Smart Volume S/R Pro [The_lurker]مؤشر "Smart Volume S/R Pro " هو أداة تحليل فني متقدمة مصممة لمساعدة المتداولين في تحديد مستويات الدعم والمقاومة القوية بناءً على حجم التداول، مع إضافة ميزات تحليلية متطورة مثل تصفية الاتجاه ، مناطق الثقة ، تقييم القوة ، حساب احتمالية الاختراق ، قياس السيولة ، تحديد الأهداف السعرية ، ومستويات فيبوناتشي . وايضا تقديم تسميات (Labels) بجانب كل مستوى دعم ومقاومة، تحتوي على أرقام ومعلومات دقيقة تعكس حالة السوق. هذه التسميات ليست مجرد زينة، بل أدوات تحليلية تساعد المتداولين على اتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة بناءً على بيانات السوقيهدف هذا المؤشر إلى توفير رؤية شاملة للسوق .
الوظائف الرئيسية للمؤشر
1- تحديد مستويات الدعم والمقاومة بناءً على حجم التداول العالي
يقوم المؤشر بتحليل الأشرطة (Bars) السابقة (حتى 300 شريط افتراضيًا) لتحديد النقاط التي شهدت أعلى مستويات حجم التداول.
يرسم خطوط أفقية تمثل مستويات المقاومة (عند أعلى سعر في تلك الأشرطة) والدعم (عند أدنى سعر)، ويمكن للمستخدم اختيار عدد الخطوط المعروضة (من 1 إلى 6).
2- تصفية الاتجاه باستخدام مؤشر ADX
يستخدم المؤشر مؤشر الاتجاه المتوسط (ADX) لتقييم قوة الاتجاه في السوق.
عندما تكون قوة الاتجاه عالية (تتجاوز عتبة محددة، 25 افتراضيًا)، يقلل المؤشر عدد مستويات الدعم والمقاومة المعروضة للتركيز فقط على المستويات الأكثر أهمية.
3- مناطق الثقة الديناميكية
يضيف المؤشر مناطق حول مستويات الدعم والمقاومة بناءً على متوسط المدى الحقيقي (ATR)، مما يساعد المتداولين على تصور النطاقات التي قد يتفاعل فيها السعر مع هذه المستويات.
يمكن تعديل عرض هذه المناطق باستخدام مضاعف ATR.
4- تقييم قوة المستويات
يحسب المؤشر قوة كل مستوى بناءً على حجم التداول، عدد المرات التي تم اختبار المستوى فيها (Touch Count)، وقرب السعر الحالي من المستوى.
يتم عرض درجة القوة (من 0 إلى 100) بجانب كل مستوى إذا تم تفعيل هذه الخاصية.
5- احتمالية الاختراق
يقدّر المؤشر احتمالية اختراق كل مستوى بناءً على الزخم (ROC)، قوة المستوى، والمسافة بين السعر الحالي والمستوى.
يظهر الاحتمال كنسبة مئوية إذا تم تفعيل الخيار، مما يساعد المتداولين على توقع الحركات المحتملة.
6- تحليل السيولة التاريخية
يقيس المؤشر السيولة حول كل مستوى بناءً على حجم التداول في النطاقات القريبة منه.
يمكن عرض قيم السيولة في التسميات أو استخدامها لتعديل عرض الخطوط (الخطوط الأكثر سيولة تظهر أعرض).
7- الأهداف السعرية
عند تفعيل هذه الخاصية، يحسب المؤشر أهداف سعرية للاختراق (Breakout) والارتداد (Reversal) بناءً على الزخم وقوة المستوى وATR.
يمكن عرض هذه الأهداف كنصوص في التسميات أو كخطوط أفقية على الرسم البياني.
8- مستويات فيبوناتشي
يرسم المؤشر مستويات فيبوناتشي (0.0، 0.236، 0.382، 0.5، 0.618، 0.786، 1.0) بناءً على أعلى وأدنى سعر في فترة النظرة الخلفية.
يمكن للمستخدم اختيار أي من هذه المستويات لعرضها أو إخفائها.
9- تنبيه شامل للاختراق
يوفر المؤشر تنبيهًا واحدًا يشمل جميع المستويات، حيث يُطلق التنبيه عندما يخترق السعر أي مستوى دعم أو مقاومة مع رسالة توضح نوع الاختراق والمستوى المخترق.
كيفية عمل المؤشر
الخطوة الأولى: يحدد المؤشر الأشرطة ذات الحجم العالي خلال فترة النظرة الخلفية المحددة (Lookback Period).
الخطوة الثانية: يرسم مستويات الدعم والمقاومة بناءً على أعلى وأدنى الأسعار في تلك الأشرطة، مع مراعاة عدد الخطوط المختارة من المستخدم.
الخطوة الثالثة: يطبق مرشح الاتجاه (إذا كان مفعلاً) لتقليل عدد المستويات في حالة الاتجاه القوي.
الخطوة الرابعة: يضيف التحليلات الإضافية مثل القوة، السيولة، احتمالية الاختراق، والأهداف السعرية، ويرسم مناطق الثقة ومستويات فيبوناتشي حسب الإعدادات.
الخطوة الخامسة: يراقب السعر ويطلق تنبيهًا عند الاختراق.
الإعدادات القابلة للتخصيص
1- فترة النظرة الخلفية (Lookback Period): عدد الأشرطة التي يتم تحليلها (افتراضيًا 300).
2- عدد الخطوط (Number of Lines): من 1 إلى 6 مستويات دعم ومقاومة.
3- الألوان والأنماط: يمكن تغيير ألوان الخطوط وأنماطها (ممتلئة، متقطعة، منقطة).
4- التسميات: تفعيل/تعطيل التسميات، وحجمها، وموقعها، ولون النص.
5- مرشح الاتجاه: تفعيل/تعطيل ADX، وتعديل طوله وعتبته.
6- مناطق الثقة: تفعيل/تعطيل، وتعديل طول ATR ومضاعفه.
7- القوة واحتمالية الاختراق: تفعيل/تعطيل العرض، وتعديل طول ROC.
8- السيولة: تفعيل/تعطيل تأثير السيولة على عرض الخطوط وقيمها في التسميات.
9- الأهداف السعرية: تفعيل/تعطيل الأهداف وعرضها كخطوط.
10- فيبوناتشي: اختيار المستويات المعروضة ولون الخطوط.
فوائد المؤشر
دقة عالية: يعتمد على حجم التداول لتحديد المستويات، مما يجعله أكثر موثوقية من المستويات العشوائية.
مرونة: يوفر خيارات تخصيص واسعة تتيح للمتداولين تكييفه حسب استراتيجياتهم.
تحليل شامل: يجمع بين الدعم والمقاومة، الاتجاه، السيولة، والأهداف في أداة واحدة.
سهولة الاستخدام: التسميات والتنبيهات تجعل من السهل متابعة السوق دون تعقيد.
