Bitcoin Liquid
TV doesn't allow you to view the Bitcoin Liquid Index on lower time frames if you aren't a Premium subscriber >:(
I cheesed the system by recreating the formula that BNC uses. It isn't an exact replica, but very very close!
It can be slow to load due to the security( ) calls.
Default settings use the timeframe of the chart, however, you can set a custom timeframe if you wish.
Skew Index Rank-Buschi
a quick and simple tampering with the SKEW Index (also known as the "Black Swan Index")
Personally, I find it quite difficult to use the SKEW Index as a reliable indicator. Nevertheless I implemented a ranking system (from 0 to 100) with the option to include a certain time period (default: 252 trading days (units)) and a moving average (default: 21 days (units)).
Feedback is most welcome to modify / improve the script.
eine schnelle und einfache Bearbeitung des SKEW Index (auch als "Schwarzer Schwan Index" bekannt)
Persönlich finde ich es recht schwierig, den SKEW Index als verlässlichen Indikator zu verwenden. Trotzdem habe ich hier einfach einmal ein Ranking-System (von 0 bis 100) aufgesetzt mit der Option, einen gewissen Zeitrahmen (Standardwert: 252 Handelstage (Einheiten)) und einen gleitenden Durchschnitt (Standardwert: 21 Tage (Einheiten)) einzubinden.
Feedback ist sehr willkommen, um das Skript zu überarbeiten / zu verbessern.
Deribit Bitcoin IndexDeribit Bitcoin index, with hl2 as mid price substitute, as it tracks price more accurately than close alone.
Bitfinex excluded as Deribit has been doing so for a while now.
Canadian Dollar Currency IndexCanadian Dollar Currency Index updates in real time and doesn't close like's currency indexes. Based off of the Bank of Canada's CEER methodology and tracks it quite closely, although not perfectly. It seems to be higher than the Bank of Canada's index by 2 points. This could be due to using different data for the currencies and as I am not proficient in PineScript, I don't think I was able to replicate the formula exactly...? Regardless ,it works well and is more than close enough to suit one's purpose of tracking the Canadian dollar against a basket of currencies that are weighted according to the Bank of Canada's total weights (The total weight of a country j in year t is a weighted average of the their import, export and third-market competition weights). For more information on the actual Bank of Canada's index:
Damping IndexThis indicator was originally developed by Curtis McKallip Jr. (Stocks & Commodities, V.10:7 (296-299): "The Damping Index").
It indentifies bars where the highs and lows are getting close and closer. A high Damping Index value means that the difference between the high price and low price is becoming lower and the security price is reaching equilibrium. A low Damping Index value means that the difference between the high and low prices is increasing.
Good luck and happy trading!
Intraday Momentum IndexIntraday Momentum Index indicator script. This indicator was originally developed by Tushar Chande.
Fundstrat IndexesDisplays two of Fundstrat's Indexes as taken from TradingView.
Options to configure include displaying the first, second or both chosen indexes as well as a ratio of the two.
When comparing indexes, they're a bit "off", as data is not backfilled in consideration for initial index weighting. Feature not a bug?
Positive Volume IndexHello traders!
This indicator was originally developed by Paul L. Dysart in the 1930s and then described and popularized by Norman G. Fosback in his book "Stock Market Logic: A Sophisticated Approach to Profits on Wall Street"
Like and follow for more cool indicators!
Happy Trading!
Mass IndexThis indicator was originally developed by Donald Dorsey (Stocks & Commodities, V.10:6 (June, 1992): "The Mass Index").
Specially for @AlexMayorov :
If indicator reaches 27 and then falls to below 26.5 then it could be a signal of potential trend reversal.
Phase Change IndexPhase Change Index script.
This indicator was developed and described by M. H. Pee (Stocks & Commodities V.22:5 (28-37): Phase Change Index).
Other indicators of M. H. Pee:
Compare currency against multiple (Basket of currencies)Early version of a script to compare one currency against multiple to get an index.
Default values loaded basically make something along the lines of, "USD global exchange rate"
I plan on making this less clunky/messy in future with respect to the coding and the user inputs. Works 100% right now though.
Average Directional Index-BuschiA simple modification of the built-in "Average Directional Index":
To identify wether there is an uptrend or a downtrend, the function color is conditional:
no trend: black
small uptrend (weak threshold): light green
big uptrend (strong threshold): green
small downtrend (weak threshold): light red
big downtrend (strong threshold): red
Shadow Index by WentalThe indicator shows the ratio of the upper and lower shadows of the candlestick chart.
Stoch Money Flow (ADMF) & Absolute Strength Index (ASI) [cI8DH]This indicator can apply my previous indicator, Historical and Standard Stochastic, to Money Flow (ADMF) or Absolute Strength Index (ASI) or both at the same time. It can also display those two indicators in regular mode as well as showing visual cues when the indicators make new ATH or ATL.
