Limited MACDwhat is "Limited MACD"?
it is macd but it has some useful additional features.
what it does?
it takes limited values ??just like rsi. The highest value it can take is 100 and the lowest value is -100. this way it gets the same highs and lows for different symbols and time slots. which means we can set overbought and oversold values ??with it. he also paints candles according to their values. The closer the price is to the oversold values, the more red, and the closer to the overbought values, the greener.
how it does it?
macd values ??are limited by dividing by extreme values. The macd value is used as the variable for the color.rgb function, this is used to get a different color for each macd value.
how to use it?
The variables in the settings section are the same as standard macd.
Use the colors to identify overbought and oversold zones and to predict possible price reversal points. also the indicator will mark possible turning points. other than that, its use is similar to standard macd and its limits are up to your imagination.
four hour:
one hour:
five minute:
SQueezeVergenceThis is my SQueezeVergence indicator. It fires Buy and Sell signals based on squeeze momentum and trend. **It also creates Bull and Bear signals based on MACD divergence which should only be used as areas of support and resistance being as these signals repaint based on a 5 candle look back of pivots.** All settings are editable for better use. The default settings are what I use on the 1 Minute chart of ES to scalp. This is a simple indicator to help me get alerts on when I need to scalp. The divergence signals work well for areas of significance. I like to watch for breaks of these levels along with support and resistance. I hope this helps.
Chervolinos Ultrafast RMTA MACDDescription of a classic MACD:
MACD, short for moving average convergence/divergence, is a trading indicator used in technical analysis of stock prices, created by Gerald Appel in the late 1970s. It is designed to reveal changes in the strength, direction, momentum, and duration of a trend in a stock's price. The MACD indicator (or "oscillator") is a collection of three time series calculated from historical price data, most often the closing price. These three series are: the MACD series proper, the "signal" or "average" series, and the "divergence" series which is the difference between the two. The MACD series is the difference between a "fast" (short period) exponential moving average (EMA), and a "slow" (longer period) EMA of the price series. The average series is an EMA of the MACD series itself. The MACD indicator thus depends on three time parameters, namely the time constants of the three EMAs. The notation "MACD" usually denotes the indicator where the MACD series is the difference of EMAs with characteristic times a and b, and the average series is an EMA of the MACD series with characteristic time c. These parameters are usually measured in days. The most commonly used values are 12, 26, and 9 days, that is, MACD. As true with most of the technical indicators, MACD also finds its period settings from the old days when technical analysis used to be mainly based on the daily charts. The reason was the lack of the modern trading platforms which show the changing prices every moment. As the working week used to be 6-days, the period settings of represent 2 weeks, 1 month and one and a half week. Now when the trading weeks have only 5 days, possibilities of changing the period settings cannot be overruled. However, it is always better to stick to the period settings which are used by the majority of traders as the buying and selling decisions based on the standard settings further push the prices in that direction.
Description of the new Ultrafast RMTA MACD:
Ultrafast RMTA MACD, short for moving average convergence/divergence, is a trading indicator used in technical analysis of stock prices, created by Chervolino. It is designed to reveal changes in the strength,
direction, momentum, and duration of a trend in a stock's price. The RMTA MACD indicator (or "oscillator") is a collection of three time series calculated from historical price data, from the closing price.
and is series is the difference between a "fast" (short period) Recursive Moving Trend Average, and a "slow" (longer period) Recursive Moving Trend Average of the price series. The average series is an EMA of the MACD series itself.
The result is a non laging indicator, depends on the settings.
special thanks to
MACD + RSI with Trade SignalsThis indicator by default comes with the MACD shown but can be switched to show the RSI instead. Settings for each indicator can also be customized as well as Buy/Sell signals given based on pull back crossovers that follow the 200 EMA of the price Chart. There's an above/below middle fill option you can use but I tend not to but I know some traders like to see when an oscillator is above/below the middle and use it as a trend diretion. By the way, the fourth setting for the MACD (which is 2 by default) is the size of the histogram.
Buy Signal = Price is above the 200 EMA. Current or previous MACD or RSI line is/was below middle line and now crossed above the signal line.
Sell Signal = Price is below the 200 EMA. Current or previous MACD or RSI line is/was above middle line and now crossed below the signal line.
There are alerts for each signal as well (MACD and RSI, both buy and sell).
