Blockchain Fundamentals: 200 Week MA Heatmap [CR]Blockchain Fundamentals: 200 Week MA Heatmap
This is released as a thank you to all my followers who pushed me over the 600 follower mark on twitter. Thanks to all you Kingz and Queenz out there who made it happen. <3
Indicator Overview
In each of its major market cycles, Bitcoin's price historically bottoms out around the 200 week moving average.
This indicator uses a color heatmap based on the % increases of that 200 week moving average. Depending on the rolling cumulative 4 week percent delta of the 200 week moving average, a color is assigned to the price chart. This method clearly highlights the market cycles of bitcoin and can be extremely helpful to use in your forecasts.
How It Can Be Used
The long term Bitcoin investor can monitor the monthly color changes. Historically, when we see orange and red dots assigned to the price chart, this has been a good time to sell Bitcoin as the market overheats. Periods where the price dots are purple and close to the 200 week MA have historically been good times to buy.
Bitcoin Price Prediction Using This Tool
If you are looking to predict the price of Bitcoin or forecast where it may go in the future, the 200WMA heatmap can be a useful tool as it shows on a historical basis whether the current price is overextending (red dots) and may need to cool down. It can also show when Bitcoin price may be good value on a historical basis. This can be when the dots on the chart are purple or blue.
Over more than ten years, $BTC has spent very little time below the 200 week moving average which is also worth noting when thinking about price predictions for Bitcoin or a Bitcoin price forecast.
1.) If you do not want to view the legend do the following: Indicator options > Style tab > Uncheck "Tables"
2.) I use my custom function to get around the limited historical data for bitcoin. You can check out the explanation of it here:
Nearest Neighbor Extrapolation of Price [Loxx]I wasn't going to post this because I don't like how this calculates by puling in the Open price, but I'm posting it anyway. This does work in it's current form but there is a. better way to do this. I'll revisit this in the future.
The k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm (k-NN) searches for k past patterns (neighbors) that are most similar to the current pattern and computes the future prices based on weighted voting of those neighbors. This indicator finds only one nearest neighbor. So, in essence, it is a 1-NN algorithm. It uses the Pearson correlation coefficient between the current pattern and all past patterns as the measure of distance between them. Also, this version of the nearest neighbor indicator gives larger weights to most recent prices while searching for the closest pattern in the past. It uses a weighted correlation coefficient, whose weight decays linearly from newer to older prices within a price pattern.
This indicator also includes an error window that shows whether the calculation is valid. If it's green and says "Passed", then the calculation is valid, otherwise it'll show a red background and and error message.
Npast - number of past bars in a pattern;
Nfut -number of future bars in a pattern (must be < Npast).
lastbar - How many bars back to start forecast? Useful to show past prediction accuracy
barsbark - This prevents Pine from trying to calculate on all past bars
Related indicators
Hodrick-Prescott Extrapolation of Price
Itakura-Saito Autoregressive Extrapolation of Price
Helme-Nikias Weighted Burg AR-SE Extra. of Price
Weighted Burg AR Spectral Estimate Extrapolation of Price
Levinson-Durbin Autocorrelation Extrapolation of Price
Fourier Extrapolator of Price w/ Projection Forecast
Hodrick-Prescott Extrapolation of Price [Loxx]Hodrick-Prescott Extrapolation of Price is a Hodrick-Prescott filter used to extrapolate price.
The distinctive feature of the Hodrick-Prescott filter is that it does not delay. It is calculated by minimizing the objective function.
F = Sum((y(i) - x(i))^2,i=0..n-1) + lambda*Sum((y(i+1)+y(i-1)-2*y(i))^2,i=1..n-2)
where x() - prices, y() - filter values.
