AllTimeHighLowLibrary "AllTimeHighLow"
Provides functions calculating the all-time high/low of values.
Calculates the all-time high of a series.
val (float) : Series to use (`high` is used if no argument is supplied).
Returns: The all-time high for the series.
Calculates the all-time low of a series.
val (float) : Series to use (`low` is used if no argument is supplied).
Returns: The all-time low for the series.
Indikator dan strategi
VPQuantLibLibrary "VPQuantLib"
Misc of math, position size and consolidation detection functions that can be used accross various scripts.
isPercentAboveReference(current, percent, reference, or_equal)
Checks if the current value is bigger (or equal) with the provided percent value to the reference
current (float) : - what to check against the reference
percent (float) : - what is the percent to check for difference
reference (float) : - what to compare against
or_equal (bool) : - enables checking for bigger or equal
Returns: true if the current is percent bigger (or equal) to the reference
isPercentBelowReference(current, percent, reference, or_equal)
Checks if the current value is smaller (or equal) with the provided percent value to the reference
current (float) : - what to check against the reference
percent (float) : - what is the percent to check for difference
reference (float) : - what to compare against
or_equal (bool) : - enables checking for smaller or equal
Returns: true if the current is percent smaller (or equal) to the reference
isInRange(current, reference, min_percent, max_percent, below)
Checks if the current value is greater/smaller than the reference value within the provided percent range
current (float) : - what to check for being in range against the refenence
reference (float) : - what to compare against
min_percent (float) : - the min percent range border
max_percent (float) : - the max percent range border
below (bool) : - check if below or above the reference
@return true if the current is bigger/smaller than the reference withing the percent range provided
GetRiskBasedPositionSize(account_balance, equity_risk_perc, max_loss_per_share)
Calculates and returns the positins size based on risk of the equity
account_balance (float) : - total account balance
equity_risk_perc (int) : - percent of equity to risk in the trade
max_loss_per_share (float) : - maximum loss per share (in currency, not in %) that we're willing to loose (calc based on the entry_price-stop_loss_price)
@return number of shares to buy
CheckInRangeConsolidation(consolidation_period, allowed_consolidation_range, ref_high, ref_low, prev_bar_consolidaton, draw_consolidation_lines)
Checks if the current bar is in a consolidation range
consolidation_period (int) : - the number of bars to consider for consolidation range calculation
allowed_consolidation_range (int) : - the percentage range allowed for the current consolidation range to be considered valid
ref_high (float) : - the reference high value to use for consolidation range calculation
ref_low (float) : - the reference low value to use for consolidation range calculation
prev_bar_consolidaton (bool)
draw_consolidation_lines (bool) : - a boolean indicating if consolidation range lines should be drawn on the chart
@return a tuple of three values:
1. _curr_consolidation - a boolean indicating if the current bar is in consolidation range
2. _curr_consolidation_low - the current consolidation low value
3. _curr_consolidation_high - the current consolidation high value
FindBasicConsolidation(loopback_period, consolidation_length, ref_high, ref_low, draw_consolidation_lines)
Finds a basic consolidation areas, looking back 1000 bars to find the pivot of the trend and checks if the current bar is in consolidation area counting the
number of bars that have not broken the consolidation high/low levels
loopback_period (int) : - the number of bars to look back to determine the high/low watermark
consolidation_length (int) : - minimum number of bars required to establish a consolidation period
ref_high (float) : - user input for high (can be based on the bar or wicks)
ref_low (float) : - user input for high (can be based on the bar or wicks)
draw_consolidation_lines (bool) : - enable/disable drawing of the consolidation lines
Returns: _pivot_point - pivot point
TrendPivotsLibrary "TrendPivots"
This library provides functions to search for bullish and bearish divergences between pivots and indicators. Functions search for higher highs and lower lows, automating lines, labels and signals for technical analysis and strategies.
method maxBeforeLast(id)
Method function to get the maximum price before the last, stored in an array pivotPoint.
Namespace types: pivotPoint
id (pivotPoint ) : (array pivotPoint) The pivotPoint array to inspect.
Returns: pivotPoint
method minBeforeLast(id)
Method function to get the minimum price before the last, stored in an array pivotPoint.
Namespace types: pivotPoint
id (pivotPoint ) : (array pivotPoint) The pivotPoint array to inspect.
