Technical Ratings Pro - Pump WaveThis script uses the built in Technical Ratings indicator but interprets the data visually. It plots the results for "total", "MA" and "other" as pump waves. It uses MA to plot a trend line (can be turned off in settings) . Candles are colored to the rating strength and a percentage number was added to the results. For more informations on the Technical Ratings indicator please refer to official documentation.
Analisis Teknis
Technicals Rating Strategy v420Ichimoku, HMA, RSI, Stoch, CCI, MACD, Technicals Rating Strategy is a trading Bot that looks at these chosen indicators and assigns a value to each, then calculates the result of adding each indicators result value to a overall rating, which is then compared to a user set level. Here seen on Bitcoin, it has the broker fee included in the testing result. If you choose to use it on Forex etc, perhaps remove the broker fee which is unrealistic for FX trading.
It has a Win/Loss ratio of only 40% wins, but it catches the big moves and thats the main thing, so if ELON MUSK had of used this strategy instead of BUY and HOLD, he could of made 700% instead of 7% (as is, may, 2021)
Mainly intended for use as Automated TRADE BOT.
(imagine if Elon Musk did use this bot with his 1.3 billion $ worth of BTC, the drawdown would be like, half a billion or something haha (p.s.- use smaller lotsize % to get smaller drawdown, but then smaller profit....) )
For use with any pair and timeframe. In fact there is a timeframe setting to set the strategy to look at alternative timeframe from chart, but as default will just be set to charts timeframe.
EMA SMA 100 CrossThis script utilizes the 100 EMA and the 100 SMA with printing labels for "Buy", "Short", and "Take Profit".
Essentially this indicator will print a "Buy" label when the 100 EMA(green line) is above the 100 SMA(red line) and "Take Profit" at the pivot points.
NOTE: There will be instances where the labels print based on coded criteria but will be false compared to trend. This is because the 100 EMA and SMA crosses can be short periods and reversals can happen frequently. This indicator should be used in conjunction with other indicators to help build a case for potential long or short entries.
EMA Multi CrossThis is just a very simple EMA indicator that shows the 20, 50, 100, and 200 Exponential Moving Averages and plots some shapes when the lines cross from the 20 & 50, the 50 & 200, and the 100 & 200.
I know there are many EMA indicators out there, but I couldn't find one that let me edit the colors, values, and toggle the crossings. Maybe some of you will find usefulness in having some of these extra options too.
I use this occasionally on the Bitcoin 1 hour charts to see how the long-term trend is going.
Here are some ways to read EMA lines:
Slope: A rising moving average generally reflects a rising trend, while a falling moving average points to a falling trend.
Crosses: Seeing when a slower moving average crosses over/under a faster moving average can be an indication of a trend. If a shorter moving average remains above the longer moving average after they cross, the uptrend is considered intact. The trend is seen as down when the shorter moving average is below the longer moving average.
I prefer the slope of the two since crosses can cause some false positives if you are relying on it for trades.
RSI-Last-3-ExtremaThis script indicates when the current Relative Strength Index of the last 8 closes is beyond a level from center oscillation which signals the equity is likely to reverse course. When it is the lowest RSI reading of the prior 3 readings and below 25, a green vertical bar will appear signaling a potential BUY point. Likewise, the highest reading of the prior 3 RSI readings and above 75 will signal a vertical red bar or SELL signal. The bar has to have a final close price for the signal to be active. Reversal could take a few more bars to occur depending on the timeframe and equity symbol.
You will be able to find many charts that have this signal perfectly finding the top or bottom of a significant trend.
It successfully indicates profitable reversal around 80% of the time. So far, It is 85% accurate or better in determining downtrend start points on the Daily, 120, 60, 30 Minute charts according to the study of more than 10,000 occurrences. It is 86% accurate on the 30 Minute chart.
This is another tool I use in finding or confirming potential price action. Hope you find it useful.
To add this, favorite the script by clicking "Add to your Favorite Indicators" at the top of the code portion below. On your top tool bar is an "fx" button with a downward arrow to the right of it. Click on the downward arrow/caret and scroll down to "RSI-Last-3-Extrema". Click on this title and it should add to the bottom of your current chart. If you do not see BUY (green vertical bars) or SELL (red vertical bars) right away, try other charts and timeframes.
