VisibleChart█ OVERVIEW
This library is a Pine programmer’s tool containing functions that return values calculated from the range of visible bars on the chart.
This is now possible in Pine Script™ thanks to the recently-released chart.left_visible_bar_time and chart.right_visible_bar_time built-ins, which return the opening time of the leftmost and rightmost bars on the chart. These values update as traders scroll or zoom their charts, which gives way to a class of indicators that can dynamically recalculate and draw visuals on visible bars only, as users scroll or zoom their charts. We hope this library's functions help you make the most of the world of possibilities these new built-ins provide for Pine scripts.
For an example of a script using this library, have a look at the Chart VWAP indicator.
Chart properties
The new chart.left_visible_bar_time and chart.right_visible_bar_time variables return the opening time of the leftmost and rightmost bars on the chart. They are only two of many new built-ins in the `chart.*` namespace. See this blog post for more information, or look them up by typing "chart." in the Pine Script™ Reference Manual .
Dynamic recalculation of scripts on visible bars
Any script using chart.left_visible_bar_time or chart.right_visible_bar_time acquires a unique property, which triggers its recalculation when traders scroll or zoom their charts in such a way that the range of visible bars on the chart changes. This library's functions use the two recent built-ins to derive various values from the range of visible bars.
Designing your scripts for dynamic recalculation
For the library's functions to work correctly, they must be called on every bar. For reliable results, assign their results to global variables and then use the variables locally where needed — not the raw function calls.
Some functions like `barIsVisible()` or `open()` will return a value starting on the leftmost visible bar. Others such as `high()` or `low()` will also return a value starting on the leftmost visible bar, but their correct value can only be known on the rightmost visible bar, after all visible bars have been analyzed by the script.
You can plot values as the script executes on visible bars, but efficient code will, when possible, create resource-intensive labels, lines or tables only once in the global scope using var , and then use the setter functions to modify their properties on the last bar only. The example code included in this library uses this method.
Keep in mind that when your script uses chart.left_visible_bar_time or chart.right_visible_bar_time , your script will recalculate on all bars each time the user scrolls or zooms their chart. To provide script users with the best experience you should strive to keep calculations to a minimum and use efficient code so that traders are not always waiting for your script to recalculate every time they scroll or zoom their chart.
Another aspect to consider is the fact that the rightmost visible bar will not always be the last bar in the dataset. When script users scroll back in time, a large portion of the time series the script calculates on may be situated after the rightmost visible bar. We can never assume the rightmost visible bar is also the last bar of the time series. Use `barIsVisible()` to restrict calculations to visible bars, but also consider that your script can continue to execute past them.
Look first. Then leap.
The library contains the following functions:
Condition to determine if a given bar is within the users visible time range.
Returns: (bool) True if the the calling bar is between the `chart.left_visible_bar_time` and the `chart.right_visible_bar_time`.
Determines the value of the highest `high` in visible bars.
Returns: (float) The maximum high value of visible chart bars.
Determines the `bar_index` of the highest `high` in visible bars.
Returns: (int) The `bar_index` of the `high()`.
Determines the bar time of the highest `high` in visible bars.
Returns: (int) The `time` of the `high()`.
Determines the value of the lowest `low` in visible bars.
Returns: (float) The minimum low value of visible chart bars.
Determines the `bar_index` of the lowest `low` in visible bars.
Returns: (int) The `bar_index` of the `low()`.
Determines the bar time of the lowest `low` in visible bars.
Returns: (int) The `time` of the `low()`.
Determines the value of the opening price in the visible chart time range.
Returns: (float) The `open` of the leftmost visible chart bar.
Determines the value of the closing price in the visible chart time range.
Returns: (float) The `close` of the rightmost visible chart bar.
Determines the `bar_index` of the leftmost visible chart bar.
Returns: (int) A `bar_index`.
Determines the `bar_index` of the rightmost visible chart bar.
Returns: (int) A `bar_index`
Determines the number of visible chart bars.
Returns: (int) The number of bars.
Determines the sum of volume of all visible chart bars.
Returns: (float) The cumulative sum of volume.
Determines the open, high, low, close, and volume sum of the visible bar time range.
Returns: ( ) A tuple of the OHLCV values for the visible chart bars. Example: open is chart left, high is the highest visible high, etc.
Determines a price level as a percentage of the visible bar price range, which depends on the chart's top/bottom margins in "Settings/Appearance".
pct : (series float) Percentage of the visible price range (50 is 50%). Negative values are allowed.
