ZigZagPlusLibrary "ZigZagPlus"
method lastPivot(this)
Returns the last `Pivot` object from a `ZigZag` instance if it contains at
least one `Pivot`, and `na` otherwise.
Can be used as a function or method.
Namespace types: ZigZag
this (ZigZag) : (series ZigZag) A `ZigZag` object.
Returns: (Pivot) The last `Pivot` object in the `ZigZag`.
method update(this)
Updates a `ZigZag` objects with new pivots, volume, lines, and labels.
NOTE: This function must be called on every bar for accurate calculations.
Can be used as a function or method.
Namespace types: ZigZag
this (ZigZag) : (series ZigZag) A `ZigZag` object.
Returns: (bool) `true` when a new pivot point is registered and the `ZigZag` is updated,
`false` otherwise.
Instantiates a new `ZigZag` object with optional `settings`.
If no `settings` are provided, creates a `ZigZag` object with default settings.
settings (Settings) : (series Settings) A `Settings` object.
Returns: (ZigZag) A new `ZigZag` instance.
Provides calculation and display properties to `ZigZag` objects.
devThreshold (series float) : The minimum percentage deviation from a point before the `ZigZag` changes direction.
depth (series int) : The number of bars required for pivot detection.
lineColor (series color) : The color of each line drawn by the `ZigZag`.
extendLast (series bool) : A condition allowing a line to connect the most recent pivot with the current close.
displayReversalPrice (series bool) : A condition to display the pivot price in the pivot label.
displayCumulativeVolume (series bool) : A condition to display the cumulative volume for the pivot segment in the pivot label.
displayReversalPriceChange (series bool) : A condition to display the change in price or percent from the previous pivot in each pivot label.
differencePriceMode (series string) : The reversal change display mode. Options are "Absolute" or "Percent".
draw (series bool) : A condition to determine whether the `ZigZag` displays lines and labels.
allowZigZagOnOneBar (series bool) : A condition to allow double pivots i.e., when a large bar makes both a pivot high and a pivot low.
Represents a significant level that indicates directional movement or potential support and resistance.
ln (series line) : A `line` object connecting the `start` and `end` chart points.
lb (series label) : A `label` object to display pivot values.
isHigh (series bool) : A condition to determine whether the pivot is a pivot high.
vol (series float) : The cumulative volume for the pivot segment.
start (chart.point) : A `chart.point` object representing the coordinates of the previous point.
end (chart.point) : A `chart.point` object representing the coordinate of the current point.
An object to maintain a Zig Zag's settings, pivots, and cumulative volume.
settings (Settings) : A `Settings` object to provide calculation and display properties.
pivots (array) : An array of `Pivot` objects.
sumVol (series float) : The volume sum for the current `Pivot` object's line segment.
extend (Pivot) : A `Pivot` object used to project a line from the last pivot point to the current bar.
rzigzagLibrary "rzigzag"
Recursive Zigzag Using Matrix allows to create zigzags recursively on multiple levels. This is an old library converted to V6
zigzag(length, ohlc, numberOfPivots, offset)
calculates plain zigzag based on input
length (int) : Zigzag Length
ohlc (array) : Array containing ohlc values. Can also contain custom series
numberOfPivots (simple int) : Number of max pivots to be returned
offset (simple int) : Offset from current bar. Can be used for calculations based on confirmed bars
Returns: [matrix zigzagmatrix, bool flags]
iZigzag(length, h, l, numberOfPivots)
calculates plain zigzag based on input array
length (int) : Zigzag Length
h (array) : array containing high values of a series
l (array) : array containing low values of a series
numberOfPivots (simple int) : Number of max pivots to be returned
Returns: matrix zigzagmatrix
nextlevel(zigzagmatrix, numberOfPivots)
calculates next level zigzag based on present zigzag coordinates
zigzagmatrix (matrix) : Matrix containing zigzag pivots, bars, bar time, direction and level
numberOfPivots (simple int) : Number of max pivots to be returned
Returns: matrix zigzagmatrix
draw(zigzagmatrix, flags, lineColor, lineWidth, lineStyle, showLabel, xloc)
draws zigzag based on the zigzagmatrix input
zigzagmatrix (matrix) : Matrix containing zigzag pivots, bars, bar time, direction and level
flags (array) : Zigzag pivot flags
lineColor (color) : Zigzag line color
lineWidth (int) : Zigzag line width
lineStyle (string) : Zigzag line style
showLabel (bool) : Flag to indicate display pivot labels
xloc (string) : xloc preference for drawing lines/labels
draw(length, ohlc, numberOfPivots, offset, lineColor, lineWidth, lineStyle, showLabel, xloc)
calculates and draws zigzag based on zigzag length and source input
length (int) : Zigzag Length
ohlc (array) : Array containing ohlc values. Can also contain custom series
numberOfPivots (simple int) : Number of max pivots to be returned
offset (simple int) : Offset from current bar. Can be used for calculations based on confirmed bars
lineColor (color) : Zigzag line color
lineWidth (int) : Zigzag line width
lineStyle (string) : Zigzag line style
showLabel (bool) : Flag to indicate display pivot labels
xloc (string) : xloc preference for drawing lines/labels
Returns: [matrix zigzagmatrix, array zigzaglines, array zigzaglabels, bool flags]
drawfresh(zigzagmatrix, zigzaglines, zigzaglabels, lineColor, lineWidth, lineStyle, showLabel, xloc)
draws fresh zigzag for all pivots in the input matrix.
zigzagmatrix (matrix) : Matrix containing zigzag pivots, bars, bar time, direction and level
zigzaglines (array) : array to which all newly created lines will be added
zigzaglabels (array) : array to which all newly created lables will be added
lineColor (color) : Zigzag line color
lineWidth (int) : Zigzag line width
lineStyle (string) : Zigzag line style
showLabel (bool) : Flag to indicate display pivot labels
xloc (string) : xloc preference for drawing lines/labels
_matrixLibrary "_matrix"
Library helps visualize matrix as array of arrays and enables users to use array methods such as push, pop, shift, unshift etc along with cleanup activities on drawing objects wherever required
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
deletes row from a matrix
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of objects
rowNumber (int) : row index to be deleted
Returns: void
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
remove row from a matrix and returns them to caller
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of objects
rowNumber (int) : row index to be deleted
Returns: type
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
unshift array of lines to first row of the matrix
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of lines
row (array) : array of lines to be inserted in row
maxItems (simple int)
Returns: resulting matrix of type
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
push array of lines to end of the matrix row
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of lines
row (array) : array of lines to be inserted in row
maxItems (simple int)
Returns: resulting matrix of lines
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method shift(mtx)
shift removes first row from matrix of lines
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of lines from which the shift operation need to be performed
Returns: void
method shift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method shift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method shift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method shift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method shift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method shift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method shift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method shift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method shift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rshift(mtx)
rshift removes first row from matrix of lines and returns them as array
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of lines from which the rshift operation need to be performed
Returns: type
method rshift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rshift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rshift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rshift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rshift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rshift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rshift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rshift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rshift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method pop(mtx)
pop removes last row from matrix of lines
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of lines from which the pop operation need to be performed
Returns: void
method pop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method pop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method pop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method pop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method pop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method pop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method pop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method pop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method pop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rpop(mtx)
rpop removes last row from matrix of lines and reutnrs the array to caller
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of lines from which the rpop operation need to be performed
Returns: void
method rpop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rpop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rpop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rpop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rpop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rpop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rpop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rpop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rpop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method clear(mtx)
clear clears the matrix
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of lines which needs to be cleared
Returns: void
method clear(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method clear(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method clear(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method clear(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method clear(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method clear(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method clear(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method clear(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method clear(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method flush(mtx)
clear clears the matrix but retains the drawing objects
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of lines which needs to be cleared
Returns: void
method flush(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method flush(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method flush(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method flush(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method flush(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method flush(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method flush(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method flush(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method flush(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
PaddingThe Padding library is a comprehensive and flexible toolkit designed to extend time series data within TradingView, making it an indispensable resource for advanced signal processing tasks such as FFT, filtering, convolution, and wavelet analysis. At its core, the library addresses the common challenge of edge effects by "padding" your data—that is, by appending additional data points beyond the natural boundaries of your original dataset. This extension not only mitigates the distortions that can occur at the endpoints but also helps to maintain the integrity of various transformations and calculations performed on the series. The library accomplishes this while preserving the ordering of your data, ensuring that the most recent point always resides at index 0.
Central to the functionality of this library are two key enumerations: Direction and PaddingType. The Direction enum determines where the padding will be applied. You can choose to extend the data in the forward direction (ahead of the current values), in the backward direction (behind the current values), or in both directions simultaneously. The PaddingType enum defines the specific method used for extending the data. The library supports several methods—including symmetric, reflect, periodic, antisymmetric, antireflect, smooth, constant, and zero padding—each of which has been implemented to suit different analytical scenarios. For instance, symmetric padding mirrors the original data across its boundaries, while reflect padding continues the trend by reflecting around endpoint values. Periodic padding repeats the data, and antisymmetric padding mirrors the data with alternating signs to counterbalance it. The antireflect and smooth methods take into account the derivatives of your data, thereby extending the series in a way that preserves or smoothly continues these derivative values. Constant and zero padding simply extend the series using fixed endpoint values or zeros. Together, these enums allow you to fine-tune how your data is extended, ensuring that the padding method aligns with the specific requirements of your analysis.
The library is designed to work with both single variable inputs and array inputs. When using array-based methods—particularly with the antireflect and smooth padding types—please note that the implementation intentionally discards the last data point as a result of the delta computation process. This behavior is an important consideration when integrating the library into your TradingView studies, as it affects the overall data length of the padded series. Despite this, the library’s structure and documentation make it straightforward to incorporate into your existing scripts. You simply provide your data source, define the length of your data window, and select the desired padding type and direction, along with any optional parameters to control the extent of the padding (using both_period, forward_period, or backward_period).
In practical application, the Padding library enables you to extend historical data beyond its original range in a controlled and predictable manner. This is particularly useful when preparing datasets for further signal processing, as it helps to reduce artifacts that can otherwise compromise the results of your analytical routines. Whether you are an experienced Pine Script developer or a trader exploring advanced data analysis techniques, this library offers a robust solution that enhances the reliability and accuracy of your studies by ensuring your algorithms operate on a more complete and well-prepared dataset.
Library "Padding"
A comprehensive library for padding time series data with various methods. Supports both single variable and array inputs, with flexible padding directions and periods. Designed for signal processing applications including FFT, filtering, convolution, and wavelets. All methods maintain data ordering with most recent point at index 0.
