IronCondor 10am 30TF by RMThe IronCondor 10am 30TF indicator shows Iron Condor trades win rate over a large number of days.
The default ETFs in this indicators are "QQQ", "SPY", "RUT" , "CBTX" and "SPX", other entries have not been tested.
Iron Condor quick explanation:
- Iron Condors trades have four options, generally, are based around a Midpoint price (Current Market Price Strike) and
- Two equally distances Strikes for the SELL components (called the Body of the Iron Condor)
- Further away from the two SELLs, another Two BUYs for protection (not considered in this indicator)
- Iron Condors are used for Passive Income based on small gains most of the time.
The IronCondor 10am 30TF has its logic created based on the premises that:
- Most days the market prices stay within a range.
- As example the S&P market prices would stay within 1% on about 80% of the time
- The moving markets (bullish or bearish) occur about 20% of the time
- The biggest market price volatility generally occurs before market opens and then around the first hour or so of trade in the day.
- After the first hour or so of the market the prices would be most likely to stay within a range.
The operation is simple:
- At the Trade Star time in the day (say 10:30 Hrs.) draws a vertical yellow line, then
- Creates two blue horizontal lines for the SELL limits in the Iron Condor Body, at +/- 1% price boundary (check Ticker list below for values)
- At the Trade End time (say 16:00 Hrs.) checks that none of the SELL limits have been broken by highs or lows during the trade day
(The check is done calculating at Trade End time the high/lows 10 bars back for 30 min TF - timeframe)
- There is a label at each Trade End time with Win/Loss and Body value.
- There is one final label with overall calculated past performance in Win percentage out of 'n' trades
Defaults and User Entries:
- The User can modify the Midpoint price called 'IronCondor Midpoint STRIKE' (default is the Candle Close at the selected time)
- The User can modify the Body value called 'IronCondor Body' (default is the Ticker's selected value as per list below)
"QQQ" or "SPY" Body = 5
"RUT" or "CBTX" Body = 20
"SPX" Body = 60
* Disclaimer: This is not a Financial tool, it cannot used as any kind of advice to invest or risk moneys in any market,
Markets are volatile in nature - with little or no warning - and will drain your account if you are not careful.
Use only as an academic demonstrator => * Use at your own risk *
SPX IC Intraday & StatsThis indicator was designed for traders who make intraday Iron Condors with the SPX.
It basically has 2 main parts:
Part 1:
The indicator shows the distance, in real time, between the current SPX price and the IC selling wings (calls and puts wings) that have been selected. This result is displayed in percentages and in points. In the upper right corner (for calls) and lower right corner (for puts). The label will change color as the price moves closer to or further away from the sell strike. Darker red color as it approaches the wings, lighter green color as the price approaches the center of the Iron Condor.
Part 2:
Statistical dashboard showing the number of times in the past that from a certain hour (the current time) to the market close (4pm US East Time) the SPX moved outside or inside the width of the selected wings. The position of the table is configurable. By default, it's in the upper right corner.
First Date: the first day of the sample (this varies depending on the timeframe, the higher the timeframe the larger the sample is, as TradingView counts more bars backwards, by default TV offers 10000 bars for the PRO version). Recommended 5 minutes.
Range Time: refers to the time range of the sample. From the current time to 4pm (US East Time).
Deviation Wing (%): It's the deviation (in percentage) based on the current time, from the current SPX price to the wing strikes. It takes the smaller value, either call or put wing.
Total Days: the number of days in the sample.
In range Days: the number of days that the price remained in that range from the current time to the market close.
Out of Range Days: the number of days the price ended outside that range from the current time to the market close.
Open Time (Hour): IC opening hour.
Open time (Minute): IC opening minutes.
Width Wings: width of the wings from the SPX price at the configured time.
Mini Rectangles: Refers to include within the IC 4 deviations (mini rectangles) to better visualize where the SPX price is with reference to the wings. Darker red color as it gets closer to the wings, lighter green color as the price gets closer to the center of the Iron Condor.
Add SMAs: Add SMAs 8, 20 and 50 to the IC chart.
