Month Separator
Month Separator Indicator
This Pine Script indicator separates each month on the chart by visually marking the change between months.
The indicator detects when the month changes.
It highlights the background with a semi-transparent blue color to differentiate the months.
A small red triangle is plotted at the top of the chart at the beginning of each new month, providing a clear visual cue.
You can easily adjust the colors or styles in the script by modifying the bgcolor and plotshape functions.
The indicator works on all timeframes, but it is especially useful on higher timeframes (like daily or weekly charts) to track monthly transitions.
This script is ideal for traders who want a clear visual representation of month boundaries to analyze trends and key levels more effectively.
Weighted Fourier Transform: Spectral Gating & Main Frequency🙏🏻 This drop has 2 purposes:
1) to inform every1 who'd ever see it that Weighted Fourier Tranform does exist, while being available nowhere online, not even in papers, yet there's nothing incredibly complicated about it, and it can/should be used in certain cases;
2) to show TradingView users how they can use it now in dem endevours, to show em what spectral filtering is, and what can they do with all of it in diy mode.
... so we gonna have 2 sections in the description
Section 1: Weighted Fourier Transform
It's quite easy to include weights in Fourier analysis: you just premultiply each datapoint by its corresponding weight -> feed to direct Fourier Transform, and then divide by weights after inverse Fourier transform. Alternatevely, in direct transform you just multiply contributions of each data point to the real and imaginary parts of the Fourier transform by corresponding weights (in accumulation phase), and in inverse transform you divide by weights instead during the accumulation phase. Everything else stays the same just like in non-weighted version.
If you're from the first target group let's say, you prolly know a thing or deux about how to code & about Fourier Transform, so you can just check lines of code to see the implementation of Weighted Discrete version of Fourier Transform, and port it to to any technology you desire. Pine Script is a developing technology that is incredibly comfortable in use for quant-related tasks and anything involving time series in general. While also using Python for research and C++ for development, every time I can do what I want in Pine Script, I reach for it and never touch matlab, python, R, or anything else.
Weighted version allows you to explicetly include order/time information into the operation, which is essential with every time series, although not widely used in mainstream just as many other obvious and right things. If you think deeply, you'll understand that you can apply a usual non-weighted Fourier to any 2d+ data you can (even if none of these dimensions represent time), because this is a geometric tool in essence. By applying linearly decaying weights inside Fourier transform, you're explicetly saying, "one of these dimensions is Time, and weights represent the order". And obviously you can combine multiple weightings, eg time and another characteristic of each datum, allows you to include another non-spatial dimension in your model.
By doing that, on properly processed (not only stationary but Also centered around zero data), you can get some interesting results that you won't be able to recreate without weights:
^^ A sine wave, centered around zero, period of 16. Gray line made by: DWFT (direct weighted Fourier transform) -> spectral gating -> IWFT (inverse weighted Fourier transform) -> plotting the last value of gated reconstructed data, all applied to expanding window. Look how precisely it follows the original data (the sine wave) with no lag at all. This can't be done by using non-weighted version of Fourier transform.
^^ spectral filtering applied to the whole dataset, calculated on the latest data update
And you should never forget about Fast Fourier Transform, tho it needs recursion...
Section 2: About use cases for quant trading, about this particular implementaion in Pine Script 6 (currently the latest version as of Friday 13, December 2k24).
Given the current state of things, we have certain limits on matrix size on TradingView (and we need big dope matrixes to calculate polynomial regression -> detrend & center our data before Fourier), and recursion is not yet available in Pine Script, so the script works on short datasets only, and requires some time.
A note on detrending. For quality results, Fourier Transform should be applied to not only stationary but also centered around zero data. The rightest way to do detrending of time series
is to fit Cumulative Weighted Moving Polynomial Regression (known as WLSMA in some narrow circles xD) and calculate the deltas between datapoint at time t and this wonderful fit at time t. That's exactly what you see on the main chart of script description: notice the distances between chart and WLSMA, now look lower and see how it matches the distances between zero and purple line in WFT study. Using residuals of one regression fit of the whole dataset makes less sense in time series context, we break some 'time' and order rules in a way, tho not many understand/cares abouit it in mainstream quant industry.
Two ways of using the script:
Spectral Gating aka Spectral filtering. Frequency domain filtering is quite responsive and for a greater computational cost does not introduce a lag the way it works with time-domain filtering. Works this way: direct Fourier transform your data to get frequency & phase info -> compute power spectrum out of it -> zero out all dem freqs that ain't hit your threshold -> inverse Fourier tranform what's left -> repeat at each datapoint plotting the very first value of reconstructed array*. With this you can watch for zero crossings to make appropriate trading decisions.