symmetric(source, series_length, direction, both_period, forward_period, backward_period)
Applies symmetric padding by mirroring the input data across boundaries
source (float) : Input value to pad from
series_length (int) : Length of the data window
direction (series Direction) : Direction to apply padding
both_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad in both directions. Overrides forward_period and backward_period if specified
forward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad forward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
backward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad backward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
Returns: Array ordered with most recent point at index 0, containing original data with symmetric padding applied
method symmetric(source, direction, both_period, forward_period, backward_period)
Applies symmetric padding to an array by mirroring the data across boundaries
Namespace types: array
source (array) : Array of values to pad
direction (series Direction) : Direction to apply padding
both_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad in both directions. Overrides forward_period and backward_period if specified
forward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad forward. Defaults to array length if not specified
backward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad backward. Defaults to array length if not specified
Returns: Array ordered with most recent point at index 0, containing original data with symmetric padding applied
reflect(source, series_length, direction, both_period, forward_period, backward_period)
Applies reflect padding by continuing trends through reflection around endpoint values
source (float) : Input value to pad from
series_length (int) : Length of the data window
direction (series Direction) : Direction to apply padding
both_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad in both directions. Overrides forward_period and backward_period if specified
forward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad forward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
backward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad backward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
Returns: Array ordered with most recent point at index 0, containing original data with reflect padding applied
method reflect(source, direction, both_period, forward_period, backward_period)
Applies reflect padding to an array by continuing trends through reflection around endpoint values
Namespace types: array
source (array) : Array of values to pad
direction (series Direction) : Direction to apply padding
both_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad in both directions. Overrides forward_period and backward_period if specified
forward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad forward. Defaults to array length if not specified
backward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad backward. Defaults to array length if not specified
Returns: Array ordered with most recent point at index 0, containing original data with reflect padding applied
periodic(source, series_length, direction, both_period, forward_period, backward_period)
Applies periodic padding by repeating the input data
source (float) : Input value to pad from
series_length (int) : Length of the data window
direction (series Direction) : Direction to apply padding
both_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad in both directions. Overrides forward_period and backward_period if specified
forward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad forward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
backward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad backward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
Returns: Array ordered with most recent point at index 0, containing original data with periodic padding applied
method periodic(source, direction, both_period, forward_period, backward_period)
Applies periodic padding to an array by repeating the data
Namespace types: array
source (array) : Array of values to pad
direction (series Direction) : Direction to apply padding
both_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad in both directions. Overrides forward_period and backward_period if specified
forward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad forward. Defaults to array length if not specified
backward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad backward. Defaults to array length if not specified
Returns: Array ordered with most recent point at index 0, containing original data with periodic padding applied
antisymmetric(source, series_length, direction, both_period, forward_period, backward_period)
Applies antisymmetric padding by mirroring data and alternating signs
source (float) : Input value to pad from
series_length (int) : Length of the data window
direction (series Direction) : Direction to apply padding
both_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad in both directions. Overrides forward_period and backward_period if specified
forward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad forward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
backward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad backward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
Returns: Array ordered with most recent point at index 0, containing original data with antisymmetric padding applied
method antisymmetric(source, direction, both_period, forward_period, backward_period)
Applies antisymmetric padding to an array by mirroring data and alternating signs
Namespace types: array
source (array) : Array of values to pad
direction (series Direction) : Direction to apply padding
both_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad in both directions. Overrides forward_period and backward_period if specified
forward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad forward. Defaults to array length if not specified
backward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad backward. Defaults to array length if not specified
Returns: Array ordered with most recent point at index 0, containing original data with antisymmetric padding applied
antireflect(source, series_length, direction, both_period, forward_period, backward_period)
Applies antireflect padding by reflecting around endpoints while preserving derivatives
source (float) : Input value to pad from
series_length (int) : Length of the data window
direction (series Direction) : Direction to apply padding
both_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad in both directions. Overrides forward_period and backward_period if specified
forward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad forward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
backward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad backward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
Returns: Array ordered with most recent point at index 0, containing original data with antireflect padding applied
method antireflect(source, direction, both_period, forward_period, backward_period)
Applies antireflect padding to an array by reflecting around endpoints while preserving derivatives
Namespace types: array
source (array) : Array of values to pad
direction (series Direction) : Direction to apply padding
both_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad in both directions. Overrides forward_period and backward_period if specified
forward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad forward. Defaults to array length if not specified
backward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad backward. Defaults to array length if not specified
Returns: Array ordered with most recent point at index 0, containing original data with antireflect padding applied. Note: Last data point is lost when using array input
smooth(source, series_length, direction, both_period, forward_period, backward_period)
Applies smooth padding by extending with constant derivatives from endpoints
source (float) : Input value to pad from
series_length (int) : Length of the data window
direction (series Direction) : Direction to apply padding
both_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad in both directions. Overrides forward_period and backward_period if specified
forward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad forward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
backward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad backward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
Returns: Array ordered with most recent point at index 0, containing original data with smooth padding applied
method smooth(source, direction, both_period, forward_period, backward_period)
Applies smooth padding to an array by extending with constant derivatives from endpoints
Namespace types: array
source (array) : Array of values to pad
direction (series Direction) : Direction to apply padding
both_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad in both directions. Overrides forward_period and backward_period if specified
forward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad forward. Defaults to array length if not specified
backward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad backward. Defaults to array length if not specified
Returns: Array ordered with most recent point at index 0, containing original data with smooth padding applied. Note: Last data point is lost when using array input
constant(source, series_length, direction, both_period, forward_period, backward_period)
Applies constant padding by extending endpoint values
source (float) : Input value to pad from
series_length (int) : Length of the data window
direction (series Direction) : Direction to apply padding
both_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad in both directions. Overrides forward_period and backward_period if specified
forward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad forward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
backward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad backward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
Returns: Array ordered with most recent point at index 0, containing original data with constant padding applied
method constant(source, direction, both_period, forward_period, backward_period)
Applies constant padding to an array by extending endpoint values
Namespace types: array
source (array) : Array of values to pad
direction (series Direction) : Direction to apply padding
both_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad in both directions. Overrides forward_period and backward_period if specified
forward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad forward. Defaults to array length if not specified
backward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad backward. Defaults to array length if not specified
Returns: Array ordered with most recent point at index 0, containing original data with constant padding applied
zero(source, series_length, direction, both_period, forward_period, backward_period)
Applies zero padding by extending with zeros
source (float) : Input value to pad from
series_length (int) : Length of the data window
direction (series Direction) : Direction to apply padding
both_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad in both directions. Overrides forward_period and backward_period if specified
forward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad forward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
backward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad backward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
Returns: Array ordered with most recent point at index 0, containing original data with zero padding applied
method zero(source, direction, both_period, forward_period, backward_period)
Applies zero padding to an array by extending with zeros
Namespace types: array
source (array) : Array of values to pad
direction (series Direction) : Direction to apply padding
both_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad in both directions. Overrides forward_period and backward_period if specified
forward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad forward. Defaults to array length if not specified
backward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad backward. Defaults to array length if not specified
Returns: Array ordered with most recent point at index 0, containing original data with zero padding applied
pad_data(source, series_length, padding_type, direction, both_period, forward_period, backward_period)
Generic padding function that applies specified padding type to input data
source (float) : Input value to pad from
series_length (int) : Length of the data window
padding_type (series PaddingType) : Type of padding to apply (see PaddingType enum)
direction (series Direction) : Direction to apply padding
both_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad in both directions. Overrides forward_period and backward_period if specified
forward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad forward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
backward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad backward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
Returns: Array ordered with most recent point at index 0, containing original data with specified padding applied
method pad_data(source, padding_type, direction, both_period, forward_period, backward_period)
Generic padding function that applies specified padding type to array input
Namespace types: array
source (array) : Array of values to pad
padding_type (series PaddingType) : Type of padding to apply (see PaddingType enum)
direction (series Direction) : Direction to apply padding
both_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad in both directions. Overrides forward_period and backward_period if specified
forward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad forward. Defaults to array length if not specified
backward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad backward. Defaults to array length if not specified
Returns: Array ordered with most recent point at index 0, containing original data with specified padding applied. Note: Last data point is lost when using antireflect or smooth padding types
make_padded_data(source, series_length, padding_type, direction, both_period, forward_period, backward_period)
Creates a window-based padded data series that updates with each new value. WARNING: Function must be called on every bar for consistency. Do not use in scopes where it may not execute on every bar.
source (float) : Input value to pad from
series_length (int) : Length of the data window
padding_type (series PaddingType) : Type of padding to apply (see PaddingType enum)
direction (series Direction) : Direction to apply padding
both_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad in both directions. Overrides forward_period and backward_period if specified
forward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad forward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
backward_period (int) : Optional - periods to pad backward. Defaults to series_length if not specified
Returns: Array ordered with most recent point at index 0, containing windowed data with specified padding applied
BybitPerpsArrayLibrary "BybitPerpsArray"
groupName (string)
Contains all of the BYBIT Perp charts- use function to call them in groups
permutation█ OVERVIEW
This library provides functions for generating permutations of string or float arrays, using an iterative approach where pine has no recursion. It supports allowing/limiting duplicate elements and handles large result sets by segmenting them into manageable chunks within custom Data types. The most combinations will vary, but the highest is around 250,000 unique combinations. depending on input array values and output length. it will return nothing if the input count is too low.
This library addresses two key challenges in Pine Script:
• Recursion Depth Limits: Pine has limitations on recursion depth. This library uses an iterative, stack-based algorithm to generate permutations, avoiding recursive function calls that could exceed these limits.
• Array Size Limits: Pine arrays have size restrictions. This library manages large permutation sets by dividing them into smaller segments stored within a custom Data or DataFloat type, using maps for efficient access.
1 — Include the Library: Add this library to your script using:
import kaigouthro/permutation/1 as permute
2 — Call the generatePermutations Function:
stringPermutations = permute.generatePermutations(array.from("a", "b", "c"), 2, 1)
floatPermutations = permute.generatePermutations(array.from(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), 2, 1)
• set : The input array of strings or floats.
• size : The desired length of each permutation.
• maxDuplicates (optional): The maximum allowed repetitions of an element within a single permutation. Defaults to 1.
3 — Access the Results: The function returns a Data (for strings) or DataFloat (for floats) object. These objects contain:
• data : An array indicating which segments are present (useful for iterating).
• segments : A map where keys represent segment indices and values are the actual permutation data within that segment.
Example: Accessing Permutations
for in stringPermutations.segments
for in currentSegment.segments
// Access individual permutations within the segment.
permutation = segmennt.data
for item in permutation
// Use the permutation elements...
• PermutationState / PermutationStateFloat : Internal types used by the iterative algorithm to track the state of permutation generation.
• Data / DataFloat : Custom types to store and manage the generated permutations in segments.
* The library prioritizes handling potentially large permutation sets. 250,000 i about the highest achievable.
* The segmentation logic ensures that results are accessible even when the total number of permutations exceeds Pine's array size limits.
Library "permutation"
This library provides functions for generating permutations of user input arrays containing either strings or floats. It uses an iterative, stack-based approach to handle potentially large sets and avoid recursion limitation. The library supports limiting the number of duplicate elements allowed in each permutation. Results are stored in a custom Data or DataFloat type that uses maps to segment large permutation sets into manageable chunks, addressing Pine Script's array size limitations.
generatePermutations(set, size, maxDuplicates)
> Generates permutations of a given size from a set of strings or floats.
set (array) : (array or array) The set of strings or floats to generate permutations from.
size (int) : (int) The size of the permutations to generate.
maxDuplicates (int) : (int) The maximum number of times an element can be repeated in a permutation.
Returns: (Data or DataFloat) A Data object for strings or a DataFloat object for floats, containing the generated permutations.
stringPermutations = generatePermutations(array.from("a", "b", "c"), 2, 1)
floatPermutations = generatePermutations(array.from(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), 2, 1)
generatePermutations(set, size, maxDuplicates)
set (array)
size (int)
maxDuplicates (int)
data (array) : (array) The current permutation being built.
index (series int) : (int) The current index being considered in the set.
depth (series int) : (int) The current depth of the permutation (number of elements).
counts (map) : (map) Map to track the count of each element in the current permutation (for duplicates).
data (array) : (array) The current permutation being built.
index (series int) : (int) The current index being considered in the set.
depth (series int) : (int) The current depth of the permutation (number of elements).
counts (map) : (map) Map to track the count of each element in the current permutation (for duplicates).
data (array) : (array) Array to indicate which segments are present.
segments (map) : (map) Map to store permutation segments. Each segment contains a subset of the generated permutations.
data (array) : (array) Array to indicate which segments are present.
segments (map) : (map) Map to store permutation segments. Each segment contains a subset of the generated permutations.
MyRenkoLibraryLibrary "MyRenkoLibrary"
real_break_size (float)
ToolsCollectionLibrary "ToolsCollection"
Helper functions for collection (map/array) type operations
get(container, key, default)
Returns Map key's value with default return value option
container (map) : Map object
key (string) : Key to be checked
default (bool) : Default return value when key not found. Default: false
Returns: bool
get(container, key, default)
Returns Map key's value with default return value option
container (map) : Map object
key (string) : Key to be checked
default (int) : Default return value when key not found. Default: -1
Returns: int
get(container, key, default)
Returns Map key's value with default return value option
container (map) : Map object
key (string) : Key to be checked
default (float) : Default return value when key not found. Default: -1
Returns: float
get(container, key, default)
Returns Map key's value with default return value option
container (map) : Map object
key (string) : Key to be checked
default (string) : Default return value when key not found. Default: ''
Returns: string
get(container, key, default)
Returns Map key's value with default return value option
container (map) : Map object
key (string) : Key to be checked
default (color) : Default return value when key not found. Default: color.white
Returns: color
get(container, key, default)
Returns Map key's value with default return value option
container (map) : Map object
key (int) : Key to be checked
default (bool) : Default return value when key not found. Default: false
Returns: bool
get(container, key, default)
Returns Map key's value with default return value option
container (map) : Map object
key (int) : Key to be checked
default (int) : Default return value when key not found. Default: -1
Returns: int
get(container, key, default)
Returns Map key's value with default return value option
container (map) : Map object
key (int) : Key to be checked
default (float) : Default return value when key not found. Default: -1
Returns: float
get(container, key, default)
Returns Map key's value with default return value option
container (map) : Map object
key (int) : Key to be checked
default (string) : Default return value when key not found. Default: ''
Returns: string
get(container, key, default)
Returns Map key's value with default return value option
container (map) : Map object
key (int) : Key to be checked
default (color) : Default return value when key not found. Default: color.white
Returns: color
get(container, key, default)
Returns Array key's value with default return value option
container (array) : Array object
key (int) : Key to be checked
default (bool) : Default return value when key not found. Default: false
Returns: bool
get(container, key, default)
Returns Array key's value with default return value option
container (array) : Array object
key (int) : Key to be checked
default (int) : Default return value when key not found. Default: -1
Returns: bool
get(container, key, default)
Returns Array key's value with default return value option
container (array) : Array object
key (int) : Key to be checked
default (float) : Default return value when key not found. Default: -1
Returns: bool
get(container, key, default)
Returns Array key's value with default return value option
container (array) : Array object
key (int) : Key to be checked
default (string) : Default return value when key not found. Default: ''
Returns: bool
get(container, key, default)
Returns Array key's value with default return value option
container (array) : Array object
key (int) : Key to be checked
default (color) : Default return value when key not found. Default: color.white
Returns: bool
This library is a Pine Script™ programmers tool that provides functions to simplify the creation of compound conditions and alert messages. With these functions, scripts can use comma-separated "string" lists to specify condition groups from arbitrarily large "bool" arrays , offering a convenient way to provide highly flexible alert creation to script users without requiring numerous inputs in the "Settings/Inputs" menu.
