The Divergent LibraryLibrary "TheDivergentLibrary"
The Divergent Library is only useful when combined with the Pro version of The Divergent - Advanced divergence indicator . This is because the Basic (free) version of The Divergent does not expose the "Divergence Signal" value.
Usage instructions:
1. Create a new chart
2. Add The Divergent (Pro) indicator to your chart
3. Create a new strategy, import this library, add a "source" input, link it to "The Divergent: Divergence Signal", and use the library to decode the divergence signals from The Divergent (You can find example strategy code published in our profile)
4. Act on the divergences signalled by The Divergent
isRegularBullishEnabled(context) Returns a boolean value indicating whether Regular Bullish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: A boolean value indicating whether Regular Bullish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
isHiddenBullishEnabled(context) Returns a boolean value indicating whether Hidden Bullish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: A boolean value indicating whether Hidden Bullish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
isRegularBearishEnabled(context) Returns a boolean value indicating whether Regular Bearish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: A boolean value indicating whether Regular Bearish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
isHiddenBearishEnabled(context) Returns a boolean value indicating whether Hidden Bearish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: A boolean value indicating whether Hidden Bearish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
getPivotDetectionSource(context) Returns the 'Pivot Detection Source' setting of The Divergent. The returned value can be either "Oscillator" or "Price".
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: One of the following string values: "Oscillator" or "Price".
getPivotDetectionMode(context) Returns the 'Pivot Detection Mode' setting of The Divergent. The returned value can be either "Bodies" or "Wicks".
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: One of the following string values: "Bodies" or "Wicks".
isLinked(context) Returns a boolean value indicating the link status to The Divergent indicator.
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: A boolean value indicating the link status to The Divergent indicator.
init(firstBarSignal, displayLinkStatus, debug) Initialises The Divergent Library's context with the signal produced by The Divergent on the first bar. The value returned from this function is called the "context of The Divergent Library". Some of the other functions of this library requires you to pass in this context.
firstBarSignal : The signal from The Divergent indicator on the first bar.
displayLinkStatus : A boolean value indicating whether the Link Status window should be displayed in the bottom left corner of the chart. Defaults to true.
debug : A boolean value indicating whether the Link Status window should display debug information. Defaults to false.
Returns: A bool array containing the context of The Divergent Library.
processSignal(signal) Processes a signal from The Divergent and returns a 5-tuple with the decoded signal: [ int divergenceType, int priceBarIndexStart, int priceBarIndexEnd, int oscillatorBarIndexStart, int oscillatorBarIndexEnd]. `divergenceType` can be one of the following values: na → No divergence was detected, 1 → Regular Bullish, 2 → Regular Bullish early, 3 → Hidden Bullish, 4 → Hidden Bullish early, 5 → Regular Bearish, 6 → Regular Bearish early, 7 → Hidden Bearish, 8 → Hidden Bearish early.
signal : The signal from The Divergent indicator.
Returns: A 5-tuple with the following values: [ int divergenceType, int priceBarIndexStart, int priceBarIndexEnd, int oscillatorBarIndexStart, int oscillatorBarIndexEnd].
Stochastic Weighted RSI w/ Divergence + Signals🐢 Tawtis' Stochastic Weighted Relative Strength Index , aka SWRSI
This indicator combines the Stochastic RSI and the classic RSI we all know and love to create a more effective indication of seller/buyer dominance, and in turn, trend. I have named it the "Stochastic Weighted RSI". The script also includes a standard RSI, so you can use both at the same time!
Loads of customisation, pretty much every input can be changed to fit your preferences, however, the default settings are what I would personally recommend for the best results. Either way, feel free to change them!
By looking at the indicator, you can also establish the trend that may follow in the candles to come.
Typically, an indicator reading of over 70 is considered overbought, and an indicator reading of under 30 is considered oversold.
The calculations for the SWRSI and its signals take into account a multitude of exponential moving averages, a Stochastic RSI and a classic RSI, among other things.
There are 2 types of signals provided by the indicator, being strong and weak. You do not have to follow these, and they aren't always accurate (it's impossible to be accurate 100% of the time), however, they can give a good idea of the trend that will ensue.
