Smarter MACD BandThe Smarter MACD displayed as a band instead of an oscillator. A classic MACD with average peak and dip lines. The lighter green and red horizontal lines are the average peak and dip of the entire span, respectively. The second, bolder of the two lines are the averages of the peaks and dips above and below the overall peak and dip averages. The filled in color is to help visualize these averages and possible trade setups.
Kanal Paralel / Parallel Channel
ZigZag Channel with projection forecastThis indicator is created on top of existing Zigzag indicator .
The projection channel starts at the end of the last ZigZag line.
Success in trading is all about following your trading strategy and indicators should fit into your own strategy, and not be traded purely on.
This script is for informational and educational purposes only. Use of the script does not constitute professional and / or financial advice. You are solely responsible for evaluating the outcome of the script and the risks associated with using the script. In exchange for the use of the script, you agree not to hold monpotejulien TradingView user responsible for any possible claims for damages arising out of any decisions you make based on the use of the script.
EMA channel with projection forecastExponential Moving Average Channel with projection forecast.
Riding a bull run is almost always riding an EMA value.
This indicator plots displaced EMA values guggesting possible sell targets.
Success in trading is all about following your trading strategy and indicators should fit into your own strategy, and not be traded purely on.
This script is for informational and educational purposes only. Use of the script does not constitute professional and / or financial advice. You are solely responsible for evaluating the outcome of the script and the risks associated with using the script. In exchange for the use of the script, you agree not to hold monpotejulien TradingView user responsible for any possible claims for damages arising out of any decisions you make based on the use of the script.
Pivot Trend LevelsYou can use this indicator to detect the levels and trend.
I used the highest of the two last highest pivots and the lowest of the two last lowest pivots to calculate "max" and "min" or high level or low level.
I also calculate the average of the 4 values to reach the average line which could be a trend detector in higher lengths.
Default length is 3 but using 10 or 20 as length is really good as trending detector.
I need help to upgrade a trend detector system. please read the script for more information.
Thank you so much.
Volatility ChannelThis script is based on an idea I have had for bands that react better to crypto volatility. It calculates a Donchian Channel, SMMA-Smoothed True Range, Bollinger Bands (standard deviation), and a Keltner Channel (average true range) and averages the components to construct its bands/envelopes. This way, hopefully band touches are a more reliable indicator of a temporary bottom, and so on. Secondary coloring for strength of trend is given as a gradient based on RSI.
[_ParkF]RSI (+ichimoku cloud)RSI
Typical RSI indicators were plotted with candles and expressed wick to resemble a candle chart,
and linear regression was added to predict changes in force intensity,
which allowed us to confirm support and resistance within linear regression .
In addition, divergence signal was marked as an additional basis for the price fluctuation point due to support and resistance .
In other words,
if the diversity signal appears together when the rsi candle is supported and resisted within linear regression ,
this is the basis for predicting that it is a point of change in the existing trend.
Finally, the period value and standard deviation of linear regression can be arbitrarily modified and used.
I hope it will help you with your trading.
(+ichimoku cloud)
Clouds made of the preceding span 1 and the preceding span 2 of the balance table can predict the trend by displaying the current price balance ahead of the future.
In addition to the role of clouds in the above-described balance sheet, this indicator also shows the cloud band support and resistance of the current RSI value.
일반적인 RSI 지표를 캔들화 하였고 꼬리까지 포함하여 캔들 차트와 유사하게 표현 하고,
캔들화한 RSI 지표에 선형회귀(채널)를 추가 하여 RSI 지표 특유의 힘의 강도의 변화를 지지와 저항으로 확인할 수 있게 해봤습니다.
또한 다이버전스 신호를 추가하여 선형회귀(채널)로 인한 지지와 저항에 따른 가격 변동의 근거로 삼을 수 있습니다.
즉, 선형회귀(채널) 안에서 RSI 캔들이 지지와 저항을 받을 때 다이버전스 신호가 함께 나타난다면 이는 기존 추세의 변화 지점임을
예측해 볼 수 있는 근거가 됩니다.
마지막으로 선형회귀(채널)의 기간값과 표준편차는 임의로 수정하여 사용할 수 있습니다.
당신의 트레이딩에 도움이 되었으면 합니다.
(+일목균형표의 구름)
일목균형표의 선행스팬1과 선행스팬2로 만들어진 구름은 현재 가격의 균형을 미래에 선행하여 표시하여 추세를 예측해볼 수 있습니다.
본 지표에서는 위에서 설명한 일목균형표의 구름의 역할과 더불어 현 RSI 값의 구름대 지지, 저항 또한 확인해볼 수 있습니다.