Tech Primary AnalysisThe indicator consists of four main parts, the main SR/Rejection the solid black line, the Second SR, Trend channels the dashed line , and Alerts.
The Main SR/ Rejection point is used to indicate a rejection of a candlestick .
This first type of rejection is identified by a default black line to represent a low zone in the market for that trade.
The Second SR shows a pivot point on the chart; it is presented as a dotted line often near the main SR/Rejection.
When a rejection and pivot point are near each other, it indicates a strong zone.
Trend channels are moving averages, they also have 2 standard deviations that instruct you on when it is best to buy into a trade and when it is best to sell and leave the trade.
You buy low and sell higher for the maximum profit. Lastly, there are alerts;
set an alert for the main rejection line when you want to follow the trend channel, or use it for the when the second resistance is broken, or when the support is broken.
Another important technique is knowing when to trade.
Trading is best in intervals of four hours. Trading at 9am, 1pm, 5pm, 9pm, and 1am will get you into the beginning of the trade to better watch the trend channels.
Another important factor to remember is setting the stop loss which should be a previous rejection
Works on all markets : Forex, Crypto, Options Stocks
Use the link below to obtain access to this indicator or PM us to obtain access
Long RSIThe RSI is a technical indicator generally used with the general setting being 14 days, and often shorter.
The accepted view is that a level of 70 indicates overbought conditions, and 30 indicates oversold conditions.
A short RSI setting will give signals quite often, and they might sometimes contradict each other.
As a individual investor, perhaps with a background in fundamental analysis, the RSI might be overlooked for other fundamental metrics.
But the idea here is that longer RSI settings can be used for investing.
The problem that arises is how to know when the indicator has reached a level that is either overbought or oversold.
This script solves that by using a specific look back period (selectable, but the standard is 1 year), and plotting the highest/lowest value that the RSI has had for that time period.
The idea is that a buy signal occurs when the indicator is at a 'historic' low, and a sell signal occurs when it at its 'historic' high.
Since you generally want to buy when the indicator is at its low, and has stopped decreasing, the script comes with a function that shows you when yesterdays value reached a historic low, but todays value is higher than yesterday.
This is shown by a color change of the background to green. The same is true, but opposite, for sell signals and then the background turns red.
Technical Analyst by DGTWho needs a Technical Analyst?
yes I can hear someone is asking for, and here is one that can help you with technical analysis
The analyst will present a technical anlaysis report at a glance calculated by the most popular technical indicators , and the good part, the anlayst will do it voluntarily
technical skills of the analyst:
- experienced an all markets
- ability to interpret moving averages
- ability to interpret volume changes
- ability to interpret trend folowing indicators such as:
* directional movement index (dmi), identify trend strength and trend direction
* complex ichimoku cloud , identify trend stregth, and tk crosses
- ability to interpret oscillators such as:
* relative strength index, identify oversold overbought levels, identify the rsi flow
* commodity channel index, identify oversold overbought levels
* awesome identify if grawing or falling
* macd if bullish or bearish, and macd histogram if grawing or falling
- ability to calculate probability and its trend
- non-stop hardworker,
- available 7/24,
- highly dedicated always on duty,
- open for new ideas and willing to learn
- upon request the analyst will create reports with custom settings of your choise
the analyst is not a decition maker, trading success is all about following your trading strategy and the analyst aims to help with the presented reports calculated by the most popular technical indicators
the analyst supports 9 of the popular technical indicators and is willing to learn more , please share your comments and feedbacks and help the analyst improve skills
Disclaimer : The script is for informational and educational purposes only. Use of the script does not constitutes professional and/or financial advice. You alone the sole responsibility of evaluating the script output and risks associated with the use of the script. In exchange for using the script, you agree not to hold dgtrd TradingView user liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decision you make based on use of the script
The MATRIX: Ultimate Crypto Position FinderThe Position Finder is a visual representation and additional feature of the "MATRIX Ultimate Crypto Position Strategy" and it should therefore be used alongside this script.