ASI is basically a new name I am giving to my Gain/Loss Moving Average indicator. If you normalize ASI with the moving average of all the changes in price, it becomes identical to RSI. So ASI is basically non-normalized RSI, that is why it should be a more accurate representation of price momentum.
ADMF is an accumulation/distribution and money flow momentum indicator. Both ASI and ADMF are not range-bound so it is not easy to compare them against each other. When stochastic equation is applied to them, they both become range-bound and comparable. The gaps between the two indicator can reveal valuable information about market dynamics. The chart below shows some examples (note the settings).
For conventional usages of stochastic, please read and I recommend you to find the optimal length by playing with the stoch length in the indicator settings. If this parameter is calibrated properly, this indicator can be a powerful tool for identifying market cycle.
You can get these features ( ATH , ATL detection and historical stochastic) for any other indicator using the script below:
Market Facilitation Index (MFI) Strategy The Market Facilitation Index is an indicator that relates price range to
volume and measures the efficency of price movement. Use the indicator to
determine if the market is trending. If the Market Facilitation Index increased,
then the market is facilitating trade and is more efficient, implying that the
market is trending. If the Market Facilitation Index decreased, then the market
is becoming less efficient, which may indicate a trading range is developing that
may be a trend reversal.
- This script to change bars colors.
Normalized Average True Range (NATR) (Volatility) [cI8DH]As you can see in the chart below, regular ATR is not useful for long term analysis. Normalizing it, fixes the issue. This indicator can be used to measure absolute volatility. It has a built-in stochastic as well for relative volatility. ATR counts high and low in the equation unlike Bolinger Band Width.
Inverted Yield Curve with VIX Fear IndexUS 2 year and US 10 year comparison, inverted yield curve with VIX. I use this on a weekly chart with 2 moving averages, the 40 week (ma200 daily) and the 520 week (10 year median).
The bottom histogram is the VIX and the plot is the yield curve. When the VIX is above a certain level (you can set it in settings) and the ýield curve is close to or at inversion the background goes red.
The last seven recessions were preceded by an inverted yield curve. Here I combined the two main fear indexes, the VIX and the run for safe US treasuries (Inverted Yield Curve).
This is preset to the 2 year and 10 year US bond, weekly, and the normal VIX ticker but you can set it to whatever you like.
Published with source code for anyone to modify. Please comment below if you do so! This is the second in a series of indicators I intend to publish as a package of economic recoverty/recession symptom indicators.
Follow me for updates, next one up is commodities with dr Copper and oil!
This script offers an SMI index of VIX, SPY, and NDX. Rather than overlaying VIX, NDX and SPY on the same chart.
It's much easier to see the correlation between VIX's price and NDX / SPY price in this manner.
Thanks to Buckkets & William Blau for the TSI smoothing method.
Kripto Index (KRIN) [WOZDUX]Created cryptocurrency index in the image and likeness of the Dow Jones. for this we have created a virtual cryptoperthite. This portfolio was formed on 7-08-2014, when allegedly purchased for 1 thousand dollars of each cryptocurrency. On that date, make a certain quantity amount of cryptocoins depending on the value. If bought 5 coins, then spent 5 thousand dollars. In the future, we calculate the current value of this portfolio and divide by 5000 to get a parameter showing how much the value of this crypto-portfolio has dared.
I used two dates. The first date is August 7, 2014 and 5 coins were used, the second date is January 1, 2015 and 6 coins were used.
The green line corresponds to the first date and the blue line corresponds to the second date. Thus, we obtain two variants of the crypto index.
With this crypto index ( abbreviated name-KRIN), you can observe the aggregate price movement of the crypto community.
Volume/Rsi Overbought/oversoldI present you my last indicator. A volume indicator that indicates overbought and oversold based on the rsi, I chose the rsi because the most used surment, this indicator allows you to identify the overbought and oversold areas of the rsi with the colors blue (oversold) and orange (overbought ) on the volume indicator! Hoping that you are useful
Trend Detection IndexTrend Detection Index indicator script.
This indicator was originally developed by M.H. Pee (Stocks & Commodities V. 19:10 (54-61): Trend Detection Index).
Relative Vigor Index with Dominant Cycle Detection (RVI)Relative Vigor Index with Dominant Cycle Detection. As Ehler's mentioned, fixed length look back is inherently flawed when it is possible to extract a length from a dominant price cycle. may be less effective if signal to noise ratio is greater than 2, but that usually would not happen at >5m candles, and honestly shouldn't be looking at RV(igor)I when price is moving sideways.
Read just like an RVGI, but adjusted to the current time frame. To reduce noise, changing to heiken ashi will help with signals as well. Let me know if there are improvements!
Made for JD, the OG.
Rapid RSIRapid RSI indicator script. This indicator was originally developed by Ian Copsey (Stocks & Commodities V. 24:10 (16-23): Forex Focus).
Relative Momentum IndexRelative Momentum Index indicator script. This indicator was originally developed by Roger Altman (Stocks & Commodities V. 11:2 (57-60)).
RMI with momentum period of 1 will be equal to an RSI when they have the same period and source price.