Returns: (float) A price level equal to the `pct` of the price range between the high and low of visible chart bars. Example: 50 is halfway between the visible high and low.
Determines a time as a percentage of the visible bar time range.
pct : (series float) Percentage of the visible time range (50 is 50%). Negative values are allowed.
Returns: (float) A time in UNIX format equal to the `pct` of the time range from the `chart.left_visible_bar_time` to the `chart.right_visible_bar_time`. Example: 50 is halfway from the leftmost visible bar to the rightmost.
Determines a `bar_index` as a percentage of the visible bar time range.
pct : (series float) Percentage of the visible time range (50 is 50%). Negative values are allowed.
Returns: (float) A time in UNIX format equal to the `pct` of the time range from the `chart.left_visible_bar_time` to the `chart.right_visible_bar_time`. Example: 50 is halfway from the leftmost visible bar to the rightmost.
whenVisible(src, whenCond, length)
Creates an array containing the `length` last `src` values where `whenCond` is true for visible chart bars.
src : (series int/float) The source of the values to be included.
whenCond : (series bool) The condition determining which values are included. Optional. The default is `true`.
length : (simple int) The number of last values to return. Optional. The default is all values.
Returns: (float ) The array ID of the accumulated `src` values.
Gathers values of the source over visible chart bars and averages them.
src : (series int/float) The source of the values to be averaged. Optional. Default is `close`.
Returns: (float) A cumulative average of values for the visible time range.
Calculates the median of a source over visible chart bars.
src : (series int/float) The source of the values. Optional. Default is `close`.
Returns: (float) The median of the `src` for the visible time range.
Calculates a volume-weighted average for visible chart bars.
src : (series int/float) Source used for the VWAP calculation. Optional. Default is `hlc3`.
Returns: (float) The VWAP for the visible time range.
UtilityFunctionsLibrary "UtilityFunctions"
Utility functions written by me
Prints string in a label on the last bar
string : value to print
Returns: void
Prints float in a label on the last bar
float : value to print
Returns: void
Prints a float series in labels in reverse (the first value is on the last candle, the second value is on the second to last candle, etc.)
series : float values to print
Returns: void
Returns true/false if the period is Daily based (1D, 3D, ...)
string : timeframe period
Returns: true/false
Gets the mutliplier of the timeframe passed compared to the current timeframe. If current TF is 5m and the passed timeframe period is 30m, the result will be 6
string : timeframe param
Returns: simple float of the multiplier
CommonMarkupLibrary "CommonMarkup"
Provides functions for chart markup, such as indicating recession bands.
markRecessionBands(showBands, lineY, labelY)
Mark vertical bands and show recession band labels if argument showBands is true. Example "markRecessionBands(bar_index ,3.0"
showBands : - show vertical recession bands when true. Functionally equiv to no op when false
lineY : - y-axis value for line positioning
labelY : - y-axis value for label positioning
@return true - always answers the value of showBands
[LIB] Array / Matrix DisplayLibrary "ArrayMatrixHUD"
Show Array or Matrix Elements In Table
For Arrays: Set the number of rows you want the data displayed in and it will generate a table, calculating the columns based on the size of the array being displayed.
For Matrix: It will automatically match the Rows and Columns to the values in the matrix.
Note: On the left, the table shows the index of the array/matrix value starting at 1. So, to call that value from inside the array, subtract 1 from the index value to the left. For matrices, keep in mind that the row and column are also starting at one when trying to call a value from the matrix. The numbering of the values on the left is for display purposes only.
viewArray(_arrayName, _pos, _txtSize, _tRows)
Array Element Display (Supports float, int, string, and bool)
_arrayName : ID of Array to be Displayed
_pos : Position for Table
_txtSize : Size of Table Cell Text
_tRows : Number of Rows to Display Data In (columns will be calculated accordingly)
Returns: A Display of Array Values in a Table
viewMatrix(_matrixName, _pos, _txtSize)
Matrix Element Display (Supports float, int, string, and bool)
_matrixName : ID of Matrix to be Displayed
_pos : Position for Table
_txtSize : Size of Table Cell Text
Returns: A Display of Matrix Values in a Table
Strategy Table LibraryLibrary "table_library"
TODO: With this library, you can add tables to your strategies.
Returns: Strategy Profit Table
Adds a table to the graph of the strategy for which you are calling the function. You can see data such as net profit in this table.