***You can find the main trading strategy script on our profile page***
-The Position Finder is a tool that allows the user to see multiple triggers at the same time on a single chart of the "MATRIX Ultimate Crypto Position Strategy".
The Position Finder consists of 3 parts, namely an entry, a re-entry and an exit part (from top to bottom). Each of these three fields is made up of several green, black or red horizontal lines in which each line corresponds to a specific trigger.
-An entry or re-entry signal is valid once all individual triggers turn dark GREEN at the same time (for the top and middle matrix fields respectively). When this happens a bright GREEN vertical line is formed. The main trading strategy script will also print "Long Entry" label. While BLACK color indicates that a certain trigger is not valid. Yes, we know. It sounds very complicated, but once you understood it, we promise it will be the most simple and dare we say, an interesting tool to use.
-An exit signal is made once a single trigger turns RED. The main trading strategy script will also print a RED colored "Long Exit" label. While BLACK color indicates that the exit signal is not triggered.
For those who are interested in the rationale of why a certain entry or exit signal was made a list with triggers can be found below. It contains the complete set of triggers for the entry, re-entry and exit signals from top to bottom.
Entry Trigger List:
1: Evaluation of short term trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, conversion line related to base line.
2: Evaluation of longer term trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, price related to the ichimoku cloud.
3: Confirmation of the longer term upward trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, lagging span related to ichimoku cloud.
4: Confirmation of short term upward trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, price related to conversion line and base line.
5: Evaluation of longer term trend projection: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, projected ichimoku cloud shape.
6: Confirmation of short term trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, lagging span related to the price.
7: Confirmation of short term trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, lagging span related to the price (alternative method).
8: Confirmation of the longer term trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, lagging span related to ichimoku cloud (alternative method).
9: Confirmation of the longer term trend: Moving averages.
10: Confirmation of sufficient momentum: Macd indicator.
11: Evaluation of overbought or oversold conditions in the price: RSI indicator.
12: Evaluation of price equilibrium: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, price related to ichimoku cloud , conversion line, base line.
13: Confirmation of general trend: Vortex indicator.
14: Evaluation of price equilibrium: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, price related to ichimoku cloud , conversion line, base line (alternative method).
15: Evaluation of volatility: Choppiness index indicator.
16: Evaluation of volume: Volume indicator.
Re-Entry Trigger List:
1: Confirmation of short term upward trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, price related to conversion line and base line.
2: Evaluation of short term trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, conversion line related to base line.
3: Confirmation of the longer term upward trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, conversion line and base line related to the ichimoku cloud .
4: Confirmation of sufficient momentum: Macd indicator.
5: Confirmation of sufficient momentum: Macd indicator (alternative method).
6: Evaluation of overbought or oversold conditions in the price: RSI indicator.
7: Confirmation of sufficient momentum: Macd indicator (alternative method).
8: Confirmation of general trend: Vortex indicator.
9: Confirmation of the longer term upward trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, price related to the ichimoku cloud .
10: Evaluation of bullish/bearish territory.
Exit Trigger List:
1: Confirmation of short term trend reversal: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, conversion line related to base line.
2: Confirmation of neutral territory: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, price related to the ichimoku cloud .
3: Confirmation of bearish territory: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, price related to the ichimoku cloud .
4: Evaluation of extremely overbought conditions in the price: RSI indicator.
5: Confirmation of bearish divergence signals.
Reminder: Use this trading strategy at your own risk and trade responsibly. We are not responsible for any financial loss using this strategy.
***The script is invite-only, message us to get script access***
The MATRIX: Ultimate Crypto Position StrategyHi all,
We are cryptocurrency miners and 'hodlers’ since 2013, with unwavering confidence in the technology behind it. We’d always thought that it would be a life-changing êvent. And we were right. We went from “broke” to making shit loads of money and all the way back to bitter nothing. If you are lucky, you probably haven’t experienced what if feels to be high on cash and then fall very deep low, but let me reassure you, it is a nasty feeling.
Then we wondered, what the hell did we do wrong? Or better say, what didn’t we do right! The answer was dead simple: We had no experience in trading, we were overwhelmed by emotions and we didn't use any trading strategy. Hence, we were doomed to fail from the beginning.
