Cryptos Pump Hunter[liwei666]🔥 Cryptos Pump Hunter captured high volatility symbols in real-time, Up to 40 symbols can be monitored at same time.
Help you find the most profitable symbol with excellent visualization.
🔥 Indicator Design logic
🎯 The core pump/dump logic is quite simple
1. calc past bars highest and lowest High price, get movement by this formula
" movement = (highest - lowest) / lowest * 100 "
2. order by 'movement' value descending, you will get a volatility List
3. use Table tool display List, The higher the 'movement', the higher the ranking.
🔥 Settings
🎯 2 input properties impact on the results, 2 input impact on display effects, others look picture below.
pump_bars_cnt : lookback bar to calc pump/dump
resolution for pump : 1min to 1D
show_top1 : when ranking list top1 change, will draw a label
show pump : when symbol over threhold, draw a pump lable
🔥 How TO USE
🎯 only trade high volatility symbols
1. focus on top1 symbol on Table panel at top-right postion, trading symbols at label in chart.
2. Short when 'postion' ~ 0, Long when 'postion' ~ 1 on Table Cell
🎯 Monitor the symbols you like
1. 100+ symbols added in script, cancel remarks in code line if symbol is your want
2. add 1 line code if symbol not exist. if you want monitor 'ETHUSDTPERP ', then add
" ETHUSDTPERP = create_symbol_obj('BINANCE:ETHUSDTPERP'), array.unshift(symbol_a, ETHUSDTPERP ) "
🎯 Alert will be add soon, any questions or suggestion please comment below, I would appreciate it greatly.
Hope this indicator will be useful for you :)
enjoy! 🚀🚀🚀
Volatilitas Historis
Average True Range PercentWhen writing the Quickfingers Luc base scanner (Marvin) script, I wanted a measure of volatility that would be comparable between charts. The traditional Average True Range (ATR) indicator calculates a discrete number providing the average true range of that chart for a specified number of periods. The ATR is not comparable across different price charts.
Average True Range Percent (ATRP) measures the true range for the period, converts it to a percentage using the average of the period's range ((high + low) / 2) and then smooths the percentage. The ATRP provides a measure of volatility that is comparable between charts showing their relative volatility.
OHLC ToolOHLC Tool allows you to display Current or Historical OHLC Values as horizontal lines that extend to the right on your chart.
Variable Lookback to display a specific historical bar's values. Default = 1 (Previous Candle)
Customizable Timeframe to view HTF Candle values.
Custom Line Colors, Styles, and Thicknesses.
Price Scale Value Display Capability.
For displaying the line values and labels on the price scale you will need to enable:
"Indicator and financials name labels"
"Indicator and financials value labels"
These options are found in the Price Scale Menu under Labels. Price Scale Menu > Labels
When you do this you will notice your other indicator values will also be on the price scale,
if you wish to disable these, go to the indicator settings under the "Style" Tab, Uncheck the "Labels on price scale" box.
Indicator Settings > Style > "Labels on price scale"
Volatility Compression Ratio by M-CarloHello traders. I created this simple indicator to use as a FILTER.
He does not provide any operational signals but tells us if we are in a period of volatility compression or expansion and it can work on all market.
This filter works great for all strategies that work on breakouts
The concept is this: I will enter at breakout of a price level that I consider important, only if there is a volatility compression and not in the case of expansion of volatility.
Technically the calculation is very simple:
Step 1: I calculate the ATR at "x" periods, I set 7 by default because I get better results but you can change it as you like using the "atr length" field. You can also choose whether to calculate the ATR via RMA, SMA or EMA.
Step 2: I Calculate a simple average of the previous ATR over a longer period, longer period than set with the "length multiplier" parameter, which multiplies the "atr length" value by "x" times. Here I set the default 3 but you can change it as you like.
Step 3: I divide the ATR value calculated in step1 by its long-term average calculated in step2, obtaining a value that will oscillate above and below the value of 1
if the indicator is above the value of 1 it means that volatility is expanding
If the indicator is below the value of 1 it means that we are in a period of volatility compression (and as we know volatility explodes sooner or later)
If you have any questions write to me and I hope this filter helps you! Have good Trading!
Seasonal tendency: week-on-week % change and 10yr Averages-shows week-on-week % change, and 10yr averages of these % changes
-scan across the 10yr averages to get a good idea of the seasonality of an asset
-best used on commodities with strong seasonal tendencies (Gold, Wheat, Coffee, Lean hogs etc)
-works only on daily timeframe
-by default it will compare SMA(length) in the following way, BTC: Sunday cf previous Sunday | ES/Gold: Monday cf previous Monday
-for most assets, 5 daily bars in a week (SMA(5)) => that's the default. For BTC can change this to 7.
-change input year to show any previous decade of asset's history; the table will display over that year on the chart
-choose expression for Average of % change week on week: SMA, ohlc4, vwma, vwap (default SMA)
-choose number of daily bars in a week (i.e. SMA length)
-change label sizes/colors
-When applied to current year: will print the 10yr average for previous weeks in the year; 9yr average for future weeks in the year
-drawings and SMA plot on the above chart are just to show visually how the week's average is calculated, and how this lines up with the label
-current week of year will highlight in large font orange by default
-the first 2 weeks of the year are omitted because of a bug i can't figure out, which throws out bad numbers.
