Supertrend TP SL (PRO)2. Main Components:
Supertrend Indicator:
Theoretical basis: The Supertrend indicator is based on two main concepts: Average True Range (ATR) and Factor. ATR measures the extent of price fluctuations in a given period of time, while Factor determines the sensitivity of the indicator to price changes.
Mechanism of operation: The indicator calculates two possible lines: one line representing the potential support level and another line representing the potential resistance level. The selection of the appropriate line depends on the current price direction. When the price is above the line, the indicator is considered to be in an uptrend, and vice versa.
Customizable inputs:
atrPeriod: Allows the trader to specify the time period for calculating the ATR. Shorter periods make the indicator more sensitive to price changes, while longer periods reduce its sensitivity.
factor: Allows the adjustment of the factor. Higher values make the indicator less likely to give false signals, but they may also delay entry signals.
Risk Management:
Take Profit and Stop Loss Orders:
TPPoints: Specifies the distance between the entry price and the take profit level. This distance is expressed in points, and is converted to an actual price value using syminfo.mintick (the smallest possible price movement of the traded asset).
SLPoints: Specifies the distance between the entry price and the stop loss level.
Importance: These orders allow the trader to specify the maximum loss he is willing to take and the profit target he is aiming to achieve, which helps in effective risk management.
Activate/Disable Trades:
isLongEnabled: Allows buy trades to be enabled or disabled, which allows the trader to trade in one direction only (for example, only trade in the uptrend during a bull market).
isShortEnabled: Allows sell trades to be enabled or disabled.
isTakeProfitEnabled: Allows take profit orders to be enabled or disabled. The trader may wish to disable them if he prefers to manage his trades manually.
isStopLossEnabled: Allows you to enable or disable stop loss orders. Although disabling them may seem tempting in some cases, it is a very risky move.
Visual Customization:
Line Style and Width:
lineStyle: Allows the trader to choose the style of lines used to draw TP and SL levels (Solid, Dashed, Dotted).
lineWidth: Sets the thickness of the lines.
Label Size:
labelSize: Allows you to set the size of the labels that display TP and SL levels (Small, Normal, Large).
bullColor, bearColor, tpColor, slColor: Allows the trader to customize the colors of the different elements on the chart, making visual analysis easier.
3. Strategy Logic:
Determining Entry Signals: The strategy relies on the Supertrend indicator to determine entry signals. When the Supertrend trend changes from bearish to bullish, a buy trade is triggered (if isLongEnabled is enabled). When the trend changes from bullish to bearish, a sell trade is triggered (if isShortEnabled is enabled).
Order Execution: Once the entry signal is triggered, the strategy automatically places buy or sell orders.
Trade Management: After opening a trade, the strategy monitors the price and automatically triggers Take Profit and Stop Loss orders if the price reaches the specified levels.
Visualization: The strategy displays useful information on the chart, such as TP and SL lines, entry and exit signals, which helps the trader understand the strategy’s behavior and evaluate its performance.
4. Advanced Tips:
Optimizing Settings: The strategy’s performance can be improved by adjusting different input values. For example, the trader can experiment with different values for atrPeriod and factor to improve the accuracy of Supertrend signals.
Combining Indicators: This strategy can be combined with other indicators to improve the accuracy of entry signals. For example, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) can be used to confirm Supertrend signals.
Time Analysis: The strategy’s performance can be analyzed over different time periods to evaluate its effectiveness in various market conditions.
Strategy Testing: Before using the strategy in real trading, it should be tested on historical data (Backtesting) to evaluate its performance and determine the optimal settings.
5. Associated Risks:
False Signals: The Supertrend indicator may sometimes give false signals, especially in volatile markets.
Losses: Even with the use of stop loss orders, the trader may be exposed to significant losses.
Over-optimization: Over-optimization of settings on historical data may lead to misleading results. The trader should be careful about generalizing the results to future data.
Over-reliance on automation: The automated strategy should not be relied upon completely. The trader should monitor the trades and make appropriate decisions when necessary.
6. Disclaimer:
I am not a licensed financial advisor. This strategy is provided for educational and illustrative purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice. Trading in financial markets involves significant risks and you may lose your invested capital. Before making any investment decisions, consult a qualified financial advisor and conduct your own research. You alone are responsible for your trading decisions and their results. By using this strategy, you acknowledge and agree that I am not responsible for any losses or damages you may incur.
2. المكونات الرئيسية:
مؤشر Supertrend:
الأساس النظري: يعتمد مؤشر Supertrend على مفهومين رئيسيين هما: متوسط المدى الحقيقي (Average True Range - ATR) ومعامل الضرب (Factor). ATR يقيس مدى تقلبات الأسعار في فترة زمنية محددة، بينما Factor يحدد مدى حساسية المؤشر لتغيرات الأسعار.