Compound conditions
Compound conditions are essentially groups of two or more conditions, where each required condition must occur to produce a `true` result. Traders often combine conditions, including signals from various indicators, to drive and reinforce trade decisions. Similarly, programmers use compound conditions in logical operations to create scripts that respond dynamically to groups of events.
Condition conundrum
Providing flexible condition combinations to script users for signals and alerts often poses a significant challenge: input complexity . Conventionally, such flexibility comes at the cost of an extensive list of separate inputs for toggling individual conditions and customizing their properties, often resulting in complicated input menus that are difficult for users to navigate effectively. Furthermore, managing all those inputs usually entails tediously handling many extra variables and logical expressions, making such projects more complex for programmers.
Condensing complexity
This library introduces a technique using parsed strings to reference groups of elements from "bool" arrays , helping to simplify and streamline the construction of compound conditions and alert messages. With this approach, programmers can provide one or more "string" inputs in their scripts where users can list numbers corresponding to the conditions they want to combine.
For example, suppose you have a script that creates alert triggers based on a combination of up to 20 individual conditions, and you want to make inputs for users to choose which conditions to combine. Instead of creating 20 separate checkboxes in the "Settings/Inputs" tab and manually adding associated logic for each one, you can store the conditional values in arrays, make one or more "string" inputs that accept values listing the array item locations (e.g., "1,4,8,11"), and then pass the inputs to these functions to determine the compound conditions formed by the specified groups.
This approach condenses the input space, improving navigability and utility. Additionally, it helps provide high-level simplicity to complex conditional code, making it easier to maintain and expand over time.
This library contains three functions for evaluating compound conditions: `getCompoundConditon()`, `getCompoundConditionsArray()`, and `compoundAlertMessage()`. Each function has two overloads that evaluate compound conditions based on groups of items from one or two "bool" arrays . The sections below explain the functions' calculations and how to use them.
Referencing conditions using "string" index lists
Each function processes "string" values containing comma-separated lists of numerals representing the indices of the "bool" array items to use in its calculations (e.g., "4, 8, 12"). The functions split each supplied "string" list by its commas, then iterate over those specified indices in the "bool" arrays to determine each group's combined `true` or `false` state.
For convenience, the numbers in the "string" lists can represent zero-based indices (where the first item is at index 0) or one-based indices (where the first item is at index 1), depending on the function's `zeroIndex` parameter. For example, an index list of "0, 2, 4" with a `zeroIndex` value of `true` specifies that the condition group uses the first , third , and fifth "bool" values in the array, ignoring all others. If the `zeroIndex` value is `false`, the list "1, 3, 5" also refers to those same elements.
Zero-based indexing is convenient for programmers because Pine arrays always use this index format. However, one-based indexing is often more convenient and familiar for script users, especially non-programmers.
Evaluating one or many condition groups
The `getCompoundCondition()` function evaluates singular condition groups determined by its `indexList` parameter, returning `true` values whenever the specified array elements are `true`. This function is helpful when a script has to evaluate specific groups of conditions and does not require many combinations.
In contrast, the `getCompoundConditionsArray()` function can evaluate numerous condition groups, one for each "string" included in its `indexLists` argument. It returns arrays containing `true` or `false` states for each listed group. This function is helpful when a script requires multiple condition combinations in additional calculations or logic.
The `compoundAlertMessage()` function is similar to the `getCompoundConditionsArray()` function. It also evaluates a separate compound condition group for each "string" in its `indexLists` array, but it returns "string" values containing the marker (name) of each group with a `true` result. You can use these returned values as the `message` argument in alert() calls, display them in labels and other drawing objects, or even use them in additional calculations and logic.
Directional condition pairs
The first overload of each function operates on a single `conditions` array, returning values representing one or more compound conditions from groups in that array. These functions are ideal for general-purpose condition groups that may or may not represent direction information.
The second overloads accept two arrays representing upward and downward conditions separately: `upConditions` and `downConditions`. These overloads evaluate opposing directional conditions in pairs (e.g., RSI is above/below a level) and return upward and downward condition information separately in a tuple .
When using the directional overloads, ensure the `upConditions` and `downConditions` arrays are the same size, with the intended condition pairs at the same indices . For instance, if you have a specific upward RSI condition's value at the first index in the `upConditions` array, include the opposing downward RSI condition's value at that same index in the `downConditions` array. If a condition can apply to both directions (e.g., rising volume), include its value at the same index in both arrays.
Group markers
To simplify the generation of informative alert messages, the `compoundAlertMessage()` function assigns "string" markers to each condition group, where "marker" refers to the group's name. The `groupMarkers` parameter allows you to assign custom markers to each listed group. If not specified, the function generates default group markers in the format "M", where "M" is short for "Marker" and "" represents the group number starting from 1. For example, the default marker for the first group specified in the `indexLists` array is "M1".
The function's returned "string" values contain a comma-separated list with markers for each activated condition group (e.g., "M1, M4"). The function's second overload, which processes directional pairs of conditions, also appends extra characters to the markers to signify the direction. The default for upward groups is "▲" (e.g., "M1▲") and the default for downward ones is "▼" (e.g., "M1▼"). You can customize these appended characters with the `upChar` and `downChar` parameters.
Designing customizable alerts
We recommend following these primary steps when using this library to design flexible alerts for script users:
1. Create text inputs for users to specify comma-separated lists of conditions with the input.string() or input.text_area() functions, and then collect all the input values in a "string" array . Note that each separate "string" in the array will represent a distinct condition group.
2. Create arrays of "bool" values representing the possible conditions to choose from. If your script will process pairs of upward and downward conditions, ensure the related elements in the arrays align at the same indices.
3. Call `compoundAlertMessage()` using the arrays from steps 1 and 2 as arguments to get the alert message text. If your script will use the text for alerts only, not historical display or calculation purposes, the call is necessary only on realtime bars .
4. Pass the calculated "string" values as the `message` argument in alert() calls. We recommend calling the function only when the "string" is not empty (i.e., `messageText != ""`). To avoid repainting alerts on open bars, use barstate.isconfirmed in the condition to allow alert triggers only on each bar's close .
5. Test the alerts. Open the "Create Alert" dialog box and select "Any alert() function call" in the "Condition" field. It is also helpful to inspect the strings with Pine Logs .
NOTE: Because the techniques in this library use lists of numbers to specify conditions, we recommend including a tooltip for the "string" inputs that lists the available numbers and the conditions they represent. This tooltip provides a legend for script users, making it simple to understand and utilize. To create the tooltip, declare a "const string" listing the options and pass it to the `input.*()` call's `tooltip` parameter. See the library's example code for a simple demonstration.
This library's example code demonstrates one possible way to offer a selection of compound conditions with "string" inputs and these functions. It uses three input.string() calls, each accepting a comma-separated list representing a distinct condition group. The title of each input represents the default group marker that appears in the label and alert text. The code collects these three input values in a `conditionGroups` array for use with the `compoundAlertMessage()` function.
In this code, we created two "bool" arrays to store six arbitrary condition pairs for demonstration:
1. Bar up/down: The bar's close price must be above the open price for upward conditions, and vice versa for downward conditions.
2. Fast EMA above/below slow EMA : The 9-period Exponential Moving Average of close prices must be above the 21-period EMA for upward conditions, and vice versa for downward conditions.
3. Volume above average : The bar's volume must exceed its 20-bar average to activate an upward or downward condition.
4. Volume rising : The volume must exceed that of the previous bar to activate an upward or downward condition.
5. RSI trending up/down : The 14-period Relative Strength Index of close prices must be between 50 and 70 for upward conditions, and between 30 and 50 for downward conditions.
6. High volatility : The 7-period Average True Range (ATR) must be above the 40-period ATR to activate an upward or downward condition.
We included a `tooltip` argument for the third input.string() call that displays the condition numbers and titles, where 1 is the first condition number.
The `bullConditions` array contains the `true` or `false` states of all individual upward conditions, and the `bearConditions` array contains all downward condition states. For the conditions that filter either direction because they are non-directional, such as "High volatility", both arrays contain the condition's `true` or `false` value at the same index. If you use these conditions alone, they activate upward and downward alert conditions simultaneously.
The example code calls `compoundAlertMessage()` using the `bullConditions`, `bearConditions`, and `conditionGroups` arrays to create a tuple of strings containing the directional markers for each activated group. On confirmed bars, it displays non-empty strings in labels and uses them in alert() calls. For the text shown in the labels, we used str.replace_all() to replace commas with newline characters, aligning the markers vertically in the display.
Look first. Then leap.
This library exports the following functions:
getCompoundCondition(conditions, indexList, minRequired, zeroIndex)
(Overload 1 of 2) Determines a compound condition based on selected elements from a `conditions` array.
conditions (array) : (array) An array containing the possible "bool" values to use in the compound condition.
indexList (string) : (series string) A "string" containing a comma-separated list of whole numbers representing the group of `conditions` elements to use in the compound condition. For example, if the value is `"0, 2, 4"`, and `minRequired` is `na`, the function returns `true` only if the `conditions` elements at index 0, 2, and 4 are all `true`. If the value is an empty "string", the function returns `false`.
minRequired (int) : (series int) Optional. Determines the minimum number of selected conditions required to activate the compound condition. For example, if the value is 2, the function returns `true` if at least two of the specified `conditions` elements are `true`. If the value is `na`, the function returns `true` only if all specified elements are `true`. The default is `na`.
zeroIndex (bool) : (series bool) Optional. Specifies whether the `indexList` represents zero-based array indices. If `true`, a value of "0" in the list represents the first array index. If `false`, a `value` of "1" represents the first index. The default is `true`.
Returns: (bool) `true` if `conditions` elements in the group specified by the `indexList` are `true`, `false` otherwise.
getCompoundCondition(upConditions, downConditions, indexList, minRequired, allowUp, allowDown, zeroIndex)
(Overload 2 of 2) Determines upward and downward compound conditions based on selected elements from `upConditions` and `downConditions` arrays.
upConditions (array) : (array) An array containing the possible "bool" values to use in the upward compound condition.
downConditions (array) : (array) An array containing the possible "bool" values to use in the downward compound condition.
indexList (string) : (series string) A "string" containing a comma-separated list of whole numbers representing the `upConditions` and `downConditions` elements to use in the compound conditions. For example, if the value is `"0, 2, 4"` and `minRequired` is `na`, the function returns `true` for the first value only if the `upConditions` elements at index 0, 2, and 4 are all `true`. If the value is an empty "string", the function returns ` `.
minRequired (int) : (series int) Optional. Determines the minimum number of selected conditions required to activate either compound condition. For example, if the value is 2, the function returns `true` for its first value if at least two of the specified `upConditions` elements are `true`. If the value is `na`, the function returns `true` only if all specified elements are `true`. The default is `na`.
allowUp (bool) : (series bool) Optional. Controls whether the function considers upward compound conditions. If `false`, the function ignores the `upConditions` array, and the first item in the returned tuple is `false`. The default is `true`.
allowDown (bool) : (series bool) Optional. Controls whether the function considers downward compound conditions. If `false`, the function ignores the `downConditions` array, and the second item in the returned tuple is `false`. The default is `true`.
zeroIndex (bool) : (series bool) Optional. Specifies whether the `indexList` represents zero-based array indices. If `true`, a value of "0" in the list represents the first array index. If `false`, a value of "1" represents the first index. The default is `true`.
Returns: ( ) A tuple containing two "bool" values representing the upward and downward compound condition states, respectively.
getCompoundConditionsArray(conditions, indexLists, zeroIndex)
(Overload 1 of 2) Creates an array of "bool" values representing compound conditions formed by selected elements from a `conditions` array.
conditions (array) : (array) An array containing the possible "bool" values to use in each compound condition.
indexLists (array) : (array) An array of strings containing comma-separated lists of whole numbers representing the `conditions` elements to use in each compound condition. For example, if an item is `"0, 2, 4"`, the corresponding item in the returned array is `true` only if the `conditions` elements at index 0, 2, and 4 are all `true`. If an item is an empty "string", the item in the returned array is `false`.
zeroIndex (bool) : (series bool) Optional. Specifies whether the "string" lists in the `indexLists` represent zero-based array indices. If `true`, a value of "0" in a list represents the first array index. If `false`, a value of "1" represents the first index. The default is `true`.