* I would like to express my gratitude to zdmre for revealing the linear regression source.
BBands ChannelsBased on the Bollinger Bands system. This shows outer channels to the bollinger bands .
[DA]SAR HILODescription of the indicator:
The SAR indicator will indicate a trend change on the chart:
LONG: Red up arrow + GOLONG alert + red horizontal line
SHORT: Blue down arrow + GOSHORT alert + blue horizontal line
A HILO trend channel is also formed, which is reset when the trend changes.
The HILO channel will help you see the price movement in the channel.
Trend change alerts will only work at the close of the current bar.
For GOLONG/GOSHORT alerts to work, you need to select in the Tradingview menu:
Alerts => Indicator Name => Condition => Any call to the alert() function (Any alert() function call)
Price and trend direction in the table:
LONG + Red: The price is trending LONG
LONG + Yellow: The price is moving against the LONG trend
SHORT + Blue color: The price is moving along the SHORT trend
SHORT + Yellow: The price is moving against the SHORT trend
▲▼ Arrows: Rising/Falling bar
% Percentage taken from blue/red levels
I will be glad to receive your feedback on the indicator operation.
Used by John Carter in his indicator’s toolbox. The ATR channels or the Keltner Channels represent the railroads or the natural movement of stocks.
Movements between the the The first multiplier lines (white) represent standard movement for the timeframe you are trading. Movements between the second multiplier (green/red lines) represent a 2stdv move of the stock in a single direction. Once a stock starts reaching the 3rd multiplier lines there’s an exponential chance that it will revert to the mean (cyan line)
Additionally, we have added the Institutional lines. These are thought in a Small Account Mastery class 2019 by John Carter, as the levels heavily watched by institutions. The default settings represent what John is teaching but they can be further customised.
ATRs channels or Keltner Channels can be great source for target or stop losses and can be used as a indicator for confluence with other technical tools like the Fibonacci lines.
RSI with bands and multiple EMAs Combination of RSI and EMAs, useful in predicting momentum switches and defining overbought/oversold conditions on all time frames.
Donchian Channels Trending Breakout StrategyThis script looks for two entry signals. Long is when the previous breakout of the donchian channels was a low, price is above the input EMA, current price is equal or higher than the upper band and we're not in a position yet. Short is the other way around, so previous breakout of the donchian channels was a high, price is below the input EMA, current price is equal or lower than the lower band.
I haven't found a script that does take the previous highs and lows into consideration. Works for any markets in any conditions because the stop loss and profit targets are based on the upper and lower band of the donchian channels, which means the stop loss and profit targets move with the trend.
For more details see the script itself, I wrote a ton of comments.
The Turtle Trading ChannelTurtle Rules:
To trade exactly like the turtles did, you need to set up two indicators representing the main and the failsafe system.
Set up the main indicator with TradePeriod = 20 and StopPeriod = 10 (A.k.a S1)
Set up the failsafe indicator with TradePeriod = 55 and StopPeriod = 20 (A.k.a S2)
The entry strategy using S1 is as follows
Buy 20-day breakouts using S1 only if last signaled trade was a loss.
Sell 20-day breakouts using S1 only if last signaled trade was a loss.
If last signaled trade by S1 was a win, you shouldn't trade -Irregardless of the direction or if you traded last signal it or not-
The entry strategy using S2 is as follows:
Buy 55-day breakouts only if you ignored last S1 signal and the market is rallying without you
Sell 55-day breakouts only if you ignored last S1 signal and the market is pluging without you
The turtles had a progressive position sizing approach that boosted their winnings. Once a trading decision has been made you should...
Enter the market with 2% risk. Place stop-loss 2ATR from the opening price.
If the position moves in your favor 1/2ATR, enter the market again with 2% risk and trail all stop-losses 2ATR from current price.
If the position moves in your favor 1/2ATR, enter the market again with 2% risk and trail all stop-losses 2ATR from current price.
If the position moves in your favor 1/2ATR, enter the market again with 2% risk and trail all stop-losses 2ATR from current price.
Stop adding to positions when 4 positions have been taken. (*** And see money management rule below)
The exit strategy is carried out using the line with the shortest period of the indicator:
Exit longs taken using S1 when price action closes below a 10-day low
Exit shorts taken using S1 when price action closes above a 10-day high
Exit longs taken using S2 when price action closes below a 20-day low
Exit shorts taken using S2 when price action closes avove a 20-day high
The turtles had very strict money management too. Initial position risk was 2%, but it decreased according to the current drawdown.
If the account had a 10% drawdown, the risk for each trade should decrease a 20%
If the account had a 20% drawdown, the risk for each trade should decrease a 40%.
