This volume profile indicator shows volume traded for each bar and is colored according to the difference in buy and sell pressure(DMI).
***HOW TO USE***
If the bar and background is colored green, there is more market buying than selling on that bar.
If the bar and background is colored red, there is more market selling than buying on that bar.
If the bar and background is colored blue, there is an equal amount of market buying and selling on that bar.
There is also a label on the right side that tells you whether there is more buying or selling on the current bar. This table updates in real time and changes colors so you can get an easy, quick interpretation of the current buy/sell pressure without having to look at the volume bars so you can make faster decisions on whether to enter or exit a trade. The table changes colors in sync with the volume bars and background. Green means more market buying than selling. Red means more market selling than buying. Blue means an equal amount of market buying and selling.
This indicator can be used as a signal on all markets, including stocks, crypto, futures and forex.
This volume profile indicator can be used on all timeframes.
Try using numerous indicators of ours on your chart so you can instantly see the bullish or bearish trend of multiple indicators in real time without having to analyze the data. Some of our favorites are our Auto Fibonacci, DMI, Momentum, Auto Support And Resistance and Money Flow Index in combination with this Volume Profile. They all have real time Bullish and Bearish labels as well so you can immediately understand each indicator's trend.
Measure Volume, Momentum, Trend, VolatilityThis script displays the following indicators in one pane to quickly determine several important factors regarding price action. It allows the user to quickly see all of most important factors surrounding price action in one pane with one quick glance. This should be incredibly helpful and allow things like double divergence and trend confirmation to be spotted much more quickly. I personally use the data in this indicator to replace four separate indicators and it has brought my win rate and profit factor significantly higher. I hadn't seen any place where all of the best J. Welles Wilder indicators such as RSI, Parabolic SAR, and DMI/ADX were brought into one easy to use interface. This is my attempt at fixing that gap. For a much deeper understanding of how to use these indicators, I recommend reading New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems written by J. Welles Wilder.
Momentum via RSI (Relative Strength Index)
Volume via MFI (Money Flow Index)
Volatility via DMI/ADX (Direction Movement Index/Average Directional Index)
Trend via Parabolic SAR (Parabolic Stop and Reverse)
It is worth noting that DMI/ADX and Parabolic SAR can both help determine trend strength and volatility.
The Volatility mechanism is measured by DMI and ADX and displayed at the top of the pane using circles. The top, tiny circles reflect if show if positive DI or negative DI has a higher value. The small circles directly underneath indicate whether or not the ADX is above 20 (configurable, some may choose to increase this to 25 or even 30).
The Momentum mechanism is shown as standard RSI with the default being a white line and default period of 14, which is all configurable.
The Volume mechanism is shown as standard MFI with the default being a fuchsia line and default period of 14, which is also configurable.
The momentum and volume oscillators should be used in conjunction to help spot whether the trend is strong or weak using divergences and the middle, overbought, and oversold levels. These levels are also configurable.
The Trend mechanism is measured by Parabolic SAR and displayed at the bottom of the pane using diamonds. The default is red diamonds when in a bear trend, green when in an uptrend which is configurable. When price is above the Parabolic SAR, it is considered to be an uptrend. When price is below the Parabolic SAR, it is considered to be a downtrend. The way price is measured is also configurable (i.e. open, close, ohlc4, hlc3, etc.). When price crossed above or below the Parabolic SAR, the diamonds will change colors.
All the indicators displayed should be used in a well rounded strategy. For instance, I only trade when ADX is above 20 and rarely trade against the trend shown via PSAR. When trend shifts and divergences helped indicate a trend shift would occur using the RSI and MFI, it can be a great spot to take an entry. RSI/MFI can also confirm the trend is strong when they are not showing divergences and inline with price action. All of this data should be used in conjunction with good fundamental data and technical levels. Divergences with RSI and MFI on double tops or bottoms can also be incredibly powerful. There is no right or wrong way to use all the data displayed in this indicator, however using all four pillars of trading (Momentum, Volume, Trend, Volatility) will help ensure only the best trades are taken.