-cannot print all the values for each of previous 10yrs; 'code too long' error. Could likely do this via using matrices but would require a rewrite
17th Dec 2022
Average True Range Refurbished💡 Objective
This script is a rebuild of the pre-existing ATR indicator, with improvements and fine-tuning.
1. Normalization option (range 0 to 100)
2. Optional calculation of the ratio between current volatility and average volatility
3. Optional smoothing
4. Show a moving average
5. Show Bollinger Bands with 3 bands
6. Change bar colors according to ATR and Bollinger Bands
📚 Definition
'The Average True Range (ATR) is a tool used in technical analysis to measure volatility. Unlike many of today's popular indicators, the ATR is not used to indicate the direction of price. Rather, it is a metric used solely to measure volatility, especially volatility caused by price gaps or limit moves.'
Visible RangeA quick and easy "at a glance" display for the viewable candles. It does repaint, but that is a non-issue, as it is simply a quick and handy tool to visually see a quick peek at the visible range.
The highest, lowest, and average are displayed, with labels for the percentage distance from the current close value and total range.
Automatic color for each based on relative distance for consistency in stable or volatile conditions.
Implied Volatility Suite (TG Fork)Displays the Implied Volatility, which is usually calculated from options, but here is calculated indirectly from spot price directly, either using a model or model-free using the VIXfix.
The model-free VIXfix based approach can detect times of high volatility, which usually coincides with panic and hence lowest prices. Inversely, the model-based approach can detect times of highest greed.
Forked and updated by Tartigradia to fix some issues in the calculations, convert to pinescript v5 and reverse engineered to reproduce the "Implied Volatility Rank & Model Free IVR" indicator by the same author (but closed source) and allow to plot both model-based and model-free implied volatilities simultaneously.
If you like this indicator, please show the original author SegaRKO some love:
Asymmetric Dispersion High Lowdear fellows,
this indicator is an effort to determine the range where the prices are likely to fall within in the current candle.
how it is calculated
1. obtain
a. gain from the open to the high
b. loss from the open to the low
in the last 20 (by default) candles and
in the last 200 (10*20 by default) candles
2. perform
a. the geometric average (sma of the log returns) over these gains and losses
b. their respective standard deviation
3. plot from the open of each candle
a. the average + 2 standard deviations (2 by default) of the short window size
b. same for the long window size (which is overlapped)
what it shows
1. where the current candle is likely to move with 95% likelyhood
how it can be interpreted
1. a gauge for volatility in the short and long term
2. a visual inbalance between likelyhood to go up or down according to dispersion in relation to current prices or candle open.
3. a confirmation of crossings of, for instance, support and resistances once the cloud is completely above or below.
in regard to bollinger bands (which are and excellent well proven indicator)
1. it segregates upward moves from the downward ones.
2. it is hardly crossed by prices
3. it is centered on the current candle open, instead of the moving average.
we welcome feedback and critic.
best regards and success wishes.
HMA w/ SSE-Dynamic EWMA Volatility Bands [Loxx]This indicator is for educational purposes to lay the groundwork for future closed/open source indicators. Some of thee future indicators will employ parameter estimation methods described below, others will require complex solvers such as the Nelder-Mead algorithm on log likelihood estimations to derive optimal parameter values for omega, gamma, alpha, and beta for GARCH(1,1) MLE and other volatility metrics. For our purposes here, we estimate the rolling lambda (λ) value used to calculate EWMA by minimizing of the sum of the squared errors minus the long-run variance--a rolling window of the one year mean of squared log-returns. In practice, practitioners will use a λ equal to a standardized value put out by institutions such as JP Morgan. Even simpler than this, others use a ratio of (per - 1) / (per + 1) to derive λ where per is the lookback period for EWMA. Due to computation limits in Pine, we'll likely not see a true GARCH(1,1) MLE on Pine for quite some time, but future closed source indicators will contain some very interesting industry hacks to get close by employing modifications to EWMA. Enjoy!
Exponentially weighted volatility and its relationship to GARCH(1,1)
Exponentially weighted volatility--also called exponentially weighted moving average volatility (EWMA)--puts more weight on more recent observations. EWMA is calculated as follows:
σ*2 = λσ(n - 1)^2 + (1 − λ)u(n - 1)^2
The estimate, σn, of the volatility for day n (made at the end of day n − 1) is calculated from σn −1 (the estimate that was made at the end of day n − 2 of the volatility for day n − 1) and u^n−1 (the most recent daily percentage change).
The EWMA approach has the attractive feature that the data storage requirements are modest. At any given time, we need to remember only the current estimate of the variance rate and the most recent observation on the value of the market variable. When we get a new observation on the value of the market variable, we calculate a new daily percentage change to update our estimate of the variance rate. The old estimate of the variance rate and the old value of the market variable can then be discarded.
The EWMA approach is designed to track changes in the volatility. Suppose there is a big move in the market variable on day n − 1 so that u2n−1 is large. This causes our estimate of the current volatility to move upward. The value of λ governs how responsive the estimate of the daily volatility is to the most recent daily percentage change. A low value of λ leads to a great deal of weight being given to the u(n−1)^2 when σn is calculated. In this case, the estimates produced for the volatility on successive days are themselves highly volatile. A high value of λ (i.e., a value close to 1.0) produces estimates of the daily volatility that respond relatively slowly to new information provided by the daily percentage change.