آلية العمل: يقوم المؤشر بحساب خطين محتملين: خط يمثل مستوى الدعم المحتمل وخط آخر يمثل مستوى المقاومة المحتمل. يعتمد اختيار الخط المناسب على اتجاه السعر الحالي. عندما يكون السعر أعلى من الخط، يعتبر المؤشر في اتجاه صاعد، والعكس صحيح.
المدخلات القابلة للتخصيص:
atrPeriod: يتيح للمتداول تحديد الفترة الزمنية لحساب ATR. الفترات الأقصر تجعل المؤشر أكثر حساسية لتغيرات الأسعار، بينما الفترات الأطول تقلل من حساسيته.
factor: يسمح بتعديل معامل الضرب. القيم الأعلى تجعل المؤشر أقل عرضة لإعطاء إشارات خاطئة، ولكنها قد تؤخر أيضًا إشارات الدخول.
إدارة المخاطر:
أوامر جني الأرباح وإيقاف الخسارة:
TPPoints: يحدد المسافة بين سعر الدخول ومستوى جني الأرباح. يتم التعبير عن هذه المسافة بالنقاط (Points)، ويتم تحويلها إلى قيمة سعرية فعلية باستخدام syminfo.mintick (أصغر حركة سعرية ممكنة للأصل المتداول).
SLPoints: يحدد المسافة بين سعر الدخول ومستوى إيقاف الخسارة.
الأهمية: تتيح هذه الأوامر للمتداول تحديد الحد الأقصى للخسارة التي يرغب في تحملها والهدف الربحي الذي يسعى لتحقيقه، مما يساعد على إدارة المخاطر بشكل فعال.
تفعيل/تعطيل الصفقات:
isLongEnabled: يسمح بتفعيل أو تعطيل صفقات الشراء، مما يمكن المتداول من التداول في اتجاه واحد فقط (على سبيل المثال، التداول فقط في الاتجاه الصاعد خلال سوق صاعدة).
isShortEnabled: يسمح بتفعيل أو تعطيل صفقات البيع.
isTakeProfitEnabled: يسمح بتفعيل أو تعطيل أوامر جني الأرباح. قد يرغب المتداول في تعطيلها إذا كان يفضل إدارة صفقاته يدويًا.
isStopLossEnabled: يسمح بتفعيل أو تعطيل أوامر إيقاف الخسارة. على الرغم من أن تعطيلها قد يبدو مغريًا في بعض الحالات، إلا أنه يعتبر خطوة محفوفة بالمخاطر للغاية.
التخصيص المرئي:
نمط وعرض الخطوط:
lineStyle: يتيح للمتداول اختيار نمط الخطوط المستخدمة لرسم مستويات TP و SL (Solid, Dashed, Dotted).
lineWidth: يحدد سمك الخطوط.
حجم الملصقات:
labelSize: يسمح بتحديد حجم الملصقات التي تعرض مستويات TP و SL (Small, Normal, Large).
bullColor, bearColor, tpColor, slColor: تتيح للمتداول تخصيص ألوان العناصر المختلفة على الرسم البياني، مما يسهل عملية التحليل البصري.
3. منطق عمل الاستراتيجية:
تحديد إشارات الدخول: تعتمد الاستراتيجية على مؤشر Supertrend لتحديد إشارات الدخول. عندما يتغير اتجاه Supertrend من هابط إلى صاعد، يتم تفعيل صفقة شراء (إذا كانت isLongEnabled مفعلة). وعندما يتغير الاتجاه من صاعد إلى هابط، يتم تفعيل صفقة بيع (إذا كانت isShortEnabled مفعلة).
تنفيذ الأوامر: بمجرد تفعيل إشارة الدخول، تقوم الاستراتيجية بوضع أوامر الشراء أو البيع تلقائيًا.
إدارة الصفقات: بعد فتح الصفقة، تقوم الاستراتيجية بمراقبة السعر وتفعيل أوامر جني الأرباح وإيقاف الخسارة تلقائيًا في حالة وصول السعر إلى المستويات المحددة.
التمثيل المرئي: تعرض الاستراتيجية معلومات مفيدة على الرسم البياني، مثل خطوط TP و SL وإشارات الدخول والخروج، مما يساعد المتداول على فهم سلوك الاستراتيجية وتقييم أدائها.
4. نصائح متقدمة:
تحسين الإعدادات: يمكن تحسين أداء الاستراتيجية من خلال تعديل قيم المدخلات المختلفة. على سبيل المثال، يمكن للمتداول تجربة قيم مختلفة لـ atrPeriod و factor لتحسين دقة إشارات Supertrend.
الجمع بين المؤشرات: يمكن دمج هذه الاستراتيجية مع مؤشرات أخرى لتحسين دقة إشارات الدخول. على سبيل المثال، يمكن استخدام مؤشر القوة النسبية (RSI) لتأكيد إشارات Supertrend.