Feel free to leave a comment regarding issues or suggestions for this indicator or ideas for the next one I should do :)
converted to version 5
Changed Histogram formatting
Changed MACD plot to indicate macd direction change
//by ToFFF converted to version 5, changed histogram formating changed macd plot to show macd direction changed with lighter color
indicator('MACD DEMA', timeframe = "", timeframe_gaps=true)
sma = input(12,title='DEMA Short')
lma = input(26,title='DEMA Long')
tsp = input(9,title='Signal')
lines = input(true,title="Lines")
col_grow_above = input(#26A69A, "Above Grow", group="Histogram", inline="Above")
col_fall_above = input(#B2DFDB, "Fall", group="Histogram", inline="Above")
col_grow_below = input(#FFCDD2, "Below Grow", group="Histogram", inline="Below")
col_fall_below = input(#FF5252, "Fall", group="Histogram", inline="Below")
col_macd = input(#2962FF, "MACD Line ", group="Color Settings", inline="MACD")
col_signal = input(#FF6D00, "Signal Line ", group="Color Settings", inline="Signal")
col_macd_i = #0000FF
col_macd_d = #66FFFF
slowa = ta.ema(close,lma)
slowb = ta.ema(slowa,lma)
DEMAslow = ((2 * slowa) - slowb)
fasta = ta.ema(close,sma)
fastb = ta.ema(fasta,sma)
DEMAfast = ((2 * fasta) - fastb)
MACD = (DEMAfast - DEMAslow)
signala = ta.ema(MACD, tsp)
signalb = ta.ema(signala, tsp)
signal = ((2 * signala) - signalb)
hist = (MACD - signal)
//swap1 = MACDZeroLag>0?green:red
plot(hist,style=plot.style_columns, color=(hist>=0 ? (hist < hist ? col_grow_above : col_fall_above) : (hist < hist ? col_grow_below : col_fall_below)),title='HIST')
p1 = plot(lines?MACD:na,style = plot.style_line, color=(MACD < MACD) ? col_macd_i : col_macd_d , linewidth =3,title='MACD')
p2 = plot(lines?signal:na, color=col_signal, linewidth =2,title='Signal')
MACD Potential Divergence - FontiramisuIndicator showing potential momentum divergences on MACD Momentum.
The problem with the classic divergence is that when the signal appears, it is sometimes too late to enter a trade .
The potential divergence corrects this problem by signaling the beginning of a potential divergence .
MACD is a momentum indicator that offers relevant insights with divergences.
Potential divergences are indicated with the letter B and a red color for Bearish Div or Green color for Bullish Div .
Potential divergence is confirmed when the line and the label "Bear"' or "Bull" appear.
MACD Volume S2 By Gammaprod>> How to use this indicator :
1. Set your teadingview theme to dark theme.
2. My indicator is valid for forex, stock and but more valid for crypto.
3. Use three timeframe for more validation (choose between those, that fit to your trading style) :
- Timeframe 1m, 5m, and 15m for Scalping
- Timeframe 30m, 1h and 4h for Intraday
- Timeframe 4h, 1D and 1W for Swing Trading
4 . Always use THREE INDICATORS FROM GAMMAPROD, those three indicators is back to back each other, by the way, I only made those three indicators only (for now) :
- Trendlines Boll Ichi Crypto by Gammaprod
- Stoch RSI Divs Zone Crypto by Gammaprod
- MACD Volume Crypto by Gammaprod
>> How to setting :
1. Trendlines Boll Ichi Crypto by Gammaprod
A. Support and Resistence
- Well if you familiar with this indicator you can add it, but recommended for Timeframe 30m or more
B. Trendlines Primary or Trendlines Secondary
- Timeframe 1m you DON'T NEED Trendlines Primary or Trendlines Secondary
- Timeframe 5m you DON'T NEED Trendlines Secondary, but you CAN ADD Trendlines Primary if you fell it helpful (for me, it is helpful to find where the candles start or the end trend or a consolidation or where the candles will surpass a resistance or a support).
- Timeframe 15m you DON'T NEED Trendlines Secondary, DEFENITELY add Trendlines Primary it will help to find where the candles stop or a consolidation or where the candles will surpass a resistance or a support).
- Timeframe 30m or more, DEFENITELY NEED BOTH Trendlines Primary and Secondary Trendlines, it will help to find where the candle stop or consolidation or where the candle will surpass a resistance or support).