If the account had a 30% drawdown, the risk for each trade should decrease a 60%.
So, if the account had a N% drawdown, the risk for each trade should decrease N*2%.
Spanish Traslation :
Reglas de las tortugas:
Para tradear exactamente como lo hacían las tortugas, debe configurar dos indicadores que representen el sistema principal y el de seguridad .
Configure el indicador principal con TradePeriod = 20 y StopPeriod = 10 (Aka S1 )
Configure el indicador de seguridad con TradePeriod = 55 y StopPeriod = 20 usando un color diferente. (También conocido como S2 )
La estrategia de entrada usando S1 es la siguiente
Compre rupturas de 20 días usando S1 solo si la última operación señalada fue una pérdida.
Venda rupturas de 20 días usando S1 solo si la última operación señalada fue una pérdida.
Si la última operación señalada por S1 fue una victoria, no debe operar, independientemente de la dirección o si la última operación la realizó o no.
La estrategia de entrada con S2 es la siguiente:
Compre rupturas de 55 días solo si ignoró la última señal S1 y el mercado se está recuperando sin usted
Venda rupturas de 55 días solo si ignoró la última señal S1 y el mercado se está disparando sin usted
Las tortugas tenían un enfoque de tamaño de posición progresivo que aumentó sus ganancias. Una vez que se haya tomado una decisión comercial, debe ...
Ingresar al mercado con un 2% de riesgo. Coloque el stop-loss 2ATR desde el precio de apertura.
Si la posición se mueve a su favor 1 / 2ATR, ingrese al mercado nuevamente con un 2% de riesgo y arrastre todos los stop-loss 2ATR del precio actual.
Si la posición se mueve a su favor 1 / 2ATR, ingrese al mercado nuevamente con un 2% de riesgo y arrastre todos los stop-loss 2ATR del precio actual.
Si la posición se mueve a su favor 1 / 2ATR, ingrese al mercado nuevamente con un 2% de riesgo y arrastre todos los stop-loss 2ATR del precio actual.
Deje de agregar posiciones cuando se hayan tomado 4 posiciones. (*** Y vea la regla de administración de dinero a continuación)
La estrategia de salida se realiza utilizando la línea de menor periodo del indicador:
Salga de largos tomados usando S1 cuando la acción del precio cierra por debajo de un mínimo de 10 días
Salga de los cortos tomados con S1 cuando la acción del precio cierre por encima de un máximo de 10 días
Salga de largos tomados usando S2 cuando la acción del precio cierra por debajo de un mínimo de 20 días
Salga de los cortos tomados con S2 cuando la acción del precio se cierre evite un máximo de 20 días
Las tortugas también tenían una administración de dinero muy estricta . El riesgo de la posición inicial fue del 2%, pero disminuyó de acuerdo con la reducción actual.
Si la cuenta tiene una reducción del 10%, el riesgo de cada operación debería disminuir un 20%.
Si la cuenta tiene una reducción del 20%, el riesgo de cada operación debería disminuir un 40%.
Si la cuenta tiene una reducción del 30%, el riesgo de cada operación debería disminuir un 60%.
Entonces, si la cuenta tiene una reducción del N%, el riesgo de cada operación debería disminuir N * 2%.
Channel Cross StrategyTrend Following using Channel based Script. Long and Short Entry based on Custom filter to avoid False Signal.
Works best for BankNifty and Nifty and few Indian Stocks.
Untick Exponential gives better Result.
Modified Donchian ChannelRelease Note:
This indicator setup highly inspired by Donchian Channel and Hull Moving Average. Big thanks to both Richard Donchian and Alan Hull.
Back test and live test it and come to conclusion of how to use this indicator for live trading.
200 HMA:
200 Hull Moving Average plays major role in deciding the right trades using Donchian Channel. As part of this setup,
If price is below 200 HMA, then the Donchian Channel is highlighted in Red color
If price is above 200 HMA, then the Donchian Channel is highlighted in Green color
Donchian Channel:
Default 20 period is used for the Donchian channel. However, the color highlight as per 200 HMA position. Also, the middle basis color changes to Green and Red based on candle close of above or below.
Additionally, 5 period Donchian basis is used as tight stop loss. This can be used wisely or optionally based on trade decisions
//Idea of publishing this script is to identify the strength of the instrument using multiple confirmation.
//Using this indicator, changing inputs, and trading decisions are up to the users/traders.
//Courtesy: Thanks to Richard Donchian and Alan Hull as this indicator/script inspired by Donchian Channels and Hull Moving Average
EMA Keltner Channel 1D100/200 EMAs, along with Keltner Bands based off them. Colors correspond to actions you should be ready to take in the area. Use to set macro mindset.
