Financial Astrology Mercury Helio SpeedThis indicator provides Mercury heliocentric speed. In Financial Astrology is said that planets above average speed produce fast effect (more volatility) and planets below average speed produce sustained effect, this is because at fastest speed the duration of astrological aspects will be shorter. However, we are creating this heliocentric indicators for all planets daily speed in order to help researchers to perform exploratory analysis and determine their own trading rules.
Note: The Mercury heliocentric speed indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Chiron Helio DeclinationThis indicator provides Chiron (asteroid) Heliocentric (in relation to Sun) declination. Usually, in Financial Astrology is said that planets declination change modify their energy power and effect: in North is strengthen and in South is weaken. However, we are creating this heliocentric indicators for all planets positions in order to help researchers to perform exploratory analysis and determine their own trading rules.
Note: The Chiron heliocentric declination indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Juno Helio DeclinationThis indicator provides Juno (asteroid) Heliocentric (in relation to Sun) declination. Usually, in Financial Astrology is said that planets declination change modify their energy power and effect: in North is strengthen and in South is weaken. However, we are creating this heliocentric indicators for all planets positions in order to help researchers to perform exploratory analysis and determine their own trading rules.
Note: The Juno heliocentric declination indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Vesta Helio DeclinationThis indicator provides Vesta (asteroid) Heliocentric (in relation to Sun) declination. Usually, in Financial Astrology is said that planets declination change modify their energy power and effect: in North is strengthen and in South is weaken. However, we are creating this heliocentric indicators for all planets positions in order to help researchers to perform exploratory analysis and determine their own trading rules.
Note: The Vesta heliocentric declination indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Ceres Helio DeclinationThis indicator provides Ceres (dwarf planet) Heliocentric (in relation to Sun) declination. Usually, in Financial Astrology is said that planets declination change modify their energy power and effect: in North is strengthen and in South is weaken. However, we are creating this heliocentric indicators for all planets positions in order to help researchers to perform exploratory analysis and determine their own trading rules.
Note: The Ceres heliocentric declination indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
The Moon is a script that is designed to help Traders analyse their charts using the moon. This script consists of three main features :
1. Moon Phases Pro : This is a more powerful version of the default built-in Moon Phases where it would plot both past cycles and Future cycles with a better accuracy.
2. Moon Lines : This plots the moon's longitude into price. you can also select your desired $/degree ( price vs time unit) to make these lines better suited for your chart and the asset your playing with. We also didn't forget to add an option to enable harmonics of these lines. In addition, you can select "reverse" to get the downtrending plants as well.
3. Moon Angles : This allows you to highlight areas where the moon is at X degree. you can get the Moon at zero aris or 180 degrees or any other degree!.
We also added some styling options to help with the visuals.
█ Future Plans and upgrades to this script may include :
1. Enhanced algorithm for a faster loading/processing script.
2. More future dates plotting.
And more! Feel free to contact me with any feature that you would like to see in this script
█ How to use :
1. Open the settings.
2. Enable your desired tool and adjust the settings.
Give the script a few seconds and you should be set. Don't enable more than 2 tools at the same time, but if you want to do that, you can insert the same script twice or more in your chart.
This script is coded as an addon to the Gann ToolBox package/scripts.
Financial Astrology Pluto Helio DeclinationThis indicator provides Pluto Heliocentric (in relation to Sun) declination. Usually, in Financial Astrology is said that planets declination change modify their energy power and effect: in North is strengthen and in South is weaken. However, we are creating this heliocentric indicators for all planets positions in order to help researchers to perform exploratory analysis and determine their own trading rules.
Note: The Pluto heliocentric declination indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Saturn Helio DeclinationThis indicator provides Saturn Heliocentric (in relation to Sun) declination. Usually, in Financial Astrology is said that planets declination change modify their energy power and effect: in North is strengthen and in South is weaken. However, we are creating this heliocentric indicators for all planets positions in order to help researchers to perform exploratory analysis and determine their own trading rules.
Note: The Saturn heliocentric declination indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Jupiter Helio DeclinationThis indicator show the Jupiter Heliocentric (in relation to Sun) declination. Usually, in Financial Astrology is said that planets declination change modify their energy power and effect: in North is strengthen and in South is weaken. However, we are creating this heliocentric indicators for all planets positions in order to help researchers to perform exploratory analysis and determine their own trading rules.