C. Bolinger, Ichimoku Cloud and Lagging Span
- Please DON'T CHANGE IT at all, it's really helpful to know when and where to make an entry decesion or a trend or a consolidation, if you don't understand how to read it, you better to learn it first (on "how to read" section and "How to OPEN position" the section below)
2. Stoch RSI Divs Zone Crypto by Gammaprod (DON'T CHANGE IT)
3. MACD Volume Crypto by Gammaprod (DON'T CHANGE IT)
>> How to read :
1. Sell or Buy Priority :
A. Buy Priority
- Color background on macd and stoch rsi is pink or purple sell is the priority, (if you're not sure to buy, just wait until the best moment to sell)
B. Buy Priority
- Color background on macd and stoch rsi Teal or light green buy is the priority, (if you're not sure to sell, just wait until the best moment to buy)
C. Indecision / Golden Moment
- Color background on stoch rsi yellow is indecision / golden moment of reversal pattern (wait until it formed background only on Stoch RSI), please becareful at this moment.
2. Trend / Consolidation :
A. BULLISH trend
- When Stoch RSI and MACD have teal or light green background that's means BULLISH trend, better to confirm by the candle is above green cloud and lagging span (red line) is also above the candle.
B. BEARISH trend
- When Stoch RSI and MACD have the Pink or purple background that's means BEARISH trend, better to confirm by the candle is above purple cloud and lagging span (red line) is also below the candle.
- When Stoch RSI have the mix background that's means CONSOLIDATION, better to confirm by the candle is in or near to green / purple cloud and lagging span (red line) is also on the candle.
3. Special Mark
A. Ideal Bullish :
- Near line 20 and green / teal background = When Stoch RSI have the char R / H on lime color label, that's means divergence or hidden divergence for buy position, if you not see this label that's means just a standard confirmation for buy
B. Not an Ideal Bullish :
- Near line 80 and green / teal background = if this happens make sure you know what happen, it could be a false signal or bullish continual pattern
C. Ideal Bearish :
- Near line 80 and pink / purple background = When Stoch RSI have the char R / H on lime color label, that's means divergence or hidden divergence for buy position, if you not see this label that's means just a standard confirmation for sell position.
D. Not an Ideal Bearish:
- Near line 20 and pink / purple background = if this happens make sure you know what happen, it could be a false signal or bearish continual pattern
E. The Beginning of Reversal (from BEARISH to BULLISH) :
- When Stoch RSI line shaping GREEN position is near 20.
- MACD lines still PINK, position lines is UNDER the HISTOGRAM, but the HISTOGRAM start to SHAPE FALL PINK (light pink) and the BACKGROUND still PINK / PURPLE.
- Position CANDLES NEAR BLUE line, NEAR PURPLE CLOUD, and lagging span (red line) STILL ON the area candle. (it used to be confirmed with the golden moment).
F. The Beginning of Reversal (from BULLISH to BEARISH) :
- When Stoch RSI line shaping PINK position is near 80.
- MACD lines still GREEN, position lines is ABOVE the HISTOGRAM, but the HISTOGRAM start to SHAPE FALL GREEN (light green) and the BACKGROUND still TEAL / GREEN.
- Position CANDLES NEAR WHITE line, NEAR TEAL CLOUD, and lagging span (red line) STILL ON the area candle. (it used to be confirmed with the golden moment).
G. False Signals, or It could be a Golden Moment (better to see it on TF 15 or bigger):
- Near line 20 or 80 and yellow background = When Stoch RSI have the char R / H on color label, that's means divergence or hidden divergence for buy / sell position, if you not see this label that's means just a standard confirmation for buy / sell depends on where the Stoch RSI line if near 20 that's means buy, near 80 means sell
>> How to OPEN position:
A. Bullish
1. Trendlines Boll Ichi Crypto by Gammaprod
- The candles above the green cloud.
- Lagging span (red line) above the candles.
- then open buy near yellow line (the first option) / blue line (the second option) (always confirm the position with two other indicators below).
2. Stoch RSI Divs Zone Crypto by Gammaprod
- Teal or Green background.
- The lines is shaping green.
- Better if on the bottom (at a range 20).
3. MACD Volume Crypto by Gammaprod
- Teal or Green background.
- The lines is shaped or shaping green.
- Better if at the green histogram.
B. Bearish
1. Trendlines Boll Ichi Crypto by Gammaprod
- The candles below the purple cloud.
- Lagging span (red line) below the candles.