Multi-Timeframe Squeeze Pro/DIM/Momentum/MAIMPORTANT NOTE:
-> The table will not display any timeframes lower than the current one
-> This indicator combine multiple popular indicators and give ability to use them on Multiple timeframes (MFT)
-> Indicators used for the MFT are: Squeeze / Momentum / 10X DIM and Stacked MA (or EMA)
-> Give at glance a good way to see the trend all different timeframes
-> If you are using in combination with squeeze pro please use the one from @Beardy_Fred since it matches the colours and condition used
Credits :
-> J. Welles Wilder creating the Directional Movement System (DMS) (1978); and
-> John Carter applying the DMS to create the popular Simpler Trading 10X Bars indicator.
-> @Beardy_Fred creating a first version including MOM and SQZ
-> Makit0's evolution of Lazybear's script to factor in the TTM Squeeze Pro upgrades - Squeeze PRO Arrows
I have adapted the version from @Beardy_Fred to provide a more complete and customisable indicator while including also the Stacked EMA/MA for further validation
You can learn more about each indicators following those links:
Squeeze Pro:
Momentum Histogram:
The stacked EMA/MA highlights when the MA/EMA are in order:
Red when they are stacked from the highest to the lowest
Green when they are stacked from the lowest to the highest
Yellow when they are stacked without a clear order
You can customise:
Settings for each indicators (10X/MA/Momentum/Squeeze)
Trade Signals:
If you are going Long, Since this is a combination ideally on the timeframe you are trading you should have all green + green on the above timeframes (those colors are the default ones but can be changed)
-> Green on 10X indicator meaning you are in an uptrend
-> EMA or MA (depending on the configuration of the indicator) Green meaning EMA or MA
-> Squeeze should be Orange or Red ideally (indicating an high or medium Squeeze)
-> Momentum should be Cyan indicating an increase in momentum (while Dark Blue could indicate a reversal)
Standalone indicators:
- Squeeze Pro
- 10X Bar
- Stacked MA
- Momentum
Multi-Timeframe 10XIMPORTANT NOTE:
-> The timeframe for this indicator must be set at 1 minute;
-> If the chart timeframe is higher than 1 minute, the results shown in the table for timeframes lower than the chart will not be correct;
-> Tradingview's own documentation explains this as follows: " It is not recommended to request data of a timeframe lower that the current chart timeframe, for example 1 minute data from a 5 minutes chart. The main problem with such a case is that some part of a 1 minute data will be inevitably lost, as it’s impossible to display it on a 5 minutes chart and not to break the time axis. In such cases the behavior of security can be rather unexpected "; and
-> It is therefore recommended that this indicator is placed in a standalone 1min chart window, and the window resized to only show the table to avoid any issues.
-> J. Welles Wilder creating the Directional Movement System (DMS) (1978); and
-> John Carter applying the DMS to create the popular Simpler Trading 10X Bars indicator.
Quickly see the quality and strength of a trend based on Directional Movement Index (DMI).
The Average Directional Index (ADX), Minus Directional Indicator (-DI) and Plus Directional Indicator (+DI) represent a group of directional movement indicators that form a trading system developed by Welles Wilder. Although Wilder designed his Directional Movement System with commodities and daily prices in mind, these indicators can also be applied to stocks. Wilder determined directional movement by comparing the difference between two consecutive lows with the difference between their respective highs.
+DI and -DI are derived from smoothed averages of these differences and measure trend direction over time. These two indicators are often collectively referred to as the DMI. ADX is in turn derived from the smoothed averages of the difference between +DI and -DI; it measures the strength of the trend (regardless of direction) over time.
Trade Signals:
-> Green indicates an uptrend i.e. when +DI is above -DI and ADX is greater than 20 - there is more upward pressure than downward pressure in the price;
-> Red indicates a downtrend i.e. when -DI is above +DI and ADX is greater than 20 - there is more downward pressure on the price; and
-> Yellow indicates no strong directional trend and potential for a reversal.
Standalone Indicator:
The 10X Bars version of the indicator can be found here:
Ex's DMI DivergenceThis indicator I am posting open for everyone to see and use.
This is a modified DMI indicator, It has a DMI+ and DMI- and a 3rd line that is the average divergance/convergance of the two.
