This library is a Pine Script™ programmer’s tool containing a variety of time related functions to calculate or measure time, or format time into string variables.
`formattedTime()`, `formattedDate()` and `formattedDay()`
Pine Script™, like many other programming languages, uses timestamps in UNIX format, expressed as the number of milliseconds elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC, 1 January 1970. These three functions convert a UNIX timestamp to a formatted string for human consumption.
These are examples of ways you can call the functions, and the ensuing results:
formattedTime(timenow) >>> "00:40:35"
formattedTime(timenow, "short") >>> "12:40 AM"
formattedTime(timenow, "full") >>> "12:40:35 AM UTC"
formattedTime(1000 * 60 * 60 * 3.5, "HH:mm") >>> "03:30"
formattedDate(timenow, "short") >>> "4/30/22"
formattedDate(timenow, "medium") >>> "Apr 30, 2022"
formattedDate(timenow, "full") >>> "Saturday, April 30, 2022"
formattedDay(timenow, "E") >>> "Sat"
formattedDay(timenow, "dd.MM.yy") >>> "30.04.22"
formattedDay(timenow, "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' hh:mm:ss z") >>> "2022.04.30 AD at 12:40:35 UTC"
These functions use str.format() and some of the special formatting codes it allows for. Pine Script™ documentation does not yet contain complete specifications on these codes, but in the meantime you can find some information in the The Java™ Tutorials and in Java documentation of its MessageFormat class . Note that str.format() implements only a subset of the MessageFormat features in Java.
The introduction of varip variables in Pine Script™ has made it possible to track the time for which a condition is true when a script is executing on a realtime bar. One obvious use case that comes to mind is to enable trades to exit only when the exit condition has been true for a period of time, whether that period is shorter that the chart's timeframe, or spans across multiple realtime bars.
For more information on this function and varip please see our Using `varip` variables publication.
`timeFrom( )`
When plotting lines , boxes , and labels one often needs to calculate an offset for past or future end points relative to the time a condition or point occurs in history. Using xloc.bar_index is often the easiest solution, but some situations require the use of xloc.bar_time . We introduce `timeFrom()` to assist in calculating time-based offsets. The function calculates a timestamp using a negative (into the past) or positive (into the future) offset from the current bar's starting or closing time, or from the current time of day. The offset can be expressed in units of chart timeframe, or in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months or years. This function was ported from our Time Offset Calculation Framework .
`formattedNoOfPeriods()` and `secondsToTfString()`
Our final two offerings aim to confront two remaining issues:
How much time is represented in a given timestamp?
How can I produce a "simple string" timeframe usable with request.security() from a timeframe expressed in seconds?
`formattedNoOfPeriods()` converts a time value in ms to a quantity of time units. This is useful for calculating a difference in time between 2 points and converting to a desired number of units of time. If no unit is supplied, the function automatically chooses a unit based on a predetermined time step.
`secondsToTfString()` converts an input time in seconds to a target timeframe string in timeframe.period string format. This is useful for implementing stepped timeframes relative to the chart time, or calculating multiples of a given chart timeframe. Results from this function are in simple form, which means they are useable as `timeframe` arguments in functions like request.security() .
Although the example code is commented in detail, the size of the library justifies some further explanation as many concepts are demonstrated. Key points are as follows:
• Pivot points are used to draw lines from. `timeFrom( )` calculates the length of the lines in the specified unit of time.
By default the script uses 20 units of the charts timeframe. Example: a 1hr chart has arrows 20 hours in length.
• At the point of the arrows `formattedNoOfPeriods()` calculates the line length in the specified unit of time from the input menu.
If “Use Input Time” is disabled, a unit of time is automatically assigned.
• At each pivot point a label with a formatted date or time is placed with one of the three formatting helper functions to display the time or date the pivot occurred.
• A label on the last bar showcases `secondsSince()` . The label goes through three stages of detection for a timed alert.
If the difference between the high and the open in ticks exceeds the input value, a timer starts and will turn the label red once the input time is exceeded to simulate a time-delayed alert.
• In the bottom right of the screen `secondsToTfString()` posts the chart timeframe in a table. This can be multiplied from the input menu.
Look first. Then leap.
formattedTime(timeInMs, format)
Converts a UNIX timestamp (in milliseconds) to a formatted time string.
timeInMs : (series float) Timestamp to be formatted.
format : (series string) Format for the time. Optional. The default value is "HH:mm:ss".