No parameters. Just call the function inside the strategy.
Example Code :
import only_fibonacci/table_lib/1 as st
BitcoinHalvingLibrary "BitcoinHalving"
Displays where Bitcoin's halvings have been
getDates() List of Bitcoin halving dates
Returns: array with timestamp dates
isHalvingDay() Checks if the current day is a halving day
Returns: bool
matrixautotableLibrary "matrixautotable"
Automatic Table from Matrixes with pseudo correction for na values and default color override for missing values. uses overloads in cases of cheap float only, with additional addon for strings next, then cell colors, then text colors, and tooltips last.. basic size and location are auto, include the template to speed this up...
TODO : make bools version
var string group_table = ' Table'
var int _tblssizedemo = ( 10 )
string tableYpos = input.string ( 'middle' , '↕' , inline = 'place' , group = group_table, options= )
string tableXpos = input.string ( 'center' , '↔' , inline = 'place' , group = group_table, options= , tooltip='Position on the chart.')
int _textSize = ( 1 , 'Table Text Size' , inline = 'place' , group = group_table)
var matrix _floatmatrix = (_tblssizedemo, _tblssizedemo, 0 )
var matrix _stringmatrix = (_tblssizedemo, _tblssizedemo, 'test' )
var matrix _bgcolormatrix = (_tblssizedemo, _tblssizedemo, color.white )
var matrix _textcolormatrix = (_tblssizedemo, _tblssizedemo, )
var matrix _tooltipmatrix = (_tblssizedemo, _tblssizedemo, 'tool' )
// basic table ready to go with the aboec matrixes (replace in your code)
// for demo purpose, random colors, random nums, random na vals
if barstate.islast
varip _xsize = matrix.rows (_floatmatrix) -1
varip _ysize = matrix.columns (_floatmatrix) -1
for _xis = 0 to _xsize -1 by 1
for _yis = 0 to _ysize -1 by 1
_randomr = int(math.random(50,250))
_randomg = int(math.random(50,250))
_randomb = int(math.random(50,250))
_randomt = int(math.random(10,90 ))
bgcolor = color.rgb(250 - _randomr, 250 - _randomg, 250 - _randomb, 100 - _randomt )
txtcolor = color.rgb(_randomr, _randomg, _randomb, _randomt )
matrix.set(_bgcolormatrix ,_yis,_xis, bgcolor )
matrix.set(_textcolormatrix ,_yis,_xis, txtcolor)
matrix.set(_floatmatrix ,_yis,_xis, _randomr)
// random na
_ymiss = math.floor(math.random(0, _yis))
_xmiss = math.floor(math.random(0, _xis))
matrix.set( _floatmatrix ,_ymiss, _xis, na)
matrix.set( _stringmatrix ,_ymiss, _xis, na)
matrix.set( _bgcolormatrix ,_ymiss, _xis, na)
matrix.set( _textcolormatrix ,_ymiss, _xis, na)
matrix.set( _tooltipmatrix ,_ymiss, _xis, na)
// import here
import kaigouthro/matrixautotable/1 as mtxtbl
// and render table..
mtxtbl.matrixtable(_floatmatrix, _stringmatrix, _bgcolormatrix, _textcolormatrix, _tooltipmatrix, _textSize ,tableYpos ,tableXpos)
matrixtable(_floatmatrix, _stringmatrix, _bgcolormatrix, _textcolormatrix, _tooltipmatrix, _textSize, tableYpos, tableXpos) matrixtable
_floatmatrix : float vals
_stringmatrix : string
_bgcolormatrix : color
_textcolormatrix : color
_tooltipmatrix : string
_textSize : int
tableYpos : string
tableXpos : string
matrixtable(_floatmatrix, _stringmatrix, _bgcolormatrix, _textcolormatrix, _textSize, tableYpos, tableXpos) matrixtable
_floatmatrix : float vals
_stringmatrix : string
_bgcolormatrix : color
_textcolormatrix : color
_textSize : int
tableYpos : string
tableXpos : string
matrixtable(_floatmatrix, _stringmatrix, _bgcolormatrix, _txtdefcol, _textSize, tableYpos, tableXpos) matrixtable
_floatmatrix : float vals
_stringmatrix : string
_bgcolormatrix : color
_txtdefcol : color
_textSize : int
tableYpos : string
tableXpos : string
matrixtable(_floatmatrix, _stringmatrix, _txtdefcol, _bgdefcol, _textSize, tableYpos, tableXpos) matrixtable
_floatmatrix : float vals
_stringmatrix : string
_txtdefcol : color
_bgdefcol : color
_textSize : int
tableYpos : string
tableXpos : string
matrixtable(_floatmatrix, _txtdefcol, _bgdefcol, _textSize, tableYpos, tableXpos) matrixtable
_floatmatrix : float vals
_txtdefcol : color
_bgdefcol : color
_textSize : int
tableYpos : string
tableXpos : string
_lib_MilitzerThis is a collection of functions either found on the internet, or made by me.
