Data finansial apa yang tersedia dalam Pine?
Seluruh data finansial yang tersedia didalam Pine didaftar dibawah ini.
Pada kolom pertama dari setiap tabel adalah nama dari setiap metriknya. Daftar di kolom kedua adalah seberapa sering data yang berkoresponden dengannya dipublikasikan: TTM - Trailing Twelve Months, FY - Financial Year, dan FQ - Financial Quarter dan FH - Semi tahunan. Kolom ketiga mendaftarkan pengenal dari data finansialnya.
Untuk mendapatkan nilai metrik keuangan tertentu, Anda perlu menggunakan fungsi, financial_id, titik)
Argumen pertama di sini mirip dengan argumen pertama dari fungsi, dan merupakan nama simbol yang diminta oleh metriknya. Misalnya: ”NASDAQ:AAPL”.
Argumen kedua adalah pengidentifikasi metrik yang diperlukan: nilai dari kolom ketiga tabel.
Argumen ketiga menunjukkan seberapa sering metrik ini dipublikasikan: salah satu nilai dari sel yang sesuai di kolom kedua.
Fungsi mengembalikan nilai data keuangan yang diminta.
Sebagai contoh:
Anda dapat membaca lebih banyak mengenai data-data finansial disini.
Perhatikan bahwa saat anda meminta data keuangan menggunakan fungsi request.dividends() dan request.earnings(), nilai baru dikembalikan pada bar tempat laporan diterbitkan. Dengan menggunakan fungsi keuangan, anda mendapatkan nilai baru pada bar di tempat periode fiskal berikutnya dimulai.
Rasio-rasio berdasarkan harga pasar
Beberapa indikator finansial pada menu Finansial tidak terdapat pada tabel di bawah ini karena dihitung dengan menggunakan metrik finansial dan harga saat ini pada chart. Ini berarti anda tidak dapat meminta nilainya secara langsung, tetapi anda dapat menghitungnya dengan beberapa baris kode Pine.
Kapitalisasi Pasar/Market Capitalization
Kapitalisasi pasar sama dengan harga saham dikalikan dengan jumlah saham yang beredar (FQ).
TSO = financial(syminfo.tickerid, "TOTAL_SHARES_OUTSTANDING", "FQ")
MarketCap = TSO*close
Hasil Perolehan/Earnings Yield
Hasil pendapatan dihitung dengan membagi laba per saham untuk periode 12 bulan terakhir dengan harga pasar saat ini per sahamnya. Mengalikan hasil dengan 100 menghasilkan nilai % Hasil Perolehannya.
EPS = financial(syminfo.tickerid, "EARNINGS_PER_SHARE", "TTM")
EarningsYield = (EPS/close)*100
Rasio Harga Buku/Price Book Ratio
Rasio zx bz,zx ,nmxc xHarga Buku/Price Book Ratio dihitung dengan membagi harga per saham dengan nilai buku per saham.
BVPS = financial(syminfo.tickerid, "BOOK_VALUE_PER_SHARE", "FQ")
PriceBookRatio = close/BVPS
Rasio Harga terhadap Arus Kas
Rasio Harga terhadap Arus Kas dihitung dengan mengalikan harga saat ini dengan saham terdilusi yang beredar dan membagi hasilnya dengan kas dari aktivitas operasi.
PriceToCashFlowRatio = close * DSO / CFOA
Price Earning Ratio
Price Earnings Ratio dihitung dengan membagi harga pasar saat ini per saham dengan laba per saham untuk periode 12 bulan terakhir.
PriceEarningsRatio = close / EPS
Rasio Harga terhadap Arus Kas Bebas/Price to Free Cash Flow Ratio
Rasio Harga terhadap Arus Kas Bebas dihitung dengan membagi harga saat ini dengan arus kas bebas per saham.
PriceToFreeCashFlowRatio = close / FCFPS
Rasio Harga Penjualan/Price Sales Ratio
Rasio Harga Penjualan dihitung dengan membagi kapitalisasi pasar perusahaan dengan total pendapatannya selama dua belas bulan terakhir.