Returns: (string) A string containing the formatted time.
formattedDate(timeInMs, format)
Converts a UNIX timestamp (in milliseconds) to a formatted date string.
timeInMs : (series float) Timestamp to be formatted.
format : (series string) Format for the date. Optional. The default value is "yyyy-MM-dd".
Returns: (string) A string containing the formatted date.
formattedDay(timeInMs, format)
Converts a UNIX timestamp (in milliseconds) to the name of the day of the week.
timeInMs : (series float) Timestamp to be formatted.
format : (series string) Format for the day of the week. Optional. The default value is "EEEE" (complete day name).
Returns: (string) A string containing the day of the week.
secondsSince(cond, resetCond)
The duration in milliseconds that a condition has been true.
cond : (series bool) Condition to time.
resetCond : (series bool) When `true`, the duration resets.
Returns: The duration in seconds for which `cond` is continuously true.
timeFrom(from, qty, units)
Calculates a +/- time offset in variable units from the current bar's time or from the current time.
from : (series string) Starting time from where the offset is calculated: "bar" to start from the bar's starting time, "close" to start from the bar's closing time, "now" to start from the current time.
qty : (series int) The +/- qty of units of offset required. A "series float" can be used but it will be cast to a "series int".
units : (series string) String containing one of the seven allowed time units: "chart" (chart's timeframe), "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "months", "years".
Returns: (int) The resultant time offset `from` the `qty` of time in the specified `units`.
formattedNoOfPeriods(ms, unit)
Converts a time value in ms to a quantity of time units.
ms : (series int) Value of time to be formatted.
unit : (series string) The target unit of time measurement. Options are "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "weeks", "months". If not used one will be automatically assigned.
Returns: (string) A formatted string from the number of `ms` in the specified `unit` of time measurement
secondsToTfString(tfInSeconds, mult)
Convert an input time in seconds to target string TF in `timeframe.period` string format.
tfInSeconds : (simple int) a timeframe in seconds to convert to a string.
mult : (simple float) Multiple of `tfInSeconds` to be calculated. Optional. 1 (no multiplier) is default.
Returns: (string) The `tfInSeconds` in `timeframe.period` format usable with `request.security()`.
jsonLibrary "json"
Convert JSON strings to tradingview
█ Json to array █ Get json key names █ Get json key values █ Size of json
get_json_keys_names(raw_json) Returns string array with all key names
raw_json : (string) Raw JSON string
Returns: (string array) Array with all key names
get_values_by_id_name(raw_json, key_name) Returns string array with values of the input key name
raw_json : (string) Raw JSON string
key_name : (string) Name of the key to be fetched
Returns: (string array) Array with values of the input key name
size_of_json_string(raw_json) Returns size of raw JSON string
raw_json : (string) Raw JSON string
Returns: Size of n_of_values, size of n_of_keys_names
TS_FFALibrary "TS_FFA"
Splits the ticker and generates best configs for FP and PP
splitter(x) Splits the ticker and found the configuration regarding to name.
_x: ticker
Returns: Fib and Profit percent values
- Splitter had been added.
- USDTPERP coins on Binance had been added
- timeFrameMultiplier() timeframe multiplier had been added to the library
- timeframe period value fixed
- Changed timezone multiplier
- Changed VWMA Percent values
CRCHud - HUD Library (Heads Up Display)Library "CRCHud"
Library of functions which will contain functions that allow reusable HUD (Heads up Display) components to used from within other scripts
add_cell_change() - Adds a new cell to designated table which displays the data source value, the line color, data title, and automatically calculated %percent change stats based on lookback value supplied (default - previous bar)
Thange VaultLibrary "ThangeVault"
Thange Vault is a collection of utility functions required by the Thange Woodwind Playbook.
debug(msg) Print debug information
msg : message to be logged on console
Returns: nothing
tickFormat() Create a string template to restrict stop-loss, take-profit level precision to ticks.
Returns: A string format template
Dictionary/Object LibraryThis Library is aimed to mitigate the limitation of Pinescript having only one structured data type which is only arrays.
It lacks data types like Dictionaries(in Python) or Object (in JS) that are standard for other languages. Tuples do exist, but it hardly solves any problem.
Working only with Arrays could be overwhelming if your codebase is large. I looked for alternatives to arrays but couldn't find any library.