==================================================================================تسميات (Labels) بجانب كل مستوى دعم ومقاومة، تحتوي على أرقام ومعلومات دقيقة تعكس حالة السوق. هذه التسميات ليست مجرد زينة، بل أدوات تحليلية تساعد المتداولين على اتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة بناءً على بيانات السوق. في هذا الشرح، سنستعرض كل رقم أو قيمة تظهر في التسميات ومعناها العملي.
مكونات التسميات
التسميات تظهر بجانب كل مستوى دعم (Support) ومقاومة (Resistance) وتبدأ بحرف "S" للدعم أو "R" للمقاومة، تليها مجموعة من الأرقام والقيم التي يمكن تفعيلها أو تعطيلها حسب إعدادات المستخدم. إليك تفصيل كل عنصر:
1- عدد اللمسات (Touch Count)
الرمز: يظهر مباشرة بعد "S" أو "R" (مثال: "R: 5" أو "S: 3").
المعنى: يشير إلى عدد المرات التي اختبر فيها السعر هذا المستوى دون اختراقه.
الفائدة: كلما زاد عدد اللمسات، كلما كان المستوى أقوى وأكثر أهمية. على سبيل المثال، إذا كان "R: 5"، فهذا يعني أن السعر ارتد من هذا المستوى 5 مرات، مما يجعله مقاومة قوية محتملة.
2- قوة المستوى (Strength Rating)
الرمز: يظهر بين قوسين مربعين (مثال: " ").
المعنى: قيمة من 0 إلى 100 تعكس قوة المستوى بناءً على عوامل مثل حجم التداول، عدد اللمسات، وقرب السعر الحالي من المستوى.
الفائدة: القيم العالية (مثل 75 أو أكثر) تشير إلى مستوى قوي يصعب اختراقه، بينما القيم المنخفضة (مثل 30 أو أقل) تدل على ضعف المستوى وسهولة اختراقه. يمكن للمتداول استخدام هذا لتحديد المستويات الأكثر موثوقية.
3- احتمالية الاختراق (Breakout Probability)
الرمز: يبدأ بحرف "B" متبوعًا بنسبة مئوية (مثال: "B: 60%").
المعنى: نسبة من 0% إلى 100% تُظهر احتمالية اختراق السعر للمستوى بناءً على الزخم الحالي، قوة المستوى، والمسافة بين السعر والمستوى.
الفائدة: نسبة مرتفعة (مثل 60% أو أكثر) تعني أن السعر قد يخترق المستوى قريبًا، بينما النسب المنخفضة (مثل 20%) تشير إلى احتمال ارتداد السعر. هذا مفيد لتوقع الحركة التالية.
4- قيمة السيولة (Liquidity Value)
الرمز: يبدأ بحرف "L" متبوعًا برقم (مثال: "L: 1200").
المعنى: يمثل متوسط حجم التداول في النطاق القريب من المستوى، مما يعكس السيولة التاريخية حوله.
الفائدة: القيم العالية تدل على وجود سيولة كبيرة، مما يعني أن السعر قد يتفاعل بقوة مع هذا المستوى (إما بالارتداد أو الاختراق). القيم المنخفضة تشير إلى سيولة ضعيفة، مما قد يجعل المستوى أقل تأثيرًا.
5- الأهداف السعرية (Price Targets)
الرمز: يبدأ بـ "BT" (هدف الاختراق) و"RT" (هدف الارتداد) متبوعين بأرقام (مثال: "BT: 150.50 RT: 148.20").
BT (Breakout Target): السعر المحتمل الذي قد يصل إليه السعر بعد اختراق المستوى.
RT (Reversal Target): السعر المحتمل الذي قد يصل إليه السعر إذا ارتد من المستوى.
الفائدة: تساعد المتداولين في تحديد نقاط الخروج المحتملة بعد الاختراق أو الارتداد، مما يسهل وضع خطة تداول دقيقة.
أمثلة عملية
تسمية مقاومة: "R: 4 B: 25% L: 1500 BT: 155.00 RT: 152.00"
المستوى اختُبر 4 مرات، قوته 80 (قوي جدًا)، احتمالية الاختراق 25% (منخفضة، أي احتمال ارتداد أعلى)، السيولة 1500 (مرتفعة)، هدف الاختراق 155.00، هدف الارتداد 152.00.
الاستنتاج: المستوى قوي ومن المرجح أن يرتد السعر منه، لكن إذا اخترق، فقد يصل إلى 155.00.
تسمية دعم: "S: 2 B: 70% L: 800 BT: 145.00 RT: 147.50"
المستوى اختُبر مرتين، قوته 40 (متوسطة إلى ضعيفة)، احتمالية الاختراق 70% (مرتفعة)، السيولة 800 (متوسطة)، هدف الاختراق 145.00، هدف الارتداد 147.50.
الاستنتاج: المستوى ضعيف ومن المحتمل أن يخترقه السعر ليهبط إلى 145.00.
كيفية الاستفادة من التسميات
تحديد القوة والضعف: استخدم قوة المستوى (Strength) لمعرفة ما إذا كان المستوى موثوقًا للارتداد أو عرضة للاختراق.
توقع الحركة: انظر إلى احتمالية الاختراق (Breakout Probability) لتحديد ما إذا كنت ستنتظر اختراقًا أو ترتدًا.
إدارة المخاطر: استخدم الأهداف السعرية (BT وRT) لتحديد نقاط جني الأرباح أو وقف الخسارة.
تقييم السيولة: ركز على المستويات ذات السيولة العالية لأنها غالبًا تكون نقاط تحول رئيسية في السوق.
تأكيد التحليل: ادمج عدد اللمسات مع القوة والسيولة للحصول على صورة كاملة عن أهمية المستوى.
تخصيص التسميات
يمكن للمستخدم تفعيل أو تعطيل أي من هذه القيم (القوة، الاحتمالية، السيولة، الأهداف) من إعدادات المؤشر.
يمكن أيضًا تغيير حجم التسميات (صغير، عادي، كبير)، موقعها (يمين، يسار، أعلى، أسفل)، ولون النص لتناسب احتياجاتك.
التسميات في هذا المؤشر هي بمثابة لوحة تحكم صغيرة بجانب كل مستوى دعم ومقاومة، تقدم لك معلومات فورية عن قوته، احتمالية اختراقه، سيولته، وأهدافه السعرية. بفهم هذه الأرقام، يمكنك تحسين قراراتك في التداول، سواء كنت تبحث عن نقاط دخول، خروج، أو إدارة مخاطر. إذا كنت تريد أداة تجمع بين البساطة والعمق التحليلي .
المؤشر هو أداة مساعدة فقط ويجب استخدامه مع التحليل الفني والأساسي لتحقيق أفضل النتائج.
إخلاء المسؤولية
لا يُقصد بالمعلومات والمنشورات أن تكون، أو تشكل، أي نصيحة مالية أو استثمارية أو تجارية أو أنواع أخرى من النصائح أو التوصيات المقدمة أو المعتمدة من TradingView.