Include Fundamental Days: Include or not in the sample important news days. They are considered: FED Meetings, CPI Reports, Unemployment Reports, Powell Speech.
Include Days: (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday). Include (or not) in the sample the chosen days.
Apply Filters Since: Sampling start date. Per default: False.
Table Position: Dashboard position.
Note 1: It's recommended to use the Dark Theme Color of TradingView.
Note 2: this indicator will only work in intraday timeframes less than 30 minutes (1m, 2m, 5m, 10m, 15m, 30m) and will only show results while the market is open.
Spanish Version:
Este indicador fue diseñado para los traders que hacen intradías de Iron Condors con el SPX.
Básicamente cuenta con 2 partes principales:
Parte 1:
El indicador muestra la distancia, en tiempo real, entre el actual precio del SPX y las alas vendedoras (alas calls y puts) que se hayan seleccionado. Este resultado se muestra en porcentajes y en puntos. En la esquina superior derecha (para los calls) e inferior derecha (para los puts). El label cambiará de color a medida que el precio se acerque o aleje del precio de las alas. Color rojo más oscuro a medida que se acerque a las alas, color verde claro cuando el precio se acerque al centro del Iron Condor.
Parte 2:
Dashboard estadístico que muestra la cantidad de veces que desde una determinada hora (el tiempo actual) hasta el cierre del mercado (4pm US East Time) el SPX se movió fuera o dentro del ancho de las alas seleccionadas. La posición de la tabla es configurable. Por defecto esta en la esquina superior derecha.
First Date: el primer día de la muestra (esto varía dependiendo el timeframe, a mayor timeframe la muestra es mayor, ya que TradingView contará más barras para atrás (por default TV ofrece 10000 barras para la versión PRO). Recomendado 5 minutos.
Range Time: se refiere al rango horario de la muestra. Desde la hora actual hasta las 4pm (US East Time)
Deviation Wing (%): Es la desviación en porcentaje en base a la hora actual, desde el precio actual del SPX hasta el ancho de las alas. Toma el menor valor, sea al ala call o al ala put.
Total Days: la cantidad de días de la muestra.
In range Days: la cantidad de días que el precio se mantuvo en ese rango desde la hora actual hasta el cierre del mercado
Out of Range Days: la cantidad de días que el precio terminó fuera de ese rango desde la hora actual hasta el cierre del mercado.
Open Time (Hour): Hora de apertura del IC.
Open time (Minute): Minutos de apertura del IC.
Width Wings: ancho de las alas desde el precio del SPX a la hora configurada.
MiniRectangles: Se refiere a incluir dentro del IC 4 desviaciones (mini rectángulos) para visualizar de mejor manera donde se encuentra el precio del SPX con referencia a las alas. Color rojo más oscuro a medida que se acerque a las alas, color verde claro cuando el precio se acerque al centro del Iron Condor.
Add SMAs: Agrega al cuadro las SMA 8, 20 y 50.
Include Fundamental Days: Incluye o no en la muestra días de noticias importantes. Son considerados: FED Meetings, CPI Reports, Unemployment Reports, Powell Speech.
Include Days: (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday). Incluye (o no) en la muestra los días elegidos.
Apply Filters Since: Fecha de comienzo del muestreo.
Table Position: Posición del dashboard.
Nota 1: se recomienda usar el Dark Theme Color de TradingView.
Nota 2: este indicador solo funcionará en temporalidades intradías menores a 30 minutos (1m,2m,5m,10m,15m,30m) y Solo mostrará resultados mientras el mercado esté abierto, o sea en tiempo real.
Intraday Range CalculatorThis indicator shows an easy way to determine if the stock, index or ETF ended within a configurable intraday range.
This solution is ideal for those who study and like Iron Condors or Iron Butterflies strategies.
If the square is red, it means that the selected deviation limits have been exceeded within the chosen times.
If the square is green, the price stayed within the pre-set limits.
A yellow circle marks the moment when the price leaves the range, either by the upper band or by the lower band.
In the last bar a label with the test results will be displayed.