MarketCap = TSO * close
PriseSalesRatio = MarketCap / TR
Rasio Harga terhadap Buku Nyata/Price to Tangible Book Ratio
Rasio Harga terhadap Buku Nyata dihitung dengan membagi harga per saham dengan nilai buku berwujud per saham.
PriceToTangibleBookRatio = close / BTPS
Finansial | Periode yang tersedia | fin_id |
After tax other income/expense | FH, FQ, FY | AFTER_TAX_OTHER_INCOME |
Amortization of deferred charges | FY | AMORTIZATION_OF_DEFERRED_CHARGES |
Amortization of intangibles | FY | AMORTIZATION_OF_INTANGIBLES |
Average basic shares outstanding | FH, FQ, FY | BASIC_SHARES_OUTSTANDING |
Other cost of goods sold | FH, FQ, FY | COST_OF_GOODS_EXCL_DEP_AMORT |
Cost of goods sold | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | COST_OF_GOODS |
Deprecation and amortization | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | DEP_AMORT_EXP_INCOME_S |
Depreciation | FY | DEPRECIATION |
Diluted net income available to common stockholders | FH, FQ, FY | DILUTED_NET_INCOME |
Diluted shares outstanding | FH, FQ, FY | DILUTED_SHARES_OUTSTANDING |
Dilution adjustment | FH, FQ, FY | DILUTION_ADJUSTMENT |
Discontinued operations | FH, FQ, FY | DISCONTINUED_OPERATIONS |
Basic earnings per share (Basic EPS) | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | EARNINGS_PER_SHARE_BASIC |
Diluted earnings per share (Diluted EPS) | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | EARNINGS_PER_SHARE_DILUTED |
Equity in earnings | FH, FQ, FY | EQUITY_IN_EARNINGS |
Gross profit | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | GROSS_PROFIT |
Impairments | FY | IMPAIRMENTS |
Income Tax Credits | FY | INCOME_TAX_CREDITS |
Income tax, current - domestic | FY | INCOME_TAX_CURRENT_DOMESTIC |
Income Tax, current - foreign | FY | INCOME_TAX_CURRENT_FOREIGN |
Income tax, current | FY | INCOME_TAX_CURRENT |
Income tax, deferred - domestic | FY | INCOME_TAX_DEFERRED_DOMESTIC |
Income tax, deferred - foreign | FY | INCOME_TAX_DEFERRED_FOREIGN |
Income tax, deferred | FY | INCOME_TAX_DEFERRED |
Taxes | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | INCOME_TAX |
Interest capitalized | FH, FQ, FY | INTEREST_CAPITALIZED |
Interest expense on debt | FH, FQ, FY | INTEREST_EXPENSE_ON_DEBT |
Legal claim expense | FY | LEGAL_CLAIM_EXPENSE |
Non-controlling/minority interest | FH, FQ, FY | MINORITY_INTEREST_EXP |
Net income before discontinued operations | FH, FQ, FY | NET_INCOME_BEF_DISC_OPER |
Net income | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | NET_INCOME |
Non-operating income, excl. interest expenses | FH, FQ, FY | NON_OPER_INCOME |
Interest expense, net of interest capitalized | FH, FQ, FY | NON_OPER_INTEREST_EXP |
Non-operating interest income | FH, FQ, FY | NON_OPER_INTEREST_INCOME |
Operating income | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | OPER_INCOME |
Operating expenses (excl. COGS) | FH, FQ, FY | OPERATING_EXPENSES |
Other exceptional charges | FY | OTHER_EXCEPTIONAL_CHARGES |
Miscellaneous non-operating expense | FH, FQ, FY | OTHER_INCOME |