The Smart Volume S/R Pro indicator is an advanced technical analysis tool designed to help traders identify strong support and resistance levels based on trading volume, with the addition of advanced analytical features such as trend filtering, confidence zones, strength assessment, breakout probability calculation, liquidity measurement, price target identification, and Fibonacci levels. It also provides labels next to each support and resistance level, containing accurate numbers and information that reflect the market condition. These labels are not just decorations, but analytical tools that help traders make informed decisions based on market data. This indicator aims to provide a comprehensive view of the market.
Main functions of the indicator
1- Identifying support and resistance levels based on high trading volume
The indicator analyzes previous bars (up to 300 bars by default) to identify the points that witnessed the highest levels of trading volume.
It draws horizontal lines representing resistance levels (at the highest price in those bars) and support (at the lowest price), and the user can choose the number of lines displayed (from 1 to 6).
2- Filtering the trend using the ADX indicator
The indicator uses the Average Directional Index (ADX) to assess the strength of a trend in the market.
When the strength of the trend is high (exceeding a specified threshold, 25 by default), the indicator reduces the number of support and resistance levels displayed to focus only on the most important levels.
3- Dynamic Confidence Zones
The indicator adds zones around support and resistance levels based on the Average True Range (ATR), helping traders visualize the ranges in which the price may interact with these levels.
The width of these zones can be adjusted using the ATR multiplier.
4- Assessing the Strength of Levels
The indicator calculates the strength of each level based on trading volume, the number of times the level has been tested (Touch Count), and the proximity of the current price to the level.
A strength score (from 0 to 100) is displayed next to each level if this feature is enabled.
5- Breakout Probability
The indicator estimates the probability of breaking each level based on momentum (ROC), the strength of the level, and the distance between the current price and the level.
The probability is displayed as a percentage if the option is enabled, helping traders anticipate potential moves.
6- Historical Liquidity Analysis
The indicator measures liquidity around each level based on the trading volume in the ranges near it.
The liquidity values can be displayed in the labels or used to adjust the width of the lines (the most liquid lines appear wider).
7- Price Targets
When this feature is enabled, the indicator calculates price targets for breakout and reversal based on momentum, level strength and ATR.
These targets can be displayed as text in the labels or as horizontal lines on the chart.
8- Fibonacci Levels
The indicator plots Fibonacci levels (0.0, 0.236, 0.382, 0.5, 0.618, 0.786, 1.0) based on the highest and lowest price in the lookback period.
The user can choose which of these levels to display or hide.
9- Comprehensive Breakout Alert
The indicator provides a single alert that includes all levels, where the alert is triggered when the price breaks any support or resistance level with a message explaining the type of breakout and the level broken.
How the indicator works
Step 1: The indicator identifies the bars with high volume during the specified Lookback Period.
Step 2: Draws support and resistance levels based on the highest and lowest prices in those bars, taking into account the number of lines selected by the user.
Step 3: Apply the trend filter (if enabled) to reduce the number of levels in case of a strong trend.
Step 4: Adds additional analyses such as strength, liquidity, breakout probability, and price targets, and draws confidence zones and Fibonacci levels according to the settings.
Step 5: Monitors the price and triggers an alert when the breakout occurs.
Customizable Settings
1- Lookback Period: Number of bars to analyze (default 300).
2- Number of Lines: From 1 to 6 support and resistance levels.
3- Colors and Styles: Line colors and styles can be changed (filled, dashed, dotted).
4- Labels: Enable/disable labels, their size, location, and text color.
5- Trend Filter: Enable/disable ADX, and modify its length and threshold.
6- Confidence Zones: Enable/disable, and modify the ATR length and multiplier.
7- Strength and Breakout Probability: Enable/disable the display, and modify the ROC length.
8- Liquidity: Enable/disable the effect of liquidity on the display of the lines and their values in the labels.
9- Price Targets: Enable/disable the targets and display them as lines.
10- Fibonacci: Choose the displayed levels and the color of the lines.
Indicator Benefits
High Accuracy: It relies on trading volume to determine the levels, which makes it more reliable than random levels.
Flexibility: It provides extensive customization options that allow traders to adapt it to their strategies.
Comprehensive Analysis: Combines support and resistance, trend, liquidity, and targets in one tool. Ease of Use: Labels and alerts make it easy to follow the market without complexity.
Labels next to each support and resistance level contain accurate numbers and information that reflect the market situation. These labels are not just decorations, but analytical tools that help traders make informed decisions based on market data. In this explanation, we will review each number or value that appears in the labels and their practical meaning.
Label Components
Labels appear next to each support and resistance level and begin with the letter "S" for support or "R" for resistance, followed by a set of numbers and values that can be enabled or disabled according to the user's settings. Here is a breakdown of each element:
1- Touch Count
Symbol: Appears immediately after "S" or "R" (example: "R: 5" or "S: 3").
Meaning: Indicates the number of times the price has tested this level without breaking it.
Benefit: The more touches, the stronger and more important the level. For example, if it is "R: 5", it means that the price has bounced off this level 5 times, making it a potentially strong resistance.
2- Strength Rating
Symbol: Appears between square brackets (example: " ").
Meaning: A value from 0 to 100 that reflects the strength of the level based on factors such as trading volume, number of touches, and proximity of the current price to the level.
Benefit: High values (such as 75 or more) indicate a strong level that is difficult to break, while low values (such as 30 or less) indicate a weak level that is easy to break. A trader can use this to determine the most reliable levels.
3- Breakout Probability
Symbol: Starts with the letter "B" followed by a percentage (example: "B: 60%").
Meaning: A percentage from 0% to 100% that shows the probability of the price breaking the level based on the current momentum, the strength of the level, and the distance between the price and the level.
Interest: A high percentage (such as 60% or more) means that the price may soon break through the level, while low percentages (such as 20%) indicate that the price may bounce. This is useful for anticipating the next move.
4- Liquidity Value
Symbol: Starts with the letter "L" followed by a number (example: "L: 1200").
Meaning: Represents the average trading volume in the range near the level, reflecting historical liquidity around it.
Interest: High values indicate high liquidity, meaning that the price may react strongly to this level (either by bouncing or breaking through). Low values indicate low liquidity, which may make the level less influential.
5- Price Targets
Symbol: Starts with "BT" (breakout target) and "RT" (rebound target) followed by numbers (example: "BT: 150.50 RT: 148.20").
BT (Breakout Target): The potential price that the price may reach after breaking the level.
RT (Reversal Target): The potential price that the price may reach if it rebounds from the level.
Utility: Helps traders identify potential exit points after a breakout or rebound, making it easier to develop an accurate trading plan.
Working examples
Resistance label: "R: 4 B: 25% L: 1500 BT: 155.00 RT: 152.00"
Level tested 4 times, strength 80 (very strong), probability of breakout 25% (low, i.e. higher probability of rebound), liquidity 1500 (high), breakout target 155.00, rebound target 152.00.
Conclusion: The level is strong and the price is likely to rebound from it, but if it breaks, it may reach 155.00.
Support Label: "S: 2 B: 70% L: 800 BT: 145.00 RT: 147.50"
Level tested twice, Strength 40 (medium to weak), Breakout Probability 70% (high), Liquidity 800 (medium), Breakout Target 145.00, Rebound Target 147.50.