In order to build an all-in-one profitable trading strategy, we had to start from zero. The one thing we learned is that your goal for financial gain cannot be achieved without discipline and consistency. Our prime focus was to absorb as much info as possible regarding trading and coding by doing an extensive self-study, which consequentially took us to the next level.
One of the secrets to being successful from a trading perspective is to have an indefatigable and undying thirst for information and knowledge. As Bruce Lee once said: “Learning is never cumulative; it is a movement of knowing which has no beginning nor end”. So, we adapted what was useful, rejected what was useless, and added our own preferences based on our mindset. We were totally committed to be the best. Our goal was never to lose money again! Of course, this is an illusion, as no single strategy is correct all of the time.
Therefore, the final trading strategy was based on the following key elements:
• The avoidance of risk is more important than absolute profit. Do not anticipate and do not move without market confirmation. Being a little late in your trade is your indication if you are right or wrong.
• Offering simplicity and practicality, for those that do not have the time to trade 24/7.
• Believe in analysis and not in forecasting. Trading is a skill for those who are smart and gambling for those who are not.
In conclusion, we are absolutely thrilled to finally release this trading strategy after one year of extensive back testing and optimization. The script was supposed to be for personal use only, but because Tradingview has helped us a lot in this process, we want to share it with all of you and give something back to this amazing community. If you learned something new today and found value, please give us a like to show your support! We’d really appreciate it.
***The script is invite-only, message us to get script access***
The MATRIX: Ultimate Crypto Position Strategy should be used as follows:
• The trading strategy was designed and optimized for trading cryptocurrencies only ; furthermore it works best on established high market cap cryptocurrencies that have a clear trend such as:
• The trading strategy is based on swing/position methodology. The script must therefore be used on daily timeframe candles only (1D) .
• Use USD trading pairs only (e.g. use ETHUSD instead of the ETHBTC) since the individual trend is captured more effectively and therefore gives better results.
The MATRIX:Ultimate Crypto Position Strategy is based on the following indicators:
• Ichimoku Cloud ; acts as the leading indicator.
• Volume ; without strong volume , a market move is not valid.
• MACD and Vortex ; both being used as confirmation indicators.
• Choppiness index ; avoids trading in choppy markets.
• Bullish/ Bearish Regular Divergences in combination with RSI to spot tops and bottoms.
• Simple and Exponential Moving Averages ; prêvents trading against the trend.
The trading strategy is easy to use, trend based and without repainting, meaning once a signal has been made it is permanent and that no future data is used in the decision making. It detects the trend and filters out market noise based on more than 10 technical indicators. ONLY when all indicators align with each other the algorithm prints a BUY or SELL signal. The trading strategy provides high probability trading signals and minimizes risk! This script aims to capture the profit from longer term trending moves and by doing so filters out non-substantial trends and avoids the associated risks with these trades.
The MATRIX: Ultimate Crypto Position Strategy has the following features:
• Automatically generated Buy / Sell alerts in the form of a label.
• NO Repaint once candle is closed.
• SAFEGUARD ; custom built-in security prevẹnts trading when the price is out of equilibrium.
• Customizable Display for the Ichimoku cloud indicator display.
Below are the backtest results. Keep in mind that this strategy is quite conservative resulting in few long positions. These results are therefore no guarantee for the future.
Back test results: (only Long trades, signal to signal, order size: 100% of equity, commision fee 0.1%, period: start of chart)
Exchange-----Asset---------Timeframe---Percent Profitable----Profit Factor-----Total Trades----Max Drawdown---Average bars in trade-----Net Profit
Reminder: Use this trading strategy at your own risk and trade responsibly. We are not responsible for any financial loss using this strategy.
***The script is invite-only, message us to get script access***
VolWaves‴ | Volume Waves‴What does it do?
This indicator allows you to identify possible top and bottom reversals by having a prior volume reversal identifiable by positive (top reversal) and negative (bottom reversal) waves.
How does it work?
Everytime the wave starts ending its movement by shrinking the size of the histogram bars, it might be signing that a price reversal is on its way. It is possible to adjust the wave shape by increasing/decreasing its gradient value analysis, but it's so easy to use that sometimes no reconfiguration is needed, just add it and let it guide you.