- then open buy near yellow line (the first option) / white line (the second option) (always confirm the position with two other indicators below).
2. Stoch RSI Divs Zone Crypto by Gammaprod
- Pink or purple background.
- The lines are shaping pink.
- Better if the line on the top (at a range 80).
3. MACD Volume Crypto by Gammaprod
- Pink or purple background.
- The lines are shaped or shaping green.
- Better if at the pink histogram.
C. Consolidation
1. Trendlines Boll Ichi Crypto by Gammaprod
- The candles on the cloud (green or purple).
- Lagging span (red line) on the candles.
- then open buy near the white or blue line (always confirm the position with two other indicators below).
2. Stoch RSI Divs Zone Crypto by Gammaprod
- Mix background specially on a timeframe 15m or more.
- The line move fast up and down.
- Better if on the bottom or the top of the lines (at a range 20 or 80).
3. MACD Volume Crypto by Gammaprod
- Changing the background.
- The line is near the middle line.
- Have small Histogram.
>> The secret ingridient is comparing the timeframe :
The example scalping (Timeframe 1m, 5m and 15m)
- TF 1m is for making an open position.
- TF 5m is for making a judgement of the trend market.
- TF 15m is to confirm that judgement from TF 5m, be careful if it not similar then it used to be a consolidation or the beginning of the reversal.
There's a lot a way to open the position than above information that i gave it to you, but consider there are a limit char on this column, I hope it will help your trading and make a more profit on it.
MACD Divergence Fast by RSUAdvantages:
1. When MACD-diff line(orange color) is at a high point, once it falls by 1 k line, it will detect the divergence from the previous high point. This can quickly find the divergence that has taken effect and help you quickly capture the trend before a sharp decline or rise.
2. This indicator detects the previous high and the previous low of 5, 10, 20, 40, 60 lengths at the same time, instead of only detecting a fixed length, so that more divergences can be found.
Because it is a quick divergence detection, it is recommended to confirm that the divergence takes effect after the current k is completely closed first. I have identified this state in the indicator as "k not end".
Disadvantages and Risks:
Since it is a quick discovery, there will be error identification. Error divergences will recolor to grey.
Use “RSI Divergence Fast by RSU” at the same time, because RSI divergence usually occurs before macd, if the position diverges at the same time, the probability of success will increase.
Please do not:
Don't go short in the uptrend, don't go long in the downtrend.
Top divergences that occur because of a strong uptrend are usually only temporary pullbacks. Bottom divergences in persistent declines are also temporary rallies. Do not attempt to trade such low-return trades.
It is recommended to use the divergence indicator when the stock price has made a new high and retraced, and once again made a new high, because this often leads to the end of the trend.
Divergence how to use:
1. After the previous K line was completely closed, a bottom divergence was found.
2. Open an long order at the beginning of the second bar, or as close to the bottom as possible (because the stop loss will be smaller).
3. Break the stop loss price below the previous low where the divergence occurred, which already means that the divergence is wrong.
[blackcat] L3 Faster MACDLevel 3
I am seeking a way to make MACD faster
By using stoch, but with MACD method, a faster MACD is made. short term faster kd is used for macd lines. long term kd is used for histogram, which can counteract the histogram grade gap caused by tradtional MACD.
This is a Level 1 free and open source indicator.
Feedbacks are appreciated.
MACD of Aggregated Buy/Sell Pressure - InFinitoModified & Updated script from MARKET VOLUME by Ricardo M Arjona @XeL_Arjona that Includes Aggregated Volume
Aggregation code originally from Crypt0rus
***The indicator can be used for any coin/symbol to aggregate volume , but it has to be set up manually***
***The indicator can be used with specific symbol data only by disabling the aggregation option, which allows for it to be used on any symbol***
- Calculated based on Aggregated Volume instead of by symbol volume . Using aggregated data makes it more accurate and allows to compare volume flow between different kinds of markets (Spot, Futures , Perpetuals, Futures+Perpetuals and All Volume ).
- As well, in order to make the data as accurate as possible, the data from each exchange aggregated is normalized to report always in terms of 1 BTC . In case this indicator is used for another symbol, the calculations can be adjusted manually to make it always report data in terms of 1 contract/coin.