The RiskMetrics database, which was originally created by JPMorgan and made publicly available in 1994, used the EWMA model with λ = 0.94 for updating daily volatility estimates. The company found that, across a range of different market variables, this value of λ gives forecasts of the variance rate that come closest to the realized variance rate. In 2006, RiskMetrics switched to using a long memory model. This is a model where the weights assigned to the u(n -i)^2 as i increases decline less fast than in EWMA.
GARCH(1,1) Model
The EWMA model is a particular case of GARCH(1,1) where γ = 0, α = 1 − λ, and β = λ. The “(1,1)” in GARCH(1,1) indicates that σ^2 is based on the most recent observation of u^2 and the most recent estimate of the variance rate. The more general GARCH(p, q) model calculates σ^2 from the most recent p observations on u2 and the most recent q estimates of the variance rate.7 GARCH(1,1) is by far the most popular of the GARCH models. Setting ω = γVL, the GARCH(1,1) model can also be written:
σ(n)^2 = ω + αu(n-1)^2 + βσ(n-1)^2
What this indicator does
Calculate log returns log(close/close(1))
Calculates Lambda (λ) dynamically by minimizing the sum of squared errors. I've restricted this to the daily timeframe so as to not bloat the code with additional logic required to derive an annualized EWMA historical volatility metric.
After the Lambda is derived, EWMA is calculated one last time and the result is the daily volatility
This daily volatility is multiplied by the source and the multiplier +/- the HMA to create the volatility bands
Finally, daily volatility is multiplied by the square-root of days per year to derive annualized volatility. Years are trading days for the asset, for most everything but crypto, its 252, for crypto is 365.
Reset Strike Options-Type 2 (Gray Whaley) [Loxx]For a reset option type 2, the strike is reset in a similar way as a reset option 1. That is, the strike is reset to the asset price at a predetermined future time, if the asset price is below (above) the initial strike price for a call (put). The payoff for such a reset call is max(S - X, 0), and max(X - S, 0) for a put, where X is equal to the original strike X if not reset, and equal to the reset strike if reset. Gray and Whaley (1999) have derived a closed-form solution for the price of European reset strike options. The price of the call option is then given by (via "The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Formulas")
c = Se^(b-r)T2 * M(a1, y1; p) - Xe^(-rT2) * M(a2, y2; p) - Se^(b-r)T1 * N(-a1) * N(z2) * e^-r(T2-T1) + Se^(b-r)T2 * N(-a1) * N(z1)
p = Se^(b-r)T1 * N(a1) * N(-z2) * e^-r(T2-T1) + Se^(b-r)T2 * N(a1) * N(-z1) + Xe^(-rT2) * M(-a2, -y2; p) - Se^(b-r)T2 * M(-a1, -y1; p)
where b is the cost-of-carry of the underlying asset, a is the volatility of the relative price changes in the asset, and r is the risk-free interest rate. K is the strike price of the option, T1 the time to reset (in years), and T2 is its time to expiration. N(x) and M(a,b; p) are, respectively, the univariate and bivariate cumulative normal distribution functions. Further
a1 = (log(S/X) + (b+v^2/2)T1) / v*T1^0.5 ... a2 = a1 - v*T1^0.5
z1 = ((b+v^2/2)(T2-T1)) / v*(T2-T1)^0.5 ... z2 = z1 - v*(T2-T1)^0.5
y1 = (log(S/X) + (b+v^2/2)T1) / v*T1^0.5 ... y2 = a1 - v*T1^0.5
and p = (T1/T2)^0.5. For reset options with multiple reset rights, see Dai, Kwok, and Wu (2003) and Liao and Wang (2003).
Asset price ( S )
Strike price ( K )
Reset time ( T1 )
Time to maturity ( T2 )
Risk-free rate ( r )
Cost of carry ( b )
Volatility ( s )
Numerical Greeks or Greeks by Finite Difference
Analytical Greeks are the standard approach to estimating Delta, Gamma etc... That is what we typically use when we can derive from closed form solutions. Normally, these are well-defined and available in text books. Previously, we relied on closed form solutions for the call or put formulae differentiated with respect to the Black Scholes parameters. When Greeks formulae are difficult to develop or tease out, we can alternatively employ numerical Greeks - sometimes referred to finite difference approximations. A key advantage of numerical Greeks relates to their estimation independent of deriving mathematical Greeks. This could be important when we examine American options where there may not technically exist an exact closed form solution that is straightforward to work with. (via VinegarHill FinanceLabs)
Numerical Greeks Outputs
Delta D
Elasticity L
Gamma G
GammaP G
Theta Q (1 day)
Rho r
Rho futures option r
Strike Delta
Strike gamma
Things to know
Only works on the daily timeframe and for the current source price.