^^ plot Freq pass to use the script this way, use Level setting to control the intensity of gating. These 3 only available values: -1, 0 and 1, are the general & natural ones.
* if you turn on labels in script's style settings, you see the gray dots perfectly fitting your data. They get recalculated (for the whole dataset) at each update. You call it repainting, this is for analytical & aesthetic purposes. Included for demonstration only.
Finding main/dominant frequency & period. You can use it to set up Length for your other studies, and for analytical purposes simply to understand the periodicity of your data.
^^ plot main frequency/main period to use the script this way. On the screenshot, you can see the script applied to sine wave of period 16, notice how many datapoints it took the algo to figure out the signal's period quite good in expanding window mode
Now what's the next step? You can try applying signal windowing techniques to make it all less data-driven but your ego-driven, make a weighted periodogram or autocorrelogram (check Wiener-Khinchin Theorem ), and maybe whole shiny spectrogram?
... you decide, choice is yours,
The butterfly reflect the doors ...
Dynamic Time Period CandlesThis indicator gives the dynamic history of the current price over various time frames as a series of candles on the right of the display, with optional lines on the chart, so that you can assess the current trend more easily.
In the library I found lots of indicators that looked at the previous xx time period candle, but they then immediately switched to the new xx time candle when it started to be formed. This indicator looks back at the rolling previous time period. With this indicator, you can clearly see how price has been behaving over time.
Initially, you must go into the settings and select the timeframe (in minutes) that your chart is displaying. If you don't do this then the indicator will look back the wrong number of candles and give you totally wrong results.
You can then setup how high you want the candle labels to be on the chart.
Then you can select settings for each candle that you want displayed. Anywhere between 1 and 5 different timeframes can be displayed on the chart at once.
I initially published an indicator called 'Dynamic 4-Hour Candle (Accurate Highs and Lows)', but this new indicator is so different that it needs to be forked and published as a separate indicator. The reasons for this are below:
The original indicator only looked at the previous 4 hour time period. This indicator allows the user to select any time period that they choose.
The original indicator only looked at one time period. This indicator allows to select between one and five time periods on the chart at once.
The original indicator did not put lines on the chart to show the lookback period and the highs and lows of that time period. This indicator does both those things.
The name of the original indicator in no way now describes what this new indicator is capable of, and would be very misleading to anyone who came across it. This new indicator has a name that much more accurately reflects what its' purpose and functionality is.
Multi-Timeframe Period Separators█ OVERVIEW
This indicator plots period separators for up to four higher timeframes. The separators are fully customizable and designed to work on any symbols.
You can choose to plot the separators starting from midnight 00:00 or the opening of the exchange trading session.
You can specify to localize midnight 00:00 to the region of your liking. The timezone format conveniently requires no manual adjustment during clock changes.
Scans the bar opening and closing times
The script checks the bar ` time ` and ` time_close ` to pinpoint the separators that can occur intrabar.
Tracks from the last separator
The script tracks the time elapsed since the last separator, which is useful when there is no trading activity or the market is closed. As it can result in missing bars, it plots the separator on the first available bar.
The script automatically hides the separators when navigating to an equal or higher chart timeframe.
Multi Pivot (S/R) & Previous Period (OHLC)█ Multi Pivot (Support/Resistance) & Previous Period (Open/High/Low/Close)
The previous script was deleted because of a copyrighted word.
From JayRogers description.
█ Multi Pivot Selector
Allows you to set up to 3 distinct sets of pivots, each with their own resolution settings and the ability to select how many support|resistance levels are shown.
The maximum amount of S|R levels available varies with different pivot types, the options available are:
Copyrighted word
Fibonacci Extended
█ Previous Period Levels
A simple but highly customisable display of previous higher time-frame OHLC values.
Customised resolution input which excludes time frames lower than 1 hour while extending the common higher reference inputs.
This script is based on JayRogers script, I only added some features so please check out his script.
I added the timeframe in the labels, in order to make it easier to differentiate when using multiple pivot set.
As well as making it possible to change the lines color of each pivot set separately.
Labels can now be displayed on each side (right, left and both) or just disabled.
The type of pivot can be shown on the right side.
Lines extension can be disabled and lines width value can be changed.
I also added another one of his script to display OHLC levels, I made similar changes.