Returns: pivotPoint
method pivotLine(id, a, b, color)
Sets the coordinates of a given line using two pivotPoint variables.
Namespace types: series line
id (line) : (line) Existing line
a (pivotPoint) : (pivotPoint) First pivotPoint.
b (pivotPoint) : (pivotPoint) Second pivotPoint.
color (color) : (color) The desired color. Default is red.
Returns: void
Look for bearish divergence in a pivotPoint array cointaining pivot highs.
pivotArray (pivotPoint ) : (array pivotPoint) The pivotPoint array to inspect.
Returns: bool True if bearish divergence was found.
Look for bullish divergence in a pivotPoint array cointaining pivot lows.
pivotArray (pivotPoint ) : (array pivotPoint) The pivotPoint array to inspect.
Returns: bool True if bullish divergence was found.
uptrendPivot(leftBars, rightBars, indicator, reset, plotLabel, plotLine)
Detects higher highs, higher lows and bearish divergence in an uptrend. Creates a line when bearish divergence is found, and labels.
leftBars (int) : (int)
rightBars (int) : (int)
indicator (float) : (float) RSI, MACD or other value.
reset (bool) : (bool) A bool variable to reinitiates the pivot computation, such as time changes, crossovers, or another.
plotLabel (bool) : (bool) If true (default), plots labels to higher highs and for each pivot low. Default = true.
plotLine (bool) : (bool) If true (default), plots a line linking the lower lows with divergence. Default = true.
downtrendPivot(leftBars, rightBars, indicator, reset, plotLabel, plotLine)
Detects lower lows, lower highs, and bullish divergence in a downtrend. Creates a line when bullish divergence is found, and labels.
leftBars (int) : (int)
rightBars (int) : (int)
indicator (float) : (float) RSI, MACD or other value.
reset (bool) : (bool) A bool variable to reinitiates the pivot computation, such as time changes, crossovers, or another.
plotLabel (bool) : (bool) If true (default), plots labels to lower lows, and for each pivot low.
plotLine (bool) : (bool) If true (default), plots a line linking the lower lows with divergence. Default = true.
The coordinates of a pivot point and corresponding indicator value.
x (series int) : (int) Time.
y (series float) : (float) Price.
indicator (series float) : (float) Indicator value.
commonThe "Pineify/common" library presents a specialized toolkit crafted to empower traders and script developers with state-of-the-art time manipulation functions on the TradingView platform. It is instead a foundational utility aimed at enriching your script's ability to process and interpret time-based data with unparalleled precision.
Key Features
String Splitter:
The 'str_split_into_two' function is a universal string handler that separates any given input into two distinct strings based on a specified delimiter. This function is especially useful in parsing time strings or any scenario where a string needs to be divided into logical parts efficiently.
= str_split_into_two("a:b", ":")
// a = "a"
// b = "b"
Time Parser:
With 'time_to_hour_minute', users can effortlessly convert a time string into numerical hours and minutes. This function is pivotal for those who need to exact specific time series data or wish to schedule their trades down to the minute.
= time_to_hour_minute("02:30")
// time_hour = 2
// time_minute = 30
Unix Time Converter
The 'time_range_to_unix_time' function transcends traditional boundaries by converting a given time range into Unix timestamp format. This integration of date, time, and timezone, accounts for a comprehensive approach, allowing scripts to make timed decisions, perform historical analyses, and account for international markets across different time zones.
// Support 'hhmm-hhmm' and 'hh:mm-hh:mm'
= time_range_to_unix_time("09:30-12:00")
Each function is meticulously designed to minimize complexity and maximize versatility. Whether you are a programmer seeking to streamline your code, or a trader requiring precise timing for your strategies, our library provides the logical framework that aligns with your needs.
The "Pineify/common" library is the bridge between high-level time concepts and actionable trading insights. It serves a multitude of purposes – from crafting elegant time-based triggers to dissecting complex string data. Embrace the power of precision with "Pineify/common" and elevate your TradingView scripting experience to new heights.
DiscordWebhooksLibrary🚀 Introduction
Welcome to the TradingView PineScript Library for Discord Webhook Integration! This library is designed for traders and developers who use TradingView for technical analysis and want to integrate their trading strategies with Discord notifications.
Key Features:
* Embed Creation: Easily create rich and informative embeds for your Discord messages, allowing you to send detailed trading alerts and summaries.