Conclusion: The level is weak and the price is likely to break it to drop to 145.00.
How to use labels
Determine strength and weakness: Use the level's strength to see if the level is reliable for a bounce or vulnerable to a breakout.
Predict the move: Look at the Breakout Probability to determine whether to wait for a breakout or a bounce.
Risk Management: Use price targets (BT and RT) to set take profit or stop loss points.
Liquidity Evaluation: Focus on levels with high liquidity as they are often key turning points in the market.
Analysis Confirmation: Combine the number of touches with strength and liquidity to get a complete picture of the level’s importance.
Customize Labels
The user can enable or disable any of these values (strength, probability, liquidity, targets) from the indicator settings.
The size of the labels (small, normal, large), their position (right, left, top, bottom), and the color of the text can also be changed to suit your needs.
The labels in this indicator act as a small dashboard next to each support and resistance level, providing you with instant information about its strength, probability of breakout, liquidity, and price targets. By understanding these numbers, you can improve your trading decisions, whether you are looking for entry points, exit points, or risk management. If you want a tool that combines simplicity with analytical depth.
The indicator is an auxiliary tool only and should be used in conjunction with technical and fundamental analysis for best results.
The information and posts are not intended to be, or constitute, any financial, investment, trading or other types of advice or recommendations provided or endorsed by TradingView.
Pita dan Kanal
EMA Crossover with FillEMA Crossover with Fill
This indicator plots two customizable Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) and fills the area between them with colors to easily identify trend direction and potential crossover points.
Key Features:
Fully Customizable EMAs: Set any period length for both Fast and Slow EMAs
Visual Trend Identification: Green fill when Fast EMA > Slow EMA (bullish), Red fill when Fast EMA < Slow EMA (bearish)
Complete Style Control: Customize colors, line widths, and line styles for each EMA
Fill Transparency: Adjust fill opacity to suit your chart setup
Flexible Source: Choose any price data point as the calculation source
Multi-timeframe Support: Works across all timeframes with proper gaps handling
Offset Option: Shift the indicator forward or backward for backtesting or forecast visualization
Trading Applications:
Use this indicator to identify trend direction, momentum shifts, and potential entry/exit points. The colored fill between EMAs provides immediate visual confirmation of market conditions without requiring close examination of line crossovers.
Perfect for both novice traders seeking clear trend signals and experienced traders wanting a customizable EMA crossover system that integrates smoothly with their existing strategy.
Bitcoin Cycle Patterns (Defined Cycles)Cycle Definitions:
Cycle 0: Covers the period from BTC inception until the first halving (2012).
– User defines a “Cycle 0 Top” (e.g., a nominal value, since early BTC prices were very low).
Cycle 1: Runs from the 1st halving (Nov 28, 2012) to the 2nd halving (Jul 9, 2016). Its bottom is defined as Cycle 0’s top, and its top is a user input (defaulting to 18,000).
Cycle 2: Spans from the 2nd halving (2016) to the 3rd halving (2020). Its bottom equals Cycle 1’s top, and its top is defined (default 70,000).
Cycle 3: Extends from the 3rd halving (2020) to the 4th halving (2024), with its bottom equal to Cycle 2’s top and a predicted top (default 126,000).
Visual Elements:
Horizontal Lines: Dotted lines mark each cycle’s top level.
Vertical Lines: Dashed vertical lines mark the halving dates, which serve as natural cycle boundaries.
Table: A summary table in the top-right displays each cycle with its defined bottom (where applicable) and top values.
You can modify the default cycle top values through the indicator’s settings to match your analysis.
The halving dates are fixed (UTC), but you may adjust them if needed.
Trendchange Zones Indicator | iSolani
Spotting Reversals Before They Happen: The iSolani Trendshift System
Where RSI Meets Smart Volume Analysis - Your Visual Guide to Market Turns
Core Methodology
RSI-Powered Zones
Identifies critical levels using:
14-period RSI (default) with 70/30 thresholds
Semi-transparent boxes marking overbought (red) and oversold (green) territories
Zone persistence until RSI returns to neutral range
Dynamic Level Tracking
Plots evolving support/resistance using:
Pivot highs/lows with 15-bar lookback (default)
Auto-extending lines that adapt to new price extremes
Volume-Confirmed Breakouts
Flags significant moves with:
5/10 EMA volume oscillator
20% volume threshold (default) for confirmation
Technical Innovation
Three-Layer Confirmation
Unique combination of:
Classic RSI extremes
Price structure through pivot points
Volume-fueled momentum shifts
Adaptive Visualization
Zones maintain historical context at 33% transparency
Dynamic lines extend indefinitely until invalidated
Discreet labels for breakout events
System Workflow
Calculates RSI values in real-time
Draws colored zones when RSI crosses 70/30
Marks pivot points every 15 bars (default)
Updates support/resistance lines on new pivots
Triggers alerts when price breaks levels with volume confirmation
Standard Configuration
RSI Settings : 14-period length
Pivot Detection : 15-bar left/right lookback
Visuals : 33% transparency zones with thin borders
Volume Threshold : 20% oscillator difference
Alerts : Breakout signals with "B" labels
This system transforms the classic RSI into a spatial analysis tool - not just showing when markets are overextended, but where they're likely to reverse. The dynamic lines act as moving barriers that adapt to market structure, while the volume filter ensures only high-conviction breaks get flagged. By layering momentum, price action, and volume dynamics, it creates a multi-spectrum view of potential trend changes.
RSI + EMA + WMA + SMC + FVG + CVDdinhquoctuannobita Đây là một chỉ báo kết hợp RSI, EMA, WMA, SMC, FVG và CVD để xác định tín hiệu giao dịch chính xác hơn
[GrandAlgo] ATR Trend MatrixThe ATR Trend Matrix is a dynamic trendline indicator designed to help traders visualize market structure using ATR-based trend projections. This tool adapts to price action and highlights potential support and resistance zones based on Average True Range (ATR) calculations.
Key Features
ATR-Based Trendlines – Calculates and plots dynamic trendlines using an adjustable ATR factor.
Multi-Level Matrix System – Provides up to four matrix levels, each customizable with different ATR multipliers.
Swing High & Low Detection – Automatically detects market pivots to serve as anchor points for trendlines.
Adjustable Trend Length – Fine-tune the sensitivity of trendlines using the Swing Length and Trend-Line Length Multiplier.
Auto-Adjustment Mode – When enabled, trendlines update dynamically as ATR evolves.
Buy & Sell Signals – Marks potential trade setups when price crosses below or above Matrix Level 1.
How It Works
Detects Swing Points – Identifies key highs and lows in the market using the length setting.
Plots ATR-Based Trendlines – Calculates trendlines using ATR with user-defined multipliers for four matrix levels.
Adjusts Dynamically – If Auto Adjust is enabled, trendlines shift with ATR movements.
Identifies Trade Signals – Highlights potential buy/sell zones when price interacts with Matrix Level 1 trendlines.
Manages Active Trendlines – Automatically updates and removes trendlines based on price interaction.
User Settings
General Settings
ATR Factor – Controls the ATR multiplier for trendline calculation.