This is only public so my other scripts that reference this can also be public.
If you find anything useful for you here, be my guest.
CanvasLibrary "Canvas"
A library implementing a kind of "canvas" using a table where each pixel is represented by a table cell and the pixel color by the background color of each cell.
To use the library, you need to create a color matrix (represented as an array) and a canvas table.
The canvas table is the container of the canvas, and the color matrix determines what color each pixel in the canvas should have.
max_canvas_size() Function that returns the maximum size of the canvas (100). The canvas is always square, so the size is equal to rows (as opposed to not rows multiplied by columns).
Returns: The maximum size of the canvas (100).
get_bg_color(color_matrix) Get the current background color of the color matrix. This is the default color used when erasing pixels or clearing a canvas.
color_matrix : The color matrix.
Returns: The current background color.
get_fg_color(color_matrix) Get the current foreground color of the color matrix. This is the default color used when drawing pixels.
color_matrix : The color matrix.
Returns: The current foreground color.
set_bg_color(color_matrix, bg_color) Set the background color of the color matrix. This is the default color used when erasing pixels or clearing a canvas.
color_matrix : The color matrix.
bg_color : The new background color.
set_fg_color(color_matrix, fg_color) Set the foreground color of the color matrix. This is the default color used when drawing pixels.
color_matrix : The color matrix.
fg_color : The new foreground color.
color_matrix_rows(color_matrix, rows) Function that returns how many rows a color matrix consists of.
color_matrix : The color matrix.
rows : (Optional) The number of rows of the color matrix. This can be omitted, but if used, can speed up execution.
Returns: The number of rows a color matrix consists of.
pixel_color(color_matrix, x, y, rows) Get the color of the pixel at the specified coordinates.
color_matrix : The color matrix.
x : The X coordinate for the pixel. Must be between 0 and "color_matrix_rows() - 1".
y : The Y coordinate for the pixel. Must be between 0 and "color_matrix_rows() - 1".
rows : (Optional) The number of rows of the color matrix. This can be omitted, but if used, can speed up execution.
Returns: The color of the pixel at the specified coordinates.
draw_pixel(color_matrix, x, y, pixel_color, rows) Draw a pixel at the specified X and Y coordinates. Uses the specified color.
color_matrix : The color matrix.
x : The X coordinate for the pixel. Must be between 0 and "color_matrix_rows() - 1".
y : The Y coordinate for the pixel. Must be between 0 and "color_matrix_rows() - 1".
pixel_color : The color of the pixel.
rows : (Optional) The number of rows of the color matrix. This can be omitted, but if used, can speed up execution.
draw_pixel(color_matrix, x, y, rows) Draw a pixel at the specified X and Y coordinates. Uses the current foreground color.
color_matrix : The color matrix.
x : The X coordinate for the pixel. Must be between 0 and "color_matrix_rows() - 1".
y : The Y coordinate for the pixel. Must be between 0 and "color_matrix_rows() - 1".
rows : (Optional) The number of rows of the color matrix. This can be omitted, but if used, can speed up execution.
erase_pixel(color_matrix, x, y, rows) Erase a pixel at the specified X and Y coordinates, replacing it with the background color.
color_matrix : The color matrix.
x : The X coordinate for the pixel. Must be between 0 and "color_matrix_rows() - 1".
y : The Y coordinate for the pixel. Must be between 0 and "color_matrix_rows() - 1".
rows : (Optional) The number of rows of the color matrix. This can be omitted, but if used, can speed up execution.
init_color_matrix(rows, bg_color, fg_color) Create and initialize a color matrix with the specified number of rows. The number of columns will be equal to the number of rows.
rows : The number of rows the color matrix should consist of. This can be omitted, but if used, can speed up execution. It can never be greater than "max_canvas_size()".
bg_color : (Optional) The initial background color. The default is black.
fg_color : (Optional) The initial foreground color. The default is white.