* Flexible Webhook Formatting: Customize your Discord messages with options for usernames, avatars, and text content, providing a personalized touch to your notifications.
* Simple Integration: Designed with simplicity in mind, this library can be integrated into your existing Pine Script trading strategies without extensive coding knowledge.
* Real-time Alerts: Utilize TradingView's alert system to send real-time trade signals and market updates to your Discord server.
This library is compatible with TradingView's Pine Script version 5.
🍃 Code Snippets and Usage Examples
The following examples demonstrate how to use the Discord Webhook Integration Library in your TradingView Pine Scripts. These snippets cover various scenarios, showcasing the flexibility and utility of the library.
Example 1: Simple Alert with Markdown in Embed Description
embedDesc = "This is a **bold** and _italic_ alert message with a (replace_with_your_link)"
embedJson = createEmbedJSON("Simple Alert", embedDesc, 12345)
content = discordWebhookJSON("Alert from Captain Hook", "Captain Hook", na, embedJson)
Example 2: Multiple Embeds with Different Markdown Styles
embedDesc1 = "First alert with **bold** text"
embedDesc2 = "Second alert with _italic_ text"
embedDesc3 = "Third alert with ~~strikethrough~~"
embedJson1 = createEmbedJSON("Alert 1", embedDesc1, 654321)
embedJson2 = createEmbedJSON("Alert 2", embedDesc2, 123456)
embedJson3 = createEmbedJSON("Alert 3", embedDesc3, 111111)
embeds = embedJson1 + "," + embedJson2 + "," + embedJson3
content = discordWebhookJSON("Multiple Alerts", "Captain Hook", na, embeds)
Example 3: Complex Alert with Full Markdown Usage in Embed
embedDesc = "Alert: **Price Breakout!** " +
"*Symbol*: " + syminfo.ticker + " " +
"*Price*: $" + str.tostring(close) + " " +
" (replace_with_your_link)"
embedJson = createEmbedJSON("Complex Alert", embedDesc, 16711680) // Red color
content = discordWebhookJSON("Complex Alert", "Captain Hook", na, embedJson)
Example 4: Advanced Technical Analysis Alert
rsiValue = ta.rsi(close, 14)
= ta.macd(close, 12, 26, 9)
taMessage = "RSI: " + str.tostring(rsiValue) + " MACD: " + str.tostring(macdLine)
embedJson = createEmbedJSON("Technical Analysis Update", taMessage, 255) // Blue color
content = discordWebhookJSON("TA Alert", "Captain Hook", na, embedJson)
Example 5: Market Summary with Multiple Fields
counterTrend = "Your counter trend criterias"
counterTrendEmbed = createEmbedJSON(title = "Counter Trend", description = counterTrend, color = 15258703)
redFlags = "Your red flag criterias"
redFlagsEmbed = createEmbedJSON(title = "Red Flags", description = redFlags, color = 15229263)
embeds = counterTrendEmbed + "," + redFlagsEmbed
content = discordWebhookJSON(contentText = "Example of how a market analysis could look like", username = "Captain Hook", embeds = embeds)
🚨 Error Handling
Use Escape Characters Correctly: In message strings, remember to use for new lines instead of . This ensures that the newline character is correctly interpreted in the JSON format.
It can be helpful to plot the json on the last candle
if barstate.islast, high, text=debugMessage,, textcolor=color.white, yloc=yloc.abovebar)
🔥 FAQs
Q1: Can I send alerts for multiple conditions?
A: Yes, you can configure multiple conditions in your script. Use separate if statements for each condition and call the discordWebhookJSON function with the relevant message for each alert.
Q2: Why is my alert not triggering?
A: Ensure your alert conditions are correct and that you've properly set up the webhook in both your script and TradingView's alert configuration. Also, check for any syntax errors in your script.
Q3: How many alerts can I send to Discord?
A: While TradingView doesn't limit the number of alerts, Discord has rate limits for webhooks. Be mindful of these limits to avoid your webhook being temporarily blocked.
Q4: Can I customize the appearance of my Discord messages?
A: Yes, the createEmbedJSON function allows you to customize your messages with titles, descriptions, colors, and more. Experiment with different parameters to achieve the desired appearance.
Q5: Is it possible to include real-time data in alerts?