Uses the security function to display only the 1D values.
Red= Bad
Orange = Not as Bad, but still Bad.
Yellow = Warning, might also be Bad.
Purple = Dip a toe in.
Blue = Give it a shot but have a little caution.
Green = It's second mortgage time.
Emke ChannelThis is a slightly modified Keltner Channel with 100/200 EMAs.
Based on mean reversion theory that price will be more and more difficult to maintain it's direction the farther it gets from the EMAs.
It uses the security feature to only show the 1D channel.
Optimized Linear Regression ChannelReturn a linear regression channel with a window size within the range (min, max) such that the R-squared is maximized, this allows a better estimate of an underlying linear trend, a better detection of significant historical supports and resistance points, and avoid finding a good window size manually.
Min : Minimum window size value
Max : Maximum window size value
Mult : Multiplicative factor for the rmse, control the channel width.
Src : Source input of the indicator
The indicator displays the specific window size that maximizes the R-squared at the bottom of the lower channel.
When optimizing we want to find parameters such that they maximize or minimize a certain function, here the r-squared. The R-squared is given by 1 minus the ratio between the sum of squares (SSE) of the linear regression and the sum of squares of the mean. We know that the mean will always produce an SSE greater or equal to the one of the linear regression, so the R-squared will always be in a (0,1) range. In the case our data has a linear trend, the linear regression will have a better fit, thus having a lower SSE than the SSE of the mean, has such the ratio between the linear regression SSE and the mean SSE will be low, 1 minus this ratio will return a greater result. A lower R-squared will tell you that your linear regression produces a fit similar to the one produced by the mean. The R-squared is also given by the square of the correlation coefficient between the dependent and independent variables.
In pinescript optimization can be done by running a function inside a loop, we run the function for each setting and keep the one that produces the maximum or minimum result, however, it is not possible to do that with most built-in functions, including the function of interest, correlation , as such we must recreate a rolling correlation function that can be used inside loops, such functions are generally loops-free, this means that they are not computed using a loop in the first place, fortunately, the rolling correlation function is simply based on moving averages and standard deviations, both can be computed without using a loop by using cumulative sums, this is what is done in the code.
Note that because the R-squared is based on the SSE of the linear regression, maximizing the R-squared also minimizes the linear regression SSE, another thing that is minimized is the horizontality of the fit.
In the example above we have a total window size of 27, the script will try to find the setting that maximizes the R-squared, we must avoid every data points before the volatile bearish candle, using any of these data points will produce a poor fit, we see that the script avoid it, thus running as expected. Another interesting thing is that the best R-squared is not always associated to the lowest window size.
Note that optimization does not fix core problems in a model, with the linear regression we assume that our data set posses a linear trend, if it's not the case, then no matter how many settings you use you will still have a model that is not adapted to your data.
TF Segmented Linear RegressionFit a line at successive intervals, where the interval period is determined by a user-selected time frame, this allows the user to have an estimate of the intrinsic trend within various intervals.
Timeframe : Determine the period of the interval, if the timeframe is weekly then a new line will be fit at the start each weeks, by default "Daily"
Mult : Multiplication factor for the RMSE, determine the distance between the upper and lower extremities
Src : Input data for the indicator
Plot Extremities : Logical value, if true then the extremities of the channel are plotted, if false only the midline is plotted, true by default.
The timeframe setting should be higher than the current chart timeframe, note however that too large values of timeframe might return an error. Since the maximum number of lines that can be plotted is 54, using the extremities will only return 18 channels.
The indicator can be compared to the "regression trend" drawing tool
Main tf = 5 min with the indicator using a daily timeframe, the filled area is produced by the regression trend drawing tool using the same interval as the indicator, and coincide with it.
Main tf = 15 min with the indicator using a weekly timeframe, wider channel indicate that the values tend to be farther away from the fitted line.
A line with a significant slope indicates a strong trend, in that case, the width of the channel is determined by the amplitude of the retracements in the trend, with a narrower channel indicating a cleaner trend.
When the fitted line has a low slope value and the channel is wide, it means that there were two or more variations of opposite directions with large amplitudes within the interval, this also indicates that a linear model is not appropriate.
A slope approximately equal to 0 with a low channel width indicates a trendless market with cyclical variations of low amplitude in it.
Determining the starting and ending points of the fitted line was done using a linear combination between the wma and sma
The wma and sma functions both use a series as period by making use of the Wma and Sum functions in the following script
NSDT ES Midline Zones**DESIGNED FOR ES/MES** This script provides an easy visualization of potential reversion zones to take trades back to the intraday midline. A common use would be to enter a position once price reached the outer yellow zones and retreats to either the red zone (for a short toward the midline) or a green zone (for a long back to the midline).
