Liquidity Voids (FVG) [LuxAlgo]The Liquidity Voids (FVG) indicator is designed to detect liquidity voids/imbalances derived from the fair value gaps and highlight the distribution of the liquidity voids at specific price levels.
Fair value gaps and liquidity voids are both indicators of sell-side and buy-side imbalance in trading. The only difference is how they are represented in the trading chart. Liquidity voids occur when the price moves sharply in one direction forming long-range candles that have little trading activity, whilst a fair value is a gap in price.
Liquidity can help you to determine where the price is likely to head next. In conjunction with higher timeframe market structure, and supply and demand, liquidity can give you insights into potential price movement. It's essential to practice using liquidity alongside trend analysis and supply and demand to read market conditions effectively.
The peculiar thing about liquidity voids is that they almost always fill up. And by “filling”, we mean the price returns to the origin of the gap. The reason for this is that during the gap, an imbalance is created in the asset that has to be made up for. The erasure of this gap is what we call the filling of the void. And while some voids waste no time in filling, some others take multiple periods before they get filled.
The script takes into account user-defined parameters and detects the liquidity voids based on them, where detailed usage for each user-defined input parameter in indicator settings is provided with the related input's tooltip.
🔹 Liquidity Detection
Liquidity Voids Threshold: Act as a filter while detecting the Liquidity Voids. When set to 0 basically means no filtering is applied, increasing the value causes the script to check the width of the void compared to a fixed-length ATR value
Bullish: Color customization option for Bullish Liquidity Voids
Bearish: Color customization option for Bearish Liquidity Voids
Labels: Toggles the visibility of the Liquidity Void label
Filled Liquidity Voids: Toggles the visibility of the Filled Liquidity Voids
🔹 Display Options
Mode: Controls the lookback length of detection and visualization
# Bars: Lookback length customization, in case Mode is set to Present
FVGs & CEs + Alerts: simple & efficient methodFair Value Gap indicator: Paints FVGs and their midlines (CEs). Stops painting when CE is hit, or when fully filled; user choice of threshold. This threshold is also used in the Alert conditions.
~~Plotted here on ES1! (CME), on the 15m timeframe~~
-A FVG represents a 'naked' body where the wicks/tails on either side do not meet. This can be seen as a type of 'gap', which price will have a tendency to want to re-fill (in part or in full).
-The midline (CE, or 'Consequent encroachment') of FVGs also tend to show price sensitivity.
-This indicator paints all FVGs until priced into, and should give an idea of which are more meaningful and which are best ignored (based on context: location, Time of day, market structure, etc).
-This is a simpler and more efficient method of painting Fair value gaps which auto-stop painting when price reaches them.
//Aims of Publishing:
-Education of ICT concepts of Fair Value Gaps and their midlines (CEs): To easily see via forward testing or backtesting, the sensitivity that price shows to these areas & levels.
-Demonstration of a much more efficient way of plotting FVGs which terminate at price, thanks to a modification of @Bjorgums's clever looping method referenced below.
-Toggle on/off upward and downward FVGs independently(blue and orange by default).
-Toggle on/off midline (CE).
-Standard color/line formatting options.
-Choose Threshold: CE of FVG or Full Fill of FVG: This will determine both the 'stop-painting' trigger and the 'Alert' trigger.
-Choose number of days lookback to control how many historical FVGs paint on chart.
//On alerts:
-Simple choice of 2 alerts:
~~One for price crossing into/above the nearest untouched 'premium' FVG above ( orange ). Trigger is user choice of CE or full fill.
~~Another for price crossing into/below the nearest untouched 'discount' FVG below (blue). Trigger is user choice of CE or full fill.
-Alerts set via the three dots in indicator status line.
//Cautionary notes:
-Do not use the alerts blindly to find trades. Wait until you have identified a good FVG above/below which you think price may show sensitivity to
-Usage on very low timeframes can cause unexpected results with alerts: due to new FVGs forming in realtime the Alert will always trigger at the most recent FVG above/ below having its threshold hit.
-Big thank you to @Bjorgum for his fantastic extendAndRemove method. Modified here for use with boxes and to integrate Alerts.
-Also Credit to ICT (inner circle trader) for the concepts used here: Fair value gaps and their Consequent Encroachment (CE).