In the configuration there are three fields:
1. Deviation : is the range in percentage that the price can move up or down from the start time to the end time.
2. Begin Time: is the time (in 24h or military format) where the process begins.
3. End Time: is the time (in 24h or military format) where the process ends.
* for the time 11:00 am, you must enter "1100"
* for the time 2:45pm, you must enter "1445"
The selected timeframe must be less than 1 hour and Extended Trading Hours in the lower left corner), otherwise the indicator may not show results.
Later I will make an improvement to solve these inconveniences.
Range Gap/Open to Close/Close to CloseThis indicator shows the percentage variation of:
close to close (day including gap)
open to close (without gap)
The green bars represent the days when the variation did not reach the selected range. The red bars show the days when the variation was higher than the selected range.
Best timeframe : DAY
Strangle MoverStrangle Mover is an indicator especially made for option writer / seller who wants to do strangle and adjust the position based on the market trend / movement. It can be use for iron condor strategy too.
Settings: User must know the settings of the indicator before using .
First one is Option Strike Difference , user need to enter the correct option strike difference of the particular instrument / stock / indices, one can get it from option chain. For example, Nifty having 50 points differences in each option strike and bank nifty having 100 points. So, Nifty user must enter 50 and Bank nifty user must enter 100 in this setting.
Second is strangle distance multiply , user can choose the distance from the trend price. For example, nifty user selects 3, strangle line starts showing (3*50) 150 points away strike from the trend area.
Third is Length, default value is 20 which generally used in vwma, donchian channel and other trend finding indicators. User can change if need.
Note: Option Strike Difference and Strangle Distance Multiply is very important setting to use this indicator.
User must do adjustments based on their own risk and strategy. This indicator is only for education purpose.
Volatility Price TargetsPrints lines on the chart marking the price points for the standard deviation move using historical volatility. This script was born out of a need to easily spot target points for the wings of my Iron Condor Options trades. The study only shows on the Daily chart. Volatility is calculated based on the standard deviation of the daily returns of price. Price targets are calculated off yesterday's closing price and will not reprint.
Days to Expiration - allow you to enter the number of days to expiration for the option, default is 30 for those monthly options traders but can be adjusted to your desire.
Standard Deviation - you can enter the number of deviations for which to calculate the price points 1,2, or 3.
Days in Year - you can adjust the number of days in the year used to calculate the daily volatility multiplier.
Implied Volatility PercentileThis script calculates the Implied Volatility (IV) based on the daily returns of price using a standard deviation. It then annualizes the 30 day average to create the historical Implied Volatility. This indicator is intended to measure the IV for options traders but could also provide information for equities traders to show how price is extended in the expected price range based on the historical volatility.
The IV Rank (Green line) is then calculated by looking at the high and low volatility over the number of days back specified in the input parameter, default is 252 (trading days in 1 year) and then calculating the rank of the current IV compared to the High and Low. This is not as reliable as the IV Percentile as the and extreme high or low could have a side effect on the ranking but it is included for those that want to use.
The IV Percentile is calculated by counting the number of days below the current IV, then returns this as a % of the days back in the input
You can adjust the number of days back to check the IV Rank & IV Percentile if you are not wanting to look back a whole year.
This will only work on Daily or higher timeframe charts.
Future Iron Condor / Butterfly buy or sell indicatorFuture Iron Condor / butterfly indicator developed by Chobotaru Brothers.
You need to have basic knowledge in option trading to use this indicator!
The indicator shows P&L lines of the options strategy. Use only for futures since the mathematical model of options for Future instruments is different from stocks. Plus, the days' representation in futures is also different from stocks (stocks have fewer days than futures ).
***Each strategy in options is based on different mathematical equations, use this indicator only for the strategy in the headline.***
What does the indicator do?
The indicator is based on the Black-Scholes model, which uses partial differential equations to determine the option pricing. Due to options non-linear behavior, it is hard to visualize the option price. The indicator calculates the solutions of the Black-Scholes equation and plots them on the chart so traders can view how the option pricing will behave.
How the indicator does it?