Buy to Sell Convergence / Divergence by @XeL_Arjona:
"It's a simple adaptation of the popular "Price Percentage Oscillator" or MACD but taking Buying Pressure against Selling Pressure Averages, so given a Positive oscillator reading (>0) represents Bullish dominant Trend and a Negative reading (<0) a Bearish dominant Trend. Histogram is the diff between RAW Volume Pressures Convergence/Divergence minus Normalized ones (Signal) which helps as a confirmatory."
Things to look for:
- Divergences: This indicator can very useful to spot tops and bottoms through divergences
K's Reversal Indicator IK's reversal indicator I is a special combination between Bollinger bands and the MACD oscillator. It is a contrarian indicator that depends on the following conditions:
• A buy signal is generated whenever the current market price is below the 100-period lower Bollinger band while simultaneously, the MACD value must be above its signal line. At the same time, the previous MACD value must be below its previous signal line.
• A sell (short) signal is generated whenever the current market price is above the 100-period upper Bollinger band while simultaneously, the MACD value must be below its signal line. At the same time, the previous MACD value must be above its previous signal line.
The way to use K's reversal indicator is to combine it with your already long/short bias in a sideways/range market in order to maximize the probability of success.
Limitations of the indicator include the following:
• There are no clear exit rules that work well on average across the markets. Even though K’s reversal indicator gives contrarian signals, it does not show when to exit the positions.
• As with other indicators, it underperforms on some markets and is not to be used everywhere.
• False signals tend to occur during trending markets but there is no proven way to detect a false signal.
Bogdan Ciocoiu - Code runnerDescription
The Code Runner is a hybrid indicator that leverages other pre-configured, integrated open-source algorithms to help traders spot regular and continuation divergences.
The Code Runner specialises in integrating some of the most popular oscillators well known for their accuracy when scalping using divergence strategies.
The Code Runner stands out as a one-stop-shop pack of oscillator algorithms that traders can further customise to spot divergences.
The indicator's uniqueness stands from its capability to recast each algorithm to apply to the same scale. This feature is achieved by manually adjusting the outputs of each algorithm to fit on a scale between +100 and -100.
Another benefit of the Code Runner comes from its standardisation of outputs, mainly consisting of lines. Showing lines enables traders to draw potential regular and continuation divergences quickly.
The indicator has been pre-configured to support scalping at 1-5 minutes.
The Code Runner uses the following open-source scripts and algorithms:
These algorithms are available in the public domain either in TradingView space or outside (given their popularity in the financial markets industry).
Reverse Moving Average Convergence Divergence [CC]The Reverse Macd was created by Johnny Dough (Stocks and Commodities Jan 2012) and this is another indicator in my ongoing series to find those hidden gems. This indicator works in a few very powerful ways. For example the blue line shows you what the current price would be if the macd was at the macd level that you choose. I set the default to 0 but feel free to change it if you want. This will give you short to medium term info by telling you if it is an uptrend when the price is above the blue line or vice versa. It also creates the reverse macd line and it's signal line by using information from the previous day to decompile the macd and show you the price that it would be at if the macd was at that level. It turns this into a new moving average that closely tracks price movements and with the two competing signals, gives you more than enough info to find the perfect entry and exit points. Like always I have included strong buy and sell signals in addition to normal ones so darker colors are strong signals and lighter colors are normal signals. Buy when the line is green and sell when it is red.
Let me know if there are any other scripts you would like to see me publish!
MACD With Crossings and Above Below ZeroMACD with MACD Derivative, Crossings Above and Below Zero, Shading for ADX Smoothing and Overlayed RSI
Primarily a moving average convergence divergence (MACD) momentum indicator. Also includes a MACD Derivative overlay to show when momentum has peaked. Displays triangle symbols when the MACD line crosses the signal line (larger triangle when MACD crosses above/below zero to indicator stronger momentum trend). Includes shading for average directional index (ADX) to futher determine when the price is trending strongly (red when the ADX value is greater than 25, and idicating a strong trend; otherwise blue). Lastly, has a relative strength index (RSI) momentum indicator overlayed to help evaluate periods of overbought or oversold conditions.
MACD PRO by LDZ1LANDZZ1 MACD Pro was developed to show the first signs of reversal, direction, and also trend strength.
Unlike normal MACD, this indicator has 3 lines as information. A white line (short EMA), a purple line (sign), and a yellow line (long EMA).
The Purple Line "Signal" is a 17-period Exponential Moving Average.
The White Line "Short EMA" is a 34-period Exponential Moving Average.
The Yellow Line "Long EMA" is a 72-Period Exponential Moving Average.