NSDT NQ Midline Zones**DESIGNED FOR NQ/MNQ** This script provides an easy visualization of potential reversion zones to take trades back to the intraday midline. A common use would be to enter a position once price reached the outer yellow zones and retreats to either the red zone (for a short toward the midline) or a green zone (for a long back to the midline).
Bollinger Channels / EMA and SMAThis is written as a system to replace the BB strategy.
I think it will work well.
It looks pretty stylish.
Description / Usage:
Adjust the length and multiplier based on your location with Bollinger Bands.
The multiplier of 1 provides you with a basic channel with high and low-source EMA (or SMA).
And with the 8-day exponential moving average, you can observe short entries and exits.
I wish good luck to the friends who will use it.
You can support and track new indicators.
Bu, BB stratejisinin yerini alacak bir sistem olarak yazılmıştır.
Oldukça şık görünüyor.
Bollinger Bantları ile bulunduğunuz yere göre uzunluk ve çarpanı ayarlayın.
1 çarpanı size yüksek ve düşük kaynaklı EMA (veya SMA) içeren temel bir kanal sağlar.
Ve 8 günlük üstel hareketli ortalama ile kısa giriş ve çıkışları gözlemleyebilirsiniz.
Kullanacak arkadaşlara bol kazançlar diliyorum.
Yeni indikatör için destek olabilir ve takip edebilirsiniz.
Donchain channel improvedThis channel is based on donchain with added trend immediate support and resistance. I hope you all like it.
Efficient Trend Step ChannelIntroduction
The efficient trend-step indicator is a trend indicator that make use of the efficiency ratio in order to adapt to the market trend strength, this indicator originally aimed to remain static during ranging states while fitting the price only when large variations occur. The trend step indicator family unlike most moving averages has a boxy appearance and could therefore not be classified as smooth, this makes it an indicator relatively uninteresting to use as input for other non-trending indicators such as oscillators.
Today a channel indicator making use of the efficient trend-step is proposed, the indicator has an upper and a lower extremity who can be used for breakout or support and resistance methodologies, however we will see that the indicator is sometimes able to return accurate support and resistance levels.
The Indicator
The indicator has the same settings has the efficient trend step indicator, length control the period of the efficiency ratio, fast control the period of the rolling standard deviation used for trending states, slow control the period of the rolling standard deviation used for ranging states, fast should be lower than slow , if both are equal then the indicator is equal to the classical trend step indicator and length does no longer affect the indicator output. Lower values of fast/slow will make the indicator more reactive to small variations thus changing direction more often.
The color changes you can see on the indicator are changed depending on the prior direction took by the indicator output, if the indicator where higher than its precedent value, then the color will be blue until the indicator is lower than its precedent value. Those colors help you have an estimate of the current trend direction.
Channel Calculation And Role
The extremities made from the efficient trend step allow for more advanced trading rules, they can act as stop/target level and can also give a rough estimate of the current market volatility, with wider extremities indicating a more volatile market.
The extremities are made directly from the dev element used by the efficient trend-step, the upper extremity is made by summing the efficient trend step with the value of dev when the efficient trend step change, the lower extremity is made the same way but the value is subtracted instead.
Is it a weird choice ? It sure is strange to see such approach, the absolute rolling average error between the price and the efficient trend step could have been a logical measure but using dev instead is more efficient and also allow for a more adaptive approach which can benefit the support and resistance methodology, the last reason is because i didn't wanted to "denature" the trend-step signature of the indicator.
The figure above represent the measurement used for making the extremities (in green).
Since the previously described measure change only when the efficient trend step change, we can conclude that such measure is representative of a relatively large variation, since the efficient trend step aim to only change when a large variations appear.
We can see that the upper extremity acted as an accurate resistance in this upper variation of AMD,
Here as well, however like other bands indicators it is safer to take into account the current trend direction, a strong uptrend will have less difficulties crossing the upper extremity, therefore it might be better to rely on the support (lower extremity) on an up-trending market (indicator in blue), and on the resistance (upper extremity) on an down-trending market (indicator in orange).
The figure above show support and resistances signals, a cross represent a false signal, while green arrows represent correct ones with their respective direction.
The presented indicator add more possibilities to the interpretation of the efficient trend step, the extremities can act as stop/target level, however this use has to be controlled, and the level should be in accordance to your risk/reward ratio.
Showcasing another trend-step indicator was a real pleasure. Thanks for reading :)