The indicator uses five values (four dominants and one less dominant) to solve the Black-Scholes equation. The values are stock price, the strike price of the option, time to expiration, risk-free interest rate, and implied volatility .
How the indicator help the users?
-View the risks and rewards so you can know the profit targets in advance which means you can compare different options in different strikes.
-View the volatility change impact so you can know the risk and the P&L changes in case of a change in the volatility over the life of the option before you enter the trade.
-View the passage of time impact so you can know where and when you could realize a profit.
-Multi-timeframes so you can stay on the same chart (Daily and below).
All these features are to help the user improve his analysis while trading options.
How to use it?
The user needs to obtain from the “option chain” the following inputs:
-Buy or sell (the strategy)
- Iron Condor price bought/sold: enter the price that you bought/sold one options strategy.
-Instrument price when bought/sold: the stock price when you bought/sold the options strategy.
-Upper strike price Top: the top upper strike price of the options strategy.
-Lower strike price Top: the top lower strike price of the options strategy.
-Upper strike price Bottom: the bottom upper strike price of the options strategy.
-Lower strike price Bottom: the bottom lower strike price of the options strategy.
-Interest rate: find the risk-free interest rate from the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. Example: for 2% interest rate, input: 0.02.
-Days to expire: how many days until the option expires.
-Volatility: the implied volatility of the option bought/sold. Example: for 45% implied volatility , input: 0.45.
-Day of entry: A calendar day of the month that the option bought/sold.
-Month of entry: Calendar month the option bought/sold.
-Year of entry: Calendar year the option bought/sold.
-% of Profit/Loss: Profit/loss line defined by the user. Minimum input (-0.95) ; maximum input (0.95).
Example: If the strategy was bought, -0.95 means, 95% of the options strategy maximum loss is reached. : If the strategy was bought, 0.95 means, 95% of the options strategy maximum profit is reached.
After entering all the inputs, press Ok and you should see “Calculation Complete” on the chart.
The user should not change the entry date and days to expire inputs as time passes after he entered the trade.
How to access the indicator?
Use the link below to obtain access to the indicator
Iron Condor / butterfly buy or sell indicatorIron Condor / butterfly indicator developed by Chobotaru Brothers.
You need to have basic knowledge in option trading to use this indicator!
The indicator shows P&L lines of the options strategy. Use only for stocks since the mathematical model of options for Future instruments is different from stocks. Plus, the days' representation in futures is also different from stocks (stocks have fewer days than futures ).
***Each strategy in options is based on different mathematical equations, use this indicator only for the strategy in the headline.***
What does the indicator do?
The indicator is based on the Black-Scholes model, which uses partial differential equations to determine the option pricing. Due to options non-linear behavior, it is hard to visualize the option price. The indicator calculates the solutions of the Black-Scholes equation and plots them on the chart so traders can view how the option pricing will behave.
How the indicator does it?
The indicator uses five values (four dominants and one less dominant) to solve the Black-Scholes equation. The values are stock price, the strike price of the option, time to expiration, risk-free interest rate, and implied volatility .
How the indicator help the users?
-View the risks and rewards so you can know the profit targets in advance which means you can compare different options in different strikes.
-View the volatility change impact so you can know the risk and the P&L changes in case of a change in the volatility over the life of the option before you enter the trade.
-View the passage of time impact so you can know where and when you could realize a profit.
-Multi-timeframes so you can stay on the same chart (Daily and below).
All these features are to help the user improve his analysis while trading options.
How to use it?
The user needs to obtain from the “option chain” the following inputs:
-Buy or sell (the strategy)
- Iron Condor price bought/sold: enter the price that you bought/sold one options strategy.
-Instrument price when bought/sold: the stock price when you bought/sold the options strategy.
-Upper strike price Top: the top upper strike price of the options strategy.
-Lower strike price Top: the top lower strike price of the options strategy.
-Upper strike price Bottom: the bottom upper strike price of the options strategy.
-Lower strike price Bottom: the bottom lower strike price of the options strategy.
-Interest rate: find the risk-free interest rate from the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. Example: for 2% interest rate, input: 0.02.