Returns: The array representing the color matrix.
init_canvas(color_matrix, pixel_width, pixel_height, position) Create and initialize a canvas table.
color_matrix : The color matrix.
pixel_width : (Optional) The pixel width (in % of the pane width). The default width is 0.35%.
pixel_height : (Optional) The pixel width (in % of the pane height). The default width is 0.60%.
position : (Optional) The position for the table representing the canvas. The default is "position.middle_center".
Returns: The canvas table.
clear(color_matrix, rows) Clear a color matrix, replacing all pixels with the current background color.
color_matrix : The color matrix.
rows : The number of rows of the color matrix. This can be omitted, but if used, can speed up execution.
update(canvas, color_matrix, rows) This updates the canvas with the colors from the color matrix. No changes to the canvas gets plotted until this function is called.
canvas : The canvas table.
color_matrix : The color matrix.
rows : The number of rows of the color matrix. This can be omitted, but if used, can speed up execution.
TPCThemeBlackAndBlue_PublicLibrary "TPCThemeBlackAndBlue_Public"
Provides calculated colors.
TPCLines_PublicLibrary "TPCLines_Public"
Helpers for lines
lineVA(start, lines, labels, lineColor, labelBgColor, labelTextColor, highPrice, lowPrice, extend, style, width, labelText, labelSize, labelStyle, labelTextAlign, bi) Draws a vertical line and optional label on the chart.
start : The start bar index or time.
lines : Line array to which the created line will be pushed.
labels : Label array to which the created label will be pushed.
lineColor : The color for the line and label.
labelBgColor : The background color for the label.
labelTextColor : The text color for the label.
highPrice : The upper price for the line.
lowPrice : The lower price for the line.
extend : Options for toggline line extend (extend.right, extend.left, extend.both, or extend.none). If none is provided, provides a best guess.
style : The line's style. Defaults to line.style_dotted.
width : The line's width. Defaults to 1.
labelText : Optional text to display next to the line.
labelSize : The label's size. Defaults to size.tiny.
labelStyle : The label's style. Defaults to label.style_label_left.
labelTextAlign : The label's text alignment. Defaults to text.align_center.
bi : Set true to use bar indices, set false to use time. Defaults to true (use bar indices).
Returns: Nothing. Draws a line and optional label on the chart.
lineHA(price, lines, labels, lineColor, labelBgColor, extend, labelTextColor, labelText, end, start, bi, showPrice, pips, style, width, labelAlign, labelSize, labelStyle, labelTextAlign) Draws a horizontal line and optional label on the chart.
price : The price at which to draw the lie.
lines : Line array to which the created line will be pushed.
labels : Label array to which the created label will be pushed.
lineColor : The color for the line and label.
labelBgColor : The background color for the label.
extend : Options for toggline line extend (extend.right, extend.left, extend.both, or extend.none). Defaults to extend.none.
labelTextColor : The text color for the label.
labelText : Optional text to display next to the line.
end : The time or bar index to end the line at.
start : The time or bar index to start the line at.
bi : Set true to use bar indices, set false to use time. Defaults to true (use bar indices).
showPrice : Option to show the price on the label.
pips : If a value is provided, will be displayed on the label.
style : The line's style. Defaults to line.style_solid.
width : The line's width. Defaults to 1.
labelAlign : Which side of the line to align the label on. Can be r for right, l for left, c for center, or t for the current time.
labelSize : The label's size. Defaults to size.tiny.
labelStyle : The label's style. Defaults to label.style_none.
labelTextAlign : The label's text alignment. Defaults to text.align_center.
Returns: Nothing. Draws a line and optional label on the chart.
drawingutilsLibrary "drawingutils"
Private methods used in my scripts for some basic and customized drawings. No documentation provided as these are meant for private use only.