Returns: (array) An array of "bool" values representing compound condition states for each condition group. An item in the array is `true` only if all the `conditions` elements specified by the corresponding `indexLists` item are `true`. Otherwise, the item is `false`.
getCompoundConditionsArray(upConditions, downConditions, indexLists, allowUp, allowDown, zeroIndex)
(Overload 2 of 2) Creates two arrays of "bool" values representing compound upward and
downward conditions formed by selected elements from `upConditions` and `downConditions` arrays.
upConditions (array) : (array) An array containing the possible "bool" values to use in each upward compound condition.
downConditions (array) : (array) An array containing the possible "bool" values to use in each downward compound condition.
indexLists (array) : (array) An array of strings containing comma-separated lists of whole numbers representing the `upConditions` and `downConditions` elements to use in each compound condition. For example, if an item is `"0, 2, 4"`, the corresponding item in the first returned array is `true` only if the `upConditions` elements at index 0, 2, and 4 are all `true`. If an item is an empty "string", the items in both returned arrays are `false`.
allowUp (bool) : (series bool) Optional. Controls whether the function considers upward compound conditions. If `false`, the function ignores the `upConditions` array, and all elements in the first returned array are `false`. The default is `true`.
allowDown (bool) : (series bool) Optional. Controls whether the function considers downward compound conditions. If `false`, the function ignores the `downConditions` array, and all elements in the second returned array are `false`. The default is `true`.
zeroIndex (bool) : (series bool) Optional. Specifies whether the "string" lists in the `indexLists` represent zero-based array indices. If `true`, a value of "0" in a list represents the first array index. If `false`, a value of "1" represents the first index. The default is `true`.
Returns: ( ) A tuple containing two "bool" arrays:
- The first array contains values representing upward compound condition states determined using the `upConditions`.
- The second array contains values representing downward compound condition states determined using the `downConditions`.
compoundAlertMessage(conditions, indexLists, zeroIndex, groupMarkers)
(Overload 1 of 2) Creates a "string" message containing a comma-separated list of markers representing active compound conditions formed by specified element groups from a `conditions` array.
conditions (array) : (array) An array containing the possible "bool" values to use in each compound condition.
indexLists (array) : (array) An array of strings containing comma-separated lists of whole numbers representing the `conditions` elements to use in each compound condition. For example, if an item is `"0, 2, 4"`, the corresponding marker for that item appears in the returned "string" only if the `conditions` elements at index 0, 2, and 4 are all `true`.
zeroIndex (bool) : (series bool) Optional. Specifies whether the "string" lists in the `indexLists` represent zero-based array indices. If `true`, a value of "0" in a list represents the first array index. If `false`, a value of "1" represents the first index. The default is `true`.
groupMarkers (array) : (array) Optional. If specified, sets the marker (name) for each condition group specified in the `indexLists` array. If `na`, the function uses the format `"M"` for each group, where "M" is short for "Marker" and `` represents the one-based index for the group (e.g., the marker for the first listed group is "M1"). The default is `na`.
Returns: (string) A "string" containing a list of markers corresponding to each active compound condition.
compoundAlertMessage(upConditions, downConditions, indexLists, allowUp, allowDown, zeroIndex, groupMarkers, upChar, downChar)
(Overload 2 of 2) Creates two "string" messages containing comma-separated lists of markers representing active upward and downward compound conditions formed by specified element groups from `upConditions` and `downConditions` arrays.
upConditions (array) An array containing the possible "bool" values to use in each upward compound condition.
downConditions (array) An array containing the possible "bool" values to use in each downward compound condition.
indexLists (array) An array of strings containing comma-separated lists of whole numbers representing the `upConditions` and `downConditions` element groups to use in each compound condition. For example, if an item is `"0, 2, 4"`, the corresponding group marker for that item appears in the first returned "string" only if the `upConditions` elements at index 0, 2, and 4 are all `true`.
allowUp (bool) Optional. Controls whether the function considers upward compound conditions. If `false`, the function ignores the `upConditions` array and returns an empty "string" for the first tuple element. The default is `true`.
allowDown (bool) Optional. Controls whether the function considers downward compound conditions. If `false`, the function ignores the `downConditions` array and returns an empty "string" for the second tuple element. The default is `true`.
zeroIndex (bool) Optional. Specifies whether the "string" lists in the `indexLists` represent zero-based array indices. If `true`, a value of "0" in a list represents the first array index. If `false`, a value of "1" represents the first index. The default is `true`.
groupMarkers (array) Optional. If specified, sets the name (marker) of each condition group specified in the `indexLists` array. If `na`, the function uses the format `"M"` for each group, where "M" is short for "Marker" and `` represents the one-based index for the group (e.g., the marker for the first listed group is "M1"). The default is `na`.
upChar (string) Optional. A "string" appended to all group markers for upward conditions to signify direction. The default is "▲".
downChar (string) Optional. A "string" appended to all group markers for downward conditions to signify direction. The default is "▼".
Returns: ( ): A tuple of "string" values containing lists of markers corresponding to active upward and downward compound conditions, respectively.
PitchforkLibrary "Pitchfork"
Pitchfork class
method tostring(this)
Converts PitchforkTypes/Fork object to string representation
Namespace types: Fork
this (Fork) : PitchforkTypes/Fork object
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/Fork
method tostring(this)
Converts Array of PitchforkTypes/Fork object to string representation
Namespace types: array
this (array) : Array of PitchforkTypes/Fork object
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/Fork array
method tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder)
Converts PitchforkTypes/PitchforkProperties object to string representation
Namespace types: PitchforkProperties
this (PitchforkProperties) : PitchforkTypes/PitchforkProperties object
sortKeys (bool) : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder (int) : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkProperties
method tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder)
Converts PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawingProperties object to string representation
Namespace types: PitchforkDrawingProperties
this (PitchforkDrawingProperties) : PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawingProperties object
sortKeys (bool) : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder (int) : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawingProperties
method tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder)
Converts PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object to string representation
Namespace types: Pitchfork
this (Pitchfork) : PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
sortKeys (bool) : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder (int) : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork
method createDrawing(this)
Creates PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing from PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
Namespace types: Pitchfork
this (Pitchfork) : PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
Returns: PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object created
method createDrawing(this)
Creates PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing array from PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork array of objects
Namespace types: array
this (array) : array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
Returns: array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object created
method draw(this)
draws from PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
Namespace types: PitchforkDrawing
this (PitchforkDrawing) : PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
Returns: PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object drawn
method delete(this)
deletes PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
Namespace types: PitchforkDrawing
this (PitchforkDrawing) : PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
Returns: PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object deleted
method delete(this)
deletes underlying drawing of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
Namespace types: Pitchfork
this (Pitchfork) : PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
Returns: PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object deleted
method delete(this)
deletes array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing objects
Namespace types: array
this (array) : Array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
Returns: Array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object deleted
method delete(this)
deletes underlying drawing in array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork objects
Namespace types: array
this (array) : Array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
Returns: Array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object deleted
method clear(this)
deletes array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing objects and clears the array
Namespace types: array
this (array) : Array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
Returns: void
method clear(this)
deletes array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork objects and clears the array
Namespace types: array
this (array) : Array of Pitchfork/Pitchfork object
Returns: void
Pitchfork Drawing Properties object
extend (series bool) : If set to true, forks are extended towards right. Default is true
fill (series bool) : Fill forklines with transparent color. Default is true
fillTransparency (series int) : Transparency at which fills are made. Only considered when fill is set. Default is 80
forceCommonColor (series bool) : Force use of common color for forks and fills. Default is false
commonColor (series color) : common fill color. Used only if ratio specific fill colors are not available or if forceCommonColor is set to true.
Pitchfork drawing components
medianLine (Line type from Trendoscope/Drawing/2) : Median line of the pitchfork
baseLine (Line type from Trendoscope/Drawing/2) : Base line of the pitchfork
forkLines (array type from Trendoscope/Drawing/2) : fork lines of the pitchfork
linefills (array type from Trendoscope/Drawing/2) : Linefills between forks
Fork object property
ratio (series float) : Fork ratio
forkColor (series color) : color of fork. Default is blue
include (series bool) : flag to include the fork in drawing. Default is true
Pitchfork Properties
forks (array) : Array of Fork objects
type (series string) : Pitchfork type. Supported values are "regular", "schiff", "mschiff", Default is regular
inside (series bool) : Flag to identify if to draw inside fork. If set to true, inside fork will be drawn
Pitchfork object
a (chart.point) : Pivot Point A of pitchfork
b (chart.point) : Pivot Point B of pitchfork
c (chart.point) : Pivot Point C of pitchfork
properties (PitchforkProperties) : PitchforkProperties object which determines type and composition of pitchfork
dProperties (PitchforkDrawingProperties) : Drawing properties for pitchfork
lProperties (LineProperties type from Trendoscope/Drawing/2) : Common line properties for Pitchfork lines
drawing (PitchforkDrawing) : PitchforkDrawing object
ArrayMovingAveragesLibrary "ArrayMovingAverages"
This library adds several moving average methods to arrays, so you can call, eg.:
method emaArray(id, length)
Calculate Exponential Moving Average (EMA) for Arrays
Namespace types: array
id (array) : (array) Input array
length (int) : (int) Length of the EMA
Returns: (array) Array of EMA values
method ema(id, length)
Get the last value of the EMA array
Namespace types: array
id (array) : (array) Input array
length (int) : (int) Length of the EMA
Returns: (float) Last EMA value or na if empty
method rmaArray(id, length)
Calculate Rolling Moving Average (RMA) for Arrays
Namespace types: array
id (array) : (array) Input array
length (int) : (int) Length of the RMA
Returns: (array) Array of RMA values
method rma(id, length)
Get the last value of the RMA array
Namespace types: array
id (array) : (array) Input array
length (int) : (int) Length of the RMA
Returns: (float) Last RMA value or na if empty
method smaArray(id, windowSize)
Calculate Simple Moving Average (SMA) for Arrays
Namespace types: array
id (array) : (array) Input array
windowSize (int) : (int) Window size for calculation, defaults to array size
Returns: (array) Array of SMA values
method sma(id, windowSize)
Get the last value of the SMA array
Namespace types: array
id (array) : (array) Input array
windowSize (int) : (int) Window size for calculation, defaults to array size
Returns: (float) Last SMA value or na if empty
method wmaArray(id, windowSize)
Calculate Weighted Moving Average (WMA) for Arrays
Namespace types: array
id (array) : (array) Input array
windowSize (int) : (int) Window size for calculation, defaults to array size
Returns: (array) Array of WMA values
method wma(id, windowSize)
Get the last value of the WMA array
Namespace types: array
id (array) : (array) Input array
windowSize (int) : (int) Window size for calculation, defaults to array size
Returns: (float) Last WMA value or na if empty
utilsLibrary "utils"
Few essentials captured together (subset of arrayutils)
timer(timeStart, timeEnd)
finds difference between two timestamps
timeStart (int) : start timestamp
timeEnd (int)
method check_overflow(pivots, barArray, dir)
finds difference between two timestamps
Namespace types: array
pivots (array) : pivots array
barArray (array) : pivot bar array
dir (int) : direction for which overflow need to be checked
Returns: bool overflow
method get_trend_series(pivots, length, highLow, trend)
finds series of pivots in particular trend
Namespace types: array
pivots (array) : pivots array
length (int) : length for which trend series need to be checked
highLow (int) : filter pivot high or low
trend (int) : Uptrend or Downtrend
Returns: int trendIndexes
method get_trend_series(pivots, firstIndex, lastIndex)
finds series of pivots in particular trend
Namespace types: array
pivots (array) : pivots array
firstIndex (int) : First index of the series
lastIndex (int) : Last index of the series
Returns: int trendIndexes
getConsolidatedLabel(include, labels, separator)
Consolidates labels into single string by concatenating it with given separator
include (array) : array of conditions to include label or not
labels (array) : string array of labels
separator (string) : Separator for concatenating labels
Returns: string labelText
method getColors(theme)
gets array of colors based on theme
Namespace types: series Theme
theme (series Theme) : dark or light theme
Returns: color themeColors
HTFCandlesLibLibrary "HTFCandlesLib"
Library to get detailed higher timeframe candle information
method tostring(this, delimeter)
Returns OHLC values, BarIndex of higher and lower timeframe candles in string format
Namespace types: Candle
this (Candle) : Current Candle object
delimeter (string) : delimeter to join the string components of the candle
Returns: String representation of the Candle
method draw(this, bullishColor, bearishColor, printDescription)
Draws the current candle using boxes and lines for body and wicks
Namespace types: Candle
this (Candle) : Current Candle object
bullishColor (color) : color for bullish representation
bearishColor (color) : color for bearish representation
printDescription (bool) : if set to true prints the description
Returns: Current candle object
Gets the current candle along with reassigned ltf components. To be used with request.security to capture higher timeframe candle data
ltfCandles (array) : Lower timeframe Candles array
Returns: Candle object with embedded lower timeframe key candles in them
Candle represents the data related to a candle
o (series float) : Open price of the candle
h (series float) : High price of the candle
l (series float) : Low price of the candle
c (series float) : Close price of the candle
lo (Candle) : Lower timeframe candle that records the open price of the current candle.
lh (Candle) : Lower timeframe candle that records the high price of the current candle.
ll (Candle) : Lower timeframe candle that records the low price of the current candle.
lc (Candle) : Lower timeframe candle that records the close price of the current candle.
barindex (series int) : Bar Index of the candle
bartime (series int) : Bar time of the candle
last (Candle) : Link to last candle of the series if any
NumberOfVisibleBarsLibrary "NumberOfVisibleBars"
TODO: add library description here
Calculates the number of visible bars on the user screen
Returns: The numbers of visible bars on the user screen (int)
Contains methods for conversion of matrices to string.