التحليل الزمني: يمكن تحليل أداء الاستراتيجية على مدى فترات زمنية مختلفة لتقييم مدى فعاليتها في ظروف السوق المتنوعة.
اختبار الاستراتيجية: قبل استخدام الاستراتيجية في التداول الحقيقي، يجب اختبارها على بيانات تاريخية (Backtesting) لتقييم أدائها وتحديد الإعدادات المثلى.
5. المخاطر المرتبطة:
الإشارات الخاطئة: قد يعطي مؤشر Supertrend إشارات خاطئة في بعض الأحيان، خاصة في الأسواق المتقلبة.
الخسائر: حتى مع استخدام أوامر إيقاف الخسارة، قد يتعرض المتداول لخسائر كبيرة.
التحسين المفرط: قد يؤدي التحسين المفرط للإعدادات على بيانات تاريخية إلى نتائج مضللة. يجب أن يكون المتداول حذرًا بشأن تعميم النتائج على البيانات المستقبلية.
الاعتماد الزائد على الأتمتة: يجب عدم الاعتماد بشكل كامل على الاستراتيجية الآلية. يجب على المتداول مراقبة الصفقات واتخاذ القرارات المناسبة عند الضرورة.
6. إخلاء المسؤولية:
أنا لست مستشارًا ماليًا مرخصًا. هذه الاستراتيجية مقدمة لأغراض تعليمية وتوضيحية فقط، ولا ينبغي اعتبارها نصيحة استثمارية. التداول في الأسواق المالية ينطوي على مخاطر كبيرة، وقد تخسر رأس المال المستثمر. قبل اتخاذ أي قرارات استثمارية، استشر مستشارًا ماليًا مؤهلاً وقم بإجراء بحثك الخاص. أنت وحدك المسؤول عن قراراتك التجارية ونتائجها. باستخدام هذه الاستراتيجية، فإنك تقر وتوافق على أنني لست مسؤولاً عن أي خسائر أو أضرار قد تتكبدها.
Candlestick analysis
Pivot Point CE/PE StrategyThe Pivot Point CE/PE Strategy is a technical analysis-based TradingView script designed to identify potential Call (CE) and Put (PE) trade opportunities. This strategy focuses on price action around key support and resistance levels derived from daily pivot points, VWAP, and moving averages. It is particularly useful for intraday traders working with 3-minute candles.
Pivot Point CE/PE StrategyPivot Point CE/PE Strategy Overview
This Pine Script strategy identifies potential Call Entry (CE) and Put Entry (PE) opportunities using a combination of:
Pivot Points & Central Pivot Range (CPR)
Fibonacci Levels
VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price) & MVWAP (Customizable)
RSI (Relative Strength Index)
SMA & EMA (Simple and Exponential Moving Averages)
Volume Analysis
Key Components of the Strategy
Candle Identification
Zen ABR### **Average Bar Range (ABR) Levels** – A Simple Yet Powerful Scalping Tool
The **ABR Levels** indicator dynamically calculates the **average bar range** and plots three key levels on your chart:
✅ **0.5x ABR** – Half the average bar range
✅ **1x ABR** – The full average bar range
✅ **2x ABR** – Double the average bar range
This provides an **instant volatility gauge**, helping traders adjust position size, stop losses, and targets **based on current market conditions** rather than arbitrary numbers.
### **How It Works**
- The indicator calculates **the average range of the last 8 bars** (default setting, adjustable).
- The **ABR levels update in real time**, appearing in the **top-right corner of your chart** for easy reference.
- Works across **any instrument and timeframe** – great for scalpers and intraday traders.
### **Why Use ABR Levels?**
🚀 **Avoid oversized losses** – Trade dynamically instead of using fixed stops and targets.
📉 **Recognize shifts in market conditions** – Identify when volatility is expanding or contracting.
🎯 **Refine your entries & exits** – Use ABR levels to **scale** your positions intelligently.
### **Pro Tip:**
Never enter a trade **aiming for half-R** profits. If a trade goes badly, **you might manage it to break even or half-R**, but aiming for tiny wins will **wreck your long-term edge**.
🔹 **This script is open-source!** If you're not on TradingView, you can copy the code into any AI tool to generate it for your platform. 🚀
开盘反转检测I have encountered many times that after using indicators or signals to open a position, the trend immediately reversed and I could only be stopped out.
To summarize the rules, if the current K-line is reversed from the previous K-line, and the lower shadow is very short, and the reversal strength is very large, then a signal is sent.
This is only a stop-loss indicator and cannot be used as an opening indicator!