A: Yes, your script can include real-time price data, indicator values, or any other real-time data available in Pine Script.
Q6: How can I contribute to the library or suggest improvements?
A: You can provide feedback, suggest improvements, or contribute to the library's development through the community channels or contact points provided in the "Support and Community" section.
discordWebhookJSON(contentText, username, avatar_url, embeds)
Constructs a JSON string for a Discord webhook message. This string includes optional fields for content, username, avatar URL, and embeds.
contentText (string) : (string, optional): The main text content of the webhook message. Default is 'na'.
username (string) : (string, optional): Overrides the default username of the webhook. Default is 'na'.
avatar_url (string) : (string, optional): Overrides the default avatar URL of the webhook. Default is 'na'.
embeds (string) : (string, optional): A string containing one or more embed JSON objects. This should be formatted correctly as a JSON array. Default is 'na'.
createEmbedJSON(title, description, color, authorName, authorUrl, authorIconUrl, fields)
Creates a JSON string for a single embed object for a Discord webhook.
title (string) : (string, optional): The title of the embed. Default is 'na' (not applicable).
description (string) : (string, optional): The description text of the embed. Supports basic formatting. Default is 'na'.
color (int) : (int, optional): The color code of the embed, typically in decimal format. Default is 'na'.
authorName (string) : (string, optional): The name of the author to display in the embed. Default is 'na'.
authorUrl (string) : (string, optional): The URL linked to the author's name. Default is 'na'.
authorIconUrl (string) : (string, optional): The URL of the icon to display next to the author's name. Default is 'na'.
fields (string) : (string, optional): A string containing one or more field JSON objects. This should be formatted correctly as a JSON array. Default is 'na'. Note: Use the 'createEmbedFieldJSON' function to generate these JSON field strings before adding them to the array.
createEmbedFieldJSON(name, value, inline)
Creates a JSON string representing a single field object within an embed for a Discord webhook message.
name (string) : (string): The name of the field, acting as a title for the field content.
value (string) : (string): The value of the field, containing the actual text or information you want to display within the field.
inline (bool) : (bool, optional): A boolean flag indicating whether the field should be displayed inline with other fields. If set to true, the field will be displayed on the same line as the next field
❤️ Please, support the work with like & comment! ❤️
Mad_FibonacciboxLibrary "Mad_Fibonaccibox"
This library is designed to create and manage multiple Fibonacci boxes, which are graphical representations based on the inputs.
f_fib_calc(_Fibonacci_box, _itemnumber)
fibonacci calc.
@description This function block uses the levels and paramters set into the type_fibonacci_box(levels) and fills the corresponding array of prices.
_Fibonacci_box (type_Fibonacci_box )
_itemnumber (int)
Returns: returns a type_Fibonacci_box with the filled data
f_fib_draw(_Fibonacci_box, _itemnumber)
fibonacci draw.
@description This function block uses the levels, prices and paramters set into the type_fibonacci_box(levels) and draws the fib on the chart
_Fibonacci_box (type_Fibonacci_box )
_itemnumber (int)
Returns: returns lines labels and fills on the chart, no data returns
s for defining a lines and texts of a fibonacci box
level (series float)
price (series float)
drawline (series bool)
linewidth (series int)
linetype (series string)
fiblinecolor (series color)
drawlabel (series string)
labeltext (series string)
textshift (series int)
fibtextcolor (series color)
fibtextsize (series string)
transp (series int)
s for defining the fills of a fibonaccibox
partner_A (series int)
partner_B (series int)
fill_color (series color)
transp (series int)
s for defining a fibonacci box
bottom_price (series float)
top_price (series float)
StartBar (series int)
StopBar (series int)
levels (type_level )
fills (type_fill )
ChartisLog (series bool)
fibreverse (series bool)
fibdrawreverse (series bool)
decimals_price (series int)
decimals_percent (series int)
drawlines (series bool)
drawlabels (series bool)
drawfills (series bool)
draw_biginfo (series bool)
biginfo_textshift (series int)
rangeinfo_location (series int)
rangeinfo_color (series color)
rangeinfo_textsize (series string)
line_array (line )
linefill_array (linefill )
label_array (label )
High Risk Trading TimeLibrary "HighRiskTradingTime"
Utilities for time range labeling
timeMinInDay(t, timezone)
Convert given time to minutes of day
t (int) : Time
timezone (string) : Timezone of the input h:m
@return Minutes of day
All exported functions args should be typified
timeMinInDayManual(h, m)
Convert given hour and minute to minutes of day
h (int) : Hour in a day
m (int) : Minute in a day
Return if current time is High Risk for Forex
TimeFormattingLibraryLibrary "TimeFormattingLibrary"
Time formatting functions: formating functions to make timestrings more human readable friendly (for both fixed time and time-elapsed).