Other operating expenses, total | FH, FQ, FY | OTHER_OPER_EXPENSE_TOTAL |
Preferred dividends | FH, FQ, FY | PREFERRED_DIVIDENDS |
Pretax equity in earnings | FH, FQ, FY | PRETAX_EQUITY_IN_EARNINGS |
Pretax income | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | PRETAX_INCOME |
Research & development | FH, FQ, FY | RESEARCH_AND_DEV |
Restructuring charge | FY | RESTRUCTURING_CHARGE |
Selling/general/admin expenses, other | FH, FQ, FY | SELL_GEN_ADMIN_EXP_OTHER |
Selling/general/admin expenses, total | FH, FQ, FY | SELL_GEN_ADMIN_EXP_TOTAL |
Non-operating income, total | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | TOTAL_NON_OPER_INCOME |
Total operating expenses | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | TOTAL_OPER_EXPENSE |
Total revenue | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | TOTAL_REVENUE |
Unrealized gain/loss | FY | UNREALIZED_GAIN_LOSS |
Unusual income/expense | FH, FQ, FY | UNUSUAL_EXPENSE_INC |
Finansial | Periode yang tersedia | fin_id |
Accounts payable | FH, FQ, FY | ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE |
Accounts receivables, gross | FY | ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLES_GROSS |
Accounts receivable - trade, net | FH, FQ, FY | ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLES_NET |
Accrued payroll | FH, FQ, FY | ACCRUED_PAYROLL |
Accumulated depreciation - Buildings | FY | ACCUM_DEPREC_BUILDINGS |
Accumulated depreciation - Computer software and equipment | FY | ACCUM_DEPREC_COMP_SOFT |
Accumulated depreciation - Construction in progress | FY | ACCUM_DEPREC_CONSTRUCTION |
Accumulated depreciation - Land & improvement | FY | ACCUM_DEPREC_LAND |
Accumulated depreciation - Leased property | FY | ACCUM_DEPREC_LEASED_PROP |
Accumulated depreciation - Leases | FY | ACCUM_DEPREC_LEASES |
Accumulated depreciation - Machinery & equipment | FY | ACCUM_DEPREC_MACHINERY |
Accumulated depreciation - Other | FY | ACCUM_DEPREC_OTHER |
Accumulated amortization of other intangibles | FY | ACCUM_DEPREC_OTHER_INTANG |
Accumulated depreciation, total | FH, FQ, FY | ACCUM_DEPREC_TOTAL |
Accumulated depreciation - Transportation equipment | FY | ACCUM_DEPREC_TRANS_EQUIP |
Additional paid-in capital/Capital surplus | FH, FQ, FY | ADDITIONAL_PAID_IN_CAPITAL |
Tangible book value per share | FH, FQ, FY | BOOK_TANGIBLE_PER_SHARE |
Book value per share | FH, FQ, FY | BOOK_VALUE_PER_SHARE |
Capitalized lease obligations | FH, FQ, FY | CAPITAL_LEASE_OBLIGATIONS |
Capital and operating lease obligations | FH, FQ, FY | CAPITAL_OPERATING_LEASE_OBLIGATIONS |
Cash & equivalents | FH, FQ, FY | CASH_N_EQUIVALENTS |
Cash and short term investments | FH, FQ, FY | CASH_N_SHORT_TERM_INVEST |
Common equity, total | FH, FQ, FY | COMMON_EQUITY_TOTAL |
Common stock par/Carrying value | FH, FQ, FY | COMMON_STOCK_PAR |
Current portion of LT debt and capital leases | FH, FQ, FY | CURRENT_PORT_DEBT_CAPITAL_LEASES |
Deferred charges | FH, FQ, FY | DEFERRED_CHARGES |
Deferred income, current | FH, FQ, FY | DEFERRED_INCOME_CURRENT |
Deferred income, non-current | FH, FQ, FY | DEFERRED_INCOME_NON_CURRENT |