Supports matrices of int/float/bool/string/color/line/label/box/.
- toStringMx(matrix) - converts matrix to a string matrix converting each of its elements to string
- toS(matrix) - converts matrix to a string matrix (using toStringMx()) and outputs as string using str.tostring(matrix)
Conversion of each item to string is made using toS() function from moebius1977/ToS/1 library.
All toStringMx(matrix) and toS(matrix) methods have same parameters. The only difference will be in format parameter as explained below.
this (matrix) Matrix to be converted to a string matrix.
format (string) Format string.
nz (string) Placeholder for na items.
format parameter depends on the type:
For matrix format parameter works in the same way as `str.format()` (i.e. you can use same format strings as with `str.format()` with `{0}` as a placeholder for the value) with some shorthand "format" options available:
--- number ---
- "" => "{0}"
- "number" => "{0}"
- "0" => "{0, number, 0 }"
- "0.0" => "{0, number, 0.0 }"
- "0.00" => "{0, number, 0.00 }"
- "0.000" => "{0, number, 0.000 }"
- "0.0000" => "{0, number, 0.0000 }"
- "0.00000" => "{0, number, 0.00000 }"
- "0.000000" => "{0, number, 0.000000 }"
- "0.0000000" => "{0, number, 0.0000000}"
--- date ---
- "date" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY}"
- "date : time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY} : {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "dd.MM" => "{0, date, dd:MM}"
- "dd" => "{0, date, dd}"
- "... ... " in any place is substituted with "{0, date, dd.MM.YY}"
--- time ---
- "time" => "{0, time, HH:mm:ss}"
- "HH:mm" => "{0, time, HH:mm}"
- "mm:ss" => "{0, time, mm:ss}"
- "date time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\} {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "date, time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\}, {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "date,time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\},{0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "date time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\} {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "... ... " in any place is substituted with "{0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
For matrix :
format (string) : (string) (Optional) Use `x1` as placeholder for `x1` and so on. E.g. default format is `"(x1, y1) - (x2, y2)"`.
For matrix :
format (string) : (string) (Optional) Use `x1` as placeholder for `x`, `y1 - for `y` and `txt` for label's text. E.g. default format is `(x1, y1): "txt"` if ptint_text is true and `(x1, y1)` if false.
For matrix :
format (string) : (string) (Optional) Use `x1` as placeholder for `x`, `y1 - for `y` etc. E.g. default format is "(x1, y1) - (x2, y2)".
For matrix :
format (string) : (string) (Optional) Options are "HEX" (e.g. "#FFFFFF33") or "RGB" (e.g. "rgb(122,122,122,23)"). Default is "HEX".
method toStringMx(mx, format, nz)
Returns a string matrix made of original matrix items converted to string with toS().
Namespace types: matrix
mx (matrix)
format (string) : (string) Like in str.format()
nz (string) : (string) If val is na and nz is not na the value of nz param is returned instead.
method toStringMx(mx, format, nz)
Returns a string matrix made of original matrix items converted to string with toS().
Namespace types: matrix
mx (matrix)
format (string) : (string) Like in str.format() with some shorthand options:
--- number ---
- "" => "{0}"
- "number" => "{0}"
- "0" => "{0, number, 0 }"
- "0.0" => "{0, number, 0.0 }"
- "0.00" => "{0, number, 0.00 }"
- "0.000" => "{0, number, 0.000 }"
- "0.0000" => "{0, number, 0.0000 }"
- "0.00000" => "{0, number, 0.00000 }"
- "0.000000" => "{0, number, 0.000000 }"
- "0.0000000" => "{0, number, 0.0000000}"
--- date ---
- "date" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY}"
- "date : time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY} : {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "dd.MM" => "{0, date, dd:MM}"
- "dd" => "{0, date, dd}"
- "... ... " in any place is substituted with "{0, date, dd.MM.YY}"
--- time ---
- "time" => "{0, time, HH:mm:ss}"
- "HH:mm" => "{0, time, HH:mm}"
- "mm:ss" => "{0, time, mm:ss}"
- "date time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\} {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "date, time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\}, {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "date,time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\},{0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "date time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\} {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "... ... " in any place is substituted with "{0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
nz (string) : (string) If val is na and nz is not na the value of nz param is returned instead.
method toStringMx(mx, format, nz)
Returns a string matrix made of original matrix items converted to string with toS().
Namespace types: matrix
mx (matrix)
format (string) : (string) Like in str.format() with some shorthand options:
--- number ---
- "" => "{0}"
- "number" => "{0}"
- "0" => "{0, number, 0 }"
- "0.0" => "{0, number, 0.0 }"
- "0.00" => "{0, number, 0.00 }"
- "0.000" => "{0, number, 0.000 }"
- "0.0000" => "{0, number, 0.0000 }"
- "0.00000" => "{0, number, 0.00000 }"
- "0.000000" => "{0, number, 0.000000 }"
- "0.0000000" => "{0, number, 0.0000000}"
--- date ---
- "date" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY}"
- "date : time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY} : {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "dd.MM" => "{0, date, dd:MM}"
- "dd" => "{0, date, dd}"
- "... ... " in any place is substituted with "{0, date, dd.MM.YY}"
--- time ---
- "time" => "{0, time, HH:mm:ss}"
- "HH:mm" => "{0, time, HH:mm}"
- "mm:ss" => "{0, time, mm:ss}"
- "date time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\} {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "date, time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\}, {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "date,time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\},{0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "date time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\} {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "... ... " in any place is substituted with "{0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
nz (string) : (string) If val is na and nz is not na the value of nz param is returned instead.
method toStringMx(mx, format, nz)
Returns a string matrix made of original matrix items converted to string with toS().
Namespace types: matrix
mx (matrix)
format (string) : (string) Like in str.format()
nz (string) : (string) If val is na and nz is not na the value of nz param is returned instead.
method toStringMx(mx, format, nz)
Returns a string matrix made of original matrix items converted to string with toS().
Namespace types: matrix
mx (matrix)
format (string) : (string) "HEX" (default) or "RGB"
nz (string) : (string) If val is na and nz is not na the value of nz param is returned instead.
method toStringMx(mx, format, nz)
Returns a string matrix made of original matrix items converted to string with toS().
Namespace types: matrix
mx (matrix)
format (string) : (string) (Optional) Format string. By default "{0}: {1}" if showIDs = true or "{1}" otherwise. (use "{0}" as a placeholder for id and "{1}" for item value)
nz (string) : (string) If val is na and nz is not na the value of nz param is returned instead.
method toStringMx(mx, format, nz)
Returns a string matrix made of original matrix items converted to string with toS().
Namespace types: matrix
mx (matrix)
format (string) : (string) (Optional) Format string. By default "{0}: {1}" if showIDs = true or "{1}" otherwise. (use "{0}" as a placeholder for id and "{1}" for item value)
nz (string) : (string) If val is na and nz is not na the value of nz param is returned instead.
method toStringMx(mx, format, nz)
Returns a string matrix made of original matrix items converted to string with toS().
Namespace types: matrix
mx (matrix)
format (string) : (string) (Optional) Format string. By default "{0}: {1}" if showIDs = true or "{1}" otherwise. (use "{0}" as a placeholder for id and "{1}" for item value)
nz (string) : (string) If val is na and nz is not na the value of nz param is returned instead.
method toS(this, format, nz)
Converts each element of the matrix to string outputs using str.tostring(matrix)
Namespace types: matrix
this (matrix) : (matrix) Matrix to be converted to string
format (string) : (string) Format string as in str.format()
nz (string) : (string) If val is na and nz is not na the value of nz param is returned instead.export method toS(matrix this, string format = "", string nz = na) => str.tostring(this.toStringMx(format, nz))
method toS(this, format, nz)
Converts each element of the matrix to string outputs using str.tostring(matrix)
Namespace types: matrix
this (matrix) : (matrix) Matrix to be converted to string
format (string) : (string) Like in str.format() with some shorthand options:
--- number ---
- "" => "{0}"
- "number" => "{0}"
- "0" => "{0, number, 0 }"
- "0.0" => "{0, number, 0.0 }"
- "0.00" => "{0, number, 0.00 }"
- "0.000" => "{0, number, 0.000 }"
- "0.0000" => "{0, number, 0.0000 }"
- "0.00000" => "{0, number, 0.00000 }"
- "0.000000" => "{0, number, 0.000000 }"
- "0.0000000" => "{0, number, 0.0000000}"
--- date ---
- "date" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY}"
- "date : time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY} : {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "dd.MM" => "{0, date, dd:MM}"
- "dd" => "{0, date, dd}"
- "... ... " in any place is substituted with "{0, date, dd.MM.YY}"
--- time ---
- "time" => "{0, time, HH:mm:ss}"
- "HH:mm" => "{0, time, HH:mm}"
- "mm:ss" => "{0, time, mm:ss}"
- "date time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\} {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "date, time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\}, {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "date,time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\},{0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "date time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\} {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "... ... " in any place is substituted with "{0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
nz (string) : (string) If val is na and nz is not na the value of nz param is returned instead.export method toS(matrix this, string format = "", string nz = na) => str.tostring(this.toStringMx(format, nz))
method toS(this, format, nz)
Converts each element of the matrix to string outputs using str.tostring(matrix)
Namespace types: matrix
this (matrix) : (matrix) Matrix to be converted to string
format (string) : (string) Format string as in str.format()
nz (string) : (string) If val is na and nz is not na the value of nz param is returned instead.export method toS(matrix this, string format = "", string nz = na) => str.tostring(this.toStringMx(format, nz))
method toS(this, format, nz)
Converts each element of the matrix to string outputs using str.tostring(matrix)
Namespace types: matrix
this (matrix) : (matrix) Matrix to be converted to string
format (string) : (string) "HEX" (default) or "RGB"
nz (string) : (string) If val is na and nz is not na the value of nz param is returned instead.export method toS(matrix this, string format = "", string nz = na) => str.tostring(this.toStringMx(format, nz))
method toS(this, format, nz)
Converts each element of the matrix to string outputs using str.tostring(matrix)
Namespace types: matrix
this (matrix) : (matrix) Matrix to be converted to string
format (string) : (string) (Optional) Format string. By default "{0}: {1}" if showIDs = true or "{1}" otherwise. (use "{0}" as a placeholder for id and "{1}" for item value)
nz (string) : (string) If val is na and nz is not na the value of nz param is returned instead.export method toS(matrix this, string format = "", string nz = na) => str.tostring(this.toStringMx(format, nz))
method toS(this, format, nz)
Converts each element of the matrix to string outputs using str.tostring(matrix)
Namespace types: matrix
this (matrix) : (matrix) Matrix to be converted to string
format (string) : (string) (Optional) Format string. By default "{0}: {1}" if showIDs = true or "{1}" otherwise. (use "{0}" as a placeholder for id and "{1}" for item value)
nz (string) : (string) If val is na and nz is not na the value of nz param is returned instead.export method toS(matrix this, string format = "", string nz = na) => str.tostring(this.toStringMx(format, nz))
method toS(this, format, nz)
Converts each element of the matrix to string outputs using str.tostring(matrix)
Namespace types: matrix
this (matrix) : (matrix) Matrix to be converted to string
format (string) : (string) (Optional) Format string. By default "{0}: {1}" if showIDs = true or "{1}" otherwise. (use "{0}" as a placeholder for id and "{1}" for item value)
nz (string) : (string) If val is na and nz is not na the value of nz param is returned instead.export method toS(matrix this, string format = "", string nz = na) => str.tostring(this.toStringMx(format, nz))
Contains to string conversion methods arrays of int/float/bool/string/line/label/box types
- toS() - method works like array.join() with more flexibility and
- toStringAr() - converts array to string on a per item basis and returns the resulting string array
Conversion of each item to string is made using toS() function from moebius1977/ToS/1 library.