If the Hodrick-Prescott filter sees the future, then what future values does it suggest? To answer this question, we should find the digital low-frequency filter with the frequency parameter similar to the Hodrick-Prescott filter's one but with the values calculated directly using the past values of the "twin filter" itself, i.e.
y(i) = Sum(a(k)*x(i-k),k=0..nx-1) - FIR filter
y(i) = Sum(a(k)*x(i-k),k=0..nx-1) + Sum(b(k)*y(i-k),k=1..ny) - IIR filter
It is better to select the "twin filter" having the frequency-independent delay Тdel (constant group delay). IIR filters are not suitable. For FIR filters, the condition for a frequency-independent delay is as follows:
a(i) = +/-a(nx-1-i), i = 0..nx-1
The simplest FIR filter with constant delay is Simple Moving Average (SMA):
y(i) = Sum(x(i-k),k=0..nx-1)/nx
In case nx is an odd number, Тdel = (nx-1)/2. If we shift the values of SMA filter to the past by the amount of bars equal to Тdel, SMA values coincide with the Hodrick-Prescott filter ones. The exact math cannot be achieved due to the significant differences in the frequency parameters of the two filters.
To achieve the closest match between the filter values, I recommend their channel widths to be similar (for example, -6dB). The Hodrick-Prescott filter's channel width of -6dB is calculated as follows:
wc = 2*arcsin(0.5/lambda^0.25).
The channel width of -6dB for the SMA filter is calculated by numerical computing via the following equation:
|H(w)| = sin(nx*wc/2)/sin(wc/2)/nx = 0.5
Prediction algorithms:
The indicator features the two prediction methods:
Metod 1:
1. Set SMA length to 3 and shift it to the past by 1 bar. With such a length, the shifted SMA does not exist only for the last bar (Bar = 0), since it needs the value of the next future price Close(-1).
2. Calculate SMA filer's channel width. Equal it to the Hodrick-Prescott filter's one. Find lambda.
3. Calculate Hodrick-Prescott filter value at the last bar HP(0) and assume that SMA(0) with unknown Close(-1) gives the same value.
4. Find Close(-1) = 3*HP(0) - Close(0) - Close(1)
5. Increase the length of SMA to 5. Repeat all calculations and find Close(-2) = 5*HP(0) - Close(-1) - Close(0) - Close(1) - Close(2). Continue till the specified amount of future FutBars prices is calculated.
Method 2:
1. Set SMA length equal to 2*FutBars+1 and shift SMA to the past by FutBars
2. Calculate SMA filer's channel width. Equal it to the Hodrick-Prescott filter's one. Find lambda.
3. Calculate Hodrick-Prescott filter values at the last FutBars and assume that SMA behaves similarly when new prices appear.
4. Find Close(-1) = (2*FutBars+1)*HP(FutBars-1) - Sum(Close(i),i=0..2*FutBars-1), Close(-2) = (2*FutBars+1)*HP(FutBars-2) - Sum(Close(i),i=-1..2*FutBars-2), etc.
The indicator features the following inputs:
Method - prediction method
Last Bar - number of the last bar to check predictions on the existing prices (LastBar >= 0)
Past Bars - amount of previous bars the Hodrick-Prescott filter is calculated for (the more, the better, or at least PastBars>2*FutBars)
Future Bars - amount of predicted future values
The second method is more accurate but often has large spikes of the first predicted price. For our purposes here, this price has been filtered from being displayed in the chart. This is why method two starts its prediction 2 bars later than method 1. The described prediction method can be improved by searching for the FIR filter with the frequency parameter closer to the Hodrick-Prescott filter. For example, you may try Hanning, Blackman, Kaiser, and other filters with constant delay instead of SMA.
Related indicators
Itakura-Saito Autoregressive Extrapolation of Price
Helme-Nikias Weighted Burg AR-SE Extra. of Price
Weighted Burg AR Spectral Estimate Extrapolation of Price
Levinson-Durbin Autocorrelation Extrapolation of Price
Fourier Extrapolator of Price w/ Projection Forecast
Itakura-Saito Autoregressive Extrapolation of Price [Loxx]Itakura-Saito Autoregressive Extrapolation of Price is an indicator that uses an autoregressive analysis to predict future prices. This is a linear technique that was originally derived or speech analysis algorithms.
What is Itakura-Saito Autoregressive Analysis?
The technique of linear prediction has been available for speech analysis since the late 1960s (Itakura & Saito, 1973a, 1970; Atal & Hanauer, 1971), although the basic principles were established long before this by Wiener (1947). Linear predictive coding, which is also known as autoregressive analysis, is a time-series algorithm that has applications in many fields other than speech analysis (see, e.g., Chatfield, 1989).