遇到很多次, 使用指标或者信号开仓后, 走势立马反转, 最终只能被止损,
总结规律, 当前k线如果与前一根k线形势反转, 且下影线很短, 反转强度又很大, 则发送信号,
这只是一个止损指标, 不能作为开仓指标!
Session Ranges TTS (Asia, London, New York, London Close)this indicator shows 8 customizable boxes on the chart. They use the maximum and minimum of the price contained within them.
The boxes as set indicate: aiatic session, FFO, LO, MMM!, MMM", nyt, nyo, LC.
Zen R Targets V14Zen R Targets – Precision 2R Profit Calculation
📊 Plan trades with clear risk-reward targets – this tool calculates 2R profit targets based on Stop Entry or Close Entry strategies.
### Features & Settings:
✔ Entry Type – Choose between:
- Stop Entry (above/below bar, requires breakout fill)
- Close Entry (instant fill at bar close)
✔ 2R Target Calculation – Projects twice the risk from your chosen entry
✔ IBS Filtering for Stop Entries – Avoid weak setups!
- Bull Stop Entry requires IBS above threshold (default 60%)
- Bear Stop Entry requires IBS below threshold (default 40%)
✔ Customizable Visibility – Toggle Close & Stop entries separately
✔ Optimized Display –
- Entry/stop markers = gray
- 2R targets = blue (bull) & red (bear)
✔ Lightweight & Efficient – Keeps charts clean while providing clear trade visuals
📺 Live trading streams for the Brooks Trading Course
Watch me trade live on YouTube:
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Built by a professional trader & price action expert – Level up your execution today!
25% Autoin this script you can take trade on basis of retest on 25% of higher high, higher low, lower high, lower low.
Heikin-Ashi Reversals with Region & DotsIf you want to use Heiken Ashi candles as a way to screen for bullish and bearish reversal.
Green background is stay long and strong. Red background = potential top or bearish continuation.
Yellow dots show strong red heiken ashi candles with small upside wicks. The next candle determines whether it should be green or red. If next heiken ashi candle closes above the current candle = green, bull trend still in line. If next heiken ashi candle closes below, then time to sell
Sniper Trade Pro (ES 15-Min) - Topstep Optimized🔹 Overview
Sniper Trade Pro is an advanced algorithmic trading strategy designed specifically for E-mini S&P 500 (ES) Futures on the 15-minute timeframe. This strategy is optimized for Topstep 50K evaluations, incorporating strict risk management to comply with their max $1,000 daily loss limit while maintaining a high probability of success.
It uses a multi-confirmation approach, integrating:
✅ Money Flow Divergence (MFD) → To track liquidity imbalances and institutional accumulation/distribution.
✅ Trend Confirmation (EMA + VWAP) → To identify strong trend direction and avoid choppy markets.
✅ ADX Strength Filter → To ensure entries only occur in trending conditions, avoiding weak setups.
✅ Break-Even & Dynamic Stop-Losses → To reduce drawdowns and protect profits dynamically.
This script automatically generates Buy and Sell signals and provides built-in risk management for automated trading execution through TradingView Webhooks.
🔹 How Does This Strategy Work?
📌 1. Trend Confirmation (EMA + VWAP)
The strategy uses:
✔ 9-EMA & 21-EMA: Fast-moving averages to detect short-term momentum.
✔ VWAP (Volume-Weighted Average Price): Ensures trades align with institutional volume flow.
How it works:
Bullish Condition: 9-EMA above 21-EMA AND price above VWAP → Confirms buy trend.
Bearish Condition: 9-EMA below 21-EMA AND price below VWAP → Confirms sell trend.
📌 2. Liquidity & Money Flow Divergence (MFD)
This indicator measures liquidity shifts by tracking momentum changes in price and volume.
✔ MFD Calculation:
Uses Exponential Moving Average (EMA) of Momentum (MOM) to detect changes in buying/selling pressure.
If MFD is above its moving average, it signals liquidity inflows → bullish strength.
If MFD is below its moving average, it signals liquidity outflows → bearish weakness.
Why is this important?
Detects when Smart Money is accumulating or distributing before major moves.
Filters out false breakouts by confirming momentum strength before entry.
📌 3. Trade Entry Triggers (Candlestick Patterns & ADX Filter)
To avoid random entries, the strategy waits for specific candlestick confirmations with ADX trend strength:
✔ Bullish Entry (Buy Signal) → Requires:
Bullish Engulfing Candle (Reversal confirmation)
ADX > 20 (Ensures strong trending conditions)
MFD above its moving average (Liquidity inflows)
9-EMA > 21-EMA & price above VWAP (Trend confirmation)
✔ Bearish Entry (Sell Signal) → Requires:
Bearish Engulfing Candle (Reversal confirmation)
ADX > 20 (Ensures strong trending conditions)
MFD below its moving average (Liquidity outflows)
9-EMA < 21-EMA & price below VWAP (Trend confirmation)
📌 4. Risk Management & Profit Protection
This strategy is built with strict risk management to maintain low drawdowns and maximize profits:
✔ Dynamic Position Sizing → Automatically adjusts trade size to risk a fixed $400 per trade.