You can adjust the text size to fit the screen
Writer Extendible Option [Loxx]These options can be exercised at their initial maturity date /I but are extended to T2 if the option is out-of-the-money at ti. The payoff from a writer-extendible call option at time T1 (T1 < T2) is (via "The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Formulas")
c(S, X1, X2, t1, T2) = (S - X1) if S>= X1 else cBSM(S, X2, T2-T1)
and for a writer-extendible put is
c(S, X1, X2, T1, T2) = (X1 - S) if S< X1 else pBSM(S, X2, T2-T1)
Writer-Extendible Call
c = cBSM(S, X1, T1) + Se^(b-r)T2 * M(Z1, -Z2; -p) - X2e^-rT2 * M(Z1 - vT^0.5, -Z2 + vT^0.5; -p)
Writer-Extendible Put
p = cBSM(S, X1, T1) + X2e^-rT2 * M(-Z1 + vT^0.5, Z2 - vT^0.5; -p) - Se^(b-r)T2 * M(-Z1, Z2; -p)
b=r options on non-dividend paying stock
b=r-q options on stock or index paying a dividend yield of q
b=0 options on futures
b=r-rf currency options (where rf is the rate in the second currency)
Asset price ( S )
Initial strike price ( X1 )
Extended strike price ( X2 )
Initial time to maturity ( t1 )
Extended time to maturity ( T2 )
Risk-free rate ( r )
Cost of carry ( b )
Volatility ( s )
Numerical Greeks or Greeks by Finite Difference
Analytical Greeks are the standard approach to estimating Delta, Gamma etc... That is what we typically use when we can derive from closed form solutions. Normally, these are well-defined and available in text books. Previously, we relied on closed form solutions for the call or put formulae differentiated with respect to the Black Scholes parameters. When Greeks formulae are difficult to develop or tease out, we can alternatively employ numerical Greeks - sometimes referred to finite difference approximations. A key advantage of numerical Greeks relates to their estimation independent of deriving mathematical Greeks. This could be important when we examine American options where there may not technically exist an exact closed form solution that is straightforward to work with. (via VinegarHill FinanceLabs)
Numerical Greeks Output
Theta (1 day)
Rho futures option
Things to know
Only works on the daily timeframe and for the current source price.
You can adjust the text size to fit the screen
Reset Strike Options-Type 1 [Loxx]In a reset call (put) option, the strike is reset to the asset price at a predetermined future time, if the asset price is below (above) the initial strike price. This makes the strike path-dependent. The payoff for a call at maturity is equal to max((S-X)/X, 0) where is equal to the original strike X if not reset, and equal to the reset strike if reset. Similarly, for a put, the payoff is max((X-S)/X, 0) Gray and Whaley (1997) x have derived a closed-form solution for such an option. For a call, we have
c = e^(b-r)(T2-T1) * N(-a2) * N(z1) * e^(-rt1) - e^(-rT2) * N(-a2)*N(z2) - e^(-rT2) * M(a2, y2; p) + (S/X) * e^(b-r)T2 * M(a1, y1; p)
and for a put,
p = e^(-rT2) * N(a2) * N(-z2) - e^(b-r)(T2-T1) * N(a2) * N(-z1) * e^(-rT1) + e^(-rT2) * M(-a2, -y2; p) - (S/X) * e^(b-r)T2 * M(-a1, -y1; p)
where b is the cost-of-carry of the underlying asset, a is the volatil- ity of the relative price changes in the asset, and r is the risk-free interest rate. X is the strike price of the option, r the time to reset (in years), and T is its time to expiration. N(x) and M(a, b; p) are, respec- tively, the univariate and bivariate cumulative normal distribution functions. The remaining parameters are p = (T1/T2)^0.5 and
a1 = (log(S/X) + (b+v^2/2)T1) / vT1^0.5 ... a2 = a1 - vT1^0.5
z1 = (b+v^2/2)(T2-T1)/v(T2-T1)^0.5 ... z2 = z1 - v(T2-T1)^0.5
y1 = log(S/X) + (b+v^2)T2 / vT2^0.5 ... y2 = y1 - vT2^0.5
b=r options on non-dividend paying stock
b=r-q options on stock or index paying a dividend yield of q
b=0 options on futures
b=r-rf currency options (where rf is the rate in the second currency)
Asset price ( S )
Initial strike price ( X1 )
Extended strike price ( X2 )
Initial time to maturity ( t1 )
Extended time to maturity ( T2 )
Risk-free rate ( r )
Cost of carry ( b )
Volatility ( s )
Numerical Greeks or Greeks by Finite Difference
Analytical Greeks are the standard approach to estimating Delta, Gamma etc... That is what we typically use when we can derive from closed form solutions. Normally, these are well-defined and available in text books. Previously, we relied on closed form solutions for the call or put formulae differentiated with respect to the Black Scholes parameters. When Greeks formulae are difficult to develop or tease out, we can alternatively employ numerical Greeks - sometimes referred to finite difference approximations. A key advantage of numerical Greeks relates to their estimation independent of deriving mathematical Greeks. This could be important when we examine American options where there may not technically exist an exact closed form solution that is straightforward to work with. (via VinegarHill FinanceLabs)
Numerical Greeks Ouput
Theta (1 day)
Rho futures option
Things to know
Only works on the daily timeframe and for the current source price.
