Moving Average DistanceLook at the chart bars as they relate to distance from a specified moving average.
You can pick from SMA/EMA/etc.
I am publishing this due to a request from a user to make code modifications.
I tried to just open source the original closed-source version, but it doesn't let me do that. So I am publishing it again as a new release with the source code available.
Ehlers Detrending Filter [CC]The Detrending Filter was created by John Ehlers and this is a complementary indicator to one of my previous scripts:
This indicator builds upon his previous work by attempting to detrend the underlying source data that is used to calculate the final result. He was able to create a leading indicator by removing the trend data and by using his previous calculations to turn the source data into a leading indicator.
There are two ways to understand this indicator. First if the indicator is below the midline then it is in a mid to longterm downtrend and if it is above the midline then it is in a mid to longterm uptrend. Also this indicator shows great promise in predicting future trends so because of that aspect, it may give some false signals from time to time.
I have color coded everything to account for both strong signals and normal signals. Strong signals are darker in color and normal signals are lighter in color. Buy when the line turns green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if there are any other scripts you would like to see me publish!
Detrended Ehlers Leading Indicator [CC]The Detrended Ehlers Leading Indicator was created by Bill Mars based off of Ehlers work and this is his attempt to create a leading indicator based on the previous Detrended Synthetic Price . I will be honest that this is a bit of a strange script because it is an indicator based off of the detrended synthetic price which is based off of Ehlers work so I haven't found clear buy and sell signals so I'm open to suggestions. His suggestion for buy and sell signals is to only buy and sell at the indicator crossings but haven't found buy and sell logic that I'm sure about. I have included strong buy and sell signals in addition to normal ones so strong signals are darker in color and normal signals are lighter in color. Buy when the line turns green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if there are any other indicators or scripts you would like to see me publish!
Detrended Synthetic Price [CC]The Detrended Synthetic Price was created by Bill Mars and this indicator is another undiscovered gem that I have found very useful. He obviously took inspiration from John Ehlers in the creation of this indicator and I would describe this indicator as a combination of a MACD and Ehlers work. This indicator is extremely smooth and gives very clear buy and sell signals. Let me know how this indicator works for you. I have included strong buy and sell signals in addition to normal ones so strong signals are darker in color and normal signals are lighter in color. Buy when the line turns green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if there are any other indicators or scripts you would like to see me publish!
Detrended Rhythm Oscillator (DRO)How to detect the current "market beat" or market cycle?
A common way to capture the current dominant cycle length is to detrend the price and look for common rhythms in the detrended series. A common approach is to use a Detrended Price Oscillator (DPO). This is done in order to identify and isolate short-term cycles.
A basic DPO description can be found here:
Improvements to the standard DPO
The main purpose of the standard DPO is to analyze historical data in order to observe cycle's in a market's movement. DPO can give the technical analyst a better sense of a cycle's typical high/low range as well as its duration. However, you need to manually try to "see" tops and bottoms on the detrended price and measure manually the distance from low-low or high-high in order to derive a possible cycle length.
Therefore, I added the following improvements:
1) Using a DPO to detrend the price
2) Indicate the turns of the detrended price with a ZigZag lines to better see the tops/bottoms
3) Detrend the ZigZag to remove price amplitude between turns to even better see the cyclic turns ("rhythm")
4) Measure the distance from last detrended zigzag pivot (high-high / low-low) and plot the distance in bars above/below the turn
Now, you can clearly see the rhythm of the dataset indicated by the Detrended Rhythm Oscillator including the exact length between the turns. This makes the procedure to "spot" turns and "measure" distance more simple for the trader.
How to use this information
The purpose is to check if there is a common rhythm or beat in the underlying dataset. To check that, look for recurring pattern in the numbers. E.g. if you often see the same measured distance, you can conclude that there is a major dominant cycle in this market. Also watch for harmonic relations between the numbers. So in the example above you see the highlighted cluster of detected length of around 40,80 and 120. There three numbers all have a harmonic relation to 40.
Once you have this cyclic information, you can use this number to optimize or tune technical indicators based on the current dominant cycle length. E.g. set the length parameter of a technical indicator to the detected harmonic length with the DRO indicator.
Example Use-Case
You can use this information to set the input for the following free public open-source script:
This is not meant to be a technical indicator on its own and the derived cyclic length should not be used to forecast the next turn per se. The indicator should give you an indication of the current market beat or dominant beats which can be use to further optimize other oscillator or trading related settings.
Options & settings
The indicator allows to plot different versions. It allows to plot the original DPO, the DRO with ZigZag lines, the DRO with detrended ZigZag lines and length labels on/off. You can turn on or off these version in the indicator settings. So you can tweak it visually to your own needs.
Combo Strategy 123 Detrended Price Oscillator This is combo strategies for get a cumulative signal.
First strategy
This System was created from the Book "How I Tripled My Money In The
Futures Market" by Ulf Jensen, Page 183. This is reverse type of strategies.
The strategy buys at market, if close price is higher than the previous close
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Slow Oscillator is lower than 50.
The strategy sells at market, if close price is lower than the previous close price
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Fast Oscillator is higher than 50.
Second strategy
The Detrend Price Osc indicator is similar to a moving average,
in that it filters out trends in prices to more easily identify
cycles. The indicator is an attempt to define cycles in a trend
by drawing a moving average as a horizontal straight line and
placing prices along the line according to their relation to a
moving average. It provides a means of identifying underlying
cycles not apparent when the moving average is viewed within a
price chart. Cycles of a longer duration than the Length (number
of bars used to calculate the Detrend Price Osc) are effectively
filtered or removed by the oscillator.
- For purpose educate only
- This script to change bars colors.
Put/Call Ratio De-TrendedExperimenting with de-trending the various Put/Call Ratios.
Use with tickers PCCE, PCC, PCE, PCOEX, etc. Type "PUT" in the ticker field to see the many options. Use daily charts. Then you can hide the put call ratio and overlay SPX to see the signals. The default MAs are a common way to detrend. Basically takes the 10 day moving average and 127 day moving average(half year in trading days), to "de-trend" the ratio to weed out the noise that is seen in the ratio.
If you can find anything useful or interesting with this, let me know. I think it is useful as is, but if you find an interesting way to use it let me know.
Stationary Extrapolated LevelsBeta Peek/Valey based forecast
The idea behind this indicator is to extrapolate a stationary time series and find the peeks of the extrapolated result. The highest and lowest of the extrapolated data represent really precise support and resistance if the data and its extrapolation are barelly equal with an error lower than the average.
When the detrended price ( in blue ) crossover the lower level then the indicator detect a valey and the possibility of an up movement, if the higher is crossed down then the indicator detect a peek and the possibility a down movement.
When "Show extrapolated values" is checked the indicator will show the forecast of the detrended price with a forecast of length periods ahead.
Feel free to contact me for any questions regarding my indicators :)
UCS_CycleThis indicator was designed to remove trend from price and make it easier to identify cycles.
Although this indicator has similarities to MACD. It is better used to identify the cycle of High and Lows based on the Statistical Data (Default is set to 25).