When the background color turns green it indicates that we are above 0 (positive trend) and above the Signal line (positive trend)
When the background color turns Yellow it indicates that we are above 0 (positive trend) but below the Signal line (Indicating Attention to a possible trend reversal or price correction)
When the background color turns Red it indicates that we are below 0 (negative trend) and below the Signal line (negative trend)
When the background color turns Orange it indicates that we are below 0 (negative trend) and above the signal line (Indicating attention to a possible trend reversal or price correction)
The Yellow line is like a watershed, when the White Line "Short EMA" crosses above or below it, it indicates that a stronger price movement may occur.
Only enter Long Positions when the background color turns green and the Short EMA (White line) is above the yellow line and/or the white dotted horizontal line.
Only enter Short Positions when the background color turns red and the Long EMA (Yellow line) is below the white dotted horizontal line.
Note the difference of MACD Pro by LANDZZ1 as the traditional MACD.
Description in Portuguese-BR
MACD Pro by LANDZZ1 foi desenvolvido para mostrar os primeiros sinais de reversão, direção e também força da tendência.
Diferente do MACD normal, este indicador tem como informação 3 linhas. Uma linha branca (short EMA), uma linha roxa(signal) e uma linha amarela (long EMA).
A Linha Roxa "Signal" é uma Média Móvel Exponencial de 17 períodos.
A Linha branca "Short EMA" é uma Média Móvel Exponencial de 34 períodos.
A Linha Amarela "Long EMA" é uma Média Móvel Exponencial de 72 Períodos.
Quando a cor de fundo ficar verde indica que estamos acima de 0 (tendência positiva) e acima da linha de Sinal (tendência positiva)
Quando a cor de fundo ficar Amarelo indica que estamos acima de 0 (tendência positiva) porém abaixo da linha de Sinal (Indicando Atenção a uma possível reversão de tendência ou correção de preço)
Quando a cor de fundo ficar vermelho indica que estamos abaixo de 0 (tendência negativa) e abaixo da linha de Sinal (tendência negativa)
Quando a cor de fundo ficar laranja indica que estamos abaixo de 0 (tendência negativa) e acima da linha de sinal (Indicando atenção a uma possível reversão de tendência ou correção do preço)
A linha amarela é como um divisor de águas, quando a linha branca (Short EMA) cruza para cima ou para baixo dela, indica que um movimento mais forte forte de preço poderá ocorrer.
Apenas entre em Long Positions quando a cor de fundo ficar verde e se a Short EMA (linha Branca) estiver acima da linha amarela e/ou da linha horizontal pontilhada branca.
Apenas entre em Short Positions quando a cor de fundo ficar Vermelha e se a Long EMA (linha Amarela) estiver abaixo da linha horizontal pontilhada branca.
Repare a diferença do MACD Pro by LANDZZ1 como o MACD tradicional.
MACD Divergences by @DaviddTechThis indicator helps find divergences in the MACD.
This uses the modification of the TV built-in "Divergence indicator" (Version 10) that I have applied to the MACD.
Add the indicator to your chart and then watch for it to plot divergences.
MACD Divergence H/RHere's a fun script we been working on, let us know what you add!
Short-Forms Used
histogram(hist)--> value of macd Histogram
Low-Price--------> Candle's Low Price
High-Price-------> Candle's High Price
-Regular_bulls =====> Lowest(red hist) in Previous red hists is > Lowest(red hist) in Current red hists
and Lowest(Low-price) in Previous red hists is < Lowest(Low-price) in Current red hists
and Lowest(red hist) in Previous red hists is < -Histograms Minimum Value Required
and Lowest(red hist) in Current red hists is < -Histograms Minimum Value Required
-Hidden_bulls =====> Lowest(red hist) in Previous red hists is < Lowest(red hist) in Current red hists
and Lowest(Low-price) in Previous red hists is > Lowest(Low-price) in Current red hists
and Lowest(red hist) in Previous red hists is < -Histograms Minimum Value Required
and Lowest(red hist) in Current red hists is < -Histograms Minimum Value Required
-Regular_Bears =====> Highest(Green hist) in Previous Green hists is < Highest(Green hist) in Current Green hists
and Highest(High-price) in Previous Green hists is > Highest(High-price) in Current Green hists
and Highest(Green hist) in Previous Green hists is > Histograms Minimum Value Required
and Highest(Green hist) in Current Green hists is > Histograms Minimum Value Required
-Hidden_Bears =====> Highest(Green hist) in Previous Green hists is > Highest(Green hist) in Current Green hists
and Highest(High-price) in Previous Green hists is < Highest(High-price) in Current Green hists
and Highest(Green hist) in Previous Green hists is > Histograms Minimum Value Required
and Highest(Green hist) in Current Green hists is > Histograms Minimum Value Required
Please drop a like and comment :)
-Angel Algo
MACD-RSI With @LuckyNickVAMACD & RSi Confluence. Great for those who are looking for RSI & macd signals. Highlights volatility & structure points for entering & exiting the market. You have to understand market volatility to understand this concept. So please research more on those subjects before using. But The RSI is the relative strength index it helps you understand the increase in interest in price great for trend trading along with the momentum based indicator. Macd Developed by Gerald Appel, the Moving Average Convergence-Divergence, or MACD, is an oscillator that measures price momentum. The indicator also measures the strength, direction and duration of a trend. Forex traders can use the MACD to confirm an entry price or exit point.