Swing Length – Defines the number of bars for swing high/low detection.
Trend-Line Length Multiplier – Adjusts the extension length of trendlines.
Auto Adjust Trendlines – Enables real-time adjustment of trendlines as ATR changes.
Matrix Settings
Matrix Level 1-4 – Enable or disable individual trendline levels.
Matrix Factors – Customize the ATR multipliers for each matrix level.
Trading Applications
Trend Confirmation – Use the primary trendline and matrix levels to gauge trend strength.
Support & Resistance Zones – ATR-based trendlines can act as dynamic support/resistance.
Breakout & Rejection Signals – Identify potential breakouts or reversals when price interacts with matrix levels.
Volatility-Based Trading – ATR helps adjust trendlines based on market volatility.
The ATR Trend Matrix is a powerful tool for traders who want a dynamic, adaptive trendline system that reacts to market structure and volatility. With customizable settings, multi-level ATR projections, and trade signal detection, this indicator provides a comprehensive approach to price action analysis.
Gradient Trend Filter [ChartPrime]The Gradient Trend Filter is a dynamic trend analysis tool that combines a noise-filtered trend detection system with a color-gradient cloud. It provides traders with a visual representation of trend strength, momentum shifts, and potential reversals.
Trend Noise Filtering
Uses an advanced smoothing function to filter market noise and produce a more reliable trend representation.
// Noise filter function
noise_filter(src, length) =>
alpha = 2 / (length + 1)
nf_1 = 0.0
nf_2 = 0.0
nf_3 = 0.0
nf_1 := (alpha * src) + ((1 - alpha) * nz(nf_1 ))
nf_2 := (alpha * nf_1) + ((1 - alpha) * nz(nf_2 ))
nf_3 := (alpha * nf_2) + ((1 - alpha) * nz(nf_3 ))
nf_3 // Final output with three-stage smoothing
Color-Based Trend Visualization
The mid-line changes color based on trend direction—green for uptrends and red for downtrends—making it easy to identify trends at a glance.
Orange diamond markers appear when a trend shift is confirmed, providing actionable signals for traders.
Gradient Color Trend Cloud
A cloud around the base trend line that dynamically changes color, often signaling trend shifts ahead of the main trend line.
When in a downtrend, if the cloud starts turning green, it suggests weakening bearish momentum or an upcoming bullish reversal. Conversely, when in an uptrend, a red cloud indicates potential trend weakening or a bearish reversal.
Multi-Layered Trend Bands
The cloud consists of multiple bands, offering a range of support and resistance zones that traders can use for confluence in decision-making.
Identify Trend Strength & Reversals
Use the mid-line and cloud color changes to assess the strength of a trend and spot early signs of reversals.
Monitor Momentum Shifts
Watch for gradient cloud color shifts before the trend line changes color, as this can indicate early weakening or strengthening of momentum.
Act on Trend Shift Markers
Use the orange diamonds as confirmation of trend shifts and potential trade entry or exit points.
Utilize Cloud Bands as Support/Resistance
The outer bands of the cloud act as dynamic support and resistance, helping traders refine their stop-loss and take-profit placements.
The Gradient Trend Filter is an advanced trend detection tool designed for traders looking to anticipate trend shifts with greater precision. By integrating a noise-filtered trend line with a gradient-based trend cloud, this indicator enhances traders' ability to navigate market trends effectively.
MACD Highs and Lows - Dynamic Support & ResistanceDescription:
Enhance your trading strategy with the MACD Highs and Lows indicator, designed to identify dynamic support and resistance levels based on MACD crossovers. This tool plots key price levels triggered by shifts in MACD momentum, helping traders spot potential reversal zones, breakout points, and trend confirmation signals.
Key Features
Dynamic Levels: Automatically plots recent highs/lows when MACD crosses above/below the zero line.
Customizable MACD Parameters:
Adjustable fast/slow lengths (default: 12/26).
Choose between SMA or EMA for oscillator/signal line.
Flexible signal smoothing (1-50 periods).
Visual Clarity:
Clear green/red lines for highs and lows.
Tracks both price extremes and adjacent candle levels (e.g., high-of-low-bar, low-of-high-bar).
Multi-Timeframe Utility: Works across charts for swing trading, scalping, or trend analysis.
How It Works
Bullish Signal: When MACD crosses above zero, the indicator marks the recent lowest low (support) and its corresponding high.
Bearish Signal: When MACD crosses below zero, it plots the recent highest high (resistance) and its corresponding low.
Levels persist until the next crossover, creating actionable reference zones.
Use Cases
Trend Confirmation: Validate breakouts when price closes above/below plotted levels.
Stop Loss Placement: Set stops beyond recent dynamic highs/lows.
Divergence Detection: Spot discrepancies between MACD momentum and price action.
Settings Tips:
Increase Fast Length for responsiveness or Slow Length for smoother signals.
Use EMA for faster reactions, SMA for reduced noise.
Pre-London High-Low Breakout IndicatorOverview
The Pre-London High-Low Breakout Indicator helps traders identify breakout opportunities at the London session open. It marks the high and low one hour before London opens (5 PM - 6 PM AEST) and incorporates a 200 SMA filter to confirm trade direction. The indicator also provides real-time breakout markers for precise entries.
How the Indicator Works
1. Pre-London High & Low Identification (5 PM - 6 PM AEST)
The indicator tracks the highest and lowest price levels within this period.
These levels act as key breakout zones once London opens.
The high and low remain visible until 12 AM AEST for reference.
2. 200 SMA as a Trend Filter
A 200 SMA (yellow, thick line) is plotted to filter breakout trades.
Only long (buy) trades are valid if price is above the 200 SMA.
Only short (sell) trades are valid if price is below the 200 SMA.
3. Real-Time Breakout Confirmation
Buy Signal (Green Diamond):
Price breaks above the pre-London high.
Price is above the 200 SMA.
Sell Signal (Red Diamond):
Price breaks below the pre-London low.
Price is below the 200 SMA.
No signal appears if the breakout is against the SMA trend, reducing false trades.
How to Use the Indicator Properly
Step 1: Identify the Pre-London Range (5 PM - 6 PM AEST)
Observe price movements and note the session high & low.
Do not take trades within this period—wait for a clear breakout.
Step 2: Wait for a Breakout After 6 PM AEST
A breakout must occur beyond the session high or low.
The breakout should be clear and decisive, not hovering around the range.
Step 3: Confirm with the 200 SMA
If price is above the 200 SMA, only buy signals are valid.
If price is below the 200 SMA, only sell signals are valid.
If a breakout occurs against the SMA, ignore it.
Step 4: Enter the Trade and Manage Risk
Enter the trade after the breakout candle closes.
Set stop-loss just inside the pre-London range to minimize risk.
Take profit using a 1:2 or 1:3 risk-reward ratio, or trail the stop.
Why This Strategy Works
Pre-London Liquidity Grab: Institutional traders set positions before the London open, making this range significant.
Trend Confirmation with SMA: Reduces false breakouts by filtering trades in the direction of the trend.