Strong buy signals are created when:
SWRSI is under 30
SWRSI is over the EMA (default 2) of the SWRSI
Short EMA (default 20) is under the long EMA (default 50)
Strong sell signals are created when:
SWRSI is over 70
SWRSI is under the EMA (default 2) of the SWRSI
Short EMA (default 20) is over the long EMA (default 50)
Weak buy and sell signals are printed as green and red background highlights, and operate the same as the strong buy and sells, without the short/long EMA criterion. Both of these signal types can be toggled off using the settings if you do not want to see them.
Rainbow Indicator - Polfwack ProThis is a reverse engineered completely free Version of an Indicator that you would normally have to spend huge amounts of money on. I personally believe that no one should pay a fortune for access to an Indicator that contains huge amounts of freely available stuff.
This indicator claims to be even better than Market Cipher. Turns out it uses - just as Market Cipher, freely available Indicators and puts them in a nice looking package. I packed in as much as it made sense, the original Indicator is visually very cluttered with - in my opinion, too much random stuff that I have left out for a cleaner look, for example the truckload of entry signals, MFI and that Autotrendline feature that no one really needs because the human brain is way better at drawing lines.
Was is included? From top to bottom:
1st Bar -> Color coded RSI status. It shows Oversold and Overbought, Bullish, Hidden Bullish, Bearish and Hidden Bearish Divergences.
2nd Bar -> Color coded Market Structure Analyser. It shows if the market is currently ranging, bullish or bearish based on calculated pivots and outbreaks of said pivots. Bullish and Bearish breaks are also being printed.
Main Oscillator -> An Awesome Oscillator (AO) that prints bullish, hidden bullish, bearish and hidden bearish divergences as well as positive and negative Pivot Points.
Bollinger Bands -> They are following the AO and are color coded to the long term trend indicator for less visual clutter.
Secondary Oscillator -> Accelerator Oscillator (AC).
3rd Bar -> Color coded longer term trend indicator, it mirrors the color code on the Bollinger Bands. The original uses an ATR-based calculation, but I found a Kumo cloud to be more simple and more reliable for this kind of thing.
4th Bar -> Color coded mirror of the Accelerator Oscillator.
I tried to make the whole Indicator as adjustable as possible, most of the variables can be edited to your liking.
On the internet you can find all sorts of strategies for every single of the included indicators.
I hope that I have saved you at least some money. Good luck.
Divergence of Stocks Above MA50 v.s. US-Stock MarketEnglish:
This indicator has been developed as an early warning tool to estimate the probability of correction in the US stock market. It works best in the daily chart.
1.) "Index-line"
The underlying stock index is converted to a scale between 0% and 100% based on its 52-week highs and lows. Where 100% is closing price at 52-week high and 0% is closing price at 52-week low.
2nd) "Stocks Above MA50".
For each major stock index, there is an index that determines the percentage of stocks above its 50 moving average. For example, for the S&P 500, this is the S5FI.
3) "Divergence
In an efficient market, both lines (index and number of stocks above the 50 MA) would run more or less in sync. A new high in the index would also mean a new high in the stocks trading above the 50 moving average. Often, however, a correction in the index is announced when the number of stocks trading above their 50 MA do not make a new, or even a lower, high while the underlying index marks a new high. The divergence signal measures this divergence of the indices. The higher the bar, the more pronounced the divergence.
How to read the indicator?
If a divergence occurs, then the stops should be tightened. As with any indicator, false signals can occur because a divergence does not automatically lead to a correction. The higher the divergence is indicated, the higher the probability. The strength of a correction cannot be predicted with the indicator.
For which symbols does the indicator work?
The indicator works exclusively for the following symbols:
S&P500: SPX, SPY, ES1!, US500 Index above MA50: S5FI
Russel2000: IWM, US2000, RTY1!, RUT, IWO Index above MA50: R2FI
NASDAQ100: NDX, NAS100, NQ1!, US100, QQQ Index above MA50: NDFI
NYSE: XAX, NYA Index above MA50: MMFI
DowJones100: DJX, DJI, DIA, MYM1!, YM1! Index above MA50: DIFI
DowJonesComp: DOW, IYY Index above MA50: DCFI
Dieser Indikator ist als Frühwarninstrument zur Einschätzung der Korrekturwahrscheinlichkeit im US-Aktienmarkt entwickelt worden. Er funktioniert am besten im Tages-Chart.