Deferred tax assets | FH, FQ, FY | DEFERRED_TAX_ASSESTS |
Deferred tax liabilities | FH, FQ, FY | DEFERRED_TAX_LIABILITIES |
Dividends payable | FY | DIVIDENDS_PAYABLE |
Bad debt / Doubtful accounts | FY | DOUBTFUL_ACCOUNTS |
Accumulated goodwill amortization | FY | GOODWILL_AMORTIZATION |
Goodwill, net | FH, FQ, FY | GOODWILL |
Goodwill, gross | FY | GOODWILL_GROSS |
Income tax payable | FH, FQ, FY | INCOME_TAX_PAYABLE |
Net intangible assets | FH, FQ, FY | INTANGIBLES_NET |
Inventories - finished goods | FH, FQ, FY | INVENTORY_FINISHED_GOODS |
Inventories - progress payments & other | FH, FQ, FY | INVENTORY_PROGRESS_PAYMENTS |
Inventories - raw materials | FH, FQ, FY | INVENTORY_RAW_MATERIALS |
Inventories - work in progress | FH, FQ, FY | INVENTORY_WORK_IN_PROGRESS |
Investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries | FH, FQ, FY | INVESTMENTS_IN_UNCONCSOLIDATE |
Long term debt excl. lease liabilities | FH, FQ, FY | LONG_TERM_DEBT_EXCL_CAPITAL_LEASE |
Long term debt | FH, FQ, FY | LONG_TERM_DEBT |
Long term investments | FH, FQ, FY | LONG_TERM_INVESTMENTS |
Note receivable - long term | FH, FQ, FY | LONG_TERM_NOTE_RECEIVABLE |
Other long term assets, total | FH, FQ, FY | LONG_TERM_OTHER_ASSETS_TOTAL |
Minority interest | FH, FQ, FY | MINORITY_INTEREST |
Net debt | FH, FQ, FY | NET_DEBT |
Operating lease liabilities | FH, FQ, FY | OPERATING_LEASE_LIABILITIES |
Other common equity | FH, FQ, FY | OTHER_COMMON_EQUITY |
Other current assets, total | FH, FQ, FY | OTHER_CURRENT_ASSETS_TOTAL |
Other current liabilities | FH, FQ, FY | OTHER_CURRENT_LIABILITIES |
Other intangibles, gross | FY | OTHER_INTANGIBLES_GROSS |
Other intangibles, net | FH, FQ, FY | OTHER_INTANGIBLES_NET |
Other investments | FH, FQ, FY | OTHER_INVESTMENTS |
Other non-current liabilities, total | FH, FQ, FY | OTHER_LIABILITIES_TOTAL |
Other receivables | FQ, FY | OTHER_RECEIVABLES |
Other short term debt | FY | OTHER_SHORT_TERM_DEBT |
Paid in capital | FH, FQ, FY | PAID_IN_CAPITAL |
Property/plant/equipment - Buildings | FY | PPE_GROSS_BUILDINGS |
Property/plant/equipment - Computer software and equipment | FY | PPE_GROSS_COMP_SOFT |
Property/plant/equipment - Construction in progress | FY | PPE_GROSS_CONSTRUCTION |
Property/plant/equipment - Land & improvement | FY | PPE_GROSS_LAND |
Property/plant/equipment - Leased property | FY | PPE_GROSS_LEASED_PROP |
Property/plant/equipment - Leases | FY | PPE_GROSS_LEASES |
Property/plant/equipment - Machinery & equipment | FY | PPE_GROSS_MACHINERY |
Property/plant/equipment - Other | FY | PPE_GROSS_OTHER |
Property/plant/equipment - Transportation equipment | FY | PPE_GROSS_TRANS_EQUIP |
Gross property/plant/equipment | FH, FQ, FY | PPE_TOTAL_GROSS |
Net property/plant/equipment | FH, FQ, FY | PPE_TOTAL_NET |
Preferred stock, carrying value | FH, FQ, FY | PREFERRED_STOCK_CARRYING_VALUE |
Prepaid expenses | FH, FQ, FY | PREPAID_EXPENSES |
Provision for risks & charge | FH, FQ, FY | PROVISION_F_RISKS |
Retained earnings | FH, FQ, FY | RETAINED_EARNINGS |