So I coded it myself and it's been working good for me. So I wanted to share it with you all.
What does it do:
If you are familiar with Python or Javascript, this library tries to immimate Object/Dictonary like structure with Key Value Pairs.
For Example:
object= {name:"John Doe", age: 28 , org: "PineCoders"}
And then it also tries to immitate the Array of Objects (I call it Stack)
like this:
stack= Array({name:"John Doe", age: 28 , org: "PineCoders"},
{name:"Adam Smith", age: 32 , org: "PineCoders"},
{name:"Paragjyoti Deka", age: 25 , org: "PineCoders"})
So there are basically two ideas: Objects and Stacks.
But it looks whole different in Pinescript for obvious reasons.
The major limitation I couldn't overcome was that, for all of the values: both input and return values for properties will be of string type.
This is due to the limiation of Pinecsript that there is no way to return a value on a if-else statement dynamically with different data types.
And as the input data type must be explicitly defined when exporting the library functions, only string inputs are allowed.
Now that doesn't mean you won't be able to use integer, float or boolens, you just need to pass the string value for it using str.tostring() method.
And the output for the getter functions will be in strings as well. But I have added some type conversion methods that you could use from this library itself.
From String to Float, String To Integer and String to Boolean: these three methods are included in this library.
So basically the whole library is based on a manipulatiion of Array of strings under the hood.
Import the library using this statement:
import paragjyoti2012/STR_Dict_Lib/4 as DictLib
First define an object using this method:
for eample:
object1= DictLib.init("name=John,age=26,org=")
This is similar to
object1= {name:"John",age:"26", org:""} in JS or Python
Just like we did here in for "org", you can set initital value to "". But remember to pass string values, even for a numerical properties, like here in "age".
You can use "age="+str.tostring(age). If you find it tedious, you can always add properties later on using .set() method.
So it could also be initiated like this
object= DictLib.init("name=John")
and later on
DictLib.set(object1,"age", str.toString(age))
DictLib.set(object1,"org", "PineCoders")
The getter function looks like this
age= DictLib.get(object1,"age")
The first argument for all methods .get, .set, and .remove is the pointer (name of the object).
Array Of Objects (Stacks)
As I mentioned earlier, I call the array of objects as Stack.
Here's how to initialize a Stack.
stack= DictLib.initStack(object1)
The .initStack() method takes an object pointer as argument. It simply converts the array into a string and pushes it into the newly created stack.
Rest of all the methods for Stacks, takes the stack pointer as it's first arument.
For example:
The second argument here is the object pointer. It adds the object to it's stack. Although it might feel like a two dimentional array, it's actually an one dimentional array with string values.
Under the hood, it looks like this
For Objects
init() : Initializes the object.
params: (string) e.g
returns: The object ( )
get() : Returns the value for given property
params: (string object_pointer, string property)
returns: string
age= DictLib.get(object1,"age")
set() : Adds a new property or updates an existing property
params: (string object_pointer, string property, string value)
returns: void
DictLib.set(object1,"age", str.tostring(29))
remove() : Removes a property from the object
params : (string object_pointer, string property)
returns: void
For Array Of Objects (Stacks)
initStack() : Initializes the stack.
params: (string object_pointer) e.g
returns: The Stack
stack= DictLib.initStack(object1)
pushToStack() : Adds an object at at last index of the stack
params: (string stack_pointer, string object_pointer)
returns: void
popFromStack() : Removes the last object from the stack
params: (string stack_pointer)
returns: void
insertToStack() : Adds an object at at the given index of the stack
params: (string stack_pointer, string object_pointer, int index)
returns: void
removeFromStack() : Removes the object from the given index of the stack
params: (string stack_pointer, int index)
returns: void
getElement () : Returns the value for given property from an object in the stack (index must be given)
params: (string stack_pointer, int index, string property)
returns: string
ageFromObject1= DictLib.getElement(stack,0,"age")
setElement() : Updates an existing property of an object in the stack (index must be given)
params: (string stack_pointer, int index, string property, string value)
returns: void
DictLib.setElement(stack,0,"age", str.tostring(32))
includesElement() : Checks if any object exists in the stack with the given property-value pair
params : (string stack_pointer, string property, string value)
returns : Boolean
doesExist= DictLib.includesElement(stack,"org","PineCoders")
searchStack() : Search for a property-value pair in the stack and returns it's index
params: (stringp stack_pointer, string property, string value)
returns: int (-1 if doesn't exist)
index= DictLib.searchElement(stack,"org","PineCoders")
Type Conversion Methods
strToFloat() : Converts String value to Float
params: (string value)
returns: float
floatVal= DictLib.strToFloat("57.96")
strToInt() : Converts String value to Integer
params: (string value)
returns: int
intVal= DictLib.strToFloat("45")
strToBool() : Converts String value to Boolean
params: (string value)
returns: boolean
boolVal= DictLib.strToBool("true")