This indicator is used to recognize periods of consolidation, directional strength and retracements/reversal
There are some key things to watch for:
-When the Div/Conv line is yellow it means that the DMI+/- average distance is moving closer together(converging)
-When the Div/Conv line is aqua it means that the DMI+/- average distance is moving further apart(diverging)
-One DMI must be below the top threshold and other DMI must be below at least the Top threshold(or bottom if you prefer) to be considered valid
Signs of condolidation/possible reversal/weak strength:
-When the DMI+/- are crossing at any location stay mindful of entries
-If both DMI's are above the threshold there is no clear direction
-When the DMI Div/Conv is yellow it means trend is slowing down and aqua means it is picking up
StableF-AdxThe script is ADX-DMI modified verison
-Adx is labeled as Weak trend Below 25 and strong Trend above 25
-Hline is drawn at 25 for better clarification of crossover above 25
-Wait for crossover in +dmi and -dmi and to cross above 25 for any trend clarifcation
-crossover i.e upside cross of +dmi over -dmi is shown buy UP shape
-crossunder i.e downside cross of +dmi over -dmi is Shown buy DN shape
--disclaimer --This is just modified version of Bulit in ADX_DMI indicatior \ NOT advised for buy / Sell purpose
ADX DINGUE v5This is the updated script for PinceScrip V5
3x DMI and ADX indicator into 1.
You can turn on and off all 3x DMI and all 3x ADX and or customize their settings manually.
I also added my 3 line system, which is a homemade calculation from the DMI lines (P+N), and instead turns them into a single line.
There are also several options for histogram, ADX line, crosses, colors, overextended ...
In closing, no indicator can give perfect signals, you need to use them in conjunction with other information to make better decisions.
I hope you like my indicators and that they help your trading.
If you have any questions please ask.
Thank you.
Didi Index PlusAbout this indicator (translation to Portuguese on the second half of the description):
The indicator follows the way Didi Aguiar teaches his trading system. Didi Aguiar is an old school Brazilian trader with over 40 years experience, who created the Didi Index and the famous agulhadas - or how I like to say in English: threads in the needle, an explosive price movement.
This version of the Didi Index adds what matters about DMI/ADX, Stochastic and TRIX to the regular Didi Index indicator.
The lines indicate alert and confirmations:
BLUE line crossing UP white line - BUY alert
PINK line crossing DOWN white line - BUY confirmation
Simultaneous Buy Alert and Confirmation = BUY AGULHADA.
BLUE line crossing DOWN white line - SHORT alert
PINK line crossing UP white line - SHORT confirmation
Simultaneous Short Alert and Confirmation = SHORT AGULHADA.
The background color changes according to the way Didi Aguiar reads the DMI and ADX.
Blue = Up trend
Bright Blue = Accelerating up trend
Purple = Down trend
Bright Purple = Accelerating down trend
Change from bright to dark color = ADX's bounce.
No coloured background = no trend.
The triangles on the top and bottom of the chart are the exit indicators.
They appear every time the Fast Stochastic and TRIX are in agreement:
Triangle on TOP of the chart means to EXIT LONG position.
- TRIX is selling and Stochastic just gave the sell signal; OR
- Stochastic is selling and TRIX just gave the sell signal
Triangle on BOTTOM of the chart means to EXIT SHORT position.
- TRIX is buying and Stochastic just gave the buy signal; OR
- Stochastic is buying and TRIX just gave the buy signal
Use this indicator with Bollinger Bands or other volatility indicator.
Not recommended for color-blind people :)
Esse indicador segue a maneira que Didi Aguiar ensina o seu "trading system". Didi Aguiar é um trader velha-guarda com mais de 40 anos de experiência, que criou o Didi Index e as famosas Agulhadas, um movimento the preço explosivo.
Essa versão do Didi Index inclui o que interessa sobre outros três indicadores que o Didi usa em seu sistema: DMI/ADX, TRIX, e Estocástico.
As linhas indicam alerta e confirmação para o trade:
Linha AZUL cruzando a linha branca de BAIXO PARA CIMA - Alerta de compra
Linha ROSA cruzando a linha branca de CIMA PARA BAIXO - Confirmação de compra
Linha AZUL cruzando a linha branca de CIMA PARA BAIXO - Alerta de venda
Linha ROSA cruzando a linha branca de BAIXO PARA CIMA - Confirmação de venda
A cor do fundo muda de acordo com a maneira que o Didi lê o DMI e ADX
Fundo AZUL = Tendencia de compra
Fundo ROXO = Tendencia de venda
Cor mais saturada (vibrante) = Tendencia acelerante
Passou de cor mais clara para mais escura = Kick do ADX
Sem coloração de fundo = Sem tendencia
Os triângulos brancos na parte de cima e de baixo do indicador sinalizam a saida do trade.