Also functions for last and first instance in month of day of week input.
Also a function for identifying bank holiday Mondays.
timeFormatFxn(showDayOfWeek, showDayOfMonth, showMonth, showYear, showHrMin, _time, _timezone)
converts time into readable format
showDayOfWeek (bool) : if you want to show day of week (i.e. Mon, Tues etc)
showDayOfMonth (bool) : if you want to show day number of month with superscript ordinals (i.e. 1ˢᵗ, 2ⁿᵈ, etc)
showMonth (bool) : if you want to show the month (i.e. Jan, Feb, etc)
showYear (bool) : if you want to show the year (i.e. 2023)
showHrMin (bool) : if you want to show time in 24hr clock format
_time (int) : is the unix time (i.e. time or time_close)
_timezone (string) : the user timezone input as string (e.g. "America/New_York", "UTC-5", "GMT+0530")
Returns: time date string
converts timespan into readable format
timespan (int) : is the length of time in milliseconds to be converted into a human readable string
Returns: timespan string (whether it be a for showing 'time-elapsed' or for showing a 'countdown timer')
gives bool result for when first occurence in month of the day-of-week input
_dayofweek (int) : (can be integer 1-7 or can be dayofweek variable; i.e. dayofweek.wednesday)
gives bool result for when last occurence in month of the day-of-week input
_dayofweek (int) : (can be integer 1-7 or can be dayofweek variable; i.e. dayofweek.wednesday)
gives bool result for if yesterday was a bank holiday monday. Only for use with with function, see example code below
WeightedSumIndexLibrary "WeightedSumIndex"
WeightedSumIndex: Helper class to build indices.
Index value is a normalized weighted sum of all its input signals.
The value is from 0 to 100
TODO: add function description here
x (float) : TODO: add parameter x description here
Returns: TODO: add what function returns
Initialize an Index
Returns: A new instance of Index object with no signals
method add(idx, signal)
Adds the specified signal to the index
Namespace types: Index
idx (Index) : The Index object
signal (Signal) : Signal object
method calc(idx)
Caclulates the Index value
Namespace types: Index
idx (Index) : The Index object
Returns: Normalized weighted sum of all signals with on=true
method update(idx)
Calculates the Index value by calling idx.calc() and stores its value in the Index object.
Namespace types: Index
idx (Index) : The Index object
Parameters of input signal
on (series bool) : Switch the signal on/off
weight (series float)
value (series float) : Value of the signal: should be between min and max
min (series float)
max (series float)
The Index type with its properties and stored values
signals (Signal )
value (series float) : Value of the index, must be calculated using calc() method
GuageLibrary "Gauge"
The gauge library utilizes a gaugeParams object, encapsulating crucial parameters for gauge creation. Essential attributes include num (the measured value) , min (the minimum value equating to 100% on the gauge's minimum scale) , and max (the maximum value equating to 100% on the gauge's maximum scale) . The size attribute (defaulting to 10) splits the scale into increments, each representing 100% divided by the specified size.
The num value dynamically shifts within the gauge based on its percentage move from the mathematical average between min and max . When num is below the average, the minimum portion of the scale activates, displaying the appropriate percentage based on the distance from the average to the minimum. The same principle applies when num exceeds the average. The 100% scale is reached at either end when num equals min or max .
The library offers full customization, allowing users to configure color schemes, labels, and titles. The gauge can be displayed either vertically (default) or horizontally. The colors employ a gradient, adapting based on the number's movement. Overall, the gauge library provides a flexible and comprehensive tool for visualizing and interpreting numerical values within a specified range.
