Indicators: Volume-Weighted MACD Histogram & Sentiment Zone OscVolume-Weighted MACD Histogram
Volume-Weighted MACD Histogram, first discussed by Buff Dormeier, is a modified version of MACD study. It calculates volume-averaged Close price for finding the histogram.
More info:
Sentiment Zone Oscillator
Sentiment Zone Oscillator, developed by Walid Khalil, is a complementing oscillator to VZO and PZO.
To quote Walid:
>> The sentiment zone oscillator (SZO) is a leading contrary oscillator that measures the extreme emotions of a single market or share.
>> It measures and defines both extremes, bullishness (overoptimism) and bearishness (overpessimism), that could lead to a change
>> in sentiment, eventually changing the trend of the time frame under study. The SZO was devised on the belief that after several waves
>> of rising prices, investors begin to get bullish on the stock with increasing confidence since the price has been rising for some time.
>> The SZO measures that bullishness/bearishness and marks overbought/oversold levels.
SZO has its own oversold/overbought bands. Also, when SZO goes above 7, it indicates extreme optimism. When the SZO goes below -7, it indicates extreme pessimism.
More info:
How to import / use custom indicators from this chart?
Indicators: Volume Zone Indicator & Price Zone IndicatorVolume Zone Indicator (VZO) and Price Zone Indicator (PZO) are by Waleed Aly Khalil.
Volume Zone Indicator (VZO)
VZO is a leading volume oscillator that evaluates volume in relation to the direction of the net price change on each bar.
A value of 40 or above shows bullish accumulation. Low values (< 40) are bearish. Near zero or between +/- 20, the market is either in consolidation or near a break out. When VZO is near +/- 60, an end to the bull/bear run should be expected soon. If that run has been opposite to the long term price trend direction, then a reversal often will occur.
Traditional way of looking at this also works:
* +/- 40 levels are overbought / oversold
* +/- 60 levels are extreme overbought / oversold
More info:
Price Zone Indicator (PZO)
PZO is interpreted the same way as VZO (same formula with "close" substituted for "volume").
Chart Markings
In the chart above,
* The red circles indicate a run-end (or reversal) zones (VZO +/- 60).
* Blue rectangle shows the consolidation zone (VZO betwen +/- 20)
I have been trying out VZO only for a week now, but I think this has lot of potential. Give it a try, let me know what you think.
Indicators: Better Volume Indicator & InstrumentVolumeBetter Volume Indicator
This is a direct port of a famous indicator from Tradestation platform.
BVI improves on your typical volume histogram by coloring the bars based on 5 criteria:
* Volume Climax Up – high volume, high range, up bars (red)
* Volume Climax Down – high volume, high range, down bars (white)
* High Volume Churn – high volume, low range bars (green, barcolor= blue)
* Low Volume – low volume bars (yellow)
* Volume Climax plus High Volume Churn – both the above conditions (magenta)
When there are no volume signals the default histogram bar coloring is cyan.
Bars can also be colored to match volume color. Enable "Change BarColors?" in the options page.
Volume Climax Up bars are typically seen at:
* The start of up trends
* The end of up trends, and
* Pullbacks during down trends.
Volume Climax Down bars are typically seen at:
* The start of down trends
* The end of down trends, and
* Pullbacks during up trends.
High Volume Churn bars are typically seen at:
* The end of up trends
* The end of down trends, and
* Profit taking mid-trend.
Low Volume bars are typically seen at:
* The end of up trends
* The end of down trends, and
* Pullbacks mid-trend.
More info:
Instrument Volume
This is a simple script that allows you to plot volume for any instrument.
Very handy when you want to compare volumes. Just add multiple instances and select the symbol you want via Options page.
This script also gets close/open for the selected symbol. If you are itching to get started on Pinescripting (scripting language used at TV), I suggest trying out the following, using this script as the template:
- Show RSI for any instrument
(hint: "close" for the selected symbol is already in script. Do a "plot(rsi(c, 14))")
- MACD / CCI / ....
- Plot the difference (not correlation). This may be of interest in some instruments.
For ex. BTC in BTCE exchange mostly lags BITSTAMP.
Hope this piques your interest in Pine. Feel free to post in the Pinescript room if you have any queries.
Indicator: Volume Price Confirmation Indicator (VPCI)Developed by Buff Dormeier, VPCI won 2007 Charles H Dow award by the MTA. VPCI plots the relationship between price trend and the volume, as either being in a state of confirmation or contradiction.
Excerpt from article below:
"Fundamentally, the VPCI reveals the proportional imbalances between price trends and volume-adjusted price
trends. An uptrend with increasing volume is a market characterized by greed supported by the fuel needed to
grow. An uptrend without volume is complacent and reveals greed deprived of the fuel needed to sustain itself.
Investors without the influx of other investors (volume) will eventually lose interest and the uptrend should
eventually breakdown.
A falling price trend reveals a market driven by fear. A falling price trend without volume reveals apathy, fear
without increasing energy. Unlike greed, fear is self-sustaining, and may endure for long time periods without
increasing fuel or energy. Adding energy to fear can be likened to adding fuel to a fire and is generally bearish
until the VPCI reverses. In such cases, weak-minded investor's, overcome by fear, are becoming irrationally
fearful until the selling climax reaches a state of maximum homogeneity. At this point, ownership held by weak
investor’s has been purged, producing a type of heat death capitulation. These occurrences may be visualized by
the VPCI falling below the lower standard deviation of a Bollinger Band of the VPCI, and then rising above the
lower band, and forming a 'V' bottom. "
Full article:
Nearly all parameters are configurable and exposed via "Options" page (enable/disable BB, enable/disable breach-markings, enable/disable MA, ...).Also check the source for enabling "histogram" (difference between VPCI and MA of VPCI).
Do note that the shortTerm/longTerm lengths need tuning for your instrument. The default 5/20 is not optimal, in my quick check.
Indicator: Market Facilitation Index [MFIndex]
***** NOTE: You may see all GREEN circles (it is due to a recent TV update). To work around this issue, change the "Circles" to "Cross" via Format -> Style *****
Market Facilitation Index, by Bill Williams, plots the effectiveness of price movement by computing the price movement per volume unit.
4 possible combinations of MFIndex and Volume are:
Green :
MFIndex increases and the volume increases. This means that the amount of participants entering the market increases, therefore the volume increases and the fresh incoming players align their positions in the direction of candlestick growth.
Fade :
MFIndex falls and volume falls. It means that the market participants are indifferent and the price movement is small on small volumes. This usually happens at the end of a trend.
Fake :
MFIndex increases, but the volume falls. It is highly likely that the market is being supported by broker speculation and not any significant client volume.
Squat :
MFIndex falls, but the volume increases. In this particular situation bulls and bears are fighting between themselves to see who will dominate the next trend. These battles are noticeable by the large sell and buy volumes. However, the price does not change appreciably since the strengths are equal. One of the competing parties either the buyers or the sellers will ultimately triumph in the battle. Usually, the fracture of such a candle indicates if this particular candle determines the continuation of the trend, or terminates the trend.
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