All toS(array) methods have same parameters. The only difference will be in format parameter as explained below.
method toS(this, index_from, index_to, separator, showIDs, format, truncate_left, size_limit, nz)
Like array.join() but with string length limit. Joins elements into readable string (length capped at 4000, truncating the end or beg)
this (array) : array to be converted to string
index_from (int) : index_from (int) (Optional) Start from this id (starting from 0, in insertion order). If omitted - start from the first item.
index_to (int) : index_to (int) (Optional) End with this pair (inclusive, in insertion order). If omitted - to last item.
separator (string) : separator (string) (Optional) String to be inserted between pairs. Default: `", "`
showIDs (bool) : showIDs (bool) (Optional) If true item's id is added in the form `id: value`.
format (string) : format (string) (Optional) Format string fo toS(). If omitted default format is used depending in the type.
truncate_left (bool) : truncate_left (bool) (Optional) Truncate from left or right. Default: false.
size_limit (int) : size_limit (int) (Optional) Max output string length. Default: 4000.
nz (string) : nz (string) (Optional) A string used to represent na (na values are substituted with this string).
format parameter depends on the type:
For toS(bool/int/float ...) format parameter works in the same way as `str.format()` (i.e. you can use same format strings as with `str.format()` with `{0}` as a placeholder for the value) with some shorthand "format" options available:
--- number ---
- "" => "{0}"
- "number" => "{0}"
- "0" => "{0, number, 0 }"
- "0.0" => "{0, number, 0.0 }"
- "0.00" => "{0, number, 0.00 }"
- "0.000" => "{0, number, 0.000 }"
- "0.0000" => "{0, number, 0.0000 }"
- "0.00000" => "{0, number, 0.00000 }"
- "0.000000" => "{0, number, 0.000000 }"
- "0.0000000" => "{0, number, 0.0000000}"
--- date ---
- "... ... " in any place is substituted with "{0, date, dd.MM.YY}" (e.g. " " results in "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\} {0, time, HH.mm.ss}")
- "date" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY}"
- "date : time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY} : {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "dd.MM" => "{0, date, dd:MM}"
- "dd" => "{0, date, dd}"
--- time ---
- "... ... " in any place is substituted with "{0, time, HH.mm.ss}" (e.g. " " results in "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\} {0, time, HH.mm.ss}")
- "time" => "{0, time, HH:mm:ss}"
- "HH:mm" => "{0, time, HH:mm}"
- "mm:ss" => "{0, time, mm:ss}"
- "date time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\} {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "date, time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\}, {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "date,time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\},{0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
- "date time" => "{0, date, dd.MM.YY\} {0, time, HH.mm.ss}"
For toS(line ...):
format (string) : (string) (Optional) Use `x1` as placeholder for `x1` and so on. E.g. default format is `"(x1, y1) - (x2, y2)"`.
For toS(label ...) :
format (string) : (string) (Optional) Use `x1` as placeholder for `x`, `y1 - for `y` and `txt` for label's text. E.g. default format is `(x1, y1): "txt"` if ptint_text is true and `(x1, y1)` if false.
For toS(box ... ) :
format (string) : (string) (Optional) Use `x1` as placeholder for `x`, `y1 - for `y` etc. E.g. default format is "(x1, y1) - (x2, y2)".
For toS(color] ... ) :
format (string) : (string) (Optional) Options are "HEX" (e.g. "#FFFFFF33") or "RGB" (e.g. "rgb(122,122,122,23)"). Default is "HEX".
All toStringAr() methods just convert each item to string using toS with same format options as described above.
arr (array) : Array to be converted to a string array.
format (string) : Format string.
nz (string) : Placeholder for na items.
Library "ToStringAr"
Contains toString/toS conversion methods for int/float/bool/string/line/label/box and arrays and matrices thereof. Also contains a string wraping function.
method toS(this, index_from, index_to, separator, showIDs, format, truncate_left, size_limit, nz)
Namespace types: array
this (array)
index_from (int)
index_to (int)
separator (string)
showIDs (bool)
format (string)
truncate_left (bool)
size_limit (int)
nz (string)
method toS(this, index_from, index_to, separator, showIDs, format, truncate_left, size_limit, nz)
Namespace types: array
this (array)
index_from (int)
index_to (int)
separator (string)
showIDs (bool)
format (string)
truncate_left (bool)
size_limit (int)
nz (string)
method toS(this, index_from, index_to, separator, showIDs, format, truncate_left, size_limit, nz)
Namespace types: array
this (array)
index_from (int)
index_to (int)
separator (string)
showIDs (bool)
format (string)
truncate_left (bool)
size_limit (int)
nz (string)
method toS(this, index_from, index_to, separator, showIDs, format, truncate_left, size_limit, nz)
Namespace types: array
this (array)
index_from (int)
index_to (int)
separator (string)
showIDs (bool)
format (string)
truncate_left (bool)
size_limit (int)
nz (string)
method toS(this, index_from, index_to, separator, showIDs, format, truncate_left, size_limit, nz)
Namespace types: array
this (array)
index_from (int)
index_to (int)
separator (string)
showIDs (bool)
format (string)
truncate_left (bool)
size_limit (int)
nz (string)
method toS(this, index_from, index_to, separator, showIDs, format, truncate_left, size_limit, nz)
Namespace types: array
this (array)
index_from (int)
index_to (int)
separator (string)
showIDs (bool)
format (string)
truncate_left (bool)
size_limit (int)
nz (string)
method toS(this, index_from, index_to, separator, showIDs, format, truncate_left, size_limit, nz)
Namespace types: array
this (array)
index_from (int)
index_to (int)
separator (string)
showIDs (bool)
format (string)
truncate_left (bool)
size_limit (int)
nz (string)
method toS(this, index_from, index_to, separator, showIDs, format, truncate_left, size_limit, nz)
Namespace types: array
this (array)
index_from (int)
index_to (int)
separator (string)
showIDs (bool)
format (string)
truncate_left (bool)
size_limit (int)
nz (string)
method toStringAr(arr, format, nz)
Namespace types: array
arr (array)
format (string)
nz (string)
method toStringAr(arr, format, nz)
Namespace types: array
arr (array)
format (string)
nz (string)
method toStringAr(arr, format, nz)
Namespace types: array
arr (array)
format (string)
nz (string)
method toStringAr(arr, format, nz)
Namespace types: array
arr (array)
format (string)
nz (string)
method toStringAr(arr, format, nz)
Namespace types: array
arr (array)
format (string)
nz (string)
method toStringAr(arr, format, nz)
Namespace types: array
arr (array)
format (string)
nz (string)
method toStringAr(arr, format, nz)
Namespace types: array
arr (array)
format (string)
nz (string)
method toStringAr(arr, format, nz)
Namespace types: array
arr (array)
format (string)
nz (string)
mlivsLibrary "mlivs"
TODO: add library description here
adx(high, low, adxlen, dilen)
TODO: add function description here
high (float)
low (float)
adxlen (simple int)
dilen (simple int)
Returns: TODO: add what function returns
impulseMACD(lengthMA, lengthSignal)
lengthMA (simple int)
lengthSignal (int)
BinaryInsertionSortLibrary "BinaryInsertionSort"
Library containing functions which can help create sorted array based on binary insertion sort.
This sorting will be quicker than array.sort function if the sorting needs to be done on every bar and the size of the array is comparatively big.
method binary_search_basic(sortedArray, item, order)
binary_search_basic - finds the closest index of the value
Namespace types: array
sortedArray (array) : array which is assumed to be sorted in the requested order
item (float) : float item which needs to be searched in the sorted array
order (int) : Sort order - positive number means ascending order whereas negative number represents descending order
Returns: int index at which the item can be inserted into sorted array
method binary_search_basic(sortedArray, item, order)
binary_search_basic - finds the closest index of the value
Namespace types: array
sortedArray (array) : array which is assumed to be sorted in the requested order
item (int) : int item which needs to be searched in the sorted array
order (int) : Sort order - positive number means ascending order whereas negative number represents descending order
Returns: int index at which the item can be inserted into sorted array
method binary_insertion_sort(sortedArray, item, order)
binary insertion sort - inserts item into sorted array while maintaining sort order
Namespace types: array
sortedArray (array) : array which is assumed to be sorted in the requested order
item (float) : float item which needs to be inserted into sorted array
order (int) : Sort order - positive number means ascending order whereas negative number represents descending order
Returns: int index at which the item is inserted into sorted array
method binary_insertion_sort(sortedArray, item, order)
binary insertion sort - inserts item into sorted array while maintaining sort order
Namespace types: array
sortedArray (array) : array which is assumed to be sorted in the requested order
item (int) : int item which needs to be inserted into sorted array
order (int) : Sort order - positive number means ascending order whereas negative number represents descending order
Returns: int index at which the item is inserted into sorted array
update_sort_indices(sortIndices, newItemIndex)
adds the sort index of new item added to sorted array and also updates existing sort indices.
sortIndices (array) : array containing sort indices of an array.
newItemIndex (int) : sort index of new item added to sorted array
Returns: void
get_array_of_series(item, order)
Converts series into array and sorted array.
item (float) : float series
order (int) : Sort order - positive number means ascending order whereas negative number represents descending order
get_array_of_series(item, order)
Converts series into array and sorted array.
item (int) : int series
order (int) : Sort order - positive number means ascending order whereas negative number represents descending order
get_sorted_arrays(item, order)
Converts series into array and sorted array. Also calculates the sort order of the value array
item (float) : float|int series
order (int) : Sort order - positive number means ascending order whereas negative number represents descending order
get_sorted_arrays(item, order)
Converts series into array and sorted array. Also calculates the sort order of the value array
item (int) : int series
order (int) : Sort order - positive number means ascending order whereas negative number represents descending order
[ALGOA+] Markov Chains Library by @metacamaleoLibrary "MarkovChains"
Markov Chains library by @metacamaleo. Created in 09/08/2024.
This library provides tools to calculate and visualize Markov Chain-based transition matrices and probabilities. This library supports two primary algorithms: a rolling window Markov Chain and a conditional Markov Chain (which operates based on specified conditions). The key concepts used include Markov Chain states, transition matrices, and future state probabilities based on past market conditions or indicators.
Key functions:
- `mc_rw()`: Builds a transition matrix using a rolling window Markov Chain, calculating probabilities based on a fixed length of historical data.
- `mc_cond()`: Builds a conditional Markov Chain transition matrix, calculating probabilities based on the current market condition or indicator state.
Basically, you will just need to use the above functions on your script to default outputs and displays.
Exported UDTs include:
- s_map: An UDT variable used to store a map with dummy states, i.e., if possible states are bullish, bearish, and neutral, and current is bullish, it will be stored
in a map with following keys and values: "bullish", 1; "bearish", 0; and "neutral", 0. You will only use it to customize your own script, otherwise, it´s only for internal use.
- mc_states: This UDT variable stores user inputs, calculations and MC outputs. As the above, you don´t need to use it, but you may get features to customize your own script.
For example, you may use mc.tm to get the transition matrix, or the prob map to customize the display. As you see, functions are all based on mc_states UDT. The s_map UDT is used within mc_states´s s array.
Optional exported functions include:
- `mc_table()`: Displays the transition matrix in a table format on the chart for easy visualization of the probabilities.
- `display_list()`: Displays a map (or array) of string and float/int values in a table format, used for showing transition counts or probabilities.
- `mc_prob()`: Calculates and displays probabilities for a given number of future bars based on the current state in the Markov Chain.
- `mc_all_states_prob()`: Calculates probabilities for all states for future bars, considering all possible transitions.
The above functions may be used to customize your outputs. Use the returned variable mc_states from mc_rw() and mc_cond() to display each of its matrix, maps or arrays using mc_table() (for matrices) and display_list() (for maps and arrays) if you desire to debug or track the calculation process.
See the examples in the end of this script.
Have good trading days!
Best regards,
mc_rw(state, length, states, pred_length, show_table, show_prob, table_position, prob_position, font_size)
Builds the transition matrix for a rolling window Markov Chain.
state (string) : The current state of the market or system.
length (int) : The rolling window size.
states (array) : Array of strings representing the possible states in the Markov Chain.
pred_length (int) : The number of bars to predict into the future.
show_table (bool) : Boolean to show or hide the transition matrix table.
show_prob (bool) : Boolean to show or hide the probability table.
table_position (string) : Position of the transition matrix table on the chart.
prob_position (string) : Position of the probability list on the chart.
font_size (string) : Size of the table font.