Converted to Pine Script v5.
Previous Period Levels - X Alerts
Pivotal - Multi Pivot Selector (which was also deleted because of the copyrighted word)
Period SeparatorA useful indicator designed to display vertical line separators at specified periods, for example every hour or every 4 hours.
To use this indicator, you must be in a timeframe lower than the specified timeframe on the indicator.
I haven't found any other scripts that allow for custom time frames so I created my own :)
Let me know if you have any suggestions.
Intraday trading period indicatorI have created this indicator because I was in a need of simple indication of personal session time for my backtesting while practicing intraday Futures trading.
How it works:
1. Define your timezone.
2. Set Trading session start/end time.
3. Choose the colour you want to see your intraday session in.
Actual result: Your selected session is displayed with selected colour and within selected time period. Your are good to go.
It is not perfect for sure but it does what it needs to do and I think it is awesome.
Hope it will be useful for you and let the Profit be with you!
Key Levels by myooThis indicator plots key levels on the chart and can put a label on the price scale.
These levels can act as important support and resistance and cause big reactions.
• Open, High, Low, and EQ for the current day, previous day, current week, previous week, current month, previous month and current year.
•To show the levels on the price scale, you need to right click on the price scale, select "Labels" and turn on "Indicator and financial name labels" and "Indicator and financial value labels".
•In the settings under "Style", disable the "Labels" for a clean look.
In the settings window you can change the way the lines are drawn:
•Minimal: Lines are being drawn to the right for a clean chart.
•Standard: Lines are being drawn from the open bar of said period.
•Additionally, if you do not like to have the labels on the price scale, you can turn them of in the settings under the "Style Tab" by deactivating "Labels on price scale".
In this case, you can use the labels from the indicator itself, that are being drawn above the price line on the chart. Use the "Offset" setting to dial in the position to your preference.
Enjoy trading!
EMA 8/20Overlay the 8- and 20-period exponential moving averages.
Also known as an exponentially weighted moving average, the EMA gives more significance to recent periods compared to an SMA (simple moving average).
Learn more about the EMA on Investopedia
Trading range display with BoxThis script is just for reference to see the trading range.
Do not use this strategy logic, it is just Test strategy.
The trading range is colored depending on whether it is profitable or not.
You can change the color if you want.
When you declare the strategy, put (process_orders_on_close=true,calc_on_every_tick=true, max_boxes_count=500) in your script.
Then it can show you current open trading as well.
If you use switching strategy (e.g longposition to shortposition right away), it may not show you the range properly.
In that case, reduse the test period.
IT IS Repainting Reference.
If you want to see your strategy result visually,
Just copy and paste from line 22 in my script.
Good Luck everyone.
전략 거래 기간 동안을 보여주는 지표입니다.
이 지표에 쓰인 전략은 단순 테스트용 입니다. 절대 사용하지 마세요.
각 거래기간은 수익이냐 아니냐에 따라 색깔이 정해 집니다.
색깔은 여러분이 변경하실 수 있습니다.
전략을 선언부에 process_orders_on_close=true,calc_on_every_tick=true, max_boxes_count=500 을 넣으시면 현재 오픈 거래도 보실 수 있습니다.
스위칭 전략(롱에서 숏으로 바로 전환하는 전략)을 쓰시는 분들은 아마 테스트 기간을 줄이라는 경고를 받으실 수 있습니다.
이 지표는 리페이팅이 될 수 있습니다.
전략 결과를 눈으로 보고 싶으신 분들은 22번째 줄 부터 카피하시면 됩니다.
행운이 있길..
---strategy set---
Trend Dominance Multi Timeframe [Misu]█ This indicator shows the repartition of bullish and bearish trends over a certain period in multiple timeframes. It's also showing the trending direction at the time.
█ Usages:
Trend dominance is expressed with two percentages: left is downtrend and right is uptrend. Cell colors turn green if dominance is up and red if it is down.
Knowing the trend dominance allows you to have a better overview of the market conditions.
You can use it to your advantage to favor long or short trades, reversal or breakout strategies, etc.
█ Features:
> Table colors
> Instant Trend Multitimeframe
> Trend Dominance Multitimeframe
█ Parameters:
> Length: Length is used to calculate ATR.
> Atr Multiplier: A factor used to balance the impact of the ATR on the Trend Bands calculation.