Short term debt excl. current portion of LT debt | FH, FQ, FY | SHORT_TERM_DEBT_EXCL_CURRENT_PORT |
Short term debt | FH, FQ, FY | SHORT_TERM_DEBT |
Short term investments | FH, FQ, FY | SHORT_TERM_INVEST |
Shareholders' equity | FH, FQ, FY | SHRHLDRS_EQUITY |
Total assets | FH, FQ, FY | TOTAL_ASSETS |
Total current assets | FH, FQ, FY | TOTAL_CURRENT_ASSETS |
Total current liabilities | FH, FQ, FY | TOTAL_CURRENT_LIABILITIES |
Total debt | FH, FQ, FY | TOTAL_DEBT |
Total equity | FH, FQ, FY | TOTAL_EQUITY |
Total inventory | FH, FQ, FY | TOTAL_INVENTORY |
Total liabilities | FH, FQ, FY | TOTAL_LIABILITIES |
Total liabilities & shareholders' equities | FH, FQ, FY | TOTAL_LIABILITIES_SHRHLDRS_EQUITY |
Total non-current assets | FH, FQ, FY | TOTAL_NON_CURRENT_ASSETS |
Total non-current liabilities | FH, FQ, FY | TOTAL_NON_CURRENT_LIABILITIES |
Total receivables, net | FH, FQ, FY | TOTAL_RECEIVABLES_NET |
Treasury stock - common | FH, FQ, FY | TREASURY_STOCK_COMMON |
Finansial | Periode yang tersedia | fin_id |
Amortization | FH, FQ, FY | AMORTIZATION |
Capital expenditures | FH, FQ, FY | CAPITAL_EXPENDITURES |
Capital expenditures - fixed assets | FH, FQ, FY | CAPITAL_EXPENDITURES_FIXED_ASSETS |
Capital expenditures - other assets | FH, FQ, FY | CAPITAL_EXPENDITURES_OTHER_ASSETS |
Cash from financing activities | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | CASH_F_FINANCING_ACTIVITIES |
Cash from investing activities | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | CASH_F_INVESTING_ACTIVITIES |
Cash from operating activities | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | CASH_F_OPERATING_ACTIVITIES |
Deferred taxes (cash flow) | FH, FQ, FY | CASH_FLOW_DEFERRED_TAXES |
Depreciation & amortization (cash flow) | FH, FQ, FY | CASH_FLOW_DEPRECATION_N_AMORTIZATION |
Change in accounts payable | FH, FQ, FY | CHANGE_IN_ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE |
Change in accounts receivable | FH, FQ, FY | CHANGE_IN_ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLE |
Change in accrued expenses | FH, FQ, FY | CHANGE_IN_ACCRUED_EXPENSES |
Change in inventories | FH, FQ, FY | CHANGE_IN_INVENTORIES |
Change in other assets/liabilities | FH, FQ, FY | CHANGE_IN_OTHER_ASSETS |
Change in taxes payable | FH, FQ, FY | CHANGE_IN_TAXES_PAYABLE |
Changes in working capital | FH, FQ, FY | CHANGES_IN_WORKING_CAPITAL |
Common dividends paid | FH, FQ, FY | COMMON_DIVIDENDS_CASH_FLOW |
Depreciation/depletion | FH, FQ, FY | DEPRECIATION_DEPLETION |
Free cash flow | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | FREE_CASH_FLOW |
Funds from operations | FH, FQ, FY | FUNDS_F_OPERATIONS |
Issuance/retirement of debt, net | FH, FQ, FY | ISSUANCE_OF_DEBT_NET |
Issuance/retirement of long term debt | FH, FQ, FY | ISSUANCE_OF_LONG_TERM_DEBT |
Issuance/retirement of other debt | FH, FQ, FY | ISSUANCE_OF_OTHER_DEBT |
Issuance/retirement of short term debt | FH, FQ, FY | ISSUANCE_OF_SHORT_TERM_DEBT |
Issuance/retirement of stock, net | FH, FQ, FY | ISSUANCE_OF_STOCK_NET |
Net income (cash flow) | FH, FQ, FY | NET_INCOME_STARTING_LINE |