-Days to expire: how many days until the option expires.
-Volatility: the implied volatility of the option bought/sold. Example: for 45% implied volatility , input: 0.45.
-Day of entry: A calendar day of the month that the option bought/sold.
-Month of entry: Calendar month the option bought/sold.
-Year of entry: Calendar year the option bought/sold.
-% of Profit/Loss: Profit/loss line defined by the user. Minimum input (-0.95) ; maximum input (0.95).
Example: If the strategy was bought, -0.95 means, 95% of the options strategy maximum loss is reached. : If the strategy was bought, 0.95 means, 95% of the options strategy maximum profit is reached.
After entering all the inputs, press Ok and you should see “Calculation Complete” on the chart.
The user should not change the entry date and days to expire inputs as time passes after he entered the trade.
How to access the indicator?
Use the link below to obtain access to the indicator
I give here some details about my new script.
It's a script to find the best opportunity to trade options, sotcks, etf, index, an ocean of securities!
It works it's best on Weekly time frame, and that's how I use it.
There are only 2 settings to do before to dive into the market:
Period: it means how many candles you want to trade before expiration.
Strike: it's where to sell the put and the call, as % of actual price.
It's easier to get it reading about my routine:
Monday morning I open the Weekly chart, I set "period" to match it with next expiring day (if next regular expires in 2 weeks I set period=2, if I prefer to trade a weekly option I can set "period=1"), and I set a Strike. "Strike" 10% means that the short legs must be placed +/-10% from Monday opening price ( we call this price just opening price). If Monday open is 100$ (opening price is 100), and I choose 7%Strike, the short put must be placed @ 93$, the short call @107$.
On the script you can find a green or a red histogram, when it appears it means that there is a good edge to trade iron condor.
On the right side of the indicator you will see the success rate for green and red signal. You can play with Strike to find the better odds, for exemple: XYZ with 10% strike gives 88% success ( so reward / risk ratio is (100-88)/88=12/88= 0.14), and all the trades that gives you by your broker platform a succes rate lower than 88% (that means RR higer than 0.14), is good for us!
So basically we know for each strike and each expiring date, on a given security, our odds by TARI CONDOR, we know our Reward / Risk ratio, and when the market pays more than what we see by the strategy, we have an edge.
If I find a good opportunity I jump on my broker platform and place an order. It's not always possible to find a decent RR, in thoese cases I place a pending order, so maybe after a few days it can be executed as the price moves closer to the wings. But we trade only if we have a real edge! I trade about 10 iron condors in a week.
Once the order has been executed it's time to manage the position, the rules are the basic rules for iron condor: if one candle cloes at the end of the week over one long strike we roll ( up the puts and down the calls) the side that is still in profit, until around the opening price, to collet more credit, raising our RR. If one spread is deep ITM we can close that side, lowering our max loss.
That's it. I will publish my trades over the next days, to better understand the power of this script.
By TARI CONDOR we can trade almost everityhing with options, having a good edge on our side, plus all the benefit in trading options instead trading stocks or etf (levarage is the most important).
Subscribe and Enjoy your wallet!
Trading Range Indicator - TRISimple script made to identify trading ranges in any timeframe
The oscillator bounces between 1 and 0. 1 means that the current asset is in a trading range and 0 meaning it is not.
The determination of a trading range is determined by the following:
ATR(14)40 and RSI<60
Due to all 3 having to be fulfilled in order for the oscillator to show there is a trading range, this causes a problem where 2 of the conditions are fulfilled and therefore still shows 0 on the oscillator, however, the asset could very well be in a trading range.
So what in the world do you use this for if there is such a significant margin of error?
Since all 3 conditions need to be fulfilled in order for it to be considered a trading range, this gives a very strong indicator of said trading ranges. So if a person is looking at individual stock tickers or the SPY index ticker, then when the oscillator reads a 1, it could be ideal to open an Iron Condor on said ticker. This means that this indicator is not well suiting for traditional long and short stock positions, but rather it is made for options traders who by using an Iron Condor can make money of a range-bound market.