✔ Adaptive Stop-Losses → Uses ATR-based stop-loss (0.8x ATR) to adapt to market volatility.
✔ Take-Profit Targets → Fixed at 2x ATR for a Risk:Reward ratio of 2:1.
✔ Break-Even Protection → Moves stop-loss to entry once price moves 1x ATR in profit, locking in gains.
✔ Max Daily Loss Limit (-$1,000) → Stops trading if total losses exceed $1,000, complying with Topstep rules.
KP LevelsLevels indicator for Killpips. Includes daily and weekly input boxes. Ability to select color for each level and adjust line size + label size.
Time Box Breakout IndicatorPlots Boxes with breakout signals on whatever timeframe the user selects.
Allows for users to see higher timeframe ranges on lower timeframes.
Useful for scalpers taking advantage of momentum, combined with support and resistance on higher timeframes.
Aids in visualizing risk, ranges and trends.
Wick Order IndicatorThe script tells you what formed first in the wick, the high or the low.
If the high formed first, the upper wick would be labeled 1 and lower wick would be labeled 2.
If the low formed first, the lower wick would be labeled 1 and higher wick would be labeled 2.
If there's only one wick or no wicks, there would be no labels.
Hierarchical + K-Means Clustering Strategy===== USER GUIDE =====
Hierarchical + K-Means Clustering Strategy
This strategy combines hierarchical clustering and K-means algorithms to analyze market volatility patterns
and generate trading signals. It uses a modified SuperTrend indicator with ATR-based volatility clustering
to identify potential trend changes and market conditions.
- Advanced volatility analysis using hierarchical clustering and K-means algorithms
- Modified SuperTrend indicator for trend identification
- Multiple filter options including moving average and ADX trend strength
- Volume-based exit mechanism to protect profits
- Customizable appearance settings
1. SuperTrend Settings:
- ATR Length: Period for ATR calculation (default: 11)
- SuperTrend Factor: Multiplier for ATR to determine trend bands (default: 3)
2. Hierarchical Clustering Settings:
- Training Data Length: Number of bars used for clustering analysis (default: 200)
3. Appearance Settings:
- Transparency 1 & 2: Control the opacity of trend lines and fills
- Bullish/Bearish Color: Colors for uptrend and downtrend visualization
4. Time Settings:
- Start Year/Month: Define when the strategy should start executing trades
5. Filter Settings:
- Moving Average Filter: Uses SMA to filter trades (only enter when price is on correct side of MA)
- Trend Strength Filter: Uses ADX to ensure trades are taken in strong trend conditions
6. Volume Stop Loss Settings:
- Volume Ratio Threshold: Controls sensitivity of volume-based exits
- Monitoring Delay Bars: Number of bars to wait before monitoring volume for exit signals
1. Apply the indicator to your chart
2. Adjust settings according to your trading preferences and timeframe
3. Long signals appear when price crosses above the SuperTrend line (▲k marker)
4. Short signals appear when price crosses below the SuperTrend line (▼k marker)
5. The strategy automatically manages exits based on volume balance conditions
- Green line/area: Bullish trend - consider long positions
- Red line/area: Bearish trend - consider short positions
- Yellow line: Moving average for additional trend confirmation
- Volume balance exits occur when buying/selling pressure equalizes
This strategy works best on 1H, 4H, and daily charts for most markets.
For highly volatile assets, shorter timeframes may also be effective.
Always use proper position sizing and consider setting additional stop losses
beyond the strategy's built-in exit mechanisms.
===== END OF USER GUIDE =====
MTF Round Level Reversal [RunRox]🧲 MTF Round Level Reversal is an indicator designed to highlight price levels on the chart where the market encountered significant resistance or support at round numbers, failing to break through large clusters of orders.
In many cases, price revisits these round-number levels to absorb the remaining liquidity, offering potential reversal or continuation trade opportunities.
Here’s an example demonstrating how this indicator works and how its logic is structured:
As shown in the screenshot above, price encountered resistance at round-number levels, clearly reacting off these areas.
Afterward, the market pulled back, presenting opportunities to enter trades targeting these previously established open levels.
This logic is based on the observation that price often seeks to revisit these open round-number levels due to the residual liquidity resting there.
While effective across various markets, this indicator performs particularly well with stocks or assets priced at higher values.
For a level to appear on the chart, price must first encounter a round-number value and clearly reverse from it, leaving a visible reaction on the chart. After this occurs, the indicator will mark this level as fully formed and display it as an active reversal area.