PivotsLibrary "Pivots"
This Library focuses in functions related to pivot highs and lows and some of their applications (i.e. divergences, zigzag, harmonics, support and resistance...)
pivots(srcH, srcL, length) Delivers series of pivot highs, lows and zigzag.
srcH : Source series to look for pivot highs. Stricter applications might source from 'close' prices. Oscillators are also another possible source to look for pivot highs and lows. By default 'high'
srcL : Source series to look for pivot lows. By default 'low'
length : This value represents the minimum number of candles between pivots. The lower the number, the more detailed the pivot profile. The higher the number, the more relevant the pivots. By default 10
zigzagArray(pivotHigh, pivotLow) Delivers a Zigzag series based on alternating pivots. Ocasionally this line could paint a few consecutive lows or highs without alternating. That happens because it's finding a few consecutive Higher Highs or Lower Lows. If to use lines entities instead of series, that could be easily avoided. But in this one, I'm more interested outputting series rather than painting/deleting line entities.
pivotHigh : Pivot high series
pivotLow : Pivot low series
zigzagLine(srcH, srcL, colorLine, widthLine) Delivers a Zigzag based on line entities.
srcH : Source series to look for pivot highs. Stricter applications might source from 'close' prices. Oscillators are also another possible source to look for pivot highs and lows. By default 'high'
srcL : Source series to look for pivot lows. By default 'low'
colorLine : Color of the Zigzag Line. By default Fuchsia
widthLine : Width of the Zigzag Line. By default 4
Returns: Zigzag printed on screen
divergence(h2, l2, h1, l1, length) Calculates divergences between 2 series
h2 : Series in which to locate divs: Highs
l2 : Series in which to locate divs: Lows
h1 : Series in which to locate pivots: Highs. By default high
l1 : Series in which to locate pivots: Lows. By default low
length : Length used to calculate Pivots: By default 10
Cayoshi_LibraryLibrary "Cayoshi_Library"
fungtion show win loss and Netprofit Show
Library สำหรับเรียกใช้
1.Win_Loss_Show() การแสดง แพ้ ชนะ
2.NetProfit_Show() การแสดงผล Backtest
3.Count_Bar_Back_Test() กำหนดระยะเวลา หรือ แท่งบาร์ในการ Backtest
HA_CandlesLibrary "HA_Candles"
Heikin Ashi Candles
HA_Close() Heikin Ashi Modified Close
Returns: Heikin Ashi Modified Close
HA_Open() Heikin Ashi Modified Open
Returns: Heikin Ashi Modified Open
HA_High() Heikin Ashi Modified High
Returns: Heikin Ashi Modified High
HA_Low() Heikin Ashi Modified Low
Returns: Heikin Ashi Modified Low
HA_Delta(Heikin) Heikin Ashi Delta
Heikin : Ashi Close, Heikin Ashi Open
Returns: Heikin Ashi Delta
easytableLibrary "easytable"
Create tables easily, with minimal code
█ Create tables █ JSON To Table █ Change Colors █ Array to Rows/Columns █ Pre-Styles █ Change Text Size █ Delete Rows/Columns █ Blink Cells
indentify_table_id() Identifies all tables ID number in each cell(0,0).
get_table_by_id(id_number) Get table object by ID number.
id_number : (int) ID number of the table to fetch.
Returns: table.
change_cells_color(table_object, cells_color, start_column, end_column, start_row, end_row) Change cells background colors.
table_object : (table) table object to be changed.
cells_color : (color) Cells color.
start_column : (int) Start column.
end_column : (int) End column.
start_row : (int) Start Row.
end_row : (int) End Row to change.
Returns: Void.
change_cells_text_color(table_object, text_color, start_column, end_column, start_row, end_row) Change cells text colors.
table_object : (table) table object to be changed.
text_color : (color) Text color.
start_column : (int) Start column.
end_column : (int) End column.
start_row : (int) Start Row.
end_row : (int) End Row.
Returns: Void.
change_all_table_text_color(table_object, text_color, table_column_size, table_row_size) Change All table text color.
table_object : (table) table object to be changed.
text_color : (color) Text color.
table_column_size : (int) Size of the table columns.
table_row_size : (int) Size of the table rows.
Returns: Void.
change_table_size(table_object, n_of_columns, n_of_rows, tbl_size) Change table size.
table_object : (table) table object to be changed.
n_of_columns : (int) Size of the table columns.
n_of_rows : (int) Size of the table rows.
tbl_size : (string) size of the table.
Returns: Void.
change_cells_text_size(text_size, start_column, end_column, start_row, end_row, table_id) Change table cells text size .
text_size : (string) Text size.
start_column : (int) Start column.
end_column : (int)(optional) End column.
start_row : (int)(optional) Start Row.
end_row : (int)(optional) End Row.
table_id : (int)(optional) Number of the ID of the table.