Non-cash items | FH, FQ, FY | NON_CASH_ITEMS |
Other financing cash flow items, total | FH, FQ, FY | OTHER_FINANCING_CASH_FLOW_ITEMS_TOTAL |
Financing activities - other sources | FH, FQ, FY | OTHER_FINANCING_CASH_FLOW_SOURCES |
Financing activities - other uses | FH, FQ, FY | OTHER_FINANCING_CASH_FLOW_USES |
Other investing cash flow items, total | FH, FQ, FY | OTHER_INVESTING_CASH_FLOW_ITEMS_TOTAL |
Investing activities - other sources | FH, FQ, FY | OTHER_INVESTING_CASH_FLOW_SOURCES |
Investing activities - other uses | FH, FQ, FY | OTHER_INVESTING_CASH_FLOW_USES |
Preferred dividends paid | FH, FQ, FY | PREFERRED_DIVIDENDS_CASH_FLOW |
Purchase/acquisition of business | FH, FQ, FY | PURCHASE_OF_BUSINESS |
Purchase of investments | FH, FQ, FY | PURCHASE_OF_INVESTMENTS |
Repurchase of common & preferred stock | FH, FQ, FY | PURCHASE_OF_STOCK |
Purchase/sale of business, net | FH, FQ, FY | PURCHASE_SALE_BUSINESS |
Purchase/sale of investments, net | FH, FQ, FY | PURCHASE_SALE_INVESTMENTS |
Reduction of long term debt | FH, FQ, FY | REDUCTION_OF_LONG_TERM_DEBT |
Sale of common & preferred stock | FH, FQ, FY | SALE_OF_STOCK |
Sale of fixed assets & businesses | FH, FQ, FY | SALES_OF_BUSINESS |
Sale/maturity of investments | FH, FQ, FY | SALES_OF_INVESTMENTS |
Issuance of long term debt | FH, FQ, FY | SUPPLYING_OF_LONG_TERM_DEBT |
Total cash dividends paid | FH, FQ, FY | TOTAL_CASH_DIVIDENDS_PAID |
Finansial | Periode yang tersedia | fin_id |
Accruals | FH, FQ, FY | ACCRUALS_RATIO |
Altman Z-score | FH, FQ, FY | ALTMAN_Z_SCORE |
Asset turnover | FH, FQ, FY | ASSET_TURNOVER |
Beneish M-score | FQ, FY | BENEISH_M_SCORE |
Buyback yield % | FH, FQ, FY | BUYBACK_YIELD |
Cash conversion cycle | FQ, FY | CASH_CONVERSION_CYCLE |
Cash to debt ratio | FH, FQ, FY | CASH_TO_DEBT |
COGS to revenue ratio | FH, FQ, FY | COGS_TO_REVENUE |
Current ratio | FH, FQ, FY | CURRENT_RATIO |
Days sales outstanding | FQ, FY | DAY_SALES_OUT |
Days inventory | FQ, FY | DAYS_INVENT |
Days payable | FQ, FY | DAYS_PAY |
Debt to assets ratio | FH, FQ, FY | DEBT_TO_ASSET |
Debt to EBITDA ratio | FH, FQ, FY | DEBT_TO_EBITDA |
Debt to equity ratio | FH, FQ, FY | DEBT_TO_EQUITY |
Debt to revenue ratio | FH, FQ, FY | DEBT_TO_REVENUE |
Dividend payout ratio % | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | DIVIDEND_PAYOUT_RATIO |
Dividend yield % | FH, FQ, FY | DIVIDENDS_YIELD |
Dividends per share - common stock primary issue | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | DPS_COMMON_STOCK_PRIM_ISSUE |
Effective interest rate on debt % | FH, FQ, FY | EFFECTIVE_INTEREST_RATE_ON_DEBT |
Enterprise value to EBITDA ratio | FH, FQ, FY | ENTERPRISE_VALUE_EBITDA |
Enterprise value | FH, FQ, FY | ENTERPRISE_VALUE |
Equity to assets ratio | FH, FQ, FY | EQUITY_TO_ASSET |
Enterprise value to EBIT ratio | FH, FQ, FY | EV_EBIT |
Enterprise value to revenue ratio | FH, FQ, FY | EV_REVENUE |
Float shares outstanding | FY | FLOAT_SHARES_OUTSTANDING |
Free cash flow margin % | FH, FQ, FY | FREE_CASH_FLOW_MARGIN |