Aparecem todas a vezes que o Etocastico e o TRIX ficam de acordo.
Triangulo na parte de CIMA sinaliza a SAÍDA da COMPRA.
- TRIX está vendido e o Estocástico acabou de vender; OU
- Estocástico está vendido e o TRIX acabou de vender
Triangulo na parte de BAIXO sinaliza a SAÍDA da VENDA.
- TRIX está comprado e o Estocástico acabou de comprar; OU
- Estocástico está comprado e o TRIX acabou de comprar
Use esse indicador em conjunto com as Bandas de Bollinger ou outro indicador de volatilidade.
Não é indicado para pessoas que sofrem de daltonismo :)
Didi index setupBeta version of the Didi setup combo - (almost) everything in one single indicator:
Didi index + DMI + TRIX + Stochastic.
Better description on how to use and color customization to come in next versions.
Ehlers Directional Movement Hann Window Indicator [CC]The Directional Movement Hann Window Indicator was created by John Ehlers (Stocks and Commodities Dec 2021 pgs 17-18) and this is his updated version of the classic Directional Movement indicator created by J. Welles Wilder. Ehlers uses the Hann Window Filtering after using an exponential moving average to smooth the classic directional movement indicator. This helps significantly with the lag and lack of smoothing which are both issues with the classic indicator. I have included strong buy and sell signals in addition to the normal ones so strong signals are darker in color and normal signals are lighter in color. Buy when the line turns green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if there are any other indicators you would like to see me publish!
ADX Heatmap & Di's + Fib Referencial by [JohnnySnow]For quicker and easier interpretation, ADX line is displayed in a heatmap style. The more absolute difference between both DIs, the more intense the color.
Because some people use 20 ADX reference and others use 25 ADX reference to confirm the trend, I just add both as reference lines in a 'golden box'
Additionally, reference lines were added with default values set to Fib levels
10X Market DirectionMy interpretation of John Carter's popular Simpler Trading 10X Bars indicator. Now you can see directional market strength for a variety of key futures , indices and industry groups for quick comparison with individual stocks.
Momentum is displayed to quickly see the quality and strength of a trend based on a calculation of the Directional Movement Index (DMI). The DMI is an indicator developed by J. Welles Wilder in 1978 that identifies in which direction the price of an asset is moving. The DMI is calculated by comparing prior highs and lows and produces 2 measurements illustrating the strength of the current trend:
-> a positive directional movement line ( +DI ); and
-> a negative directional movement line ( -DI ).
The average directional index ( ADX ) measures the strength of the current trend, either +DI or +DI ; a reading above 20 typically indicates a strong trend.
-> Green bars indicate an uptrend i.e. when +DI is above -DI and ADX is greater than 20 - there is more upward pressure than downward pressure in the price;
-> Red bars indicate a downtrend i.e. when -DI is above +DI and ADX is greater than 20 - there is more downward pressure on the price; and
-> Yellow bars indicate no strong directional trend and potential for a reversal.
This indicator should compliment other popular indicators, as confirmation whether to stay in a position or not.
10X Bars - Directional TrendsMy interpretation of John Carter's popular Simpler Trading 10X Bars indicator.
Momentum is displayed to quickly see the quality and strength of a trend based on a calculation of the Directional Movement Index (DMI). The DMI is an indicator developed by J. Welles Wilder in 1978 that identifies in which direction the price of an asset is moving. The DMI is calculated by comparing prior highs and lows and produces 2 measurements illustrating the strength of the current trend:
-> a positive directional movement line (+DI); and
-> a negative directional movement line (-DI).
The average directional index (ADX) measures the strength of the current trend, either +DI or +DI; a reading above 20 typically indicates a strong trend.
-> Green bars indicate an uptrend i.e. when +DI is above -DI and ADX is greater than 20 - there is more upward pressure than downward pressure in the price;
-> Red bars indicate a downtrend i.e. when -DI is above +DI and ADX is greater than 20 - there is more downward pressure on the price; and
-> Yellow bars indicate no strong directional trend and potential for a reversal.
Volume spikes 50% above average volume are then flagged as dots at the bottom of the chart (although you can change this location), confirming the momentum further.
This indicator should compliment other popular indicators, as confirmation whether to stay in a position or not.
