This is a little, simple script I made upon request from a user.
It shows the highs ad lows of up to three custom timelines (e. g. 60 min, 30 min and 15 min) within a chart.
Dies ist ein kleines, einfaches Skript, das ich auf Anfrage eines Nutzers erstellt habe.
Es zeigt die Hochs und Tiefs von bis zu drei individueller Zeitreihen (z. B. 60 min, 30 min und 15 min) innerhalb eines Charts.
Indikator-Indikator Rentang
Trend Confirmation Indicator - Triple OBVDear all, you might wonder is there a confirmation indicator that has a high hit rate, is dependable, and could rely on the information it gives you when making a decision?
Here I present an indicator I developed specifically for cryptocurrency, in the minds of eliminating fakeouts and traps.
Trend is always invalid then there is a lack of volume, so by tracking the momentum of price direction & volume, we can have a ballpark about where the market is moving to.
On balance volume
obvshort = ema3
obvmedium = ema9
obvlong = ema26
This is a lagging indicator, which means it's not good at predicting reversal.
This is also the reason why
long signal = obvshort > obvmedium and obvshort > obvlong
shortsignal = obvshort < obvmedium and obvshort < obvlong
both without obvmedium >< obvlong
This indicator will not lie to you.
At last
Save Hong Kong, the revolution of our time.
Bull and Bear Fear Expert by Walter Downs StrategyBull and Bear Fear Expert by Walter Downs Strategy
cumulative colorJust a sum of up/down candles (+/- 1), and sum of consecutive up/down candles (choose on or another so that it displayed properly)
TA-Money Flow-Version4Updated for TV-Pine V4
This is the MACD of a stochastic OBV movement indicator and now the MACD of the Squeeze Momentum Indicator. It is good (right) to work with both price and volume...it is also good to utilize the most popular indicator ever in TV (Lazybear).
I've included highlighting based on price divergence, yellow is divergence of either OBV or SQZ, red is both divergence, and then I've also built in the "squeeze on - blue" highlighting to show follow through of divergence. It works great on any time frame, but you need to have volume data. Not sure where I originally got this (stoch-OBV, somewhere off Tradingview several years ago, thanks to the person who shared), Squeeze is Lazybear, links below.
Version 4:
Updated OBV equation because TV-Pine V3 broke in V4
Included MACD of Squeeze for histogram
Included "squeeze on" highlighting
Week High MTFSimple script to plot weekly data into your chart and as example how MTF works in pine script.
I use it for the 52 week high but you can choose other sources as well f.e. HL2 or close to reduce noise from wicks, also define your own length.
ADL-NDX Rank Difference-Buschi
An expansion of the Advance Decline Line of the NASDAQ. It can be interesting to compare the Advance Decline Line with the corresponding benchmark index. I therefore made a ranking (0 to 100) based on the performance over the last days (default: 21 days). The difference is the target figure and ranges between -100 (bearish divergence) to +100 (bullish divergence).
Eine Erweiterung der Advance Decline Line der NASDAQ. Oft möchte man den Verlauf der Advance Decline Line mit dem zugehörigen Leitindex vergleichen. Daher habe ich für beide ein Ranking (0 bis 100) erstellt auf Basis des Verlaufs über die letzten Tage (Standardwert: 21 Tage). Die Differenz stellt dabei die Zielgröße dar und schwankt zwischen -100 (bärische Divergenz) und +100 (bullische Divergenz).
ADL-SPX Rank Difference-Buschi
An expansion of the Advance Decline Line of the NYSE. It can be interesting to compare the Advance Decline Line with the corresponding benchmark index. I therefore made a ranking (0 to 100) based on the performance over the last days (default: 21 days). The difference is the target figure and ranges between -100 (bearish divergence) to +100 (bullish divergence).
Eine Erweiterung der Advance Decline Line der NYSE. Oft möchte man den Verlauf der Advance Decline Line mit dem zugehörigen Leitindex vergleichen. Daher habe ich für beide ein Ranking (0 bis 100) erstellt auf Basis des Verlaufs über die letzten Tage (Standardwert: 21 Tage). Die Differenz stellt dabei die Zielgröße dar und schwankt zwischen -100 (bärische Divergenz) und +100 (bullische Divergenz).