> UI Settings
MTF Custom Moving AveragesThis user-friendly indicator allows up to 8 moving averages ( EMA or SMA ) from any timeframe, on any time frame. There are plenty of other MTF MA indicators, each with their own pros and cons. I wanted to make one without the cons:
- Independently set each MA to Exponential or Simple
- No preset lengths
- No preset timeframes
- Optional labels to help keep track of the period/length/type of each plot
- Clean, intuitive input layout
- More than enough MAs available to use one indicator for several use cases... just check/uncheck the ones that are relevant to each chart
Watch for death crosses on the 4hr while monitoring the "Bull Market Support band" (Weekly 21 EMA and 20 SMA ) and checking the Monthly 10 EMA for major support or resistance. Toggle between half of the available MAs for long term BTC trends and use the others for your alts. Use this one indicator to support multiple strategies.
Please leave a comment if you find it useful or have suggestions!
Inspired by the first MTF indicator I found: Weekly Moving Average by TommyTompsen.
Shade COVID PeriodA free Pine Script that shades the COVID outbreak period. Note that you can specify your own date range and shade color.
Stock Dividend Periodicityexperimental:
a basic method to evaluate stock dividend periodicity.
known issues:
* it does not adapt well to changes in periodicity, if there is a big enough change on the dividend period plan.
Ehlers Cycle Period [CC]The Cycle Period was created by John Ehlers and this is yet another version that shows how to calculate the current cycle period which is the approximate amount of days between a current peak or valley and the next peak or valley. I would not recommend this for trading since it is more for informational use only but I would try experimenting with this output to be used with another indicator as an input length. I have included strong buy and sell signals in addition to normal ones so strong signals are darker in color and normal signals are lighter in color.
Let me know if there are any other scripts you would like to see me publish!
Special Time PeriodWith this indicator, you can choose candles in the period you want on your chart.
How ?
• If your chart is 5 minutes, the duration should be greater than 5 on this indicator.
If you do not do it this way, there will be gaps in the price, it will not give the right result.
• If you want to see it in minutes, you must enter a direct numerical value. For example, to see 2 hours, you must enter the number 120. Because 2 hours is 120 minutes.
Like the warning above, if you want to plot a 2-hour chart with this indicator, a maximum of 1 hour should be selected on your main chart.
• Resolution, eg. '60' - 60 minutes, 'D' - daily, 'W' - weekly, 'M' - monthly, '5D' - 5 days, '12M' - one year, '3M' - one quarter
• For example, if you want to see the 2-day chart, you should have a maximum of 1 day chart open on your home screen and write "2D" to the indicator value.
• You will get much better results if the period on your main chart and the period on this indicator are multiples of each other.
• In the image below, the period on the main chart is 30 minutes, but the period on the indicator is 90
• Click on the facing brackets at the top right of the legend and your chart will enlarge.
VWAP StdDev Bands - Multi-type VWAP: Period, Date, EarningsThis VWAP indicator differs from the rest in that it is customizable for 3 distinct VWAP types, among other features that may be useful.
VWAP types:
Period Based VWAP
Date Anchored VWAP
Earnings Based VWAP
Additional features common to all VWAP types:
Standard Deviation Bands
Coloring based on Price vs Deviation Bands
Coloring of VWAP based on VWAP Slope
Each of the VWAP types are described below:
Period VWAP
Simple period VWAP which allows preset, as well as custom periods.
Resets at the start of each period.
Also allows setting a custom session time for reset at specific time of day.
Date anchored VWAP which does not reset.
VWAP will start from the selected date.
Pictured: AAPL Date VWAP from 2018-08-27
Earnings VWAP
VWAP which resets on every earnings report. The symbol must be stock with available earnings data.
Multiple types can be used in conjunction with one another only by adding multiple of the indicator to your chart.
Feel free to leave any comments, questions, or bug reports. All are welcome.
Proper lookback periodThis will allow you to enter the date when the strategy should start trading. It cancels all orders if the the current bar is older than the date you entered in the input field.
Motivation: strategy(lookback) never worked for me and even if it did, it is garbage, because I want to set a date instead of number of bars. I can see on the chart clearly what period is irrelevant (in futures trading).
fDMI Binance Leveraged Tokensthis scans 20 tickers for my low dm indication. Telegram alerting included, and It is configured with all Binance leveraged tokens by default. For my shitcoining moonbros on CZ ;)
Example - HTF Values Without 'Security()'This is an example of how to reference higher timeframe data without the
need for a 'security()' call.
I have attempted to create the function example:
with the purpose of wrapping up and pumping out all common relevent HTF
price data that's needed for your everyday indicators in a reliable fashion.