Note: The Jupiter heliocentric declination indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Mars Helio DeclinationThis indicator show the Mars Heliocentric (in relation to Sun) declination. Usually in Financial Astrology is known that the planets in North declination strengthen and in South weaken their energy and effect. However, we are creating heliocentric indicators for all the planets positions in order to perform exploratory analysis and determine more concise trading rules.
Note: The Mars heliocentric declination indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Venus Helio DeclinationThis indicator show the Venus Heliocentric (in relation to Sun) declination. Usually in Financial Astrology is known that the planets in North declination strengthen and in South weaken their energy and effect. However, we are creating heliocentric indicators for all the planets positions in order to perform exploratory analysis and determine more concise trading rules.
Note: The Venus heliocentric declination indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Mercury Helio DeclinationThis indicator show the Mercury Heliocentric (in relation to Sun) declination. Usually in Financial Astrology is known that the planets in North declination strengthen and in South weaken their energy and effect. However, we are creating heliocentric indicators for all the planets positions in order to perform exploratory analysis and determine more concise trading rules.
Note: The Mercury heliocentric declination indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Moon-Neptune Longitude AngleMoon-Neptune indicator show the angular distance in longitude between Moon and Neptune and labels the angles that represent the astrological aspects used by financial astrologers to determine the energy trigger points. In financial astrology, Neptune rules confusion, imagination, waste, crime, intuition, occult, scandal, illusion and dreams. The Moon is the strengthen/weakening emotion that trigger the illusion of unlimited growth and unrealistic expectations, in other words, pyramidal scams and market bubbles.
For any Moon aspects indicator we recommend to use 1H or 2H resolution to locate the exact aspect angle, this is because Moon moves very fast at average of 13 degrees per day.
Due to the limited UTF (Unicode Transformation Format) support of classical astrology aspects symbols, we needed to use a custom subset to represent the aspects:
⊚ = 0 degrees angle (conjuction)
⧌ = 30 degrees angle (semi-sextile)
⧆ = 45 degrees angle (semi-square)
⨺ = 60 degrees angle (sextile)
⧄ = 90 degrees angle (square)
⨹ = 120 degrees angle (trine)
⧇ = 135 degrees angle (sesqui-square)
◭ = 150 degrees angle (quincunx or inconjunct)
⚇ = 180 degrees angle (opposition)
Note: The Moon-Neptune longitude angle indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Moon-Jupiter Longitude AngleMoon-Jupiter indicator show the angular distance in longitude between Moon and Jupiter and labels the angles that represent the astrological aspects used by financial astrologers to determine the energy trigger points. In financial astrology, Jupiter rules expansion, optimism, enthusiasm, joviality and devotion. The Moon is the strengthen/weakening emotion that trigger the desire to expand investments and returns, explore new makets and enjoy happiness.
For any Moon aspects indicator we recommend to use 1H or 2H resolution to locate the exact aspect angle, this is because Moon moves very fast at average of 13 degrees per day.
Due to the limited UTF (Unicode Transformation Format) support of classical astrology aspects symbols, we needed to use a custom subset to represent the aspects:
⊚ = 0 degrees angle (conjuction)
⧌ = 30 degrees angle (semi-sextile)
⧆ = 45 degrees angle (semi-square)
⨺ = 60 degrees angle (sextile)
⧄ = 90 degrees angle (square)
⨹ = 120 degrees angle (trine)
⧇ = 135 degrees angle (sesqui-square)
◭ = 150 degrees angle (quincunx or inconjunct)
⚇ = 180 degrees angle (opposition)
Note: The Moon-Jupiter longitude angle indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Moon-Pluto Longitude AngleMoon-Pluto indicator show the angular distance in longitude between Moon and Pluto and labels the angles that represent the astrological aspects used by financial astrologers to determine the energy trigger points. In financial astrology, Pluto rules the transformations, intense actions (no limits), issues with control and power, excess, destruction. The Moon is the strengthen/weakening emotion that trigger uncontroled risk, and excesive fear or euphoria.
For any Moon aspects indicator we recommend to use 1H or 2H resolution to locate the exact aspect angle, this is because Moon moves very fast at average of 13 degrees per day.