🔷 Timeframe – Choose any timeframe from which you’d like the indicator to source level data.
🔷 Period – Defines the number of candles required on both sides (left and right) to confirm and fully form a level.
🔷 Rounding Level – Adjusts price rounding precision when detecting levels (from 0.0001 up to 5000).
🔷 Color – Customize the color and transparency of displayed levels.
🔷 Line Style – Select the desired line style for level visualization.
🔷 Label Size – Set the font size for the level labels displayed on the chart.
🔷 Move Label to the Right – Move level labels to the right side of the screen for better visibility.
🔷 Label Offset – Specifies how many bars labels should be offset from the chart’s right edge.
🔷 Delete Filled Level – Automatically removes levels from the chart after they’ve been revisited or filled.
🔷 Calculation Bars – Determines the number of recent bars considered when calculating and identifying levels.
🔶 There are numerous ways to apply this indicator in your trading strategy. You can look for trades targeting these round-number levels or identify reversal setups forming at these high-liquidity zones. The key insight is understanding that these levels represent significant liquidity areas, which price frequently revisits and retests.
We greatly appreciate your feedback and suggestions to further improve and enhance this indicator!
TMA StrategyThe **TMA Strategy** is a trend-following strategy that leverages **Smoothed Moving Averages (SMMA)** and **candlestick patterns** to identify high-probability trading opportunities. It is designed for traders who want to capture strong trends while minimizing noise from short-term fluctuations.
**Key Features:**
✔ **Multiple Smoothed Moving Averages (SMMA):** Uses 21, 50, 100, and 200-period SMMAs to identify market trends and key support/resistance zones.
✔ **Candlestick Pattern Confirmation:** Incorporates **3-line strike** and **engulfing candle** patterns to confirm trade entries.
✔ **Dynamic Trend Filter:** A **2-period EMA** ensures that trades align with the dominant trend, reducing false signals.
✔ **Customizable Session Filter:** Allows users to enable/disable trading within specific market sessions (New York, London, Tokyo, etc.), ensuring trades are executed only during high-liquidity hours.
✔ **Risk Management:** Uses predefined exit conditions based on EMA/SMMA crossovers to lock in profits and minimize losses.
**Trading Logic:**
📌 **Long Entry:**
- Bullish Engulfing or 3-Line Strike pattern appears.
- Price is above the 200 SMMA.
- 2 EMA confirms an uptrend.
- Trade executes if session filter allows.
📌 **Short Entry:**
- Bearish Engulfing or 3-Line Strike pattern appears.
- Price is below the 200 SMMA.
- 2 EMA confirms a downtrend.
- Trade executes if session filter allows.
📌 **Exit Conditions:**
- Long trades exit when EMA(2) crosses **below** SMMA(200).
- Short trades exit when EMA(2) crosses **above** SMMA(200).
**Ideal Markets & Timeframes:**
✅ Best suited for **Forex, Stocks, and Crypto** markets.
✅ Works well on **higher timeframes (15m, 1H, 4H, Daily)** for stronger trend confirmation.
📢 **Disclaimer:**
This strategy is for educational purposes only. Backtest results do not guarantee future performance. Always use proper risk management and test in a demo account before live trading.
🚀 **Try the TMA Strategy now and enhance your trend-following approach!**
Candle Close CountdownA simple indicator that counts down major candle closes.
This is especially useful if you're trading on low time frames but want to know when higher time frame candles close for volatility / reversal points.
It can also be useful to use it as a visual reminder to actually go check how a candle has closed.
- There are alerts for when a candle is going to close you can enable
- The text turns red 15% of the time BEFORE the candle closes
Triangle Reversal IndicatorTriangle Reversal Indicator – A Visual Tool for Identifying Reversal Patterns
This indicator is designed to highlight potential trend reversal moments by comparing the current candle with the previous one. It offers a unique approach by focusing on distinct candle patterns rather than generic trend indicators, making it a valuable addition to your trading toolkit.
How It Works:
For a bullish signal, the indicator checks if:
The current candle is bullish (closing higher than it opens) while the previous candle was bearish.
The current candle’s low breaches the previous bearish candle’s low.
The current candle’s close is above the previous bearish candle’s close.
When these conditions are met, a tiny green triangle is plotted below the candle to signal a potential bullish reversal.
Conversely, for a bearish signal, it verifies if:
The current candle is bearish (closing lower than it opens) following a bullish candle.
The current candle’s high exceeds the previous bullish candle’s high.
The current candle’s close falls below the previous bullish candle’s close.
If all conditions are satisfied, a small red triangle appears above the candle to indicate a potential bearish reversal.
How to Use:
Simply apply the indicator on your chart and look for the tiny triangles that appear above or below the candles. These markers can serve as an additional visual cue when confirming entry or exit points, but it’s best used alongside your other analysis techniques.