What's my filling?
I've been testing this indicator for weeks and so far with incredible reversal signals.
TrenderTrender is an indicator that compiles trend-following ideas in a complete friendly-custom indicator. Based on classic arithmetic moving averages, exponential moving averages, volume and a little bit of Fibonacci. Indicator built and usable in TradingView, focused only for easy visualization of the trend.
TradingView's Technical AnalysisAll indicators used on the Technical Analysis Summary from TradingView, composed with oscillators and moving averages. Sell and strong sell will represent more indicators showing sell signals. Buy and strong buy will represent more indicators showing buy signals. A white bar will show neutral signal (don't trade). This can be good for binary options or scalping on small time frames, but also very good on higher times for forex. The signal will appear on the candle before, so wait for the new candle to appear to see what direction the signal will indicate.
MPI‴ | Money Pressure IndexThe MPI‴ or Money Pressure Index is a great indicator to measure the buy/sell money pressure over the asset once it allows you to have a better understanding and interpretation of its behavior once you are able to see it through an histrogram. Using its histogram, will allow you to have a gradual view of its force over the asset and the end of the line oscilation will allow you to see the most up to date indicator behaviour.
What is the best is that you can use it with any kind of graphic that it will always considere the real open, close, high and low trading values.
To have access to this indicator, please contact me at: contato @ moneywise . com . br
Believe me, this indicator will make your life much easier!
Ease of Movement WatcherHere’s a handy Ease of Movement(EMV) Indicator. I tried to include detailed comments so that anyone that’s learning pine can follow along.
The Ease of Movement Indicator is a volume based oscillator that is designed to measure the ease (or movability) of price movement for a security. The EMV is a centered oscillator, meaning that values can fluctuate above and below zero.
To understand how to use and interpret the EMV Indicator, its crucial to first understand its two main calculations :
Distance Moved = ((high + low) / 2) - ((high + low ) / 2)
-This is the difference between the current period’s midpoint and the previous period’s
Box Ratio = (volume / 100,000) / (high - low)
-When calculating the Box Ratio, it is common to divide the volume by 100,000 for a clearer visualization of the data. However, users can choose
to modify this value with the ‘volumeDiv’ input.
The Ease of Movement Value is then pretty simple to calculate:
EMV = (Distance Moved / Box Ratio)
The indicator then plots a SMA of the previous 24 EMV Values.
Looking at the formula, we know that combining low volume with a large {high, low} range will result in a relatively small box ratio value. Thus, we know that the EMV value for that period will be higher since EMV is found by dividing the Distance Moved by the Box Ratio.
Here’s a simple guide to interpreting the EMV:
- If (EMV > 0)
then price is increasing with relative ease.
-If (EMV < 0)
then price is decreasing with relative ease.
- If high-low range is large and volume is low
then ease of movement is high.
-If high-low range is small and volume is high
then ease of movement is low.
The Chart:
-The histogram represents the Simple Moving Average of EMV Values. The default length is 24, but users can adjust this value at the inputs menu(I've
found 24 works best).
-The teal and pink dotted lines represent the standard deviation of the SMA of EMV values multiplied by 2.5.
-The histogram turns dark green when the EMV SMA is greater than the top teal dotted standard deviations line.
-The histogram turns maroon when the EMV SMA falls below the bottom pink standard deviation line.
How To Use:
Enter a long position when the most recent EMV SMA value was below the lower pink stand. dev. line and the current EMV SMA value rises above that
same pink line. That means the previous bar was maroon and the current bar is not.
If the user enables the option to show entry points, a green dot will be plotted when it is time to enter a long position.
Exit the long position when the most recent EMV SMA value was above the upper green standard deviation line and the current EMV SMA value falls
below that same line. If this is true, then the previous bar will be dark green, and the current will be light green.
If the ‘showExits’ option is enabled, then a red dot will be plotted when it is time to exit the long position.
Input Options:
- 'volumeDiv' : Integer. Used in the calculation of Box Ratio.
- 'lenSMA' : Integer. The length of the Simple Moving Average of Ease of Movement Values.