Free cash flow per employee | FY | FREE_CASH_FLOW_PER_EMPLOYEE |
Fulmer H factor | FQ, FY | FULMER_H_FACTOR |
Goodwill to assets ratio | FH, FQ, FY | GOODWILL_TO_ASSET |
Graham's number | FQ, FY | GRAHAM_NUMBERS |
Gross margin % | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | GROSS_MARGIN |
Gross profit to assets ratio | FQ, FY | GROSS_PROFIT_TO_ASSET |
Interest coverage | FH, FQ, FY | INTERST_COVER |
Inventory to revenue ratio | FH, FQ, FY | INVENT_TO_REVENUE |
Inventory turnover | FH, FQ, FY | INVENT_TURNOVER |
KZ index | FY | KZ_INDEX |
Long term debt to total assets ratio | FH, FQ, FY | LONG_TERM_DEBT_TO_ASSETS |
Long term debt to total equity ratio | FH, FQ, FY | LONG_TERM_DEBT_TO_EQUITY |
Net current asset value per share | FQ, FY | NCAVPS_RATIO |
Net debt to EBITDA ratio | FH, FQ, FY | NET_DEBT_TO_EBITDA |
Net income per employee | FY | NET_INCOME_PER_EMPLOYEE |
Net margin % | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | NET_MARGIN |
Number of employees | FY | NUMBER_OF_EMPLOYEES |
Operationg income per employee | FY | OPER_INCOME_PER_EMPLOYEE |
Operating earnings yield % | FH, FQ, FY | OPERATING_EARNINGS_YIELD |
Operating margin % | FH, FQ, FY | OPERATING_MARGIN |
Piotroski F-score | FH, FQ, FY | PIOTROSKI_F_SCORE |
Price earnings ratio forward | FQ, FY | PRICE_EARNINGS_FORWARD |
Price sales ratio forward | FQ, FY | PRICE_SALES_FORWARD |
Quality ratio | FH, FQ, FY | QUALITY_RATIO |
Quick ratio | FH, FQ, FY | QUICK_RATIO |
Research & development per employee | FY | RESEARCH_AND_DEV_PER_EMPLOYEE |
Research & development to revenue ratio % | FH, FQ, FY | RESEARCH_AND_DEVELOP_TO_REVENUE |
Return on assets % | FH, FQ, FY | RETURN_ON_ASSETS |
Return on common equity % | FH, FQ, FY | RETURN_ON_COMMON_EQUITY |
Return on equity adjusted to book value % | FH, FQ, FY | RETURN_ON_EQUITY_ADJUST_TO_BOOK |
Return on equity % | FH, FQ, FY | RETURN_ON_EQUITY |
Return on invested capital % | FH, FQ, FY | RETURN_ON_INVESTED_CAPITAL |
Return on tangible assets % | FH, FQ, FY | RETURN_ON_TANG_ASSETS |
Return on tangible equity % | FH, FQ, FY | RETURN_ON_TANG_EQUITY |
Revenue one year growth % | FH, FQ, FY, TTM | REVENUE_ONE_YEAR_GROWTH |
Revenue per employee | FY | REVENUE_PER_EMPLOYEE |
Revenue estimates | FH, FQ, FY | SALES_ESTIMATES |
Shares buyback ratio % | FH, FQ, FY | SHARE_BUYBACK_RATIO |
Sloan ratio % | FH, FQ, FY | SLOAN_RATIO |
Springate score | FQ, FY | SPRINGATE_SCORE |
Sustainable growth rate | FQ, FY | SUSTAINABLE_GROWTH_RATE |
Tangible common equity ratio | FH, FQ, FY | TANGIBLE_COMMON_EQUITY_RATIO |
Tobin's Q (approximate) | FH, FQ, FY | TOBIN_Q_RATIO |
Total assets per employee | FY | TOTAL_ASSETS_PER_EMPLOYEE |
Total debt per employee | FY | TOTAL_DEBT_PER_EMPLOYEE |
Total common shares outstanding | FH, FQ, FY | TOTAL_SHARES_OUTSTANDING |
Zmijewski score | FQ, FY | ZMIJEWSKI_SCORE |
STATISTIk - ETF-specifik
Finansial | Periode yang terseduiAvailable periods | fin_id |
Net Asset Value | D | NAV |
Net Asset Value All | D | NAV_ALL |
Fund Flows | D | FUND_FLOWS |
Assets under Management | D | AUM |