5 Sessions RangeThis script averages the range of the previous 5 sessions and displays it on the chart
The sessions are adjustable
BSTtrend (and a quick note on trading psychology)Hi again :)
Script #2 for tonight, more to come :)
This one is a Pine transcription of a FXCM/LUA script called BSTrend
I used it years ago to trade index on very low timeframes with it. I'm always looking for oscillators that are more reactive than the traditional MACD. And even more reactive than the MACD Zero Lag
This is a proof of concept that Pinescript is my favorite trading programming language vs MT4/LUA/PRT. I just find it easier and the Pinescript community is helping a lot
With the BSTrend you can win but also lose. I see a lot of scripts out there but there is not a better or worst indicator. The key is HOW to use it.
In other words the key is your PSYCHOLOGY, without a rock-solid psychology, you'll end up committing a mistake even with G. himself whispering "BUY NOW", "SELL NOW" to your ears. (wait..... Do you mean this is happening only to me ????)
However, indicators help immensely in reducing the psychology pressure that we have to endure ... sometimes for days..... But better not to overcharge with dozens of indicators per chart and have a tool to detect whenever there is a confluence/convergence of your favorite indicators :) #algorithm #builder
I'll publish an educational post about next week
Those are the exact words that my mentor traders told me 6 years ago when I started trading
Be sure to hit the thumbs up as it shows me that I'm not doing this for nothing and will motivate to deliver more quality content in the future.
- I'm an officially approved PineEditor/LUA/MT4 approved mentor on codementor. You can request a coaching with me if you want and I'll teach you how to build kick-ass indicators and strategies
Jump on a 1 to 1 coaching with me
- You can also hire for a custom dev of your indicator/strategy/bot/chrome extension/python
OBV with Auto Fibonacci LevelsI like to use OBV as a summary of the order book action + I added Fib levels from my other script for more context. I typically trade swings on H4, and HMA of the OBV helps me set the bias/trend.
Mega Trend Plus - S&P 500 Trend Follower / Market GaugeFirstly, 100% of the credit goes to Greg Morris @ Stockcharts.com for the article detailing the concept and most of the settings/components. I've simply implemented his idea. I haven't sought permission from him, but given that he was open with the components of the indicator I'm assuming he's happy for me to go ahead and code this in pinescript. See the article here: stockcharts.com
Okay, so this is part of a system/indicator Greg outlined in the article that he calls Trend Gauge. The idea is fairly simple: take a group of indexes that cover the breadth of the market you want to trade, track their relationship/position to their 200 period Exponential Moving Average (EMA), and assign scores to bull/bear crosses + relative location to the EMA. Once you've normalized and aggregated the scores you finish up with a trend following indicator that works surprisingly well.
This part is called Mega Trend Plus, and tracks whether an index is above or below its 200 period EMA. I'll be releasing the second part ("Trend Strength") soon. Once that's done I'll combine them to form the full "Trend Gauge" indicator.
I decided to provide the base version that people can then experiment with and tweak to their liking, so Greg's version shown in the article is smoother than the one provided here. It's up to you to play with smoothing options, and potentially tweak the weightings of the various components. Please see the script for info on what the various inputs are - I've added notes there.
So, how does it do? Well, as you can see from the chart above it works pretty well overall. The S&P 500 has been fairly trendy over the last few decades, so it's been prime territory for a system like this. It would have kept you out of the big bear markets (particularly GFC & 2015-16), and that's the goal of any trend-based system. They thrive on how little they lose, not necessarily on how much they make.
As you can see, the indicator is pretty choppy. So it's not designed (in the current configuration) to provide accurate buy/hold/sell signals. It currently functions more as a market gauge / strength indicator.
Hopefully you find this concept interesting. It's simple, but the best systems often are.
Please add comments below if you come up with an interesting configuration or variation.
Let me know if you have any queries.
TA-Money Flow-Version3This is the MACD of a stochastic OBV movement indicator. It is good (right) to work with both price and volume. I've included highlighting based on price divergence. It works great on any time frame, but you need to have volume data. Not sure where I originally got this (stoch-OBV, somewhere off Tradingview several years ago, thanks to the person who shared), just publishing because of a request.
Version 2 - TA-Money-Flow-v2-Stochastic-OBV