- 'showStDev' : Bool. If true, dotted green and red lines will be shown at values equal to 2.5 * standard deviation of emvSMA and -2.5 * standard deviation of
- 'showEntries' and 'showExits' : Bool. If true, a green circle will be plotted at long entry points and a red circle will be plotted at long exit points.
- 'changeBgColor': Bool. If true, the background color will change to green when it is time to enter a long position and red when it is time to exit.
- When it is time to enter a long position, an alert with the message "EMV Tracker - Enter Long" is sent.
- When it is time to exit a long position, an alert with the message "EMV Tracker - Exit Long" is sent.
- I usually use this indicator to confirm signals from other indicators rather than relying on it solely.
- Most accurate signals are generated on 30 minutes with the default input values I've set in the script.
Shoot me a message if you have any ideas for modifications or questions.
~ Happy Trading ~
Trade Crusher: Swing and Day Trade IndicatorHow to use the indicator
Add to favorites/apply to chart.
The indicator can be used for both Swing trade and Intra-day trading.
Swing trading:
--Use with background colors
--Input: 30 or 36
--Time frame: Daily or Weekly
--Buy only when background is aqua
--Sell only when background is red
--Use with bars or candles (use candles without borders to avoid confusion). I suggest to just use bars.
--Place buy orders above the 1st or 2nd blue bar after black bars. The background must be aqua.
--Ignore yellow bars with aqua background. They are shake out bars at the beginning or a trend and warnings of reversal
towards the end of trend.
--Place sell orders bellow the 1st or 2nd yellow bar after black bars. The background must be red.
--Ignore blue bars with red background (same as above).
--Black bars are nothing: Pullbacks/Chop
Day Trading:
--DO NOT use background colors. Un-click.
--Input: 10
--Time frame: 5 minutes
--Use with bars or candles (use candles without borders to avoid confusion). I suggest to just use bars.
--Place buy orders above the 1st or 2nd blue bar after black bars.
--Place sell orders bellow the 1st or 2nd yellow bar after black bars.
--Utilize some sort of scanner that can identify stocks with heavy pre-market volume (news, earnings, etc)
Use stop losses however you normally do. Take profits however you normally do.
I do not suggest using with other indicators as you may just paralyze your brain, however, if you find something that works, drop a comment.
Best of luck
Average Indicators Positionsby this script you can see the average level of macd, macd-asprey, rsi, stochastic, cci, momentum, obv, DI, volume weighted macd, cmf indicators within a period. It also calculates and creates the same graph for higher time frame, so you can see average levels for current and higher time frame. you can also check it for divergence/convergence. You can use it as you wish and add/remove indicators.
Pivot Points (with Mid-Pivots)Brief Description
Pivot points are horizontal support and resistance lines placed on a price chart. They make strong levels of support and resistance because banks, financial institutions and many traders use them.
The indicator is set to the Daily Pivot Range by default (no support for weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly Pivots).
Indicator Settings
Show Mid-Pivots?
Show R3 and S3 levels?
OJLJ Synthetic CAD IndexThis script uses information of the principal CAD pairs to create an Index:
(X). We can see a difference between the CAD INDEX force that has decrease a lot and it means that CAD will raise again, making AUDCAD to go down
(Y). The AUDCAD chart has problems with it trend but we can be more confident about the trend if we look at the CAD INDEX trend were we can see a down trend
The mathematic methodology is private, but it uses percentile changes to be calculated and I have made some tests to make sure that results work perfectly fine, If you want to know more about the calculation or the test I have made, please send me a message
This indexes offer a way to:
+ Measure changes in an economy without being compared with another as the Forex pairs do
+ Analyze macroeconomic variables in the exchange rate of a determinate economy
+ Use candles instead of lines
+ The script have an input option were you can decide if use wicks or not (Not recomendable)
+ White color means it goes up while red means it goes down
+ The script works perfectly with all the time frames
+ Itcan be used with all the Forex pairs that include CAD
Because of all the data used to be calculated this script normally compile after 10-20 seconds
I thought a lot about it and I did a lot of tests, Technical Indicators don’t work the same way that Forex, this index were created and published principaly for users who have more interest in the Fundamental analysis but It can be useful for everyone
Do you like this Index or have any Ideas ? Please let me know with a comment :)