
FIBAUS Noodler V6

Named by my daughter, because of its early look like a bowl of noodles,the noodle analysis does a Harmonic and Fibonacci Analysis on price as it moves through time.


1.RESISTANCE AND SUPPORT - Finds Hidden and Fibonacci based R&S Levels, to assist with buying and selling targets.

2.SENTIMENT INDICATOR-A measure of human confidence and fear as it relates to price.

3.BANKERS GOLDEN NOODLE - A very specific institutional (banks, investment firms etc) calculation.

4.COLORED BARS - To show uptrend, uncertainty and downtrend.
Blue - Up-Trend/Breakout -(BUY/LONG)
Orange - Potential Trend reversal
Red - Downtrend (SELL/SHORT)

5.ALL markets anytime timeframe-(stocks, crypto, forex, futures ) application

FOR TRIAL ACCESS - 1. Follow me, 2. Like the script 3. Message me the words “I WANT IN NOW”.

BUY SIGNALS - 1.When Rapid Price Direction line crosses up the Sentiment Indicator

2.When Rapid Price Direction line crosses up the Bankers Golden Noodle

3. Candles Turn From Orange to Blue

SELL SIGNALS - 1.When Rapid Price Direction line crosses down the Sentiment Indicator

2.When Rapid Price Direction line crosses down the Bankers Golden

3. Candles Turn From Orange to RED

PRO Tips: 1. Remove candle borders for better visual of colored candles.

2. Make the Sentiment Line Transparent for less color on the chart
(Step 1:Double click on the script after applied to chart)
(Step 2:Click Inputs at the top of the menu and check the Color box)

3. Two more PRO BUY and SELL Techniques for free private chat members only.

FOR TRIAL ACCESS - 1. Follow me, 2. Like the script 3. Message me the words “I WANT IN NOW”

Happy Trading,


Eat, Sleep, trade
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