Points to remember
1. Always pass string values as arguments.
2. The return values will be of type string, so convert them before to avoid typecasting conflict.
3. Horses can't vomit.
More Informations
Yes, You can store this objects and stacks for persisting through the iterations of a script across successive bars.
You just need to set the variable using "var" keyword. Remember this objects and stacks are just arrays,
so any methods and properties an array have it pinescript, would be applicable for objects and stacks.
It can also be used in security functions without any issues for MTF Analysis.
If you have any suggestions or feedback, please comment on the thread, I would surely be happy to help.
ConverterTFLibrary "ConverterTF"
I have found a bug Regarding the timeframe display, on the chart I have found that the display is numeric, for example 4Hr timeframe instead of '4H', but it turns out to be '240', which I want it to be displayed in abbreviated form. And in all other timeframes it's the same. So this library was created to solve those problems. It converts a timeframe from a numeric string type to an integer type by selecting a timeframe manually and displaying it on the chart.
str = "240"
X.GetTF( str )
str = input.timeframe(title='Time frame', defval='240')
TimeF = CTF(str)
L=label.new(bar_index, high, 'Before>> Timeframe '+str+' After>> Timeframe '+TimeF,style=label.style_label_down,size=size.large)
label.delete(L )
Custom timeframes can handle this issue as well.
An example from the use. You will find it on the bottom right hand side.
Hopefully it will be helpful to the Tradingview community. :)
StringtoNumberThis library is used to convert Text type numbers are numbers.
Library "StringtoNumber"
str1 = '12340' , vv = numstrToNum(str1)
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at mozilla.org
// © hapharmonic
indicator("My Script")
import hapharmonic/StringtoNumber/1 as CV
TF = '240'
GETTF = CV.numstrToNum(TF)
L = label.new(bar_index, high, '|| numstrToNum :>> || ' + str.tostring(GETTF), style=label.style_label_down,size=size.large)
label.delete(L )
DiscordWebhookFunctionLibrary "DiscordWebhookFunction"
discordMarkdown(_str, _italic, _bold, _code, _strike, _under) Convert string to markdown formatting User can combine any function at the same time.
_str : String input
_italic : Italic
_bold : Bold
_code : Code markdown
_strike : Strikethrough
_under : Underline
Returns: string Markdown formatted string.
discordWebhookJSON(_username, _avatarImgUrl, _contentText, _bodyTitle, _descText, _bodyUrl, _embedCol, _timestamp, _authorName, _authorUrl, _authorIconUrl, _footerText, _footerIconUrl, _thumbImgUrl, _imageUrl) Convert data to JSON format for Discord Webhook Integration.
_username : Override bot (webhook) username string / name,
_avatarImgUrl : Override bot (webhook) avatar by image URL,
_contentText : Main content page message,
_bodyTitle : Custom Webhook's embed message body title,
_descText : Webhook's embed message body description,
_bodyUrl : Webhook's embed body direct link URL,
_embedCol : Webhook's embed color,
_timestamp : Timestamp,
_authorName : Webhook's embed author name / title,
_authorUrl : Webhook's embed author direct link URL,
_authorIconUrl : Webhook's embed author icon by image URL,
_footerText : Webhook's embed footer text / title,
_footerIconUrl : Webhook's embed footer icon by image URL,
_thumbImgUrl : Webhook's embed thumbnail image URL,
_imageUrl : Webhook's embed body image URL.