Itakura and Saito developed a formulation for linear prediction analysis using a lattice form for the inverse filter. The Itakura–Saito distance (or Itakura–Saito divergence) is a measure of the difference between an original spectrum and an approximation of that spectrum. Although it is not a perceptual measure it is intended to reflect perceptual (dis)similarity. It was proposed by Fumitada Itakura and Shuzo Saito in the 1960s while they were with NTT. The distance is defined as: The Itakura–Saito distance is a Bregman divergence, but is not a true metric since it is not symmetric and it does not fulfil triangle inequality.
read more: Selected Methods for Improving Synthesis Speech Quality Using Linear Predictive Coding: System Description, Coefficient Smoothing and Streak
Data inputs
Source Settings: -Loxx's Expanded Source Types. You typically use "open" since open has already closed on the current active bar
LastBar - bar where to start the prediction
PastBars - how many bars back to model
LPOrder - order of linear prediction model; 0 to 1
FutBars - how many bars you want to forward predict
Things to know
Normally, a simple moving average is calculated on source data. I've expanded this to 38 different averaging methods using Loxx's Moving Avreages.
This indicator repaints
Related Indicators (linear extrapolation of price)
Levinson-Durbin Autocorrelation Extrapolation of Price
Weighted Burg AR Spectral Estimate Extrapolation of Price
Helme-Nikias Weighted Burg AR-SE Extra. of Price
Helme-Nikias Weighted Burg AR-SE Extra. of Price [Loxx]Helme-Nikias Weighted Burg AR-SE Extra. of Price is an indicator that uses an autoregressive spectral estimation called the Weighted Burg Algorithm, but unlike the usual WB algo, this one uses Helme-Nikias weighting. This method is commonly used in speech modeling and speech prediction engines. This is a linear method of forecasting data. You'll notice that this method uses a different weighting calculation vs Weighted Burg method. This new weighting is the following:
w = math.pow(array.get(x, i - 1), 2), the squared lag of the source parameter
w += math.pow(array.get(x, i), 2), the sum of the squared source parameter
This take place of the rectangular, hamming and parabolic weighting used in the Weighted Burg method
Also, this method includes Levinson–Durbin algorithm. as was already discussed previously in the following indicator:
Levinson-Durbin Autocorrelation Extrapolation of Price
What is Helme-Nikias Weighted Burg Autoregressive Spectral Estimate Extrapolation of price?
In this paper a new stable modification of the weighted Burg technique for autoregressive (AR) spectral estimation is introduced based on data-adaptive weights that are proportional to the common power of the forward and backward AR process realizations. It is shown that AR spectra of short length sinusoidal signals generated by the new approach do not exhibit phase dependence or line-splitting. Further, it is demonstrated that improvements in resolution may be so obtained relative to other weighted Burg algorithms. The method suggested here is shown to resolve two closely-spaced peaks of dynamic range 24 dB whereas the modified Burg schemes employing rectangular, Hamming or "optimum" parabolic windows fail.
Data inputs
Source Settings: -Loxx's Expanded Source Types. You typically use "open" since open has already closed on the current active bar
LastBar - bar where to start the prediction
PastBars - how many bars back to model
LPOrder - order of linear prediction model; 0 to 1
FutBars - how many bars you want to forward predict
Things to know
Normally, a simple moving average is calculated on source data. I've expanded this to 38 different averaging methods using Loxx's Moving Avreages.
This indicator repaints
Further reading
A high-resolution modified Burg algorithm for spectral estimation
Related Indicators
Levinson-Durbin Autocorrelation Extrapolation of Price
Weighted Burg AR Spectral Estimate Extrapolation of Price
Weighted Burg AR Spectral Estimate Extrapolation of Price [Loxx]Weighted Burg AR Spectral Estimate Extrapolation of Price is an indicator that uses an autoregressive spectral estimation called the Weighted Burg Algorithm. This method is commonly used in speech modeling and speech prediction engines. This method also includes Levinson–Durbin algorithm. As was already discussed previously in the following indicator:
Levinson-Durbin Autocorrelation Extrapolation of Price
What is Levinson recursion or Levinson–Durbin recursion?