Previous Period Levels - X Alerts====== ABOUT THIS INDICATOR
- A simple but highly customisable display of previous higher time-frame
OHLC values, drawn using and Nothing fancy but...
- Customised resolution input which excludes time frames lower than 1 hour
while extending the common higher reference inputs to include:
• 6, and 12 Hour
• 5 Day
• 3, and 6 Month
• 1 Year
- Alert conditions using an adjustable SMA to help reduce false positive
- Full visual customisation options for (almost) every aspect, so it can be
tuned to suit most individual preferences.
- In line with the miriad visual customisation options is the ability to
change the display format of the Labels, to show more or less information,
or disable them altogether.
- To practice advanced user input option handling to allow for a full visual
customisation experience without stepping outside of, or interfering with,
the intended function of the indicator.
- Provide reasonably clear code commenting and structure in order to be
useful as a potential learning aid for others, and future reference for
Any trade decisions you make are entirely your own responsibility.
I've made an effort to squash all the bugs, but you never know!
[blackcat] L2 Ehlers Phase Accumulator Cycle Period MeasurerLevel: 2
John F. Ehlers introuced Phase Accumulation technique of cycle period measurement in his "Rocket Science for Traders" chapter 7. It is perhaps the easiest to comprehend. In this technique, John Ehlers measures the phase at each sample by taking the arctangent of the ratio of the Quadrature component to the In-phase component. A delta phase is generated by taking the difference of the phase between successive samples. At each sample Dr. Ehlers then looks backward, adding up the delta phases. When the sum of the delta phases reaches 360 degrees (2*pi in tradingview), we must have passed through one full cycle, on average. The process is repeated for each new sample.
blackcat L2 Ehlers Phase Accumulator Cycle Period Measurer is used to measure Dominant Cycle (DC). This is one of John Ehlers three major methods to measure DC. The Phase Accumulation method of cycle measurement always uses one full cycle’s worth of historical data. This is both an advantage and disadvantage. The advantage is the lag in obtaining the answer scales directly with the cycle period. That is, the measurement of a short cycle period has less lag than the measurement of a longer cycle period. However, the number of samples used in making the measurement means the averaging period is variable with cycle period. Longer averaging reduces the noise level compared to the signal. Therefore, shorter cycle periods necessarily have a higher output Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR).
Key Signal
Smooth --> 4 bar WMA w/ 1 bar lag
Detrender --> The amplitude response of a minimum-length HT can be improved by adjusting the filter coefficients by
trial and error. HT does not allow DC component at zero frequency for transformation. So, Detrender is used to remove DC component/ trend component.
Q1 --> Quadrature phase signal
I1 --> In-phase signal
Period --> Dominant Cycle in bars
Pros and Cons
100% John F. Ehlers definition translation of original work, even variable names are the same. This help readers who would like to use pine to read his book. If you had read his works, then you will be quite familiar with my code style.
The 2nd script for Blackcat1402 John F. Ehlers Week publication.
In real life, I am a prolific inventor. I have successfully applied for more than 60 international and regional patents in the past 12 years. But in the past two years or so, I have tried to transfer my creativity to the development of trading strategies. Tradingview is the ideal platform for me. I am selecting and contributing some of the hundreds of scripts to publish in Tradingview community. Welcome everyone to interact with me to discuss these interesting pine scripts.
The scripts posted are categorized into 5 levels according to my efforts or manhours put into these works.
Level 1 : interesting script snippets or distinctive improvement from classic indicators or strategy. Level 1 scripts can usually appear in more complex indicators as a function module or element.
Level 2 : composite indicator/strategy. By selecting or combining several independent or dependent functions or sub indicators in proper way, the composite script exhibits a resonance phenomenon which can filter out noise or fake trading signal to enhance trading confidence level.
Level 3 : comprehensive indicator/strategy. They are simple trading systems based on my strategies. They are commonly containing several or all of entry signal, close signal, stop loss, take profit, re-entry, risk management, and position sizing techniques. Even some interesting fundamental and mass psychological aspects are incorporated.
Level 4 : script snippets or functions that do not disclose source code. Interesting element that can reveal market laws and work as raw material for indicators and strategies. If you find Level 1~2 scripts are helpful, Level 4 is a private version that took me far more efforts to develop.
Level 5 : indicator/strategy that do not disclose source code. private version of Level 3 script with my accumulated script processing skills or a large number of custom functions. I had a private function library built in past two years. Level 5 scripts use many of them to achieve private trading strategy.