in the northern hemisphere, we will see the peak in fall.

You're seeing a projection of last year's rise here with its high in the 1st half of October. But I think this could be extremer.

Germany/Europe will demand Russian gas, which will get more expensive and/or less exported. So they will, of course, require US natural gas. And worldwide inflation plays another role in this ...
Seems like we can stay long invested in here ....

"Declaration of Emergency and Authorization for Temporary Extensions of Time and Duty-Free Importation of Solar Cells and Modules from Southeast Asia
JUNE 06, 2022
Electricity is an essential part of modern life that powers homes, business, and industry. It is critical to the function of major sectors of the economy, including hospitals, schools, public transportation systems, and the defense industrial base. Even isolated interruptions in electric service can have catastrophic health and economic consequences. A robust and reliable electric power system is therefore not only a basic human necessity, but is also critical to national security and national defense.

Multiple factors are threatening the ability of the United States to provide sufficient electricity generation to serve expected customer demand. These factors include disruptions to energy markets caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and extreme weather events exacerbated by climate change. For example, in parts of the country, drought conditions coupled with heatwaves are simultaneously causing projected electricity supply shortfalls and record electricity demand. As a result, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation have both warned of near-term electricity reliability concerns in their recent summer reliability assessments.
Beyond Technical AnalysiscommoditiessupercycleEnergy CommoditiesenergysupplyFundamental AnalysisinflationNatural GasSeasonalitySupply and DemandSupply Zoneukraineukrainecrisis

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