You can adjust the text size to fit the screen
Fade-in Options [Loxx]A fade-in call has the same payoff as a standard call except the size of the payoff is weighted by how many fixings the asset price were inside a predefined range (L, U). If the asset price is inside the range for every fixing, the payoff will be identical to a plain vanilla option. More precisely, for a call option, the payoff will be max(S(T) - X, 0) X 1/n Sum(n(i)), where n is the total number of fixings and n(i) = 1 if at fixing i the asset price is inside the range, and n(i) = 0 otherwise. Similarly, for a put, the payoff is max(X - S(T), 0) X 1/n Sum(n(i)).
Brockhaus, Ferraris, Gallus, Long, Martin, and Overhaus (1999) describe a closed-form formula for fade-in options. For a call the value is given by
max(X - S(T), 0) X 1/n Sum(n(i))
describe a closed-form formula for fade-in options. For a call the value is given by
c = 1/n * Sum(S^((b-r)*T) * (M(-d5, d1; -p) - M(-d3, d1; -p)) - Xe^(-rT) * (M(-d6, d2; -p) - M(-d4, d2; -p))
where n is the number of fixings, p = (t1^0.5/T^0.5), t1 = iT/n
d1 = (log(S/X) + (b + v^2/2)*T) / (v * T^0.5) ... d2 = d1 - v*T^0.5
d3 = (log(S/L) + (b + v^2/2)*t1) / (v * t1^0.5) ... d4 = d3 - v*t1^0.5
d5 = (log(S/U) + (b + v^2/2)*t1) / (v * t1^0.5) ... d6 = d5 - v*t1^0.5
The value of a put is similarly
p = 1/n * Sum(Xe^(-rT) * (M(-d6, -d2; -p) - M(-d4, -d2; -p))) - S^((b-r)*T) * (M(-d5, -d1; -p) - M(-d3, -d1; -p)
b=r options on non-dividend paying stock
b=r-q options on stock or index paying a dividend yield of q
b=0 options on futures
b=r-rf currency options (where rf is the rate in the second currency)
Asset price ( S )
Strike price ( K )
Lower barrier ( L )
Upper barrier ( U )
Time to maturity ( T )
Risk-free rate ( r )
Cost of carry ( b )
Volatility ( s )
Fixings ( n )
cnd1(x) = Cumulative Normal Distribution
nd(x) = Standard Normal Density Function
cbnd3() = Cumulative Bivariate Distribution
convertingToCCRate(r, cmp ) = Rate compounder
Numerical Greeks or Greeks by Finite Difference
Analytical Greeks are the standard approach to estimating Delta, Gamma etc... That is what we typically use when we can derive from closed form solutions. Normally, these are well-defined and available in text books. Previously, we relied on closed form solutions for the call or put formulae differentiated with respect to the Black Scholes parameters. When Greeks formulae are difficult to develop or tease out, we can alternatively employ numerical Greeks - sometimes referred to finite difference approximations. A key advantage of numerical Greeks relates to their estimation independent of deriving mathematical Greeks. This could be important when we examine American options where there may not technically exist an exact closed form solution that is straightforward to work with. (via VinegarHill FinanceLabs)
Things to know
Only works on the daily timeframe and for the current source price.
You can adjust the text size to fit the screen
Log Contract Ln(S/X) [Loxx]A log contract, first introduced by Neuberger (1994) and Neuberger (1996), is not strictly an option. It is, however, an important building block in volatility derivatives (see Chapter 6 as well as Demeterfi, Derman, Kamal, and Zou, 1999). The payoff from a log contract at maturity T is simply the natural logarithm of the underlying asset divided by the strike price, ln(S/ X). The payoff is thus nonlinear and has many similarities with options. The value of this contract is (via "The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Formulas")
L = e^(-r * T) * (log(S/X) + (b-v^2/2)*T)
The delta of a log contract is
delta = (e^(-r*T) / S)
and the gamma is
gamma = (e^(-r*T) / S^2)
S = Stock price.
K = Strike price of option.
T = Time to expiration in years.
r = Risk-free rate
c = Cost of Carry
V = Variance of the underlying asset price
cnd1(x) = Cumulative Normal Distribution
nd(x) = Standard Normal Density Function
convertingToCCRate(r, cmp ) = Rate compounder
Numerical Greeks or Greeks by Finite Difference
Analytical Greeks are the standard approach to estimating Delta, Gamma etc... That is what we typically use when we can derive from closed form solutions. Normally, these are well-defined and available in text books. Previously, we relied on closed form solutions for the call or put formulae differentiated with respect to the Black Scholes parameters. When Greeks formulae are difficult to develop or tease out, we can alternatively employ numerical Greeks - sometimes referred to finite difference approximations. A key advantage of numerical Greeks relates to their estimation independent of deriving mathematical Greeks. This could be important when we examine American options where there may not technically exist an exact closed form solution that is straightforward to work with. (via VinegarHill FinanceLabs)
Things to know
Only works on the daily timeframe and for the current source price.
You can adjust the text size to fit the screen
Log Option [Loxx]A log option introduced by Wilmott (2000) has a payoff at maturity equal to max(log(S/X), 0), which is basically an option on the rate of return on the underlying asset with strike log(X). The value of a log option is given by: (via "The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Formulas")
e^−rT * n(d2)σ√(T − t) + e^−rT*(log(S/K) + (b −σ^2/2)T) * N(d2)
where N(*) is the cumulative normal distribution function, n(*) is the normal density function, and
d = ((log(S/X) + (b - v^2/2)*T) / (v*T^0.5)
b=r options on non-dividend paying stock
b=r-q options on stock or index paying a dividend yield of q
b=0 options on futures
b=r-rf currency options (where rf is the rate in the second currency)
S = Stock price.