In many applications, the duration of an uninterrupted measurement of a time series is limited. However, it is often possible to obtain several separate segments of data. The estimation of an autoregressive model from this type of data is discussed. A straightforward approach is to take the average of models estimated from each segment separately. In this way, the variance of the estimated parameters is reduced. However, averaging does not reduce the bias in the estimate. With the Burg algorithm for segments, both the variance and the bias in the estimated parameters are reduced by fitting a single model to all segments simultaneously. As a result, the model estimated with the Burg algorithm for segments is more accurate than models obtained with averaging. The new weighted Burg algorithm for segments allows combining segments of different amplitudes.
The Burg algorithm estimates the AR parameters by determining reflection coefficients that minimize the sum of for-ward and backward residuals. The extension of the algorithm to segments is that the reflection coefficients are estimated by minimizing the sum of forward and backward residuals of all segments taken together. This means a single model is fitted to all segments in one time. This concept is also used for prediction error methods in system identification, where the input to the system is known, like in ARX modeling
Data inputs
Source Settings: -Loxx's Expanded Source Types. You typically use "open" since open has already closed on the current active bar
LastBar - bar where to start the prediction
PastBars - how many bars back to model
LPOrder - order of linear prediction model; 0 to 1
FutBars - how many bars you want to forward predict
BurgWin - weighing function index, rectangular, hamming, or parabolic
Things to know
Normally, a simple moving average is calculated on source data. I've expanded this to 38 different averaging methods using Loxx's Moving Avreages.
This indicator repaints
Bar color muting
Further reading
Performance of the weighted burg methods of ar spectral estimation for pitch-synchronous analysis of voiced speech
The Burg algorithm for segments
Techniques for the Enhancement of Linear Predictive Speech Coding in Adverse Conditions
Related Indicators
Levinson-Durbin Autocorrelation Extrapolation of Price [Loxx]Levinson-Durbin Autocorrelation Extrapolation of Price is an indicator that uses the Levinson recursion or Levinson–Durbin recursion algorithm to predict price moves. This method is commonly used in speech modeling and prediction engines.
What is Levinson recursion or Levinson–Durbin recursion?
Is a linear algebra prediction analysis that is performed once per bar using the autocorrelation method with a within a specified asymmetric window. The autocorrelation coefficients of the window are computed and converted to LP coefficients using the Levinson algorithm. The LP coefficients are then transformed to line spectrum pairs for quantization and interpolation. The interpolated quantized and unquantized filters are converted back to the LP filter coefficients to construct the synthesis and weighting filters for each bar.
Data inputs
Source Settings: -Loxx's Expanded Source Types. You typically use "open" since open has already closed on the current active bar
LastBar - bar where to start the prediction
PastBars - how many bars back to model
LPOrder - order of linear prediction model; 0 to 1
FutBars - how many bars you want to forward predict
Things to know
Normally, a simple moving average is caculated on source data. I've expanded this to 38 different averaging methods using Loxx's Moving Avreages.
This indicator repaints
Bar color muting
Further reading
Implementing the Levinson-Durbin Algorithm on the StarCore™ SC140/SC1400 Cores
LevinsonDurbin_G729 Algorithm, Calculates LP coefficients from the autocorrelation coefficients. Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives for Intel® Architecture Reference Manual
Fourier Extrapolation of Variety Moving Averages [Loxx]Fourier Extrapolation of Variety Moving Averages is a Fourier Extrapolation (forecasting) indicator that has for inputs 38 different types of moving averages along with 33 different types of sources for those moving averages. This is a forecasting indicator of the selected moving average of the selected price of the underlying ticker. This indicator will repaint, so past signals are only as valid as the current bar. This indicator allows for up to 1500 bars between past bars and future projection bars. If the indicator won't load on your chart. check the error message for details on how to fix that, but you must ensure that past bars + futures bars is equal to or less than 1500.
Fourier Extrapolation using the Quinn-Fernandes algorithm is one of several (5-10) methods of signals forecasting that I'l be demonstrating in Pine Script.
What is Fourier Extrapolation?