CryptoSignalScanner - MACD Multiple Time FramesDESCRIPTION:
After receiving some multiple request to provide a MACD indicator that displays multiple timeframes at the same time I created this simple script.
You can use this script for free and adjust it as much you like.
With this script you can plot 6 MACD lines & 6 Signal lines.
• Current Timeframe MACD Line
• Current Timeframe Signal Line
• 15 minute candle MACD Line
• 15 minute candle Signal Line
• 30 minute candle MACD Line
• 30 minute candle Signal Line
• 1 hour candle MACD Line
• 1 hour candle Signal Line
• 2 hour candle MACD Line
• 2 hour candle Signal Line
• 4 hour candle MACD Line
• 4 hour candle Signal Line
• When multiple MACD lines on an uptrend are grouped together it is time to SELL.
• When multiple MACD lines on a downtrend are grouped together it is time to BUY.
• The higher to length of the MACD lines the stronger the BUY/SELL signal.
• You can show/hide the preferred MACD lines.
• You can show/hide the preferred Signal lines.
How MACD works
The MACD indicator is generated by subtracting two exponential moving averages (EMAs) to create the main line (MACD line), which is then used to calculate another EMA that represents the signal line. In addition, there is the MACD histogram, which is calculated based on the differences between those two lines. The histogram, along with the other two lines, fluctuates above and below a center line, which is also known as the zero line.
The MACD indicator consists of three elements moving around the zero line:
• The MACD line. By default the MACD line is calculated by subtracting the 26-day EMA from the 12-day EMA.
MACD line = 12d EMA - 26d EMA
• The signal line. By default the signal line is calculated from a 9-day EMA of the MACD line.
Signal line = 9d EMA of MACD line
• Histogram. The histogram is nothing more than a visual record of the relative movements of the MACD line and the signal line.
It is simply calculated as: MACD line - signal line
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Good Luck,
MACD-RSI Confluence SimplifiedAnother simple version of the MACD RSi Confluence script. But this is one is more simplified with simple signals. Again to fully understand macd & RSI you should already have some type of knowledge of how they work. With understanding this script & it's signals are great for those who do. This script is based on Barcolor signals reflected by macd & RSI data
MACD_trendtrader v2 (picte)This is an upgraded version of my MACD_trendtrader indicator.
- Histogram slope changes colors according to the direction of the slope.
- Panel that displays volatility of the asset. The volatility is measured from 0 to 100. Zero being the lowest and 100 the highest volatility. I also included different text colors for a certain volatility value (white= very low volatility, blue = low volatility, purple= high volatility, green= very high volatility)
It works well on all time-frames but i found it particularly useful on the lower time-frames for identifying pullbacks in a trending market.
It has been tested in the Forex and Traditional market.
McClellan Oscillator [CC]The McClellan Oscillator was created by Sherman and Marian McClellan and it is essentially a MACD of the advancing and declining symbols of the day and is best used as a comparison with the biggest stocks such as my example Apple but that is just my opinion. I pulled the symbol names from a Trading View blog so I'm not 100% sure if they are accurate so please let me know if I'm wrong. Buy when the indicator is over 0 and sell when it falls below 0 but keep in mind that these values are for the market itself and not the individual symbol.
This was a special request so let me know if you would like me to publish more scripts or if you want something custom done!
Note: I'm republishing this because the original script couldn't be found in searches so this will fix that.