ADX Screener// Identify potential trend reversals using ADX on up to 40 crypto assets.
// ADX shows the strength of a trend, not the direction.
// By monitoring the difference of ADX values between candles, you can potentially identify reversals before they happen.
// A strong trend has a 14 period ADX slope increasing .5 or more from the prior candle.
// At a minimum, a weak trend has a 14 period ADX slope of +.25 or less, and strictly it would be decreasing.
// This indicator prints one row for each asset with three columns for ADX differences one candle back each.
// The asset name is colored green or red dependent on whether +DI > -DI or not.
The market was in a down trend (-DI > +DI).
A bullish wave moved price up to EMA 8 resistance with strong ADX momentum (ADX diff of prior candle >= 0.5).
A Spinning Top showed that the trend was losing momentum (ADX diff lower than previous candle, showed the bullish wave losing momentum).
A Morning Star bearish reversal pattern draws resistance at the high of the pattern. (ADX Bullish momentum exhausted).
Symbol: -DI > +DI
2: Strong momentum
1: Losing momentum (spinning top)
0: Trend reversal (bearish engulfing pattern)
ADX + DMI with Fill and CrossoverBetter visuals for the ADX/DMI technical indicator.
I filled the DI+ and DI- with color to easily track the trend. Also, I added shapes (+) / (x) once the DI+ and DI- crossover each other.
You can also set two horizontal lines so you can easily track where the ADX value is at.
DMI & ST DEV zone intersection [LM]Hello Traders,
This indicator uses two indicators st dev extremes and DMI extremes and visualize intersection of both indicators extreme zones using crosses. It means where cross is rendered intersection of extremes has occurred.
The standard deviation uses the same calculation as my Standard deviation zones Support & Resistance indicator, DMI indicator measures both the strength and direction of a price movement. I am using both indicators to find the intersection of extreme zones between them.
ST DEV settings:
tops setting
bottom setting
DMI settings:
length settings
extreme zone setting
Cunupia Capital DMI OscillatorOscillator for DMI, it allows you to see the difference in percentage with the different DMI lines, positive and negative and it's strength.
MACD PlusMoving Average Convergence Divergence – MACD
The MACD is an extremely popular indicator used in technical analysis. It can be used to identify aspects of a security's overall trend. Most notably these aspects are momentum, as well as trend direction and duration. What makes the MACD so informative is that it is actually the combination of two different types of indicators. First, the MACD employs two Moving Averages of varying lengths (which are lagging indicators) to identify trend direction and duration. Then, it takes the difference in values between those two Moving Averages (MACD Line) and an EMA of those Moving Averages (Signal Line) and plots that difference between the two lines as a histogram which oscillates above and below a center Zero Line. The histogram is used as a good indication of a security's momentum.
Added Color Plots to Settings Pane.
Switched MTF Logic to turn ON/OFF automatically w/ TradingView's Built in Feature.
Added Ability to Turn ON/OFF Show MacD & Signal Line.
Added Ability to Turn ON/OFF Show Histogram.
Added Ability to Change MACD Line Colors Based on Trend.
Added Ability to Highlight Price Bars Based on Trend.
Added Alerts to Settings Pane.
Customized Alerts to Show Symbol, TimeFrame, Closing Price, MACD Crosses Up & MACD Crosses Down Signals in Alert.
Alerts are Pre-Set to only Alert on Bar Close.
Added ability to show Dots when MACD Crosses.
Added Ability to Change Plot Widths in Settings Pane.
Added in Alert Feature where Cross Up if above 0 or cross down if below 0 (OFF By Default).
Squeeze Pro
Traditionally, John Carter's version uses 20 period SMAs as the basis lines on both the BB and the KC.
In this version, I've given the freedom to change this and try out different types of moving averages.
The original squeeze indicator had only one Squeeze setting, though this new one has three.
The gray dot Squeeze, call it a "low squeeze" or an "early squeeze" - this is the easiest Squeeze to form based on its settings.
The orange dot Squeeze is the original from the first Squeeze indicator.
And finally, the yellow dot squeeze, call it a "high squeeze" or "power squeeze" - is the most difficult to form and suggests price is under extreme levels of compression.
