Turn up your US tech exposure with these babies. Everything from the way we work to the way we meet people and pay for items has gone digital. From blue chip tech stocks like Netflix serving consumers with home-based entertainment, to game-changers like Amazon, right through to the whole software-as-service industry, here's a list of interesting tech businesses to get you started.
This list is curated based on the most influential consumer-facing tech stocks in the US that boast market capitalizations of between 50bn and 100bn. So this list doesn't include tech stocks that are mainly based around hardware and semiconductors.
Our selection does not constitute trading advice, and we recommend you do your own research into any investment before placing a trade.
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Apakah kita sedang menuju masa depan yang cerah dan bersinar, atau kegagalan dalam kehidupan sosial yang berimbas besar? Bagaimanapun juga, teknologi besar akan tetap terlibat.