Real-Time Breakout Detection: Green and red diamond markers highlight valid breakouts that meet all conditions.
Final Notes
If price breaks out but quickly reverses, it may be a false breakout—avoid impulsive trades.
The indicator works best when combined with other confluences such as volume analysis or key support/resistance levels.
Alerts can be added to notify traders when a valid breakout occurs.
This setup is ideal for traders looking for a structured, rule-based approach to trading London session breakouts with a strong trend confirmation mechanism.
AEST High-Low MarkerOverview
This TradingView indicator, AEST High-Low Marker, is designed to mark the highest and lowest price levels observed between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM AEST and extend these levels visually on the chart only between 5:00 PM and 12:00 AM AEST.
Time Conversion for AEST
Since TradingView operates in UTC, the script translates AEST (UTC+10 or UTC+11 during daylight savings) into UTC time.
The script starts tracking from 5:00 PM AEST (7 AM UTC) to 6:00 PM AEST (8 AM UTC).
The high and low lines will be displayed only between 5:00 PM and 12:00 AM AEST (7 AM to 2 PM UTC).
Real-Time High & Low Calculation
The indicator dynamically updates the session high and low as new candles form during the 5 PM - 6 PM AEST period.
It captures the maximum high and minimum low during this timeframe.
Line Display Restrictions
The session high and low lines will only be drawn between 5:00 PM and 12:00 AM AEST to prevent chart clutter.
The lines disappear after 12:00 AM AEST.
Visual Representation
Blue Line: Marks the session high recorded between 5 PM - 6 PM AEST.
Red Line: Marks the session low recorded between 5 PM - 6 PM AEST.
Both lines extend until 12 AM AEST and then disappear.
Use Case
This indicator is useful for traders looking to track key price levels formed between 5 PM and 6 PM AEST and observe how price interacts with these levels until midnight.
It is particularly beneficial for intraday and short-term trading strategies, allowing users to identify potential support and resistance zones based on early evening price action.
Volatility Price FlowCapitalize on market volatility with our new volatility price flow indicator. We have designed this indicator to process historical price movements and indicate when price may have reached exhaustion in the context of current volatility.
This is achieved by taking the price deviation from a user defined moving average, and applying a weighting to the deviations from the candle body and candle wick on both buy side and sell side, over a user defined period. The period of the base moving average, type of moving average and the period of the historical price deviations can all be modified. This creates a typical 'band' style indicator, though with a unique characteristic that the buy and sell side vary independently as well as the band expansion being based on weighted variables tied to the actual price changes, rather than just a standard deviation the moves uniformly.
Additionally, these bands can be merged with an anchored vwap - we do this so that the deviations of price from the moving average can include a more volume based approach to identifying potential pivots.
The end result is an indicator that reflects the current market price movements, identifies and capitalizes on impulsive or beginning moves to indicate potential tops / bottoms / reversals.
The signals are simple - anytime price closes within a band, having been outside the band, a signal is displayed. As a basic guide to setting the indicator up for the first time, we suggest reducing all of the multipliers to a value less than 1. Then gradually increase each one, until the signals reduce in quantity and improve in quality, starting with the price deviation multiplier, then the volatility multiplier and finally the expansion multiplier.
Last of all, alerts can be created based on the current chart timeframe and indicator settings, simply by adding an alert that uses the built in buy or sell signal.
Note: We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the signals provided, since the user creates the signals by modifying the settings, and as such we can take no responsibility for any trading losses incurred using the indicator and highly encourage all users to manage their risk and only risk what you can afford to lose.
DCStatCalcs_v0.1DCStatCalcs_v0.1 - Session-Based Statistical Projections
This Pine Script indicator overlays customizable horizontal lines on your chart to visualize a session's opening price and its statistical projections based on historical standard deviation (SD). Designed for traders who want to analyze price behavior within defined time sessions, it calculates and plots the session open price along with optional projection lines at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 standard deviations above and below the open, derived from past session data.
Key Features:
Customizable Sessions: Define your session time (e.g., 0600-1500) and timezone (e.g., America/New_York).
Historical Analysis: Uses a user-specified number of past sessions (default: 20) to compute the standard deviation of price movements relative to the session open.
Projection Lines: Displays toggleable lines at multiple SD levels with adjustable styles, colors, and widths for easy visualization.
Flexible Display: Extend lines beyond the current bar with an offset setting, and adjust label sizes for clarity.
Real-Time Updates: Lines dynamically extend as the session progresses, keeping projections relevant to the current bar.
How It Works:
At the start of each user-defined session, the indicator records the opening price and calculates the SD based on price deviations from the open across historical sessions. It then plots the open price line and, if enabled, projection lines at the specified SD intervals. These lines help traders identify potential support, resistance, or volatility zones based on statistical norms.
Use Case:
Ideal for day traders or analysts working with intraday charts to gauge price ranges and volatility within specific trading sessions, such as market opens or key economic hours.
Published under the Mozilla Public License 2.0. Created by dc_77.
Multi-Timeframe Trend Indicator"Introducing the Multi-Timeframe Trend Indicator: Your Key to Comprehensive Market Analysis
Are you looking for a powerful tool to enhance your trading decisions? Our Multi-Timeframe Trend Indicator offers a unique perspective on market trends across five crucial timeframes.
Key Features:
1. Comprehensive Analysis: Simultaneously view trends for H1, H4, D1, W, and M timeframes.
2. Easy-to-Read Display: Color-coded table for instant trend recognition.
3. Proven Strategy: Utilizes the reliable EMA7, SMA20, and SMA200 crossover method.
How It Works:
- Bullish Trend: When EMA7 > SMA20 > SMA200
- Bearish Trend: When EMA7 < SMA20 < SMA200
- Neutral Trend: Any other configuration
- Align your trades with multiple timeframe trends
- Identify potential trend reversals early
- Confirm your trading decisions with a quick glance
Whether you're a day trader or a long-term investor, this indicator provides valuable insights to support your trading strategy. By understanding trends across multiple timeframes, you can make more informed decisions and potentially improve your trading results.
Don't let conflicting timeframes confuse your strategy. Get the full picture with our Multi-Timeframe Trend Indicator today!"
SMC Liquidity & Order Blocks🔹 1. Moving Averages for Trend Confirmation
Uses Exponential Moving Averages (EMA) to determine trend direction.
9-period EMA (blue) and 15-period EMA (red) are plotted.
🔹 2. Liquidity Zones (Swing Highs & Lows)
Identifies liquidity zones where price is likely to react.
Buy-Side Liquidity: Highest high over 20 periods (Green line).
Sell-Side Liquidity: Lowest low over 20 periods (Red line).
🔹 3. Order Block Detection
Detects bullish and bearish order blocks (key price zones of institutional activity).
Bullish Order Block (OB): Formed when the highest close over 5 bars exceeds the highest high.
Bearish Order Block (OB): Formed when the lowest close over 5 bars is lower than the lowest low.
Plotted using green (up-triangle) for bullish OB and red (down-triangle) for bearish OB.
🔹 4. Fair Value Gaps (FVG)
Detects price inefficiencies (gaps between candles).