Returns: Void.
table_delete_row(table_object, table_column_size, start_row, end_row) Delete specified rows from table.
table_object : (table) table object to be changed.
table_column_size : (int) Table columns max size.
start_row : (int) Start row to delete.
end_row : (int)(optional) End row to delete (optional — Assumes start_row value).
Returns: Void.
table_delete_column(table_object, table_row_size, start_column, end_column) Delete specified columns from table.
table_object : (table) table object to be changed.
table_row_size : (int) Table rows max size.
start_column : (int) Start column to delete.
end_column : (int)(optional) End column to delete (optional — Assumes start_column value).
Returns: Void.
array_to_table_column_auto(column_to_insert, array_to_insert, table_id) Insert string array to table column without passing table object.
column_to_insert : (int) Column to be inserted.
array_to_insert : (string array) Start column to delete.
table_id : (int)(optional) Number of the ID of the table.
Returns: Void.
array_to_table_row_auto(row_to_insert, array_to_insert, table_id) Insert string array to table row without passing table object.
row_to_insert : (int) Column to be inserted.
array_to_insert : (string array) Start column to delete.
table_id : (int)(optional) Number of the ID of the table.
Returns: Void.
array_to_table_row(table_object, row_to_insert, array_to_insert) Insert string array to table row by passing table object.
table_object : (table) table object to be changed.
row_to_insert : (int) Row to be inserted.
array_to_insert : (string array) Start column to delete.
Returns: Void.
array_to_table_column(table_object, column_to_insert, array_to_insert) Insert string array to table column by passing table object.
table_object : (table) table object to be changed.
column_to_insert : (int) Column to be inserted.
array_to_insert : (string array) Start column to delete.
Returns: Void.
blink_cell(cell_column, cell_row, c_color, blink_interval_ms, table_id) Changes cell color at set intervals (blink).
cell_column : (int) Cell column position.
cell_row : (int) Cell row position.
c_color : (color) Color to blink.
blink_interval_ms : (int)(opt) Interval in milliseconds.
table_id : (int)(opt) Table ID number.
change_table_style(table_object, number_of_columns, number_of_rows, color) Changes table pre-style by selecting a pre-style number.
table_object : (table) table object to be changed.
number_of_columns : (int) Table column size.
number_of_rows : (int) Table row size.
color : 1 (color) Color of .
Returns: Void.
create_table_clean(n_of_columns, n_of_rows, position) Create a simple(blank) table without any styling.
n_of_columns : (int) Numbers of columns in the table.
n_of_rows : (int) Number of rows in the table.
position : (string) table position.
Returns: table object.
create_table_with_style(n_of_columns, n_of_rows, style_number, position) Create table with a pre-set style.
n_of_columns : (int) Numbers of columns in the table.
n_of_rows : (int) Number of rows in the table.
style_number : (int) Style number.
position : (string) table position.
Returns: table object.
json_to_table(raw_json) Create table based on input raw json string.
raw_json : (int) Raw json string.
Returns: table object.
json_example() Example function that display a table based on a json
Logger Library For Pinescript (Logging and Debugging)Library "LoggerLib"
This is a logging library for Pinescript. It is aimed to help developers testing and debugging scripts with a simple to use logger function.
Pinescript lacks a native logging implementation. This library would be helpful to mitigate this insufficiency.
This library uses table to print outputs into its view. It is simple, customizable and robust.
You can start using it's .log() method just like any other logging method in other languages.