Colored Directional Movement Index (CDMI) , a custom interpretation of J. Welles Wilder’s Directional Movement Index (DMI), where :
DMI is a collection of three separate indicators ( ADX , +DI , -DI ) combined into one and measures the trend’s strength as well as its direction
CDMI is a custom interpretation of DMI which presents ( ADX , +DI , -DI ) with a color scale - representing the trend’s strength, color density - representing momentum/slope of the trend’s strength, and triangle up/down shapes - representing the trend’s direction. CDMI provides all the information in a single line with colored triangle shapes plotted on the bottom. DMI can provide quality information and even trading signals but it is not an easy indicator to master, whereus CDMI simplifies its usage. The CDMI adds additional insight of verifying/confirming the trend as well as its strength
Label :
Displaying the trend strength and direction
Displaying adx and di+/di- values
Displaying adx's momentum (growing or falling)
Where tooltip label describes "howto read colored dmi line"
Ability to display historical values of DMI readings displayed in the label.
Added "Expert Trend Locator - XTL"
The XTL was developed by Tom Joseph (in his book Applying Technical Analysis ) to identify major trends, similar to Elliott Wave 3 type swings.
Blue bars are bullish and indicate a potential upwards impulse.
Red bars are bearish and indicate a potential downwards impulse.
White bars indicate no trend is detected at the moment.
Added "Williams Vix Fix" signal. The Vix is one of the most reliable indicators in history for finding market bottoms. The Williams Vix Fix is simply a code from Larry Williams creating almost identical results for creating the same ability the Vix has to all assets.
The VIX has always been much better at signaling bottoms than tops. Simple reason is when market falls retail traders panic and increase volatility , and professionals come in and capitalize on the situation. At market tops there is no one panicking... just liquidity drying up.
The FE green triangles are "Filtered Entries"
The AE green triangles are "Aggressive Filtered Entries"
DMI Trade Zone [Alorse]Through the DMI Trade Zone you can find safe areas to trade in the Spot market.
The logic behind the indicator is:
- If the Positive Directional Movement (+DI) is greater than the Negative Directional Movement (-DI) then the Average Directional Movement Index (ADX) will be green with an opaque white background.
- If the Positive Directional Movement (+DI) is less than the Negative Directional Movement (-DI) then the Average Directional Movement Index (ADX) will be red.
DMI - VisualBasically, when the background is:
White = no defined direction
Light blue = up.
Dark blue = well defined up
Light red = down
Dark red = well defined down
Blue/red centered circle = change of direction
Red circle on top = possible short entry
Blue circle at the bottom = possible long entry
Basicamente, quando o fundo é:
Branco = sem direção definida
Azul claro = alta
Azul escuro = alta bem definida
Vermelho claro = baixa
Vermelho escuro = baixa bem definida
Círculo azul/vermelho centrado = mudança da direção
Círculo vermelho no topo = possível entrada de short
Círculo azul na parte inferior = possível entrada de long
DMI With Crosses (MyNewTrade)Directional Movement Indicator:
+DI and -DI
I changed the color of the bar bars according to the crossed of +DI and -DI . It helps us to have an idea of whether the trend is continuing or not.
+DI crossover to -DI barcolor is Aqua, if not bar color is Red.
It also helps us to find the lowest and highest points of the graph according to the positions of Adx +DI and -DI .
It gives warnings at the lowest and highest points, which helps us to detect the direction of the trend.
Squeeze Momentum [Plus]The "Momentum" in this indicator is smoothed out using linear regression. The Momentum is what is displayed on the indicator as a histogram, its purpose is obvious (to show momentum).
What is a Squeeze? A squeeze occurs when Bollinger Bands tighten up enough to slip inside of Keltner Channels .
This is interpreted as price is compressing and building up energy before releasing it and making a big move.
Traditionally, John Carter's version uses 20 period SMAs as the basis lines on both the BB and the KC.
In this version, I've given the freedom to change this and try out different types of moving averages.
The original squeeze indicator had only one Squeeze setting, though this new one has three.
The gray dot Squeeze, call it a "low squeeze" or an "early squeeze" - this is the easiest Squeeze to form based on its settings.
The orange dot Squeeze is the original from the first Squeeze indicator.
And finally, the yellow dot squeeze, call it a "high squeeze" or "power squeeze" - is the most difficult to form and suggests price is under extreme levels of compression.
Now to explain the parameters:
Squeeze Input - This is just the source for the Squeeze to use, default value is closing price.
Length - This is the length of time used to calculate the Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channels .