This indicator uses a multi-harmonic (or multi-tone) trigonometric model of a price series xi, i=1..n, is given by:
xi = m + Sum( a*Cos(w*i) + b*Sin(w*i), h=1..H )
xi - past price at i-th bar, total n past prices;
m - bias;
a and b - scaling coefficients of harmonics;
w - frequency of a harmonic ;
h - harmonic number;
H - total number of fitted harmonics.
Fitting this model means finding m, a, b, and w that make the modeled values to be close to real values. Finding the harmonic frequencies w is the most difficult part of fitting a trigonometric model. In the case of a Fourier series, these frequencies are set at 2*pi*h/n. But, the Fourier series extrapolation means simply repeating the n past prices into the future.
This indicator uses the Quinn-Fernandes algorithm to find the harmonic frequencies. It fits harmonics of the trigonometric series one by one until the specified total number of harmonics H is reached. After fitting a new harmonic , the coded algorithm computes the residue between the updated model and the real values and fits a new harmonic to the residue.
see here: A Fast Efficient Technique for the Estimation of Frequency , B. G. Quinn and J. M. Fernandes, Biometrika, Vol. 78, No. 3 (Sep., 1991), pp . 489-497 (9 pages) Published By: Oxford University Press
The indicator has the following input parameters:
src - input source
npast - number of past bars, to which trigonometric series is fitted;
Nfut - number of predicted future bars;
nharm - total number of harmonics in model;
frqtol - tolerance of frequency calculations.
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
Loxx's Moving Averages
Other indicators using this same method
Fourier Extrapolator of Variety RSI w/ Bollinger Bands
Fourier Extrapolator of Price w/ Projection Forecast
Fourier Extrapolator of Price
Loxx's Moving Averages: Detailed explanation of moving averages inside this indicator
Loxx's Expanded Source Types: Detailed explanation of source types used in this indicator
Reverse Stoch [BApig Gift] - on PanelMssive credit to Motgench, Balipour and Wugamlo for this script. This script is all of their good work.
It is basically just the non-on chart version which I've slightly tweaked off their script. This can be useful to reduce the clutter on the chart itself. Releasing it in the hope that it can be useful for the community
Ichimoku PeeksThis indicator uses the Ichimoku Tenkan / Kijun trend line formulas to predict what those values will be in the future if current price action does not violate the period highs and lows.
Because of the way Ichimoku formulates the trend, it contains (but does not visualize) this predictive information in a way that moving averages do not.
Sharp chart readers can infer upcoming changes by counting back candles, but the process can be automated, as I've shown here.
This description does not seem to be editable so implementation details and usage will be covered in code commentary.
Current bar predicted volumeDrag this indicator in the same panel with the volume in the object tree, then right click on the scale bar and set "merge all scale into one" for a correct visualization.
This indicator multiply the current traded volume of a candle with the total time of that candle. This offer a prediction of where, in case the volumes would keep trading at a comparable magnitude, the volume bar would close when the candle will close.
The predicted volume is indicated with a blue short line above the current volume bar, and updates in real time.
I find this indicator extremely useful to offer at a glance an idea of an ascending or descending volume pattern, that can serve as confirmation for a reversal or breakout for example.
Very suitable for short time frames, where decisions have to be taken fast.
BB Order BlocksUsing the Bollinger Band to mark areas of Support and Resistance
The scrip finds the highest and lowest levels of the bands to mark up futures areas of interest.
If the High/Lows are being broken on the Bollinger band, or if the look back range has expired without finding new levels, the script will stop plotting them until new levels are found
I have found many combinations which work well
Changing the band length to to levels 20,50,100 or 200 seem to give interesting results
Aswell as this changing the standard deviation to 3 instead of 2 marks up key levels.
The look back range seems to show better levels on 50,100 and 200
Let me know any changes or updates you think you could make an impact , this was just a quick basic script I wanted to share.
EMA PredictionThis script predicts future EMA values assuming that the price remains as configured (-50% to +50%).