1.) „Index-line“
Der zugrunde liegende Aktienindex wird bezogen auf seine 52Wochen Hochs und Tiefs in eine Skala zwischen 0% und 100% umgerechnet. Dabei sind 100% Schlusskurs auf 52-Wochen Hoch und 0% Schlusskurs auf 52-Wochen Tief.
2.) „Stocks Above MA50“
Zu jedem Hauptaktienindex gibt es einen Index, der den Prozentwert der Aktien über Ihrem 50 gleitenden Durchschnitt ermittelt. Beim S&P 500 ist das z.B. der S5FI.
3.) „Divergence“
In einem effizienten Markt würden beide Linien (Index und Anzahl Aktien über dem 50 MA) mehr oder weniger synchron laufen. Ein neues Hoch im Index würde auch ein neues Hoch bei den Aktien, die über dem 50 gleitenden Durchschnitt notieren, bedeuten. Oft jedoch kündigt sich eine Korrektur im Index an, wenn die Anzahl der Aktien, die über ihrem 50 MA notieren kein neues, oder sogar ein niedrigeres Hoch machen, während der zu Grunde liegende Index ein neues Hoch markiert. Das Divergenz-Signal misst diese auseinanderlaufen der Indices. Je höher der Balken, umso stärker ist die Divergenz ausgeprägt.
Wie ist der Indikator zu lesen?
Wenn eine Divergenz auftritt, dann sollten die Stopps enger herangezogen werden. Es kann wie bei jedem Indikator zu Fehlsignalen kommen, da eine Divergenz nicht automatisch zu einer Korrektur führen muss. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist um so höher, je höher die Divergenz angezeigt wird. Die Stärke einer Korrektur kann mit dem Indikator nicht prognostiziert werden.
Für welche Symbole funktioniert der Indikator?
Der Indikator funktioniert ausschließlich für folgende Symbole:
S&P500: SPX, SPY, ES1!, US500 Index über MA50: S5FI
Russel2000: IWM, US2000, RTY1!, RUT, IWO Index über MA50: R2FI
NASDAQ100: NDX, NAS100, NQ1!, US100, QQQ Index über MA50: NDFI
NYSE: XAX, NYA Index über MA50: MMFI
DowJones100: DJX, DJI, DIA, MYM1!, YM1! Index über MA50: DIFI
DowJonesComp: DOW, IYY Index über MA50: DCFI
Divergence Indicator with alertsFirst time I've published a script so go easy!
All credit goes to @yatrader2 for the script, I have just made it easier to set alerts on it.
BOSCILLATOR. A BOSS OSCILLATORI would like to first say I do not the indicator pieces. Would like to personally give thanks and credit to @MarkBench for coding this indicator and helping to get my vision for this system finally able to be published and used by anyone. I would also like the thank @lazy bear and @ChrisMoody for their bringing the Firefly oscillator and the SCHAFF TREND and the PPO price percentage oscillator to trading view. and @scilentor for his version of Godmode with LSMA . Thanks to @Shizaru for bringing Frama moving average (which we have adopted into the PPO as one of the base selections for the first time, as well as the ALMA ). Divergences have also been added. and components of the firefly have been removed such as the histogram. I have added two oscillators in the picture. The bottom is the standard settings. The above is how I prefer mine to look after tweaking the settings.
Before I get into explaining how its used. I want to say all the indicators are open and none privately owned or at least owned by indivduals who brought them to trading view. Any due permission is granted at my disclocsure. I also want to say this is not your typical mashup of indicators as the is a very clear way to view and use this specifically. Also I want to say original tools from their original scripts are also improved. For example the PPO being used we have added the FRAMA and ALMA moving average basis option which it did not have before. And now everything has clear divergences and some other minor changers. but here are the rules and examples.
Some shorthand
(Main oscillator - firefly)
(background wave thing - PPO )
(the red vertical up and down line with red and green dots - STC )
(the blue, yellow and red dots - warning dots)
WHO IS THIS INDICATOR FOR? - This indicator itself is not meant to be a signal giver to buy or sell right now even though it could be and some of the original scripts are used as such. This indicator is actually meant to be a VISUAL CONFIRMATION & FILTER for trades taken in other methods outside of this indicator. What are some of those methods that may benefit from having this? Pivot point traders, FIB traders, Bollinger band traders, Moving average traders.. just to name a few. This indicator itself is meant to in a quick glance allow the trade to see the condition of many different elements outside of the main price and chart, and determine if that trade looks like it has too much risk, or if that trade looks suitable. It also provides a series of confirmations that could be used for adding to a position at different levels at the trade's discretion.