FVG Up: When a candle's high is lower than a candle two bars ahead.
FVG Down: When a candle's low is higher than a candle two bars ahead.
Plotted using blue circles (FVG Up) and orange circles (FVG Down).
PriceCatch - Previous Hour RangeHi Tradingview community,
Recently I stumbled upon a video on Youtube where the Youtuber was talking about Intraday trading based on 1 hour price range.
Anyone requesting the code was asked to contact over email for the code. So, I thought, this is such a simple script and has no special complex coding involved and why such a show off instead of just sharing it.
So, I decided to write the code myself and it took me under 10 minutes to do it. So, here's the PriceCatch - Previous Hour Range script. It is open source, so you can check it and apply it in your trading strategy.
Remember, this is just a simple range plotter and does not give any signals.
If you want 2 hours range, then simply change 60 to 120. Simple.
So, all the best with your trades.
Ronnie's DikFat Attack - Moving Average Angle/Slope PositionRonnie's DikFat Attack - True Moving Average Angle/Slope Position
This TradingView indicator, written in Pine Script version 5, injects energy into your chart analysis by calculating and displaying the angles of four moving averages (MAs). It empowers you to customize each MA—choosing both type and length—to suit your trading strategy perfectly.
How It Works
1. User Inputs:
Under the “MA Settings” group, the script offers an intuitive interface where you can define four different moving averages. Each MA can be set to one of several types (SMA, EMA, SMMA, VWMA, Hull, WMA, or TEMA) and assigned a specific length (number of bars).
2. Dynamic Moving Average Calculation:
A dedicated function ( getMA ) selects and computes the appropriate moving average using TradingView’s built-in functions (like ta.ema , ta.sma , etc.). This yields four customized MA series based on your inputs.
3. Calculating the Angle of Momentum:
The script employs a robust function ( calcAngle ) that measures the change between consecutive values of each MA to determine its slope. This slope is then converted into an angle in degrees using the arctangent function, providing a clear and vivid depiction of trend strength and direction.
4. Visualizing the Angles:
Each moving average’s angle is plotted with its own distinct color, enhancing visual clarity. A horizontal line at 0° acts as a reference point, marking the divide between upward and downward momentum.
Potential Uses
Trend Analysis:
The angle measurement offers a dynamic perspective on trend strength. Steep positive angles suggest vigorous upward movement, while steep negative angles indicate strong downward trends.
Signal Confirmation:
By comparing the angles of multiple moving averages, you can quickly spot momentum shifts and crossover points, which may serve as powerful entry or exit signals.
Tailored Strategy Customization:
The flexibility to choose various MA types and lengths allows this tool to adapt seamlessly to different timeframes and trading styles, enhancing its usefulness in diverse market conditions.
Multi-Timeframe ATR Levels by Hitesh2603Description:
"Multi-Timeframe ATR Levels by Hitesh2603" is a versatile and adaptive indicator designed to help traders identify key price levels based on the Average True Range (ATR) from a higher timeframe. The script automatically adapts to the current chart’s timeframe and allows you to customize the higher timeframe for ATR calculations, making it ideal for intraday and swing trading strategies.
The indicator plots upper and lower price levels based on the ATR multiplier, providing clear visual cues for potential profit-taking or exit points. It also includes features like editable timeframe presets , historical level plotting , labels , and alerts , making it a powerful tool for traders of all experience levels.
Key Features:
1. Automatic Timeframe Adaptation : - The script automatically detects the current chart’s timeframe and selects the appropriate higher timeframe for ATR calculations.
2. Editable Preset Timeframe Pairs : - Customize the higher timeframe for each chart timeframe directly in the indicator settings.
3. Dynamic ATR-Based Levels :- Plots upper and lower price levels using the formula:
- Upper Level = Current Candle Open + (Previous Candle ATR * Multiplier)
- Lower Level = Current Candle Open - (Previous Candle ATR * Multiplier)
4. Customizable Inputs :
- Adjust ATR length, multiplier, line length, colors, and more.
5. Labels :
- Displays the exact values of the upper and lower levels for easy reference.
6. Historical Levels :
- Optionally plots historical levels for all candles.
7. Alerts :
- Get notified when the price crosses the upper or lower levels.
Use Cases:
1. Intraday Trading :
- Use the script on a 5-minute or 15-minute chart with a 1-hour higher timeframe to identify intraday profit-taking or exit points.
2. Swing Trading :
- Use the script on a 1-hour or 4-hour chart with a daily higher timeframe to identify swing trading opportunities.
3. Position Trading :
- Use the script on a daily chart with a weekly higher timeframe to identify key levels for position trading.
4. Breakout Confirmation :
- Use the upper and lower levels as confirmation points for breakouts or reversals.
5. Risk Management :
- Use the levels to set stop-loss or take-profit targets based on market volatility.
How to Use:
1. Add the Script to Your Chart :
- Search for "Multi-Timeframe ATR Levels by Hitesh2603" in the TradingView indicator library and add it to your chart.
2. Customize the Settings :
- Adjust the inputs (e.g., ATR length, multiplier, line length, colors, etc.) to suit your trading strategy.
3. Set the Higher Timeframe :
- The script will automatically display an input for the higher timeframe based on the current chart’s timeframe. Customize it as needed.
4. Interpret the Levels :
- The script will plot two horizontal lines (upper and lower levels) on the chart. Use these levels for profit-taking, exits, or breakout confirmation.
5. Enable Alerts :
- Set up alerts to get notified when the price crosses the upper or lower levels.
Input Parameters:
1. ATR Length :
- The period used to calculate the ATR (default: 14).
2. ATR Multiplier :
- The multiplier applied to the ATR to calculate the levels (default: 0.65).
3. Line Length :
- The number of candles to extend the lines (default: 10).
4. Show Labels :
- Toggle to display the exact values of the levels (default: true).
5. Show Historical Levels :
- Toggle to plot historical levels for all candles (default: false).
6. Line Colors :
- Customize the colors of the upper and lower levels.
7. Line Width :
- Adjust the thickness of the lines (default: 2).
- Current Chart : 5-minute
- Higher Timeframe : 1-hour
- Previous Hour’s ATR : 4.6
- Current Hour’s Open : 102
- Multiplier : 0.65
Levels :
- Upper Level = 102 + (4.6 * 0.65) = 105.0
- Lower Level = 102 - (4.6 * 0.65) = 99.0
The script will plot horizontal lines at 105.0 and 99.0 on the 5-minute chart.
- Price Crosses Upper Level :
- Triggered when the price crosses above the upper level.
- Price Crosses Lower Level :
- Triggered when the price crosses below the lower level.
- The script is designed to be flexible and adaptable to various trading styles and timeframes.
- Always backtest and validate the indicator with your trading strategy before using it in live trading.
- Developed by Hitesh2603 .
- Special thanks to the TradingView community for inspiration and support.
Red & Green Zone ReversalOverview
The “Red & Green Zone Reversal” indicator is designed to visually highlight potential reversal zones on your chart by using a combination of Bollinger Bands and the Relative Strength Index (RSI).