Due to the limited UTF (Unicode Transformation Format) support of classical astrology aspects symbols, we needed to use a custom subset to represent the aspects:
⊚ = 0 degrees angle (conjuction)
⧌ = 30 degrees angle (semi-sextile)
⧆ = 45 degrees angle (semi-square)
⨺ = 60 degrees angle (sextile)
⧄ = 90 degrees angle (square)
⨹ = 120 degrees angle (trine)
⧇ = 135 degrees angle (sesqui-square)
◭ = 150 degrees angle (quincunx or inconjunct)
⚇ = 180 degrees angle (opposition)
Note: The Moon-Pluto longitude angle indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Venus HarmonicsVenus Harmonics indicator represent the tropical zodiac energy forces that develop through the course of Venus in the zodiac wheel. The waves indicates the strength of cardinal energy (initiator) and this forces seems to correlate well with the most relevant pivot points. Consider that Venus represents speculation, gambling and desire to acquire. Determining how this forces act to produce short/long signals, is the financial astrologers researchers homework. I'm not going to disclose my conclusions except for the serious researchers that leave a comment with their own observations in regard to this forces.
Note: The Venus Harmonics indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Mercury HarmonicsMercury Harmonics indicator represent the tropical zodiac energy forces that develop through the course of Mercury in the zodiac wheel. The waves indicates the strength of cardinal energy (initiator) and this forces seems to correlate well with the most relevant pivot points. Consider that Mercury represents the commerce, negotiations, transactions and trading. Determining how this forces act to produce negotiation of short/long positions is the financial astrologers researchers homework. I'm not going to disclose my conclusions except for the serious researchers that leave a comment with their own observations in regard to this forces.
Note: The Mercury Harmonics indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Sun HarmonicsSun Harmonics indicator represent the tropical zodiac energy forces that develop through the course of Sun in the zodiac wheel. The waves indicates the strength of cardinal energy (initiator) and this forces seems to correlate well with the most relevant pivot points. Determining how this forces act to produce bearish or bullish effect is the financial astrologers researchers homework. This time I'm not going to disclose my conclusions except for the serious researchers that leave a comment with their own observations in regard to this forces.
Note: The Sun Harmonics indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Moon-Mars Longitude AngleMoon-Mars indicator show the angular distance in longitude between Moon and Mars and labels the angles that represent the astrological aspects used by financial astrologers to determine the energy trigger points. In financial astrology, Mars rules impulsive/risky actions and Moon is the strengthen/weakening emotion that trigger the desire to enter a trade without thinking too much in the risks or inclusive looking the risk adrenaline.
For any Moon aspects indicator we recommend to use 1H or 2H resolution to locate the exact aspect angle, this is because Moon moves very fast at average of 13 degrees per day.
Due to the limited UTF (Unicode Transformation Format) support of classical astrology aspects symbols, we needed to use a custom subset to represent the aspects:
⊚ = 0 degrees angle (conjuction)
⧌ = 30 degrees angle (semi-sextile)
⧆ = 45 degrees angle (semi-square)
⨺ = 60 degrees angle (sextile)
⧄ = 90 degrees angle (square)
⨹ = 120 degrees angle (trine)
⧇ = 135 degrees angle (sesqui-square)
◭ = 150 degrees angle (quincunx or inconjunct)
⚇ = 180 degrees angle (opposition)
Note: The Moon-Mars longitude angle indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Moon-Venus Longitude AngleMoon-Venus indicator show the angular distance in longitude between Moon and Venus and labels the angles that represent the astrological aspects used by financial astrologers to determine the energy trigger points. In financial astrology Venus rules speculation, bets and entertainment (gamblers traders) and Moon is the strengthen/weakening emotion that trigger the desire to bet and gamble.
For any Moon aspects indicator we recommend to use 1H or 2H resolution to locate the exact aspect angle, this is because Moon moves very fast at average of 13 degrees per day.
Due to the limited UTF (Unicode Transformation Format) support of classical astrology aspects symbols, we needed to use a custom subset to represent the aspects:
⊚ = 0 degrees angle (conjuction)
⧌ = 30 degrees angle (semi-sextile)
⧆ = 45 degrees angle (semi-square)
⨺ = 60 degrees angle (sextile)
⧄ = 90 degrees angle (square)
⨹ = 120 degrees angle (trine)
⧇ = 135 degrees angle (sesqui-square)
◭ = 150 degrees angle (quincunx or inconjunct)
⚇ = 180 degrees angle (opposition)
Note: The Moon-Venus longitude angle indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Moon-Mercury Longitude AngleMoon-Mercury longitude indicator show the angular distance in longitude between Sun and Mercury and labels the angles that represent the astrological aspects used by financial astrologers to determine the energy trigger points. In financial astrology Mercury rules the orders and commerce (trading transactions) and the Moon rules the emotions. Therefore, the Moon/Mercury aspects are essential to determine the volume turning points.