OPTIMAL CONDITIONS FOR CONSIDERING A SHORT = The PPO is orange/red + the STC is at the TOP + the Firefly is above the midline. The warning dots are being printed at the top. There is regular or hidden bearish divergence present.
OPTIMAL CONDITIONS FOR CONSIDERING A LONG = The PPO is light/dark green + the STC is at the BOTTOM + the Firefly is below the midline. The warning dots are being printed at the bottom. There is regular or hidden bullish divergence present.
Triggers for scaling/adding into your position = Keeping in mind that this oscillator on its own is not meant to be the sole reason for taking a trade, here are some triggers you will see for getting into position (preferably with the optimal conditions being met) The firefly flips from a green line into a red slide and vise versa. The firefly crosses the midline up or down. The STC begins going up/down and triggers a green or red dot while crossing one of the levels at 20 or 80. The warning dots being made begin to be printed lower/higher than the dot before last. The PPO shift from one color to the next in the favored direction of the trade you wish to make.
Signs for taking profit and protecting your trade = The Dots begin to print, the PPO changes colors at the top or bottom. the STC arrived are the top.
FILTER SITUATIONS TO AVOID TRADES = Wise to not take a trade if the PPO and the firefly do not agree. For example - if the PPO is showing green yet the firefly is still red may be an indication that it is getting a bit late for you to enter the trade. Same with opposing divergences and warning dots contradicting the trade you are looking at. The STC being already on the bottom or top may be a small indication that trade may already have been a little too ripe, but on its own is not always the case.
When selecting the PPO settings and moving average you are going to want it to be in favor of what you are trying to accomplish.IF you are one low time frames and trying to swing or scalp trade... chances are you want a reactive MA setting that iss responsive. Iwould recommend the HULL, ALMA, TEMA DEMA. For the Higher time frame the EMA or the T3 WDma can be wuite patient and helpful for a constant reminder of caution
Some notes - for the swing and scalp trading... in my experience the PPO moving average basis sees more responsive changes with the FRAMA , ALMA , HULL settings. for entering a trade, at least a couple of your triggers being present increases the success rate by a lot.
This chart illustrates the usefullness of having a Zero lag function for the firefly. The firefly should not be taken for signals or trades itself. However it is the most precise finder of divergences within the system. It is aways good to flip on and off zero lag just to take a quick look for divergences you might have mixed.
In this chart illustrates the general visual look and order of events to guide you along your way. Starts with the PPO turning green or red or orange which is potentially time to get out of your current trade. Then it switched colors when reversal begins and that is when you want to at the same time see the STC, the firefly, and lower caution dots coming in around the same area (highlighted in blue squares). Now near the end you see a red box. This is a filter aspect. The PPO is green, yet the others are saying down/short. This does not mean it must be a long, however it is great warning to maybe avoid getting to bearish for the downside in that time. You want the PPO and line up with the others and it should be visually apparent that they all want to go the same way.
Here is a list of some key elements (before changes this script made) of parts this oscillator includes. My original publication of my oscillation setup was blocked by the mods here.. this one however includes a large variety of items that have been altered from their original formats and a well-explained trading system to use it with.
// Firefly
Firefly Oscillator
// PPO
PPO PercentileRank Mkt Tops & Bottoms (@PuppyTherapy)
// Divergence
Divergence Indicator (any oscillator)
// Godmode
// Schaff
Schaff Trend Cycle
// Frama
(FRAMA) Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
Composite Index Divergence IndicatorComposite Index by Constance Brown mixed with built-ins Divergence Indicator
useful indicator to find divergence
this script find divergence automatically for you
Triangular Momentum Oscillator & Real Time Divergences [LuxAlgo]Oscillators are widely used in technical analysis and can return a large amount of information to the trader depending on their design. It is common to use oscillators to detect divergences with the price, divergences occur when the tops/bottoms made by the oscillator and price are negatively correlated.