Returns: string Single-line JSON format
DrawIndicatorOnTheChartLibrary "DrawIndicatorOnTheChart"
this library is used to show an indicator (such RSI, CCI, MOM etc) on the main chart with indicator's horizontal lines in a window. Location of the window is calculated dynamically by last price movemements
drawIndicator(indicatorName, indicator, indicatorcolor, period, indimax_, indimin_, levels, precision, xlocation) draws the related indicator on the chart
indicatorName : is the indicator name as string such "RSI", "CCI" etc
indicator : is the indicator you want to show, such rsi(close, 14), mom(close, 10) etc
indicatorcolor : is the color of indicator line
period : is the length of the window to show
indimax_ : is the maximum value of the indicator, for example for RSI it's 100.0, if the indicator (such CCI, MOM etc) doesn't have maximum value then use "na"
indimin_ : is the minimum value of the indicator, for example for RSI it's 0.0, if the indicator (such CCI, MOM etc)doesn't have maximum value then use "na"
levels : is the levels of the array for the horizontal lines. for example if you want horizontal lines at 30.0, and 70.0 then use array.from(30.0, 70.0). if no horizontal lines then use array.from(na)
precision : is the precision/number of decimals that is used to show indicator values, for example for RSI set it 2
xlocation : is end location of the indicator window, for example if xlocation = 0 window is created on the index of the last bar/candle
Returns: none
ZenLibraryLibrary "ZenLibrary"
A collection of custom tools & utility functions commonly used with my scripts.
getDecimals() Calculates how many decimals are on the quote price of the current market
Returns: The current decimal places on the market quote price
truncate(float, float) Truncates (cuts) excess decimal places
float : _number The number to truncate
float : _decimalPlaces (default=2) The number of decimal places to truncate to
Returns: The given _number truncated to the given _decimalPlaces
toWhole(float) Converts pips into whole numbers
float : _number The pip number to convert into a whole number
Returns: The converted number
toPips(float) Converts whole numbers back into pips
float : _number The whole number to convert into pips
Returns: The converted number
av_getPositionSize(float, float, float, float) Calculates OANDA forex position size for AutoView based on the given parameters
float : _balance The account balance to use
float : _risk The risk percentage amount (as a whole number - eg. 1 = 1% risk)
float : _stopPoints The stop loss distance in POINTS (not pips)
float : _conversionRate The conversion rate of our account balance currency
Returns: The calculated position size (in units - only compatible with OANDA)
getMA(int, string) Gets a Moving Average based on type
int : _length The MA period
string : _maType The type of MA
Returns: A moving average with the given parameters
getEAP(float) Performs EAP stop loss size calculation (eg. ATR >= 20.0 and ATR < 30, returns 20)
float : _atr The given ATR to base the EAP SL calculation on
Returns: The EAP SL converted ATR size
barsAboveMA(int, float) Counts how many candles are above the MA
int : _lookback The lookback period to look back over
float : _ma The moving average to check
Returns: The bar count of how many recent bars are above the MA
barsBelowMA(int, float) Counts how many candles are below the MA
int : _lookback The lookback period to look back over
float : _ma The moving average to reference
Returns: The bar count of how many recent bars are below the EMA
barsCrossedMA(int, float) Counts how many times the EMA was crossed recently
int : _lookback The lookback period to look back over
float : _ma The moving average to reference
Returns: The bar count of how many times price recently crossed the EMA
getPullbackBarCount(int, int) Counts how many green & red bars have printed recently (ie. pullback count)
int : _lookback The lookback period to look back over
int : _direction The color of the bar to count (1 = Green, -1 = Red)
Returns: The bar count of how many candles have retraced over the given lookback & direction
getBodySize() Gets the current candle's body size (in POINTS, divide by 10 to get pips)
Returns: The current candle's body size in POINTS
getTopWickSize() Gets the current candle's top wick size (in POINTS, divide by 10 to get pips)
Returns: The current candle's top wick size in POINTS
getBottomWickSize() Gets the current candle's bottom wick size (in POINTS, divide by 10 to get pips)
Returns: The current candle's bottom wick size in POINTS
getBodyPercent() Gets the current candle's body size as a percentage of its entire size including its wicks
Returns: The current candle's body size percentage
isHammer(float, bool) Checks if the current bar is a hammer candle based on the given parameters
float : _fib (default=0.382) The fib to base candle body on
bool : _colorMatch (default=false) Does the candle need to be green? (true/false)
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar matches the requirements of a hammer candle
isStar(float, bool) Checks if the current bar is a shooting star candle based on the given parameters
float : _fib (default=0.382) The fib to base candle body on
bool : _colorMatch (default=false) Does the candle need to be red? (true/false)
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar matches the requirements of a shooting star candle
isDoji(float, bool) Checks if the current bar is a doji candle based on the given parameters
float : _wickSize (default=2) The maximum top wick size compared to the bottom (and vice versa)
bool : _bodySize (default=0.05) The maximum body size as a percentage compared to the entire candle size
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar matches the requirements of a doji candle
isBullishEC(float, float, bool) Checks if the current bar is a bullish engulfing candle
float : _allowance (default=0) How many POINTS to allow the open to be off by (useful for markets with micro gaps)
float : _rejectionWickSize (default=disabled) The maximum rejection wick size compared to the body as a percentage
bool : _engulfWick (default=false) Does the engulfing candle require the wick to be engulfed as well?