Returns: The transition matrix and probabilities for future states.
mc_cond(state, condition, states, pred_length, show_table, show_prob, table_position, prob_position, font_size)
Builds the transition matrix for conditional Markov Chains.
state (string) : The current state of the market or system.
condition (string) : A string representing the condition.
states (array) : Array of strings representing the possible states in the Markov Chain.
pred_length (int) : The number of bars to predict into the future.
show_table (bool) : Boolean to show or hide the transition matrix table.
show_prob (bool) : Boolean to show or hide the probability table.
table_position (string) : Position of the transition matrix table on the chart.
prob_position (string) : Position of the probability list on the chart.
font_size (string) : Size of the table font.
Returns: The transition matrix and probabilities for future states based on the HMM.
WavesLibrary "Waves"
Methods for elliot wave detection
method delete(this)
deletes the subwave drawing
Namespace types: Subwave
this (Subwave) : Subwave object to be deleted
Returns: deleted subwave object
method delete(this)
deletes the wave drawing and the corresponding subwaves
Namespace types: Wave
this (Wave) : Wave object to be deleted
Returns: deleted wave object
method createWave(pivot, lineColor, waves, limit)
Create wave object
Namespace types: zg.Pivot
pivot (Pivot type from Trendoscope/Zigzag/7) : pivot object where the wave needs to be created
lineColor (color) : color of the wave to be drawn
waves (array) : array of existing waves
limit (int) : max number of waves to be shown in the chart
Returns: wave object created
method createSubWaves(wave, subwavePivots)
Create sub waves for the wave
Namespace types: Wave
wave (Wave)
subwavePivots (array) : array of sub wave pivots
Returns: wave object created
method draw(subWave)
Draw subwave
Namespace types: Subwave
subWave (Subwave)
Returns: subwsubWave object
method draw(wave, limitSubwaves)
Draw Wave
Namespace types: Wave
wave (Wave) : Wave object to be drawn
limitSubwaves (bool) : limit the number of subwave combinations within the wave
Returns: wave object
method checkMotiveWave(prices)
based on the price array, check if there is motive wave and identify the type
Namespace types: array
prices (array) : float array of prices
Returns: WaveType representing the identified wave type. na otherwise
method scanMotiveWave(pivot, lastPivot, existingWaves, allowedTypes)
Scan for motive wave
Namespace types: zg.Pivot
pivot (Pivot type from Trendoscope/Zigzag/7) : Zigzag pivot that will be checked for motive wave
lastPivot (Pivot type from Trendoscope/Zigzag/7) : previous Zigzag pivot
existingWaves (array) : array of existing waves
allowedTypes (array) : allowed Wave types to filter them
Returns: array of subwave pivots
SubwavePivots represents the sub pivots of the main wave
waveType (series WaveType) : Type of the Wave
indices (array) : Bar index values of sub waves
subPivots (array type from Trendoscope/Zigzag/7) : sub pivot objects of the wave
Subwave represents the drawing of sub waves
waves (array type from Trendoscope/Drawing/1) : array of sub wave lines
points (array type from Trendoscope/Drawing/1) : Array of subwave pivot labels
subwavePivots (SubwavePivots) : array of subwave pivots being drawn
Wave object type
pivot (Pivot type from Trendoscope/Zigzag/7) : starting point of the wave
wave (Line type from Trendoscope/Drawing/1) : Line representing the wave
waveLabel (Label type from Trendoscope/Drawing/1) : label containing wave details
subWaves (array) : array of sub waves
DrawingLibrary "Drawing"
User Defined types and methods for basic drawing structure. Consolidated from the earlier libraries - DrawingTypes and DrawingMethods
method get_price(this, bar)
get line price based on bar
Namespace types: Line
this (Line) : (series Line) Line object.
bar (int) : (series/int) bar at which line price need to be calculated
Returns: line price at given bar.
method init(this)
Namespace types: PolyLine
this (PolyLine)
method tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/Point object to string representation
Namespace types: chart.point
this (chart.point) : DrawingTypes/Point object
sortKeys (bool) : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder (int) : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys (array) : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/Point
method tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/LineProperties object to string representation
Namespace types: LineProperties
this (LineProperties) : DrawingTypes/LineProperties object
sortKeys (bool) : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder (int) : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys (array) : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/LineProperties
method tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/Line object to string representation
Namespace types: Line
this (Line) : DrawingTypes/Line object
sortKeys (bool) : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder (int) : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys (array) : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/Line
method tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/LabelProperties object to string representation
Namespace types: LabelProperties
this (LabelProperties) : DrawingTypes/LabelProperties object
sortKeys (bool) : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder (int) : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys (array) : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/LabelProperties
method tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/Label object to string representation
Namespace types: Label
this (Label) : DrawingTypes/Label object
sortKeys (bool) : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder (int) : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys (array) : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/Label
method tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/Linefill object to string representation
Namespace types: Linefill
this (Linefill) : DrawingTypes/Linefill object
sortKeys (bool) : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder (int) : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys (array) : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/Linefill
method tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/BoxProperties object to string representation
Namespace types: BoxProperties
this (BoxProperties) : DrawingTypes/BoxProperties object
sortKeys (bool) : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder (int) : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys (array) : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/BoxProperties
method tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/BoxText object to string representation
Namespace types: BoxText
this (BoxText) : DrawingTypes/BoxText object
sortKeys (bool) : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder (int) : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys (array) : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/BoxText
method tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/Box object to string representation
Namespace types: Box
this (Box) : DrawingTypes/Box object
sortKeys (bool) : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder (int) : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys (array) : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/Box
method delete(this)
Deletes line from DrawingTypes/Line object
Namespace types: Line
this (Line) : DrawingTypes/Line object
Returns: Line object deleted
method delete(this)
Deletes label from DrawingTypes/Label object
Namespace types: Label
this (Label) : DrawingTypes/Label object
Returns: Label object deleted
method delete(this)
Deletes Linefill from DrawingTypes/Linefill object
Namespace types: Linefill
this (Linefill) : DrawingTypes/Linefill object
Returns: Linefill object deleted
method delete(this)
Deletes box from DrawingTypes/Box object
Namespace types: Box
this (Box) : DrawingTypes/Box object
Returns: DrawingTypes/Box object deleted
method delete(this)
Deletes lines from array of DrawingTypes/Line objects
Namespace types: array
this (array) : Array of DrawingTypes/Line objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Line objects
method delete(this)
Deletes labels from array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
Namespace types: array
this (array) : Array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
method delete(this)
Deletes linefill from array of DrawingTypes/Linefill objects
Namespace types: array
this (array) : Array of DrawingTypes/Linefill objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Linefill objects
method delete(this)
Deletes boxes from array of DrawingTypes/Box objects
Namespace types: array
this (array) : Array of DrawingTypes/Box objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Box objects
method clear(this)
clear items from array of DrawingTypes/Line while deleting underlying objects
Namespace types: array
this (array) : array
Returns: void
method clear(this)
clear items from array of DrawingTypes/Label while deleting underlying objects
Namespace types: array
this (array) : array
Returns: void
method clear(this)
clear items from array of DrawingTypes/Linefill while deleting underlying objects
Namespace types: array
this (array) : array
Returns: void
method clear(this)
clear items from array of DrawingTypes/Box while deleting underlying objects
Namespace types: array
this (array) : array
Returns: void
method draw(this)
Creates line from DrawingTypes/Line object
Namespace types: Line
this (Line) : DrawingTypes/Line object
Returns: line created from DrawingTypes/Line object
method draw(this)
Creates lines from array of DrawingTypes/Line objects
Namespace types: array
this (array) : Array of DrawingTypes/Line objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Line objects
method draw(this)
Creates label from DrawingTypes/Label object
Namespace types: Label
this (Label) : DrawingTypes/Label object
Returns: label created from DrawingTypes/Label object
method draw(this)
Creates labels from array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
Namespace types: array
this (array) : Array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
method draw(this)
Creates linefill object from DrawingTypes/Linefill
Namespace types: Linefill
this (Linefill) : DrawingTypes/Linefill objects
Returns: linefill object created
method draw(this)
Creates linefill objects from array of DrawingTypes/Linefill objects
Namespace types: array
this (array) : Array of DrawingTypes/Linefill objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Linefill used for creating linefills
method draw(this)
Creates box from DrawingTypes/Box object
Namespace types: Box
this (Box) : DrawingTypes/Box object
Returns: box created from DrawingTypes/Box object
method draw(this)
Creates labels from array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
Namespace types: array
this (array) : Array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
method createLabel(this, lblText, tooltip, properties)
Creates DrawingTypes/Label object from DrawingTypes/Point
Namespace types: chart.point
this (chart.point) : DrawingTypes/Point object
lblText (string) : Label text
tooltip (string) : Tooltip text. Default is na
properties (LabelProperties) : DrawingTypes/LabelProperties object. Default is na - meaning default values are used.
Returns: DrawingTypes/Label object
method createLine(this, other, properties)
Creates DrawingTypes/Line object from one DrawingTypes/Point to other
Namespace types: chart.point
this (chart.point) : First DrawingTypes/Point object
other (chart.point) : Second DrawingTypes/Point object
properties (LineProperties) : DrawingTypes/LineProperties object. Default set to na - meaning default values are used.
Returns: DrawingTypes/Line object
method createLinefill(this, other, fillColor, transparency)
Creates DrawingTypes/Linefill object from DrawingTypes/Line object to other DrawingTypes/Line object
Namespace types: Line
this (Line) : First DrawingTypes/Line object
other (Line) : Other DrawingTypes/Line object
fillColor (color) : fill color of linefill. Default is color.blue
transparency (int) : fill transparency for linefill. Default is 80
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Linefill object
method createBox(this, other, properties, textProperties)
Creates DrawingTypes/Box object from one DrawingTypes/Point to other
Namespace types: chart.point
this (chart.point) : First DrawingTypes/Point object
other (chart.point) : Second DrawingTypes/Point object
properties (BoxProperties) : DrawingTypes/BoxProperties object. Default set to na - meaning default values are used.
textProperties (BoxText) : DrawingTypes/BoxText object. Default is na - meaning no text will be drawn
Returns: DrawingTypes/Box object
method createBox(this, properties, textProperties)
Creates DrawingTypes/Box object from DrawingTypes/Line as diagonal line
Namespace types: Line
this (Line) : Diagonal DrawingTypes/PoLineint object
properties (BoxProperties) : DrawingTypes/BoxProperties object. Default set to na - meaning default values are used.
textProperties (BoxText) : DrawingTypes/BoxText object. Default is na - meaning no text will be drawn
Returns: DrawingTypes/Box object
Properties of line object
xloc (series string) : X Reference - can be either xloc.bar_index or xloc.bar_time. Default is xloc.bar_index
extend (series string) : Property which sets line to extend towards either right or left or both. Valid values are extend.right, extend.left, extend.both, extend.none. Default is extend.none
color (series color) : Line color
style (series string) : Line style, valid values are line.style_solid, line.style_dashed, line.style_dotted, line.style_arrow_left, line.style_arrow_right, line.style_arrow_both. Default is line.style_solid
width (series int) : Line width. Default is 1
Line object created from points
start (chart.point) : Starting point of the line
end (chart.point) : Ending point of the line
properties (LineProperties) : LineProperties object which defines the style of line
object (series line) : Derived line object
Properties of label object
xloc (series string) : X Reference - can be either xloc.bar_index or xloc.bar_time. Default is xloc.bar_index
yloc (series string) : Y reference - can be yloc.price, yloc.abovebar, yloc.belowbar. Default is yloc.price
color (series color) : Label fill color
style (series string) : Label style as defined in Tradingview Documentation. Default is label.style_none
textcolor (series color) : text color. Default is color.black
size (series string) : Label text size. Default is size.normal. Other values are size.auto, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge
textalign (series string) : Label text alignment. Default if text.align_center. Other allowed values - text.align_right, text.align_left, text.align_top, text.align_bottom
text_font_family (series string) : The font family of the text. Default value is font.family_default. Other available option is font.family_monospace
Label object
point (chart.point) : Point where label is drawn
lblText (series string) : label text
tooltip (series string) : Tooltip text. Default is na
properties (LabelProperties) : LabelProperties object
object (series label) : Pine label object
Linefill object
line1 (Line) : First line to create linefill
line2 (Line) : Second line to create linefill
fillColor (series color) : Fill color
transparency (series int) : Fill transparency range from 0 to 100
object (series linefill) : linefill object created from wrapper
BoxProperties object
border_color (series color) : Box border color. Default is color.blue
bgcolor (series color) : box background color
border_width (series int) : Box border width. Default is 1
border_style (series string) : Box border style. Default is line.style_solid
extend (series string) : Extend property of box. default is extend.none
xloc (series string) : defines if drawing needs to be done based on bar index or time. default is xloc.bar_index
Box Text properties.
boxText (series string) : Text to be printed on the box
text_size (series string) : Text size. Default is size.auto
text_color (series color) : Box text color. Default is color.yellow.
text_halign (series string) : horizontal align style - default is text.align_center
text_valign (series string) : vertical align style - default is text.align_center
text_wrap (series string) : text wrap style - default is text.wrap_auto
text_font_family (series string) : Text font. Default is
Box object
p1 (chart.point) : Diagonal point one
p2 (chart.point) : Diagonal point two
properties (BoxProperties) : Box properties
textProperties (BoxText) : Box text properties
object (series box) : Box object created
curved (series bool)
closed (series bool)
xloc (series string)
lineColor (series color)
fillColor (series color)
lineStyle (series string)
lineWidth (series int)
points (array)
properties (PolyLineProperties)
object (series polyline)
iteratorThe "Iterator" library is designed to provide a flexible way to work with sequences of values. This library offers a set of functions to create and manage iterators for various data types, including integers, floats, and more. Whether you need to generate an array of values with specific increments or iterate over elements in reverse order, this library has you covered.