The following oscillator is based on the momentum of a triangular moving average, hence the name "triangular momentum" because of the very smooth property of the triangular moving average, we aimed at a real-time detection of divergences instead of using more common methods such as relying on pivot high/low detection which are suitable for more noisy oscillators.
The oscillator can also be colored based on a gradient derived from the correlation between its output and the price which can be useful to detect when the oscillator is out of phase (significantly lagging or leading the price).
length : Period of the oscillator, higher values return a smoother output.
src : Input source of the indicator.
Show Lines : Show lines connecting the current top/bottom with the previous one made by the oscillator when a divergence is detected. True by default.
Color Based On Price/Oscillator Correlation : Allows the color of the oscillator to change based on its correlation with the price, with red colors suggesting a negative correlation.
The advantage of having a smoother oscillator for divergences detection is that it can be done in real-time since a top or bottom is present when the oscillator first difference cross 0. Smoother oscillators are also easier to interpret, however, they will still suffer from lag.
The divergences detected by the oscillator are regular divergences, where the oscillator leads price variations.
Using higher values of length allows the oscillator to filter out longer-term variations thus being smoother as a result.
By using the color mode based on the price/oscillator correlation we can see where the oscillator leads or lag the price, and since divergences are based on the price and oscillator going in the opposite direction we can have information where price might reverse.
It is also possible to interpret the oscillator without relying on the divergence detection, with a decreasing value of the oscillator indicating a downtrend and an increasing value indicating an uptrend.
Divergence Indicator (any oscillator)A modification of the TV builtin "Divergence indicator" (Version 10) that can be applied to any indicator, and can be plotted on price as well.
Add your favorite oscillator, RSI, Klinger, TSI, CMF, or anything else to a chart.
Click the little ... (More) on the oscillator.
Then add this indicator "Divergence Indicator (any oscillator)" on your oscillator of choice.
Click the settings on this indicator and make sure the source is set to the right plot from your oscillator.
Watch for it to plot divergences...
Add this indicator a second time on the price chart (and select the same oscillator plot), but check the box "plot on price (rather than on indicator)""
See you divergence plotted on price (as well as on the oscillator)
Elder EMA, ATR & MACD Indicator, 5X Time Frame & Divergences.This indicator is elaborated following the 3 window strategy described by Elder.
The fast, slow averages and MACD histogram are taken from a time frame 5 times higher than the active time frame and indicate bullish / bearish trends as well as divergences (bottom) of the hostogram with the price.
Divergence Histogram for Many IndicatorHello Traders,
This script analyses divergences for 11 predefined indicators and then draws column on the graph. Red columns for negatif divergence (means prices may go down or trend reversal), Lime columns for positive divergences (means prices may go up or trend reversal)
The script uses Pivot Points and on each bar it checks divergence between last Pivot Point and current High/Low and if it finds any divergence then immediately draws column. There is no Latency/Lag.
There are predefined 11 indicators in the script, which are RSI , MACD , MACD Histogram, Stochastic , CCI , Momentum, OBV, Diosc, VWMACD, CMF and MFI.
Smaller Pivot Point Period check smaller areas and if you use smaller numbers it would be more sensitive and may give alerts very often. So you should set it accordingly.
There is "Check Cut-Through in indicators" option, I recomment you to enable it. it checks that there is cut-through in indicators or not, if no cut-through then it's shown as valid divergence.
You should see following one as well if you haven't yet:
Modified OBV w/ Divergence Detection by CryptorhythmsApirine OBV-M Modified OBV w/ MA Selection by Cryptorhythms
Released in the April 2020 issue of TASC, and created by Vitali Apirine.
OBV-M is of course based on the classic indicator on balance volume originally developed by Joe Granville. Apirine then smooths the calculation and adds a signal line to help denote entry and exit points.
As the author points out uts also great at showing divergences!
As usual when porting indicators to the library here on tradingview, I like to add some extra flare!
💠MA selection to allow you to experiment with alternate settings
💠Bar coloration based on trade state for easy visual at a glance chart checking
💠Divergence Detection and plotting thanks for Ricardo Santos' script
👍 We hope you enjoyed this indicator and find it useful! We post free crypto analysis, strategies and indicators regularly. This is our 78th script on Tradingview!
BEST RSI Divergences ScreenerHello traders
I hope you're all hanging on at home with what's going on these days...