MarketHolidaysLibrary "MarketHolidays"
The MarketHolidays library compiles market holidays (including historical special market closures) into arrays, which can then be utilized in TradingView indicators and strategies to account for non-trading days. The datasets were split into different libraries to overcome compiling limitations, streamline the process of removing specific time frames if not needed, and to enhance code execution speed. The timestamps are generated using a custom Python script that employs the 'pandas_market_calendars' library. To build your own set of arrays, you can find the script and instructions at
The getHolidays function aggregates holiday data from different time periods to create a single array with market holidays for a specified country.
_country (string) : The country code for which to retrieve market holidays. Accepts or pre-set country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
Returns: An array of timestamps of market holidays \ non-trading days for the given country.
holidays_2020to2025Library "holidays_2020to2025"
This dataset is part of my "MarketHolidays" library. The datasets were split into different libraries to overcome compiling limitations, streamline the process of removing specific time frames if not needed, and to enhance code execution speed. The timestamps are generated using a custom Python script that employs the 'pandas_market_calendars' library. To build your own set of arrays, you can find the script and instructions at
_country (string)
holidays_2015to2020Library "holidays_2015to2020"
This dataset is part of my "MarketHolidays" library. The datasets were split into different libraries to overcome compiling limitations, streamline the process of removing specific time frames if not needed, and to enhance code execution speed. The timestamps are generated using a custom Python script that employs the 'pandas_market_calendars' library. To build your own set of arrays, you can find the script and instructions at
_country (string)
holidays_2010to2015Library "holidays_2010to2015"
This dataset is part of my "MarketHolidays" library. The datasets were split into different libraries to overcome compiling limitations, streamline the process of removing specific time frames if not needed, and to enhance code execution speed. The timestamps are generated using a custom Python script that employs the 'pandas_market_calendars' library. To build your own set of arrays, you can find the script and instructions at
_country (string)
holidays_2005to2010Library "holidays_2005to2010"
This dataset is part of my "MarketHolidays" library. The datasets were split into different libraries to overcome compiling limitations, streamline the process of removing specific time frames if not needed, and to enhance code execution speed. The timestamps are generated using a custom Python script that employs the 'pandas_market_calendars' library. To build your own set of arrays, you can find the script and instructions at
_country (string)
holidays_2000to2005Library "holidays_2000to2005"
This dataset is part of my "MarketHolidays" library. The datasets were split into different libraries to overcome compiling limitations, streamline the process of removing specific time frames if not needed, and to enhance code execution speed. The timestamps are generated using a custom Python script that employs the 'pandas_market_calendars' library. To build your own set of arrays, you can find the script and instructions at
_country (string)
holidays_1990to2000Library "holidays_1990to2000"
This dataset is part of my "MarketHolidays" library. The datasets were split into different libraries to overcome compiling limitations, streamline the process of removing specific time frames if not needed, and to enhance code execution speed. The timestamps are generated using a custom Python script that employs the 'pandas_market_calendars' library. To build your own set of arrays, you can find the script and instructions at
_country (string)
holidays_1980to1990Library "holidays_1980to1990"
This dataset is part of my "MarketHolidays" library. The datasets were split into different libraries to overcome compiling limitations, streamline the process of removing specific time frames if not needed, and to enhance code execution speed. The timestamps are generated using a custom Python script that employs the 'pandas_market_calendars' library. To build your own set of arrays, you can find the script and instructions at
_country (string)
holidays_1970to1980Library "holidays_1970to1980"
This dataset is part of my "MarketHolidays" library. The datasets were split into different libraries to overcome compiling limitations, streamline the process of removing specific time frames if not needed, and to enhance code execution speed. The timestamps are generated using a custom Python script that employs the 'pandas_market_calendars' library. To build your own set of arrays, you can find the script and instructions at
_country (string)
holidays_1962to1970Library "holidays_1962to1970"
This dataset is part of my "MarketHolidays" library. The datasets were split into different libraries to overcome compiling limitations, streamline the process of removing specific time frames if not needed, and to enhance code execution speed. The timestamps are generated using a custom Python script that employs the 'pandas_market_calendars' library. To build your own set of arrays, you can find the script and instructions at
_country (string)
NetLiquidityLibraryMacFLibrary "NetLiquidityLibraryMacF"
The Net Liquidity Library provides daily values for net liquidity. Net liquidity is measured as Fed Balance Sheet - Treasury General Account - Reverse Repo. Time series for each individual component included too.