It overlays on the chart and provides background color cues—red for oversold conditions and green for overbought conditions—along with corresponding alert triggers.
Key Components
Overlay: The indicator is set to overlay the chart, meaning its visual cues (colored backgrounds) are drawn directly on the price chart.
Bollinger Bands Calculation
Period: A 20-period simple moving average (SMA) is calculated from the closing prices.
Standard Deviation Multiplier: A multiplier of 2.0 is applied.
Bands Defined:
Basis: The 20-period SMA.
Deviation: Calculated as 2 times the standard deviation over the same period.
Upper Band: Basis plus the deviation.
Lower Band: Basis minus the deviation.
RSI Calculation
Period: The RSI is computed over a 14-period span using the closing prices.
Oversold Threshold: 30 (used for the red zone condition).
Overbought Threshold: 70 (used for the green zone condition).
Zone Conditions
Red Zone (Oversold):
Criteria: The price is below the lower Bollinger Band and the RSI is below 30.
Purpose: Highlights a situation where the asset may be deeply oversold, signaling a potential reversal to the upside.
Green Zone (Overbought):
Criteria: The price is above the upper Bollinger Band and the RSI is above 70.
Purpose: Indicates that the asset may be overbought, potentially signaling a reversal to the downside.
Visual and Alert Components
Background Coloring:
Red Background: Applied when the red zone condition is met (using a semi-transparent red).
Green Background: Applied when the green zone condition is met (using a semi-transparent green).
Red Alert: An alert condition titled “Deep Oversold Alert” is triggered with the message “Deep Oversold Signal triggered!” when the red zone criteria are satisfied.
Green Alert: Similarly, an alert condition titled “Deep Overbought Alert” is triggered with the message “Deep Overbought Signal triggered!” when the green zone criteria are met.
Important Disclaimers
Not Financial Advice:
This indicator is provided for informational and analytical purposes only. It does not constitute trading advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any asset. Traders should use it as one of several tools in their analysis and should perform their own due diligence.
Risk Management:
Trading inherently involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Always implement appropriate risk management and use stop losses where necessary.
In summary, the “Red & Green Zone Reversal” indicator uses Bollinger Bands and RSI to detect extreme market conditions. It visually marks oversold (red) and overbought (green) conditions directly on the chart and offers alert conditions to help traders monitor these potential reversal points.
DS_Gurukul_5minTrendDS Gurukul (DS_5minTrend) Indicator: A Simple Yet Powerful Trend Tool
The Tushar Daily Bands (DS_5minTrend) indicator is a straightforward tool designed to help traders quickly visualize potential trend reversals and identify profitable trading opportunities. This indicator plots two bands—an upper band (green) and a lower band (red)—based on a small percentage deviation from the closing price of the first candle of each trading day.
How it Works:
The DS_5minTrend indicator calculates these bands at the start of each new trading day. The bands then remain fixed for the rest of that day. This daily reset allows traders to easily see how the current day's price action relates to the opening price and the calculated bands.
Trading Signals:
Potential Reversals: When the price approaches or touches the upper band (green), it can signal a potential overbought condition and a possible reversal to the downside. Conversely, when the price approaches or touches the lower band (red), it can suggest an oversold condition and a possible reversal to the upside.
Trend Confirmation: If the price consistently closes above the upper band for several periods, it may indicate a strong uptrend. Conversely, consistent closes below the lower band can suggest a strong downtrend.
Support and Resistance: The bands can also act as dynamic support and resistance levels. Traders can watch for price bounces off these levels as potential entry points.
How to Use:
Combine with other indicators: While DS_5minTrend can provide valuable insights, it's generally recommended to use it in conjunction with other technical indicators, such as RSI, MACD, or volume analysis, for confirmation.
Consider market context: Always consider the broader market context and news events that may be influencing price action.
Risk Management: Implement proper risk management strategies, including stop-loss orders, to protect your capital.
Disclaimer: The DS_5minTrend indicator is a tool for analysis and should not be the sole basis for making trading decisions. Trading involves substantial risk, and you could lose money. Always do your own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
NSE Index Strategy with Entry/Exit MarkersExplanation of the Code
Trend Filter (200 SMA):
The line trendSMA = ta.sma(close, smaPeriod) calculates the 200‑period simple moving average. By trading only when the current price is above this SMA (inUptrend = close > trendSMA), we aim to trade in the direction of the dominant trend.
RSI Entry Signal:
The RSI is calculated with rsiValue = ta.rsi(close, rsiPeriod). The script checks for an RSI crossover above the oversold threshold using ta.crossover(rsiValue, rsiOversold). This helps capture a potential reversal from a minor pullback in an uptrend.
ATR-Based Exits:
ATR is computed by atrValue = ta.atr(atrPeriod) and is used to set the stop loss and take profit levels:
Stop Loss: stopLossPrice = close - atrMultiplier * atrValue
Take Profit: takeProfitPrice = close + atrMultiplier * atrValue
This dynamic approach allows the exit levels to adjust according to the current market volatility.
Risk and Money Management:
The strategy uses a fixed percentage of equity (10% by default) for each trade. The built‑in commission parameter helps simulate real-world trading costs.
Range Breakout [BigBeluga]Range Breakout is a dynamic channel-based indicator designed to identify breakout opportunities and price reactions within defined ranges. It automatically creates upper and lower bands with a midline, helping traders spot breakout zones, retests, and potential fakeouts.
🔵 Key Features:
Dynamic Channel Formation:
Automatically plots upper and lower channel bands with a midline based on ATR calculations.
Channels adjust upon breakout events or after a predefined number of bars to reflect new price ranges.
Breakout Detection:
Green circles appear when price breaks above the upper channel edge.
Red circles appear when price breaks below the lower channel edge.
A new channel is formed after each breakout, allowing traders to monitor evolving price ranges.
Retest Signals:
Upward-pointing green triangles signal a retest of the lower band, indicating potential support.
Downward-pointing red triangles indicate a retest of the upper band, suggesting possible resistance.
Filter Signals by Trends (New Feature):
Optional toggle to filter ▲ and ▼ signals based on channel breakout conditions.
When enabled:
In a bullish channel (confirmed by a green circle breakout), only ▲ signals are displayed.
In a bearish channel (confirmed by a red circle breakout), only ▼ signals are displayed.
Helps traders align retest signals with the prevailing trend for higher-quality trade setups.
Fakeout Identification:
'X' symbols appear when price breaks the upper or lower edge of the channel and quickly returns back inside.
Helps traders identify and avoid false breakouts.
🔵 Usage:
Breakout Trading: Use the green and red circle signals to identify potential breakout trades.
Retest Confirmation: Look for triangle markers to confirm retests of key levels, aiding in entry or exit decisions.
Fakeout Alerts: Utilize the 'X' signals to spot and avoid potential trap moves.
Dynamic Range Monitoring: Stay aware of changing market conditions with automatically updating channels.
Range Breakout is an essential tool for traders seeking to capitalize on range breakouts, retests, and fakeout scenarios. Its dynamic channels and clear visual signals provide a comprehensive view of market structure and potential trade setups.