Bollinger Bands Calculation Type - Selects the type of moving average used to create the Bollinger Bands .
Keltner Channel Calculation Type - Selects the type of moving average used to create the Keltner Channel.
Color Format - you to choose one of 5 different color schemes.
Draw Divergence - Self explanatory here, this will auto-draw divergence on the indicator.
Gray Background for Dark Mode - to make them more visually appealing.
Added ADX (Average Directional Index) that measure a trend’s strength. The higher the ADX value, the stronger the trend. The ADX line is white when it has a positive slope, otherwise it is gray. When the ADX has a very large dispersion with respect to the momentum histogram, increase the scale number.
Added "H (Hull Moving Average) Signal". Hull is a extremely responsive and smooth moving average created by Alan Hull in 2005. Have option to chose between 3 Hull variations.
Added "Williams Vix Fix" signal. The Vix is one of the most reliable indicators in history for finding market bottoms. The Williams Vix Fix is simply a code from Larry Williams creating almost identical results for creating the same ability the Vix has to all assets.
The VIX has always been much better at signaling bottoms than tops. Simple reason is when market falls retail traders panic and increase volatility, and professionals come in and capitalize on the situation. At market tops there is no one panicking... just liquidity drying up.
The FE green triangles are "Filtered Entries"
The AE green triangles are "Aggressive Filtered Entries"
(JS) Triple StochasticSo I ended up adding a ton of stuff to my prior Double Stochastic script which you can see here .
The concept of the Double was to smooth out the existing Stochastic by applying a Stochastic to the existing Stochastic (hence the Double). My concept for the Triple Stochastic is much different. It combines a regular stochastic, stochastic RSI, and the double stochastic to get a smoothed output based on all 3.
Also - since I love being able to see a Squeeze (see my Squeeze Pro indicators - Squeeze Pro 2 & Squeeze Pro Overlays ) I added the Squeeze to the Stochastic (the dots). If you're unfamiliar with how a Squeeze works, or what it is, check out my links for explanation. A quick explanation however is that the Squeeze is an indicator that was invented by John Carter that detects price compression before a big move out of a range. This is done by using Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channels, the BB shrink inside the KC. The color of the dots represent the depth of the BB in the KC, white (or black) being the lightest squeeze, red being the standard squeeze, and yellow being the strongest squeeze. Now on to the indicator:
The first thing you'll notice is the options available for the type of Stochastic you'd like to use:
Standard : This is a regular Stochastic
Stochastic RSI : This is the standard Stochastic RSI
Double : This is the Stochastic on top of a Stochastic from the prior version
Triple : This is simply an average of all 3 of the above combined together
(Top indicator shows the Triple Stochastic)
The options "K", "D", and "Smooth" are the settings from a regular Stochastic used to set up the type of Stochastic you choose to use.
Now let's say you're not sure how one type performs compared to another, or you like the quickest momentum change but also like to see the smoothest trend, or you want to use the same types of Stochastic and watch for them to cross like moving averages - for these reasons I added the ability to add a second Stochastic for comparison.
(2nd indicator shows a fast and slow Triple Stochastic together)
Quite obviously, the "K 2", "D 2", and "Smooth 2" are what is used in order to set the parameters for the second Stochastic.
Now another thing I added was the option to replace the regular Stochastic and instead look at the distance between the K and D. By turning off "Use K% and D%" you get to see this in action. To put it simply, a cross above zero would indicate a positive Stochastic crossover, and a cross below zero would represent the opposite. There's also an option titled "SMA Length using Difference" which, to smooth this out a bit, allows you to apply a moving average to the distance. By setting it at 1 you'd see the actual distance between K and D.
(3rd indicator shows the K and D distance used as a plot)
Another thing I wanted to do was add a different type of background that wasn't based on the indicator itself. I decided to use ADX & DMI which is a great way to determine the trend. When you select "ADX/DMI BG" the BG colors will change from being based on the indicator to being based on ADX and DMI.
(The 3rd indicator also shows the ADX/DMI BG being used).
And now finally the last feature I decided to add takes us back to the Squeeze. Essentially it is just the Stochastic shown through the lens of Squeeze momentum, as I ended up plugging the Stochastic output into the Squeeze momentum formula to create an oscillator. By selecting "Use Oscillator" you will see this in action as well.
(Bottom indicator shows the oscillator addition)