The good news is.... it gives us more time to trade ^^.... #positive #attitude
I - Concept
This screener detects whether the regular RSI divergences based on the TradingView Divergence built-in indicator (made by the gentleman @everget I believe)
With this screener, you can see in 1 view which of your favorite cryptos/stocks/forex pairs/etc. showing strong divergences
The gentlemen (and demoiselles) traders can play with the lookback/ranges inputs to adjust the divergences based on what they think is best of their trading/timeframe/instrument/life
On that script screenshot, I'm showing the BYBIT:BTCUSD part of the screener matching with the divergences on the chart
II - How did I set the screener
The visual signals are as follow:
- square: whenever a divergence is detected
Then the colors are:
- green when there is bullish regular divergence
- red when there is bearish regular divergence
Best regards
RSI + DivergencesHi Guys,
This indicator gives you the trend changes (Designed with the basics of Vash's RSI advanced and the Fikira divergence indicator)
This indicator will only give you regular divergences.
Please keep in mind that a trading plan is not only built with momentum but also with location and structure.
Good trading,
Multiple divergences NON-REPAINT by PeterODivergences are well-known tool for finding trend reversals. Powerful, yet... unreliable. Sometimes they show up, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they really mean trend end, sometimes the trend continues. I've witnessed countless discussions about which indicator to hunt for divergences on. All pointless.
Earlier today I found a very inspirational script by Lonesometheblue, combining multiple divergences together. Actually - summing them up and showing hunted divergences count in a label. Because if a divergence shows up on a single indicator like RSI, it can indeed mean trend reversal, but... yeah, check previous pargraph. But if this divergence shows up on 8 different indicators at the same time, then chances increase, don't they?
I decided to do my own version of Lonesome's indicator, because that one is using Label.New, which doesn't allow analysing entire script, only latest 50 occurences or so. I'm not going to hide it - I copy-pasted a lot from Lonesome's code. And from Everget's built-in divergences script, which you can find in PineScript/New. I didn't even bother to modify variable names or cover tracks in any other way, pretending it is my work from scratch. All with these two gentlemen consent and blessing. I added labels from myself, plus bit of rework and here it is:)
I hope you'll find it useful.
P.S. While analyzing divergences today, I discovered one thing. Hidden divergences are not useless, as many people think. But they should be used at trend dips to join the trend, not at trend ends, as reversals. Experiment yourself.
P.S.2 Still, never use only divergences. They need confirmation, they are not self-fulfilling prophecy.
[e2] Reflex & TrendflexNew Indicator from John F. Ehlers issued in the February 2020 Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities article "Reflex: A New Zero-Lag Indicator"
This indicator includes both studies described in the article and intend to significantly reduce the lag of the signal compared to other oscillators.
Reflex for the cycle component and is more sensitive to major reversals, Trendflex for the trend component.
Pivot Max range as the borders for top and bottom reading of the indicators (the script will plot separate borders for both components) and divergences were added.
Divergence function is the interpretation of built-in divergence script, optimized the code and added option to show real-time divs (without offset), all credits to ...)
daily*tip: I must say that very quickly I began to realize how fragmented and imperfectly modern economic knowledge is and how little can be taken from fundamental science in terms of practical recipes. (c) Andrey Movchans.
stay safe ;)
[fikira] Divergences (RSI)This script can be used with candlesticks, accompanied with " RSI + Divergences"
The calculation is different than my "Divergences (Pivots)"
Thank you!
[fikira] MACD & RSI+Stoch + DivergencesThis is a new version of my "Divergences"
Compared to my "Divergences (Pivots)", this is calculated totally different
There are 3 options:
- Stoch RSI
Since this script is very heavy in calculation it is limited in time (= inspired from a script of "Che_Trader")
Also it uses "max_bars_back" (=1000)
For MACD and Stoch RSI there is a "custom Divergences Period", which compares more then 7 Pivot Points,
the higher the number, the less reliable, it is not necessary to use this, but it is there,
also you can change the "leftbars" and "rightbars", again, it is not necessary to change, but you can...
Linewidth and style of the Divergences lines can be changed
Thank you!
BEST Currency Strength Indicator DivergenceHello traders
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving
Now it's my turn to give and all I ask in return is you to be thankful (did I get the "Thanksgiving" thing right?)