Customization Options:
Users can further enhance the script by adding inputs for lookback periods, adjusting the triangle size, or modifying colors to match their chart themes.
Forex Power Indicator [FindBetterTrades]The Forex Power Indicator is designed to help traders quickly assess the relative strength and weakness of key forex pairs over a set period.
This tool calculates the percentage change in price over the last 5 days and highlights the strongest and weakest performing pairs in a simple table format.
Calculates the percentage change over the last 5 days.
Identifies and labels the strongest and weakest pair based on performance.
Displays results in a customizable table, allowing traders to quickly interpret market trends.
How to Use:
The strongest pair (🟢) indicates the currency with the highest performance in the selected period.
The weakest pair (🔴) shows the currency that has lost the most value.
Alerts feature:
Once you add the script to your chart, go to "Create Alert"
Under "Condition", select "Forex Power Indicator ".
The system will use the messages set in the alert() function.
When triggered, the alert will display the message like:
"New strongest currency pair: USDJPY"
"New weakest currency pair: AUDUSD"
Use this information to spot momentum opportunities, potential reversals, or trend continuations in forex trading.
This indicator is for informational purposes only and should be used alongside other technical analysis tools to support trading decisions.
Engulfing Sweeps - Milana TradesEngulfing Sweeps
The Engulfing Sweeps Candle is a candlestick pattern that:
1)Takes liquidity from the previous candle’s high or low.
2)Fully engulfs previous candles upon closing.
3)Indicates strong buying or selling pressure.
4)Helps determine the bias of the next candle.
Logic Behind Engulfing Sweeps
If you analyze this candle on a lower timeframe, you’ll often see popular models like PO3 (Power of Three) or AMD (Accumulation – Manipulation – Distribution).
Once the candle closes, the goal is to enter a position on the retracement of the distribution phase.
How to Use Engulfing Sweeps?
Recommended Timeframes:
4H, Daily, Weekly – these levels hold significant liquidity.
Personally, I prefer 4H, as it provides a solid view of mid-term market moves.
Step1 - Identify Engulfing Sweep Candle
Step 2-Switch to a lower timeframe (15m or 5m).And you task identify optimal trade entry
Look for an entry pattern based on:
FVG (Fair Value Gap)
OB (Order Block)
FIB levels (0/0.25/0.5/ 0.75/ 1)
Wait for confirmation and take the trade.
Automating with TradingView Alerts
To avoid missing the pattern, you can set up alerts using a custom script. Once the pattern forms, TradingView will notify you so you can analyze the chart and take action. This approch helps me be more freedom
HTF Candle Volume Thermometer [ChartPrime]The HTF Candle Volume Thermometer is a powerful volume heatmap tool that visualizes higher timeframe candle volume distributions directly on the chart. It helps traders identify key price levels where liquidity is concentrated, allowing for more informed trading decisions.
Higher Timeframe Volume Mapping
Uses higher timeframe (HTF) candles to create a heatmap of volume distribution within each candle.
Dynamic Volume Heatmap
Colors each HTF candle background green for bullish and red for bearish, with a gradient heat overlay highlighting volume concentration.
Max Volume Point Identification
Marks the level within each HTF candle where the highest volume was recorded, using red for the most significant volume area.
Fully Customizable Display
Users can adjust the HTF timeframe, color settings, and resolution to tailor the indicator to their trading preferences.
Segmented Volume Distribution
Each HTF candle is divided into smaller levels, allowing traders to see volume changes within the range of each candle.
Key Level Detection
Max volume points often act as key support and resistance levels where price is likely to react, helping traders refine their strategies.
Identify Liquidity Zones
Use the max volume levels to determine areas where price is likely to find support or resistance.
Assess Trend Strength
Compare volume distribution between bullish and bearish HTF candles to gauge market momentum.
Optimize Trade Entries & Exits
Look for price reactions at high-volume areas to refine stop-loss and take-profit levels.
Adjust Heatmap Resolution
Customize the resolution setting to get a more detailed or broader view of volume segmentation within HTF candles.
The HTF Candle Volume Thermometer is a must-have tool for traders who want to integrate volume analysis with higher timeframe structures. By visualizing volume heatmaps within each HTF candle, this indicator helps traders pinpoint critical liquidity zones and key price levels.
TrendPredator FOTrendPredator Fakeout Highlighter (FO)
The TrendPredator Fakeout Highlighter is designed to enhance multi-timeframe trend analysis by identifying key market behaviors that indicate trend strength, weakness, and potential reversals. Inspired by Stacey Burke’s trading approach, this tool focuses on trend-following, momentum shifts, and trader traps, helping traders capitalize on high-probability setups.