Consider that due to UTF (Unicode Transformation Format) charset limited support of the classical astrology aspects symbols, we needed to use a custom selection of UTF characters to represent the astrological aspects angles. This are different than the ones used by astrology, however, this was the only solution we found to symbolize the aspects.
For any Moon aspects indicator we recommend to use 1H or 2H resolution to locate the exact aspect angle, this is because Moon moves very fast at average of 13 degrees per day.
The symbols we used to represent the astrological aspects are:
⊚ = 0 degrees angle (conjuction)
⧌ = 30 degrees angle (semi-sextile)
⧆ = 45 degrees angle (semi-square)
⨺ = 60 degrees angle (sextile)
⧄ = 90 degrees angle (square)
⨹ = 120 degrees angle (trine)
⧇ = 135 degrees angle (sesqui-square)
◭ = 150 degrees angle (quincunx or inconjunct)
⚇ = 180 degrees angle (opposition)
Note: The Moon-Mercury longitude angle indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Moon-Sun Longitude AngleMoon-Sun longitude indicator show the angular distance in longitude between Sun and Moon and mark the angles that represent the astrological aspects used by financial astrologers to determine the energy trigger points.
Consider that due to UTF (Unicode Transformation Format) charset limited support of the classical astrology aspects symbols, we needed to use a custom selection of UTF characters to represent the astrological aspects angles. This are different than the ones used by astrology, however, this was the only solution we found to symbolize the aspects. Hopefully, once you are familiarized with this symbols, will be quite simple to identify the aspect type. Additionally, if you hover your mouse over the aspect symbol you are able to see a tooltip of with the aspect name.
Please note that for any Moon aspects indicator we recommend to use 1H, 2H resolution to locate the exact aspect angle, this is because Moon moves very fast at average of 13 degrees per day.
The symbols we used to represent the astrological aspects are:
⊚ = 0 degrees angle (conjuction)
⧌ = 30 degrees angle (semi-sextile)
⧆ = 45 degrees angle (semi-square)
⨺ = 60 degrees angle (sextile)
⧄ = 90 degrees angle (square)
⨹ = 120 degrees angle (trine)
⧇ = 135 degrees angle (sesqui-square)
◭ = 150 degrees angle (quincunx or inconjunct)
⚇ = 180 degrees angle (opposition)
We are happy to demonstrate to all the traders that believe that Moon phase is enough to determine the pivot points that this assumption is incorrect. Astrology works but not with Moon alone as you can verify combining all the indicators that the Financial Astrology Research group have contributed in TradingView platform.
Note: The Moon-Sun longitude angle indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Vesta LongitudeVesta is one of the largest objects in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, the orbit duration is 3.63 years and seems to be very relevant celestial object in financial astrology. The experienced financial astrologer "Bill Meridian" indicates that this asteroid rules the security business, and paper securities such as bonds and stocks. We have confirmed through statistical research that adding this asteroid to astrology machine learning models provides an increase in daily trend predictions accuracy for crypto-currencies sector.
Our statistical analysis of Vesta zodiac sign location concluded that when is transiting the signs of Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Libra the daily trend is 59% or more of the days bullish. When Vesta is located at Capricorn is very bearish with 60% of the daily trend going in downward direction. In the other zodiac signs the daily trend was neutral showing most of the time a sideways pattern.
Is very interesting to note that the exact date July 21, 2021, when Vesta entered in Libra BTCUSD started the last bullish wave that finally broke the congestion zone of the 30K-35K and started a new bullish optimism. Pay attention on what happened in the previous cycle when Vesta was located in Libra and do your conclusions.
Note: Vesta longitude indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology True Lilith (Black Moon) LongitudeTrue Lilith (Black Moon) represents the wildly perturbed Moon apogee orbit, is not averaged (as Mean Lilith) and shows an erratic path with constant change of direction and speed. This Lilith uses the actual, real orbit rather than the average used by Mean Lilith. This perturbations are caused due to the gravitational pull of the Sun and the change of the orbit center which is the Earth-Moon Barycenter. The move of this apogee point toward all the Zodiac signs takes around 9 years to complete and as we can observe, the True Lilith moves back and forward within two consecutive zodiac signs during a prolonged period. In this erratic motion we can note that the peaks and valleys of this waves usually present a swing trade opportunities, is really impressive to note how a full or half True Lilith wave period correlates with short term local peaks and valleys in the BTCUSD price.
Note: The True Lilith (Black Moon) longitude indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.