Ehlers Optimum Predictor [CC]The Optimum Predictor was created by John Ehlers (Rocket Science For Traders pgs 209-210) and this indicator does a pretty good job of predicting major market moves. When the blue line crosses over the red line then this indicator is predicting an upcoming uptrend and when the blue line crosses under the red line then it is predicting an upcoming downtrend. Ehlers recommends using this indicator with an entire trading system to filter out any bad signals but most of the signals it gives are pretty accurate. He uses advanced digital signal processing to predict the future prices and uses it in an ema formula for the calculation. There are several ways to interpret this indicator: you can look for crossovers, you can also look for when the indicator goes above 0 for a general uptrend or below 0 for a general downtrend.
Let me know if there are any other scripts you would like to see me publish!
Ehlers Voss Predictive Filter [CC]The Voss Predictive Filter was created by John Ehlers (Stocks and Commodities August 2019) and this is a unique indicator in that it tries to predict future price action. I have color coded the middle line to show buy and sell signals so buy when the line turns green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if there are any other indicators you want me to publish!
Multi Moving Average with ForecastThis script allows to use 5 different MAs with prediction of the next five periods.
Similarity Search, Karobein and Seasonal Random IndexSimilarity Search, Karobein oscillator (KO) and Seasonal Random Index (SRI)
This indicator uses dynamic capabilities of Pinescript version 4 coupled with Seasonal Random Index (SRI) and Karobein Oscillator (KO). SRI (green/red areas) is employed to detect trends and KO (black curce) is used to find historical similarities to predict the next bar's direction. The midline arrows are the predictions produced by the similarity search algorithm.
Machine Learning: kNN-based Strategy (update)kNN-based Strategy (FX and Crypto)
This update to the popular kNN-based strategy features:
improvements in the business logic,
an adjustible k value for the kNN model,
one more feature (MOM),
a streamlined signal filter and
some other minor fixes.
Now this script works in all timeframes !
I intentionally decided to publish this script separately
in order for the users to see the differences.
Machine Learning: kNN-based StrategykNN-based Strategy (FX and Crypto)
This strategy uses a classic machine learning algorithm - k Nearest Neighbours (kNN) - to let you find a prediction for the next (tomorrow's, next month's, etc.) market move. Being an unsupervised machine learning algorithm, kNN is one of the most simple learning algorithms.
To do a prediction of the next market move, the kNN algorithm uses the historic data, collected in 3 arrays - feature1, feature2 and directions, - and finds the k-nearest
neighbours of the current indicator(s) values.
The two dimensional kNN algorithm just has a look on what has happened in the past when the two indicators had a similar level. It then looks at the k nearest neighbours,
sees their state and thus classifies the current point.
The kNN algorithm offers a framework to test all kinds of indicators easily to see if they have got any *predictive value*. One can easily add cog, wpr and others.
Note: TradingViews's playback feature helps to see this strategy in action.
Warning: Signals ARE repainting.
Style tags: Trend Following, Trend Analysis
Asset class: Equities, Futures, ETFs, Currencies and Commodities
Dataset: FX Minutes/Hours+++/Days
Momentum adjusted Moving Average by DGTA brand new Moving Average , calculated using Momentum, Acceleration and Probability (Psychological Effect).
Momentum adjusted Moving Average(MaMA) is an indicator that measures Price Action by taking into consideration not only Price movements but also its Momentum, Acceleration and Probability. MaMA, provides faster responses comparing to the regular Moving Average
Here is the math of the MaMA idea
Momentum measures change in price over a specified time period
momentum = source – source(length)
source, indicates current bar’s price value
source(length), indicates historical price value of length bars earlier
Lets play with this formula and rewrite it by moving source(length) to other side of the equation
source = source(length) + momentum
to avoid confusion let’s call the source that we aim to predict as adjustedSource
adjustedSource = source(length) + momentum
looks nice the next value of source simply can be calculated by summing of historical value of the source value and value of the momentum. I wish it was so easy, the formula holds true only when the momentum is conserved/constant/steady but momentum move up or down with the price fluctuations (accelerating or decelerating)
Let’s add acceleration effects on our formula, where acceleration is change in momentum for a given length. Then the formula will become as (skipped proof part of acceleration effects, you may google for further details)
adjustedSource = source(length) + momentum + 1/2 * acceleration
here again the formula holds true when the acceleration is constant and once again it is not the case for trading, acceleration also changes with the price fluctuations
Then, how we can benefit from all of this, it has value yet requires additional approaches for better outcome
Let’s simulate behaviour with some predictive approach such as using probability (also known as psychological effect ), where probability is a measure for calculating the chances or the possibilities of the occurrence of a random event. As stated earlier above momentum and acceleration are changing with the price fluctuations, by using the probability approach we can add a predictive skill to determine the likelihood of momentum and acceleration changes (remember it is a predictive approach). With this approach, our equations can be expresses as follows
adjustedSource = source(length) + momentum * probability
adjustedSource = source(length) + ( momentum + 1/2 * acceleration ) * probability , with acceleration effect
Finally, we plot MaMA with the new predicted source adjustedSource, applying acceleration effect is made settable by the used from the dialog box, default value is true.