-- Recommended: Please Read The Documentation From Source Code Below. It Is Much More Readable There And Will Be Updated Along With Newer Versions. --
Importing the Library
import paragjyoti2012/LoggerLib/ as Logger
.init() : Initializes the library and returns the logger pointer. (Later will be used as a function parameter)
.initTable: Initializes the Table View for the Logger and returns the table id. (Later will be used as a function parameter)
logger: The logger pointer got from .init()
max_rows_count: Number of Rows to display in the Logger Table (default is 10)
offset: The offset value for the rows (Used for scrolling the view)
position: Position of the Table View
Values could be:
(default is left)
size: Font Size of content
Values could be:
(default is small)
hide_date: Whether to hide the Date/Time column in the Logger (default is false)
returns: Table
example usage of .initTable()
import paragjyoti2012/LoggerLib/1 as Logger
var logger=Logger.init()
var logTable=Logger.initTable(logger, max_rows_count=20, offset=0, position="top-right")
.log() : Logging Method
params: (string message, |string| logger, table table_id, string type="message")
logger: pass the logger pointer from .init()
table_id: pass the table pointer from .initTable()
message: The message to log
type: Type of the log message
Values could be:
(default is message)
returns: void
Full Boilerplate For Using In Indicator
P.S: Change the | (pipe) character into square brackets while using in script (or copy it from the source code instead),"Offset",minval=0)
size=input.string("small","Font Size",options=|"normal","small","large"|),"No Of Rows")
hide_date=input.bool(false,"Hide Time")
import paragjyoti2012/LoggerLib/1 as Logger
var logger=Logger.init()
var logTable=Logger.initTable(logger,rows,offset,position,size,hide_date)
Logger.log("Dropped Below 34000",logger,logTable,"warning")
Logger.log("Dropped Below 35000",logger,logTable)
Logger.log("Crossed 38000",logger,logTable,"info")
Logger.log("RSI Below 20",logger,logTable,"error")
Logger.log("Macd Crossed Over Signal",logger,logTable)
Logger.log("RSI Above 80",logger,logTable,"success")
// For Scrolling the Table View
There is a subtle way of achieving nice scrolling behaviour for the Table view. Open the input properties panel for the table/indicator. Focus on the input field for "Offset", once it's focused, you could use your mouse scroll wheel to increment/decrement the offset values; It will smoothly scroll the Logger Table Rows as well.
For any assistance using this library or reporting issues, please write in the comment section below.
I will try my best to guide you and update the library. Thanks :)
ObjectStackLibrary "ObjectStack"
CRCHud - HUD Library (Heads Up Display)Library "CRCHud"
Library of functions which will contain functions that allow reusable HUD (Heads up Display) components to used from within other scripts
add_cell_change() - Adds a new cell to designated table which displays the data source value, the line color, data title, and automatically calculated %percent change stats based on lookback value supplied (default - previous bar)
UnicodeReplacementFunctionLibrary "UnicodeReplacementFunction"
Unicode Characters Replacement function for strings.
replaceFont(_str, _fontType) Unicode Character Replace Function
_str : String input
_fontType : Font Type Selector
Returns: Replaced Char String with any custom font type choosed
LabelHelperLibrary "LabelHelper"
Utility for managing active labels on the chart.
add(level, txt, labelColor, textColor) For displaying a lable at the last bar.
level : The value to display the label at.
txt : The text to show on the label.
labelColor : The color of the label.
textColor : The text color of the label.
Returns: The label being managed.
DrawIndicatorOnTheChartLibrary "DrawIndicatorOnTheChart"
this library is used to show an indicator (such RSI, CCI, MOM etc) on the main chart with indicator's horizontal lines in a window. Location of the window is calculated dynamically by last price movemements
drawIndicator(indicatorName, indicator, indicatorcolor, period, indimax_, indimin_, levels, precision, xlocation) draws the related indicator on the chart
indicatorName : is the indicator name as string such "RSI", "CCI" etc
indicator : is the indicator you want to show, such rsi(close, 14), mom(close, 10) etc
indicatorcolor : is the color of indicator line
period : is the length of the window to show
indimax_ : is the maximum value of the indicator, for example for RSI it's 100.0, if the indicator (such CCI, MOM etc) doesn't have maximum value then use "na"
indimin_ : is the minimum value of the indicator, for example for RSI it's 0.0, if the indicator (such CCI, MOM etc)doesn't have maximum value then use "na"
levels : is the levels of the array for the horizontal lines. for example if you want horizontal lines at 30.0, and 70.0 then use array.from(30.0, 70.0). if no horizontal lines then use array.from(na)
precision : is the precision/number of decimals that is used to show indicator values, for example for RSI set it 2
xlocation : is end location of the indicator window, for example if xlocation = 0 window is created on the index of the last bar/candle
Returns: none
amibrokerLibrary "amibroker"
This library consists of functions from amibroker that doesn't exist on tradingview pinescript. The example of these are the ExRem and Flip.
In the example below, I used ExRem to remove the excessive buy and sell signals. Meanwhile, I used the Flip to highlight the bg color when there is an open position.
exrem(series1, series2) Removes excessive signals. Pinescript version of ExRem in Amibroker (
series1 : boolean
series2 : boolean
Returns: boolean
flip(series1, series2) works as a flip/flop device or "latch". Pinescript version of Flip in Amibroker: (
series1 : boolan
series2 : boolean
Returns: boolean.