At its core, this indicator highlights peak formations—anchor points where price often locks in trapped traders before making decisive moves. These principles align with George Douglas Taylor’s 3-day cycle and Steve Mauro’s BTMM method, making the FO Highlighter a powerful tool for reading market structure. As markets are fractal, this analysis works on any timeframe.
How It Works
The TrendPredator FO highlights key price action signals by coloring candles based on their bias state on the current timeframe.
It tracks four major elements:
Breakout/Breakdown Bars – Did the candle close in a breakout or breakdown relative to the last candle?
Fakeout Bars (Trend Close) – Did the candle break a prior high/low and close back inside, but still in line with the trend?
Fakeout Bars (Counter-Trend Close) – Did the candle break a prior high/low, close back inside, and against the trend?
Switch Bars – Did the candle lose/ reclaim the breakout/down level of the last bar that closed in breakout/down, signalling a possible trend shift?
Reading the Trend with TrendPredator FO
The annotations in this example are added manually for illustration.
- Breakouts → Strong Trend
Multiple candles closing in breakout signal a healthy and strong trend.
- Fakeouts (Trend Close) → First Signs of Weakness
Candles that break out but close back inside suggest a potential slowdown—especially near key levels.
- Fakeouts (Counter-Trend Close) → Stronger Reversal Signal
Closing against the trend strengthens the reversal signal.
- Switch Bars → Momentum Shift
A shift in trend is confirmed when price crosses back through the last closed breakout candles breakout level, trapping traders and fuelling a move in the opposite direction.
- Breakdowns → Trend Reversal Confirmed
Once price breaks away from the peak formation, closing in breakdown, the trend shift is validated.
Customization & Settings
- Toggle individual candle types on/off
- Customize colors for each signal
- Set the number of historical candles displayed
Example Use Cases
1. Weekly Template Analysis
The weekly template is a core concept in Stacey Burke’s trading style. FO highlights individual candle states. With this the state of the trend and the developing weekly template can be evaluated precisely. The analysis is done on the daily timeframe and we are looking especially for overextended situations within a week, after multiple breakouts and for peak formations signalling potential reversals. This is helpful for thesis generation before a session and also for backtesting. The annotations in this example are added manually for illustration.
📈 Example: Weekly Template Analysis snapshot on daily timeframe
2. High Timeframe 5-Star Setup Analysis (Stacey Burke "ain't coming back" ACB Template)
This analysis identifies high-probability trade opportunities when daily breakout or down closes occur near key monthly levels mid-week, signalling overextensions and potentially large parabolic moves. Key signals for this are breakout or down closes occurring on a Wednesday. This is helpful for thesis generation before a session and also for backtesting. The annotations in this example are added manually for illustration. Also an indicator can bee seen on this chart shading every Wednesday to identify the signal.
📉 Example: High Timeframe Setup snapshot
3. Low Timeframe Entry Confirmation
FO helps confirm entry signals after a setup is identified, allowing traders to time their entries and exits more precisely. For this the highlighted Switch and/ or Fakeout bars can be highly valuable.
📊 Example (M15 Entry & Exit): Entry and Exit Confirmation snapshot
📊 Example (M5 Scale-In Strategy): Scaling Entries snapshot
The annotations in this examples are added manually for illustration.
This indicator is for educational purposes only and does not guarantee profits.
None of the information provided shall be considered financial advice.
Users are fully responsible for their trading decisions and outcomes.
Auto Fib Retracement with Buy/SellKey Features of the Advanced Script:
Multi-Timeframe (MTF) Analysis:
We added an input for the higher timeframe (higher_tf), where the trend is checked on a higher timeframe to confirm the primary trend direction.
Complex Trend Detection:
The trend is determined not only by the current timeframe but also by the trend on the higher timeframe, giving a more comprehensive and reliable signal.
Dynamic Fibonacci Levels:
Fibonacci lines are plotted dynamically, extending them based on price movement, with the Fibonacci retracement drawn only when a trend is identified.
Background Color & Labels:
A background color is added to give a clear indication of the trend direction. Green for uptrend, red for downtrend. It makes it visually easier to understand the current market structure.
"Buy" or "Sell" labels are shown directly on the chart to mark possible entry points.
Strategy and Backtesting:
The script includes strategy commands (strategy.entry and strategy.exit), which allow for backtesting the strategy in TradingView.
Stop loss and take profit conditions are added (loss=100, profit=200), which can be adjusted according to your preferences.
Next Steps:
Test with different timeframes: Try changing the higher_tf to different timeframes (like "60" or "240") and see how it affects the trend detection.
Adjust Fibonacci settings: Modify how the Fibonacci levels are calculated or add more Fibonacci levels like 38.2%, 61.8%, etc.
Optimize Strategy Parameters: Fine-tune the entry/exit logic by adjusting stop loss, take profit, and other strategy parameters.
This should give you a robust foundation for creating advanced trend detection strategies