K = Strike price of option.
T = Time to expiration in years.
r = Risk-free rate
c = Cost of Carry
V = Variance of the underlying asset price
cnd1(x) = Cumulative Normal Distribution
nd(x) = Standard Normal Density Function
convertingToCCRate(r, cmp ) = Rate compounder
Numerical Greeks or Greeks by Finite Difference
Analytical Greeks are the standard approach to estimating Delta, Gamma etc... That is what we typically use when we can derive from closed form solutions. Normally, these are well-defined and available in text books. Previously, we relied on closed form solutions for the call or put formulae differentiated with respect to the Black Scholes parameters. When Greeks formulae are difficult to develop or tease out, we can alternatively employ numerical Greeks - sometimes referred to finite difference approximations. A key advantage of numerical Greeks relates to their estimation independent of deriving mathematical Greeks. This could be important when we examine American options where there may not technically exist an exact closed form solution that is straightforward to work with. (via VinegarHill FinanceLabs)
Things to know
Only works on the daily timeframe and for the current source price.
You can adjust the text size to fit the screen
Log Contract Ln(S) [Loxx]A log contract, first introduced by Neuberger (1994) and Neuberger (1996), is not strictly an option. It is, however, an important building block in volatility derivatives (see Chapter 6 as well as Demeterfi, Derman, Kamal, and Zou, 1999). The payoff from a log contract at maturity T is simply the natural logarithm of the underlying asset divided by the strike price, ln(S/ X). The payoff is thus nonlinear and has many similarities with options. The value of this contract is (via "The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Formulas")
L = e^(-r * T) * (log(S/X) + (b-v^2/2)*T)
The delta of a log contract is
delta = (e^(-r*T) / S)
and the gamma is
gamma = (e^(-r*T) / S^2)
An even simpler version of the log contract is when the payoff simply is ln(S). The payoff is clearly still nonlinear in the underlying asset. It follows that the value of this contract is:
L = e^(-r * T) * (log(S) + (b-v^2/2)*T)
The theta/time decay of a log contract is
theta = - 1/T * v^2
and its exposure to the stock price, delta, is
delta = - 2/T * 1/S
This basically tells you that you need to be long stocks to be delta- neutral at any time. Moreover, the gamma is
gamma = 2 / (T * S^2)
b=r options on non-dividend paying stock
b=r-q options on stock or index paying a dividend yield of q
b=0 options on futures
b=r-rf currency options (where rf is the rate in the second currency)
S = Stock price.
T = Time to expiration in years.
r = Risk-free rate
c = Cost of Carry
V = volatility of the underlying asset price
cnd1(x) = Cumulative Normal Distribution
nd(x) = Standard Normal Density Function
convertingToCCRate(r, cmp ) = Rate compounder
Numerical Greeks or Greeks by Finite Difference
Analytical Greeks are the standard approach to estimating Delta, Gamma etc... That is what we typically use when we can derive from closed form solutions. Normally, these are well-defined and available in text books. Previously, we relied on closed form solutions for the call or put formulae differentiated with respect to the Black Scholes parameters. When Greeks formulae are difficult to develop or tease out, we can alternatively employ numerical Greeks - sometimes referred to finite difference approximations. A key advantage of numerical Greeks relates to their estimation independent of deriving mathematical Greeks. This could be important when we examine American options where there may not technically exist an exact closed form solution that is straightforward to work with. (via VinegarHill FinanceLabs)
Things to know
Only works on the daily timeframe and for the current source price.
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Powered Option [Loxx]At maturity, a powered call option pays off max(S - X, 0)^i and a put pays off max(X - S, 0)^i . Esser (2003 describes how to value these options (see also Jarrow and Turnbull, 1996, Brockhaus, Ferraris, Gallus, Long, Martin, and Overhaus, 1999). (via "The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Formulas")
b=r options on non-dividend paying stock
b=r-q options on stock or index paying a dividend yield of q
b=0 options on futures
b=r-rf currency options (where rf is the rate in the second currency)
S = Stock price.
K = Strike price of option.
T = Time to expiration in years.
r = Risk-free rate
c = Cost of Carry
V = volatility of the underlying asset price
i = power
cnd1(x) = Cumulative Normal Distribution
nd(x) = Standard Normal Density Function
combin(x) = Combination function, calculates the number of possible combinations for two given numbers
convertingToCCRate(r, cmp ) = Rate compounder
Numerical Greeks or Greeks by Finite Difference
Analytical Greeks are the standard approach to estimating Delta, Gamma etc... That is what we typically use when we can derive from closed form solutions. Normally, these are well-defined and available in text books. Previously, we relied on closed form solutions for the call or put formulae differentiated with respect to the Black Scholes parameters. When Greeks formulae are difficult to develop or tease out, we can alternatively employ numerical Greeks - sometimes referred to finite difference approximations. A key advantage of numerical Greeks relates to their estimation independent of deriving mathematical Greeks. This could be important when we examine American options where there may not technically exist an exact closed form solution that is straightforward to work with. (via VinegarHill FinanceLabs)
Things to know
Only works on the daily timeframe and for the current source price.