What to look for:
• Trend Identification
• Support and Resistance
• Price Crossovers
Recommended settings are applied as default settings, if you wish to change the length of the MaMA then you should also adjust length of Momentum (and/or Probability). For example for faster moving average such as 21 period it would be suggested to set momentum length to 13
Alternative usage , set moving average length to 1 and keep rest lengths with default values, it will produce a predictive price line based on momentum and probability. Experience acceleration factor by enabling and disabling it
MaMA provide an added level of confidence to a trading strategy and yet it is important to always be aware that it implements a predictive approach in a chaotic market use with caution just like with any indicator
Trading success is all about following your trading strategy and the indicators should fit within your trading strategy, and not to be traded upon solely
Disclaimer : The script is for informational and educational purposes only. Use of the script does not constitutes professional and/or financial advice. You alone the sole responsibility of evaluating the script output and risks associated with the use of the script. In exchange for using the script, you agree not to hold dgtrd TradingView user liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decision you make based on use of the script
Elliott Wave Oscillator Signals by DGTElliott Wave Principle , developed by Ralph Nelson Elliott, proposes that the seemingly chaotic behaviour of the different financial markets isn’t actually chaotic. In fact the markets moves in predictable, repetitive cycles or waves and can be measured and forecast using Fibonacci numbers. These waves are a result of influence on investors from outside sources primarily the current psychology of the masses at that given time. Elliott wave predicts that the prices of the a traded currency pair will evolve in waves: five impulsive waves and three corrective waves. Impulsive waves give the main direction of the market expansion and the corrective waves are in the opposite direction (corrective wave occurrences and combination corrective wave occurrences are much higher comparing to impulsive waves)
The Elliott Wave Oscillator (EWO) helps identifying where you are in the 5-3 Elliott Waves, mainly the highest/lowest values of the oscillator might indicate a potential bullish/bearish Wave 3. Mathematically expressed, EWO is the difference between a 5-period and 35-period moving average based on the close. In this study instead 35-period, Fibonacci number 34 is implemented for the slow moving average and formula becomes ewo = ema(source, 5) - ema(source, 34)
The application of the Elliott Wave theory in real time trading gets difficult because the charts look messy. This study (EWO-S) simplifies the visualization of EWO and plots labels on probable reversals/corrections. The good part is that all plotting’s are performed on the top of the price chart including a histogram (optional and supported on higher timeframes). Additionally optional Keltner Channels Cloud added to help confirming the price actions.
What to look for:
Plotted labels can be used to follow the Elliott Wave occurrences and most importantly they can be considered as signals for possible trade setup opportunities. Elliott Wave Rules and Fibonacci Retracement/Extensions are suggested to confirm the patters provided by the EWO-S
Trading success is all about following your trading strategy and the indicators should fit within your trading strategy, and not to be traded upon solely
Disclaimer : The script is for informational and educational purposes only. Use of the script does not constitutes professional and/or financial advice. You alone the sole responsibility of evaluating the script output and risks associated with the use of the script. In exchange for using the script, you agree not to hold dgtrd TradingView user liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decision you make based on use of the script
Squeeze Momentum Indicator [LazyBear] vX by DGTModified version of Squeeze Momentum Indicator visualizing on Price Chart
author: LazyBear, modified by KıvançÖZBİLGİÇ
[RS]predict player directionExperimental:
adapted from classical game movement prediction algo and how a crude recursive error classifier can be applied..