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar matches the requirements of a bullish engulfing candle
isBearishEC(float, float, bool) Checks if the current bar is a bearish engulfing candle
float : _allowance (default=0) How many POINTS to allow the open to be off by (useful for markets with micro gaps)
float : _rejectionWickSize (default=disabled) The maximum rejection wick size compared to the body as a percentage
bool : _engulfWick (default=false) Does the engulfing candle require the wick to be engulfed as well?
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar matches the requirements of a bearish engulfing candle
timeFilter(string, bool) Determines if the current price bar falls inside the specified session
string : _sess The session to check
bool : _useFilter (default=false) Whether or not to actually use this filter
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar falls within the given time session
dateFilter(int, int) Determines if this bar's time falls within date filter range
int : _startTime The UNIX date timestamp to begin searching from
int : _endTime the UNIX date timestamp to stop searching from
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar falls within the given dates
dayFilter(bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool) Checks if the current bar's day is in the list of given days to analyze
bool : _monday Should the script analyze this day? (true/false)
bool : _tuesday Should the script analyze this day? (true/false)
bool : _wednesday Should the script analyze this day? (true/false)
bool : _thursday Should the script analyze this day? (true/false)
bool : _friday Should the script analyze this day? (true/false)
bool : _saturday Should the script analyze this day? (true/false)
bool : _sunday Should the script analyze this day? (true/false)
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar's day is one of the given days
atrFilter(float, float) Checks the current bar's size against the given ATR and max size
float : _atr (default=ATR 14 period) The given ATR to check
float : _maxSize The maximum ATR multiplier of the current candle
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar's size is less than or equal to _atr x _maxSize
fillCell(table, int, int, string, string, color, color) This updates the given table's cell with the given values
table : _table The table ID to update
int : _column The column to update
int : _row The row to update
string : _title The title of this cell
string : _value The value of this cell
color : _bgcolor The background color of this cell
color : _txtcolor The text color of this cell
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar falls within the given dates
FunctionDaysInMonthLibrary "FunctionDaysInMonth"
Method to find the number of days in a given month of year.
days_in_month(year, month) Method to find the number of days in a given month of year.
year : int, year of month, so we know if year is a leap year or not.
month : int, month number.
Returns: int
SignificantFiguresLibrary "SignificantFigures"
sigFig(float _float, int _figures)
@description Takes a floating-point number - one that can, but doesn't have to, include a decimal point - and converts it to a floating-point number with only a certain number of digits left. For example, say you want to display a variable from your script to the user and it comes out to something like 45.366666666666666666666667 or whatever. That looks awful when you, for example, print it in a label. Now you could round it up to the nearest integer easily using a built-in function, or even to a certain number of decimal places using a reasonably simple custom function. But that's a bit arbitrary. Suppose you don't know what asset the script will be used on, and so you can't predict what the price is, and what the value will turn out to be. It could be 0.00045366666666666666666666667 instead. Now if you round it up to 3 decimal places it comes out as 0.000, which is useless. My function will round that number to 0.0004536 instead, if told to do it to 4 significant digits.
I think this is more friendly.
@function Converts float with arbitrary number of digits to one with a specified number of significant figures.
@param float _float is the floating-point number to manipulate.
@param int _figures is the number of significant figures you want.
@returns Returns a float with the specified number of significant figures
FunctionDatestringLibrary "FunctionDatestring"
Methods to stringify date/time, altho there is already builtin support for it.
datetime(unixtime) a stringified date stamp at specified unix time.
unixtime : int unix timestamp.
Returns: string
date_(unixtime) a stringified date stamp at specified unix time.
unixtime : int unix timestamp.
Returns: string
time_(unixtime) a stringified date stamp at specified unix time.
unixtime : int unix timestamp.
Returns: string