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Capped Standard Power Option [Loxx]Power options can lead to very high leverage and thus entail potentially very large losses for short positions in these options. It is therefore common to cap the payoff. The maximum payoff is set to some predefined level C. The payoff at maturity for a capped power call is min . Esser (2003) gives the closed-form solution: (via "The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Formulas")
c = S^i * (e^((i - 1) * (r + i*v^2 / 2) - i * (r - b))*T) * (N(e1) - N(e3)) - e^(-r*T) * (X*N(e2) - (C + X) * N(e4))
while the value of a put is
e1 = (log(S/X^(1/i)) + (b + (i - 1/2)*v^2)*T) / v*T^0.5
e3 = (log(S/(C + X)^(1/i)) + (b + (i - 1/2)*v^2)*T) / v*T^0.5
e4 = e3 - i * v * T^0.5
In the case of a capped power put, we have
p = e^(-r*T) * (X*N(-e2) - (C + X) * N(-e4)) - S^i * (e^((i - 1) * (r + i*v^2 / 2) - i * (r - b))*T) * (N(-e1) - N(-e3))
where e1 and e2 is as before. e3 and e4 has to be changed to
e3 = (log(S/(X - C)^(1/i)) + (b + (i - 1/2)*v^2)*T) / v*T^0.5
e4 = e3 - i * v * T^0.5
b=r options on non-dividend paying stock
b=r-q options on stock or index paying a dividend yield of q
b=0 options on futures
b=r-rf currency options (where rf is the rate in the second currency)
S = Stock price.
K = Strike price of option.
T = Time to expiration in years.
r = Risk-free rate
c = Cost of Carry
V = Variance of the underlying asset price
i = power
c = Capped on pay off
cnd1(x) = Cumulative Normal Distribution
nd(x) = Standard Normal Density Function
convertingToCCRate(r, cmp ) = Rate compounder
Numerical Greeks or Greeks by Finite Difference
Analytical Greeks are the standard approach to estimating Delta, Gamma etc... That is what we typically use when we can derive from closed form solutions. Normally, these are well-defined and available in text books. Previously, we relied on closed form solutions for the call or put formulae differentiated with respect to the Black Scholes parameters. When Greeks formulae are difficult to develop or tease out, we can alternatively employ numerical Greeks - sometimes referred to finite difference approximations. A key advantage of numerical Greeks relates to their estimation independent of deriving mathematical Greeks. This could be important when we examine American options where there may not technically exist an exact closed form solution that is straightforward to work with. (via VinegarHill FinanceLabs)
Things to know
Only works on the daily timeframe and for the current source price.
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Standard Power Option [Loxx]Standard power options (aka asymmetric power options) have nonlinear payoff at maturity. For a call, the payoff is max(S^i - X, 0), and for a put, it is max(X - S^i , 0), where i is some power (i > 0). The value of this power call is given by (see Heynen and Kat, 1996c; Zhang, 1998; and Esser, 2003). (via "The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Formulas")
c = S^i * (e^((i - 1) * (r + i*v^2 / 2) - i * (r - b))*T) * N(d1) - X*e^(-r*T) * N(d2)
while the value of a put is
p = X*e^(-r*T) * N(-d2) - S^i * (e^((i - 1) * (r + i*v^2 / 2) - i * (r - b))*T) * N(-d1)
d1 = (log(S/X^(1/i)) + (b + (i - 1/2)*v^2)*T) / v*T^0.5
d2 = d1 - i * v * T^0.5
b=r options on non-dividend paying stock
b=r-q options on stock or index paying a dividend yield of q
b=0 options on futures
b=r-rf currency options (where rf is the rate in the second currency)
S = Stock price.
K = Strike price of option.
T = Time to expiration in years.
r = Risk-free rate
c = Cost of Carry
V = Variance of the underlying asset price
pwr = power
cnd1(x) = Cumulative Normal Distribution
nd(x) = Standard Normal Density Function
convertingToCCRate(r, cmp ) = Rate compounder
Numerical Greeks or Greeks by Finite Difference
Analytical Greeks are the standard approach to estimating Delta, Gamma etc... That is what we typically use when we can derive from closed form solutions. Normally, these are well-defined and available in text books. Previously, we relied on closed form solutions for the call or put formulae differentiated with respect to the Black Scholes parameters. When Greeks formulae are difficult to develop or tease out, we can alternatively employ numerical Greeks - sometimes referred to finite difference approximations. A key advantage of numerical Greeks relates to their estimation independent of deriving mathematical Greeks. This could be important when we examine American options where there may not technically exist an exact closed form solution that is straightforward to work with. (via VinegarHill FinanceLabs)
Things to know
Only works on the daily timeframe and for the current source price.
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Power Contract [Loxx]There are two main categories of power options. Standard power options' payoff depends on the price of the underlying asset raised to some power. For powered options, the "standard" payoff (stock price in excess of the exercise price) is raised to some power.
A power contract is a simple derivative instrument paying (S/ X)^i at maturity, where i is some fixed power. The value of such a power contract is given by Shaw (1998) as: (via "The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Formulas")
VPower = (S/X)^i * e^((b-v^2)/2)*i - r + i^2 * v^2/2)*T
b=r options on non-dividend paying stock
b=r-q options on stock or index paying a dividend yield of q
b=0 options on futures
b=r-rf currency options (where rf is the rate in the second currency)
S = Stock price.