Gets the Net Liquidity time series for the last 250 trading days. Dates that are not present are represented as na.
component (simple string) : The component of the Net Liquidity function to return. Possible values: 'fed', 'tga', and 'rrp'. (`Net Liquidity` is returned if no argument is supplied).
Returns: The Net Liquidity time series or a component of the Net Liquidity function.
TableUtilsLibrary "TableUtils"
Collection of table utility functions
Return the position for the table by given label. Useful if you want to control the position of the table with a pine script input selector that use a more human friendly labels
tablePosition (string) : (string) Label of the table position. Possible values are: "Top left", "Top right", "Bottom left", "Bottom right", "Middle left", "Middle right"
Returns: the position for the table by given label. Useful if you want to control the position of the table with a pine script input selector that use a more human friendly labels
chrono_utilsLibrary "chrono_utils"
📝 Description
Collection of objects and common functions that are related to datetime windows session days and time ranges. The main purpose of this library is to handle time-related functionality and make it easy to reason about a future bar checking if it will be part of a predefined session and/or inside a datetime window. All existing session functionality I found in the documentation e.g. "not na(time(timeframe, session, timezone))" are not suitable for strategy scripts, since the execution of the orders is delayed by one bar, due to the script execution happening at the bar close. Moreover, a history operator with a negative value that looks forward is not allowed in any pinescript expression. So, a prediction for the next bar using the bars_back argument of "time()"" and "time_close()" was necessary. Thus, I created this library to overcome this small but very important limitation. In the meantime, I added useful functionality to handle session-based behavior. An interesting utility that emerged from this development is data anomaly detection where a comparison between the prediction and the actual value is happening. If those two values are different then a data inconsistency happens between the prediction bar and the actual bar (probably due to a holiday, half session day, a timezone change etc..)
🤔 How to Guide
To use the functionality this library provides in your script you have to import it first!
Copy the import statement of the latest release by pressing the copy button below and then paste it into your script. Give a short name to this library so you can refer to it later on. The import statement should look like this:
import jason5480/chrono_utils/2 as chr
To check if a future bar will be inside a window first of all you have to initialize a DateTimeWindow object.
A code example is the following:
var dateTimeWindow = = timestamp('01 Jan 2023 00:00'), toDateTime = timestamp('01 Jan 2024 00:00'))
Then you have to "ask" the dateTimeWindow if the future bar defined by an offset (default is 1 that corresponds th the next bar), will be inside that window:
// Filter bars outside of the datetime window
bool dateFilterApproval = dateTimeWindow.is_bar_included()
You can visualize the result by drawing the background of the bars that are outside the given window:
bgcolor(color = dateFilterApproval ? na :, 90), offset = 1, title = 'Datetime Window Filter')
In the same way, you can "ask" the Session if the future bar defined by an offset it will be inside that session.
First of all, you should initialize a Session object.
A code example is the following:
var sess = = '0800-1700:23456', refTimezone = 'UTC')
Then check if the given bar defined by the offset (default is 1 that corresponds th the next bar), will be inside the session like that:
// Filter bars outside the sessions
bool sessionFilterApproval = view.sess.is_bar_included()
You can visualize the result by drawing the background of the bars that are outside the given session:
bgcolor(color = sessionFilterApproval ? na :, 90), offset = 1, title = 'Session Filter')
In case you want to visualize multiple session ranges you can create a SessionView object like that:
var view ='2345'), array.from('0800-1600'),'1300-2200')), array.from('London', 'New York'), array.from(,
and then call the draw method of the SessionView object like that:
🏋️♂️ Please refer to the "EXAMPLE DATETIME WINDOW FILTER" and "EXAMPLE SESSION FILTER" regions of the script for more advanced code examples of how to utilize the full potential of this library, including user input settings and advanced visualization!
⚠️ Caveats
As I mentioned in the description there are some cases that the prediction of the next bar is not accurate. A wrong prediction will affect the outcome of the filtering. The main reasons this could happen are the following:
Public holidays when the market is closed
Half trading days usually before public holidays
Change in the daylight saving time (DST)
A data anomaly of the chart, where there are missing and/or inconsistent data.
A bug in this library (Please report by PM sending the symbol, timeframe, and settings)
Special thanks to @robbatt and @skinra for the constructive feedback 🏆. Without them, the exposed API of this library would be very lengthy and complicated to use. Thanks to them, now the user of this library will be able to get the most, with only a few lines of code!