The Currency Strength Indicator plots an average of the selected FX pairs in the indicator.
Someone asked me if I could develop an alternative of that script adding a divergence component.
The script evaluates the divergences between the average of the selected RSI(FOREX pairs) and the RSI(FOREX pair) displayed on the chart.
This version includes new features such as:
- the RSI length can now be selected
- we can select the 6 pairs used for the divergence calculations
All the BEST my aspiring traders and quants
See you tomorrow for another script
OBV Divergence +This study Plots Divergences for OBV along with 2 MA's
Choose between standard type of OBV and OBV Accumulation / Distribution thanks to spacetrader which seems to be a truer reading
Divergence Alerts are provided so that you dont have to stare at your screen all day
RSX-D [ID: AC-P]The "AC-P" version of Jaggedsoft's RSX Divergence and Everget's RSX script is my personal customized version of RSX with the following additions and modifications:
LSMA-D line that averages in three LSMA components to form a composite, the LSMA-D line. Offset for the LSMA-D line is set to -2 to offset latency from averaging togther the LSMA components to form a composite - recommended to adjust to your timeframe and asset/pair accordingly.
Divergence component from JustUncle, RicardoSantos, and Neobutane divergence scripts
Crossover indication and alerts for Midline, and custom M1 and M2 levels for both RSX and the LSMA-D line from Daveatt's CCI Stochastic Script
EMA21/55 zone cross highlighting option
SMA9/EMA45 MA option from my RSI sma/ema Cu script
Libertus Divergences and Pivot labels from Jaggedsoft's RSX Divergence script are hidden/off by default
Designed for darkmode by default. Minor visual changes from Jaggedsoft's and Everget's script(s) for darkmode and visual aesthetic.
Please Note:
Divergences that use fractal-based detection logic, offset, or a combination of both generally have a 1-2 bar/candle lag. This is an INHERENT limitation of divergence detection with fractals and offsets. Divergences generally will have a higher strikerate on HTF than LTF due to the 1-2 bar lag. While I'm not going to rule out a programming solution or math construct/formula that attempts to alleivates the 1-2 bar lag for divergences, this script is not it - please keep that in mind when using divergence components with a fractal base and offset.
LSMA-D is a composite of three LSMA lines, all with offset options. Different lengths and Offset values can compensate/adjust for the smoothing/latency from RSX, but only up to a certain point. For each LSMA, the least square regression line is calculated for the previous time periods, so the idea is that with finely tuned adjustments, you can get crossover/crossunder signals from the RSX with the LSMA-D line that you simply can't get with the SMA9/EMA45 due to the already smoothed RSX.
The defaults for the RSX and various components for the LSMA-D here will MOSTLY LIKELY NOT WORK OR BE APPLICABLE to every timeframe and asset that you trade - adjust, backtest, and test accordingly. The defaults are here are MEANT to be adjusted to the asset class and timeframe that you are trading.
If you're not familiar with the LSMA, tradingview author Alexgrover has a few great scripts that go into detail how the LSMA works, in addition to different interpretations and implementations of the LSMA.
// Copyright (c) 2019-present, Alex Orekhov (everget)
// Jurik RSX script may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
// Acknowledgements:
//---- Base script:
// RSX Divergence — SharkCIA by Jaggedsoft
// Jurik Moving Average by Everget
//---- Divergences/Signals:
// Libertus RSI Divergences
// Price Divergence Dectector V3 by JustUncle
// Price Divergence Detector V2 by RicardoSantos
// Stochastic RSI with Divergences by Neobutane
// CCI Stochastic by Daveatt
//---- Misc. Reference:
// RSI SMA/EMA Cu by Auroagwei
// CBCI Cu by Auroagwei
// Chop and explode by fhenry0331
// T-Step LSMA by RafaelZioni
// Scripts by Jaggedsoft for structure and formatting
// Scripts by Everget for structure and formatting
// RSX-D v08
// Author: Auroagwei
Divergences multi timeframeMT div monitor, add your own input for divs under expressions. Add them to the original bulldivs or beardivs with +. Set div_threshold in inputs.
RepulseThis indicator was originally developed by Eric Lefort, a professional trader and author from France.
It gauges and displays the bullish or bearish pressure.
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Happy Trading!