K = Strike price of option.
T = Time to expiration in years.
r = Risk-free rate
c = Cost of Carry
V = Variance of the underlying asset price
lambda = Jump rate per year
cnd1(x) = Cumulative Normal Distribution
nd(x) = Standard Normal Density Function
convertingToCCRate(r, cmp ) = Rate compounder
Numerical Greeks or Greeks by Finite Difference
Analytical Greeks are the standard approach to estimating Delta, Gamma etc... That is what we typically use when we can derive from closed form solutions. Normally, these are well-defined and available in text books. Previously, we relied on closed form solutions for the call or put formulae differentiated with respect to the Black Scholes parameters. When Greeks formulae are difficult to develop or tease out, we can alternatively employ numerical Greeks - sometimes referred to finite difference approximations. A key advantage of numerical Greeks relates to their estimation independent of deriving mathematical Greeks. This could be important when we examine American options where there may not technically exist an exact closed form solution that is straightforward to work with. (via VinegarHill FinanceLabs)
Things to know
Only works on the daily timeframe and for the current source price.
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Moneyness Options [Loxx]A moneyness option is basically a plain vanilla option where the strike is set to a percentage of the future/forward price. For example, a 120% moneyness call would have a strike equal to 120% of the forward price. A 120% moneyness put would have a spot equal to 120% of the strike. The value of this option is given in percent of the forward. The value of a moneyness call or put is thus given by: (via "The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Formulas")
c = p = c^-rT * (N(d1) - LN(d2))
where L = X/F for a call and L = F/X for a put, and
d1 = (-log(L) + v^2*T/2) / (v*T^0.5)
d2 = d1 - (v*T^0.5)
b=r options on non-dividend paying stock
b=r-q options on stock or index paying a dividend yield of q
b=0 options on futures
b=r-rf currency options (where rf is the rate in the second currency)
S = Stock price.
K = Strike price of option.
T = Time to expiration in years.
r = Risk-free rate
c = Cost of Carry
V = Variance of the underlying asset price
lambda = Jump rate per year
cnd1(x) = Cumulative Normal Distribution
nd(x) = Standard Normal Density Function
convertingToCCRate(r, cmp ) = Rate compounder
Numerical Greeks or Greeks by Finite Difference
Analytical Greeks are the standard approach to estimating Delta, Gamma etc... That is what we typically use when we can derive from closed form solutions. Normally, these are well-defined and available in text books. Previously, we relied on closed form solutions for the call or put formulae differentiated with respect to the Black Scholes parameters. When Greeks formulae are difficult to develop or tease out, we can alternatively employ numerical Greeks - sometimes referred to finite difference approximations. A key advantage of numerical Greeks relates to their estimation independent of deriving mathematical Greeks. This could be important when we examine American options where there may not technically exist an exact closed form solution that is straightforward to work with. (via VinegarHill FinanceLabs)
Things to know
Only works on the daily timeframe and for the current source price.
You can adjust the text size to fit the screen
Forward Start Options [Loxx]A forward start option with time to maturity T starts at-the-money or proportionally in- or out-of-the-money after a known elapsed time t in the future. The strike is set equal to a positive constant a times the asset price S after the known time t. If a is less than unity, the call (put) will start 1 - a percent in-the-money (out-of-the- money); if a is unity, the option will start at-the-money; and if a is larger than unity, the call (put) will start a - 1 percentage out-of-the- money (in-the-money).A forward start option can be priced using the Rubinstein (1990) formula: (via "The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Formulas")
c = S*e^(b-r)t * (e^(b-r)(T-t) * N(d1)) - alpha * e^-r(T-t) * N(d2))
p = S*e^(b-r)t * (alpha*e^r(T-t) * N(-d2)) - e^-(b-r)(T-t) * N(-d1))
d1 = (log(1/alpha) + (b + v^2/2)(T-1))/v*(T-t)^0.5
d2 = d1 - v*(T-t)^0.5
Employee options are often of the forward starting type. Ratchet options (aka cliquet options) consist of a series of forward starting options.
b=r options on non-dividend paying stock
b=r-q options on stock or index paying a dividend yield of q
b=0 options on futures
b=r-rf currency options (where rf is the rate in the second currency)
S = Stock price.
a = Alpha
T1 = Time to forward start
T = Time to expiration in years.
r = Risk-free rate
c = Cost of Carry
v = volatility of the underlying asset price
Numerical Greeks or Greeks by Finite Difference
Analytical Greeks are the standard approach to estimating Delta, Gamma etc... That is what we typically use when we can derive from closed form solutions. Normally, these are well-defined and available in text books. Previously, we relied on closed form solutions for the call or put formulae differentiated with respect to the Black Scholes parameters. When Greeks formulae are difficult to develop or tease out, we can alternatively employ numerical Greeks - sometimes referred to finite difference approximations. A key advantage of numerical Greeks relates to their estimation independent of deriving mathematical Greeks. This could be important when we examine American options where there may not technically exist an exact closed form solution that is straightforward to work with. (via VinegarHill FinanceLabs)
Things to know
Only works on the daily timeframe and for the current source price.
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