Key Features:
Array Creation: Easily generate arrays of integers or floats with customizable steps, both inclusive and exclusive of the end values.
Flexible Iteration: Includes methods to iterate over arrays of different types, such as booleans, integers, floats, strings, colors, and drawing objects like lines and labels.
Reverse Iteration: Support for reverse iteration, giving you control over the order in which elements are processed.
Automatic Loop Control: One of the key advantages of this library is that when using the .iterate() method, it only loops over the array when there are values present. This means you don’t have to manually check if the array is populated before iterating, simplifying your code and reducing potential errors.
Versatile Use Cases: Ideal for scenarios where you need to loop over an array without worrying about empty arrays or checking conditions manually.
This library is particularly useful in cases where you need to perform operations on each element in an array, ensuring that your loops are efficient and free from unnecessary checks.
Library "iterator"
The "iterator" library provides a versatile and efficient set of functions for creating and managing iterators.
It allows you to generate arrays of integers or floats with customizable steps, both inclusive and exclusive of the end values.
The library also includes methods for iterating over various types, including booleans, integers, floats, strings, colors,
and drawing objects like lines and labels. With support for reverse iteration and flexible customization options.
iterator(stop, start, step)
Creates an array of integers from start to stop with a specified step, excluding the stop value.
stop (int) : The end value of the iterator, exclusive.
start (int) : The starting value of the iterator. Default is 0.
step (int) : The increment value for each step in the iterator. Default is 1. Must be greater than 0.
Returns: An array of integers incremented by the step value from start to stop. Will return and empty array if start = stop.
iterator(stop, start, step)
Creates an array of floats from start to stop with a specified step, excluding the stop value.
stop (float) : The end value of the iterator, exclusive.
start (float) : The starting value of the iterator. Default is 0.
step (float) : The increment value for each step in the iterator. Default is 1. Must be greater than 0.
Returns: An array of floats incremented by the step value from start to stop. Will return and empty array if start = stop.
iterator_inclusive(stop, start, step)
Creates an array of integers from start to stop with a specified step, including the stop value.
stop (int) : The end value of the iterator, inclusive.
start (int) : The starting value of the iterator. Default is 0.
step (int) : The increment value for each step in the iterator. Default is 1. Must be greater than 0.
Returns: An array of integers incremented by the step value from start to stop, including the stop value.
iterator_inclusive(stop, start, step)
Creates an array of floats from start to stop with a specified step, including the stop value.
stop (float) : The end value of the iterator, inclusive.
start (float) : The starting value of the iterator. Default is 0.
step (float) : The increment value for each step in the iterator. Default is 1. Must be greater than 0.
Returns: An array of floats incremented by the step value from start to stop, including the stop value.
itr(stop, start, step)
Creates an array of integers from start to stop with a specified step, excluding the stop value.
stop (int) : The end value of the iterator, exclusive.
start (int) : The starting value of the iterator. Default is 0.
step (int) : The increment value for each step in the iterator. Default is 1. Must be greater than 0.
Returns: An array of integers incremented by the step value from start to stop.
itr(stop, start, step)
Creates an array of floats from start to stop with a specified step, excluding the stop value.
stop (float) : The end value of the iterator, exclusive.
start (float) : The starting value of the iterator. Default is 0.
step (float) : The increment value for each step in the iterator. Default is 1. Must be greater than 0.
Returns: An array of floats incremented by the step value from start to stop.
itr_in(stop, start, step)
Creates an array of integers from start to stop with a specified step, including the stop value.
stop (int) : The end value of the iterator, inclusive.
start (int) : The starting value of the iterator. Default is 0.
step (int) : The increment value for each step in the iterator. Default is 1. Must be greater than 0.
Returns: An array of integers incremented by the step value from start to stop, including the stop value.
itr_in(stop, start, step)
Creates an array of floats from start to stop with a specified step, including the stop value.
stop (float) : The end value of the iterator, inclusive.
start (float) : The starting value of the iterator. Default is 0.
step (float) : The increment value for each step in the iterator. Default is 1. Must be greater than 0.
Returns: An array of floats incremented by the step value from start to stop, including the stop value.
method iterate(self, reverse)
Creates an iterator array for the indices of ana array, with an option to reverse the order.
Namespace types: array
self (array) : The array to iterate over.
reverse (bool) : A boolean flag indicating whether to reverse the iterator order. Default is false.
Returns: An array of integers representing the indices of the array. The order can be reversed if specified.
method iterate(self, reverse)
Creates an iterator array for the indices of ana array, with an option to reverse the order.
Namespace types: array
self (array) : The array to iterate over.
reverse (bool) : A boolean flag indicating whether to reverse the iterator order. Default is false.
Returns: An array of integers representing the indices of the array. The order can be reversed if specified.
method iterate(self, reverse)
Creates an iterator array for the indices of ana array, with an option to reverse the order.
Namespace types: array
self (array) : The array to iterate over.
reverse (bool) : A boolean flag indicating whether to reverse the iterator order. Default is false.
Returns: An array of integers representing the indices of the array. The order can be reversed if specified.
method iterate(self, reverse)
Creates an iterator array for the indices of ana array, with an option to reverse the order.
Namespace types: array
self (array) : The array to iterate over.
reverse (bool) : A boolean flag indicating whether to reverse the iterator order. Default is false.
Returns: An array of integers representing the indices of the array. The order can be reversed if specified.
method iterate(self, reverse)
Creates an iterator array for the indices of ana array, with an option to reverse the order.
Namespace types: array
self (array) : The array to iterate over.
reverse (bool) : A boolean flag indicating whether to reverse the iterator order. Default is false.
Returns: An array of integers representing the indices of the array. The order can be reversed if specified.
method iterate(self, reverse)
Creates an iterator array for the indices of ana array, with an option to reverse the order.
Namespace types: array
self (array) : The array to iterate over.
reverse (bool) : A boolean flag indicating whether to reverse the iterator order. Default is false.
Returns: An array of integers representing the indices of the array. The order can be reversed if specified.
method iterate(self, reverse)
Creates an iterator array for the indices of ana array, with an option to reverse the order.
Namespace types: array
self (array) : The array to iterate over.
reverse (bool) : A boolean flag indicating whether to reverse the iterator order. Default is false.
Returns: An array of integers representing the indices of the array. The order can be reversed if specified.
method iterate(self, reverse)
Creates an iterator array for the indices of ana array, with an option to reverse the order.
Namespace types: array
self (array) : The array to iterate over.
reverse (bool) : A boolean flag indicating whether to reverse the iterator order. Default is false.
Returns: An array of integers representing the indices of the array. The order can be reversed if specified.
method iterate(self, reverse)
Creates an iterator array for the indices of ana array, with an option to reverse the order.
Namespace types: array
self (array) : The array to iterate over.
reverse (bool) : A boolean flag indicating whether to reverse the iterator order. Default is false.
Returns: An array of integers representing the indices of the array. The order can be reversed if specified.
method iterate(self, reverse)
Creates an iterator array for the indices of ana array, with an option to reverse the order.
Namespace types: array
self (array) : The array to iterate over.
reverse (bool) : A boolean flag indicating whether to reverse the iterator order. Default is false.
Returns: An array of integers representing the indices of the array. The order can be reversed if specified.
method iterate(self, reverse)
Creates an iterator array for the indices of ana array, with an option to reverse the order.
Namespace types: array
self (array) : The array to iterate over.
reverse (bool) : A boolean flag indicating whether to reverse the iterator order. Default is false.
Returns: An array of integers representing the indices of the array. The order can be reversed if specified.
method iterate(self, reverse)
Creates an iterator array for the indices of ana array, with an option to reverse the order.
Namespace types: array
self (array) : The array to iterate over.
reverse (bool) : A boolean flag indicating whether to reverse the iterator order. Default is false.
Returns: An array of integers representing the indices of the array. The order can be reversed if specified.
SpectrumLibrary "Spectrum"
This library includes spectrum analysis tools such as the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
method toComplex(data, polar)
Creates an array of complex type objects from a float type array.
Namespace types: array
data (array) : The float type array of input data.
polar (bool) : Initialization coordinates; the default is false (cartesian).
Returns: The complex type array of converted data.
method sAdd(data, value, end, start, step)
Performs scalar addition of a given float type array and a simple float value.
Namespace types: array
data (array) : The float type array of input data.
value (float) : The simple float type value to be added.
end (int) : The last index of the input array (exclusive) on which the operation is performed.
start (int) : The first index of the input array (inclusive) on which the operation is performed; the default value is 0.
step (int) : The step by which the function iterates over the input data array between the specified boundaries; the default value is 1.
Returns: The modified input array.
method sMult(data, value, end, start, step)
Performs scalar multiplication of a given float type array and a simple float value.
Namespace types: array
data (array) : The float type array of input data.
value (float) : The simple float type value to be added.
end (int) : The last index of the input array (exclusive) on which the operation is performed.
start (int) : The first index of the input array (inclusive) on which the operation is performed; the default value is 0.
step (int) : The step by which the function iterates over the input data array between the specified boundaries; the default value is 1.
Returns: The modified input array.
method eMult(data, data02, end, start, step)
Performs elementwise multiplication of two given complex type arrays.
Namespace types: array
data (array type from RezzaHmt/Complex/1) : the first complex type array of input data.
data02 (array type from RezzaHmt/Complex/1) : The second complex type array of input data.
end (int) : The last index of the input arrays (exclusive) on which the operation is performed.
start (int) : The first index of the input arrays (inclusive) on which the operation is performed; the default value is 0.
step (int) : The step by which the function iterates over the input data array between the specified boundaries; the default value is 1.
Returns: The modified first input array.
method eCon(data, end, start, step)
Performs elementwise conjugation on a given complex type array.
Namespace types: array
data (array type from RezzaHmt/Complex/1) : The complex type array of input data.
end (int) : The last index of the input array (exclusive) on which the operation is performed.
start (int) : The first index of the input array (inclusive) on which the operation is performed; the default value is 0.
step (int) : The step by which the function iterates over the input data array between the specified boundaries; the default value is 1.
Returns: The modified input array.
method zeros(length)
Creates a complex type array of zeros.
Namespace types: series int, simple int, input int, const int
length (int) : The size of array to be created.
method bitReverse(data)
Rearranges a complex type array based on the bit-reverse permutations of its size after zero-padding.
Namespace types: array
data (array type from RezzaHmt/Complex/1) : The complex type array of input data.
Returns: The modified input array.
method R2FFT(data, inverse)
Calculates Fourier Transform of a time series using Cooley-Tukey Radix-2 Decimation in Time FFT algorithm, wikipedia.org
Namespace types: array
data (array type from RezzaHmt/Complex/1) : The complex type array of input data.
inverse (int) : Set to -1 for FFT and to 1 for iFFT.
Returns: The modified input array containing the FFT result.
method LBFFT(data, inverse)
Calculates Fourier Transform of a time series using Leo Bluestein's FFT algorithm, wikipedia.org This function is nearly 4 times slower than the R2FFT function in practice.
Namespace types: array
data (array type from RezzaHmt/Complex/1) : The complex type array of input data.
inverse (int) : Set to -1 for FFT and to 1 for iFFT.
Returns: The modified input array containing the FFT result.
method DFT(data, inverse)
This is the original DFT algorithm. It is not suggested to be used regularly.
Namespace types: array
data (array type from RezzaHmt/Complex/1) : The complex type array of input data.
inverse (int) : Set to -1 for DFT and to 1 for iDFT.
Returns: The complex type array of DFT result.