Double candlestick reversal patternDouble candlestick reversal pattern
It can only be used as a reference for price behavior, and cannot be used alone. It must be combined with other indicators, otherwise it is useless
This indicator does not constitute any investment advice, you are solely responsible for your profits and losses
ICHIMOKU Crypto Swing AlertThis is a crypto swing alert for the strategy with the same name designed for timeframes bigger than 1h.
The main components are
Average High
Average Low
Rules for entry
For long: we have the ichimoku crosses between tenkan and baselines, we have a rising kdj line and at the same time we have a increase in the average high
For short: we have the ichimoku crosses between tenkan and baselines, we have a falling kdj line and at the same time we have an increase in the average low
Rules for exit
We exit when we have inverse conditions than the initial ones used for entry.
This strategy does not use a risk management, so be careful with it !
If you have any questions let me know !
SSR - Stablecoin Supply Ratio - Bitcoin - CryptocurrencyThe Stablecoin Supply Ratio (SSR) is the ratio between Bitcoin supply and the supply of stablecoins, denominated in BTC.
When the SSR is low, the current stablecoin supply has more "buying power" to purchase BTC. It serves as a proxy for the supply/demand mechanics between BTC and USD.
BTC Dominance TrendThis simple script applies the DMI/ADX (trend) indicator to the Bitcoin Dominance Index (BTC.D) to check whether BTC is increasing its dominance or not on that day. It is meant to be applied to altcoins on medium intervals. I put it together to test the following hypothesis: On days when BTC dominance is on the rise, altcoins are harder to take off, because Bitcoin is draining the lifeblood out of them, so caution is needed when opening trades.
Olive background means BTC dominance is rising on that day, purple that it is decreasing. White background means it is not moving significantly in any direction.
You can change the resolution (i.e. apply the DMI/ADX to a different BTC.D interval), just make sure to lower the threshold as well. I hope you find a good use for it! Beware if you try to incorporate it in your strategy, it uses higher timeframe data and hence is prone to repainting.
[DS]Bitcoin BTC ETH and others cryptos==DESCRIPTION - English version
The purpose of this script is to show information on graph that can help your decision to buy and sell cryptos.
The script is indicated for Position Trade (Long Term - Holder) and Swing Trade (Medium term).
Position Trade it is recommended to use the Weekly (W) and Daily (D) charts, Swing trade to use the 4H and 2H charts.
It is not advisable to use this indicator with graphic time frame less than 2 hours because the noise levels of information are very high.
An alert function has been inserted in the indicator and to activate this function you will need configure it in the Tradingview.
This alert will indicate the likely points of entry and exit of the asset.
**DESCRIÇÃO - Versão em Português
A proposta deste script é mostrar no gráfico informações que possam auxiliar a sua decisão de compra e venda de cryptos.
Este script é indicado para negociação Position Trade (Longo Prazo - Holders) e Swing Trade (Médio prazo).
Para Position Trade (Holders) é indicado utilizar os gráficos Semanal (W) e Diário (D), para Swing trade utilizar os gráficos 4H e 2H.
Não é aconselhável utilizar este indicador com tempos gráficos menores que 2hs pois os níveis de ruídos nas informação são muito altos.
Foi inserido no indicador uma função de alerta e para ativar esta função, você precisará configurá-la no seu Tradingview.
Este alerta irá indicar os provaveis pontos de entrada e saída do ativo.
** English Version
█ SETUP applied to Indicator
The setup is based on the average 8, 21 and 56 of the weekly chart (taught on youtube channel: Augusto Backes)
Price above the average 8 on the weekly, indicates that the market is UP trend, below the average 8 on the weekly that the market is DOWN trend
RSI greater than 60% the market is UP trend
RSI greater than 40% and lower 60% the market is in ACCUMULATION
RSI less than 40% the market DOWN trend
The weekly average 8 is represented in GREEN (Upward Trend) and RED (Downward Trend).
The weekly average 21 is represented in LIGHT ORANGE
The weekly average 56 is represented in LIGHT PURPLE
The crossing of weekly averages 8 and 21 is represented with a GREEN (HIGH trend) and RED (LOW trend) cross - this signal is disabled on the graph but you can enable it by clicking on the graph setup
(1) Average 8, 21 and 56 on Weekly - show the average 8, 21, 56 weekly on graphic (Average 8 in color red and green, 21 - light orange, 56 light purple)
(2) Crossing of averages 8 and 21 Weekly - is not active but you can activate
(3) Calculation of RSI
(4) barcolor() - mark the candles with the green color (High market) and red color (Dow market)
(5) alertcondition() - you can active this alert on Tadingview
█ BUY AND SELL POINTS - likely points
The indication of the BUY position is shown by a green arrow pointing upwards and the sell position by a red arrow pointing downwards. Buy and sell indications are obtained from the divergence in the market trend.
PineCoders for everything they do, all the tools and help they provide, and their involvement in making a better community. All PineCoders, Pine Pros and Pine Wizards, people who share their work and knowledge because of it and helping others, I am so happy and so grateful.
This indicator is not a buy and sell recommendation, it indicates the most likely buy and sell points. Every purchase and sale decision is your responsibility
** Versão em Português
█ SETUP aplicado no Indicador
O setup está baseado na média 8, 21, e 56 do gráfico semanal
Preço acima da média 8 no semanal indica que o mercado esta em tendência de ALTA, abaixo da média 8 no semanal que o mercado está em tendência de BAIXA
RSI maior que 60% o mercado está em ALTA
RSI maior que 40% e menor 60% o mercado está em ACUMULAÇÃO
RSI menor que 40% o mercado está em BAIXA
A média 8 semanal está representadas nas cores VERDE (Tendência de Alta) e VERMELHA (Tendência de Baixa).
A média 21 semanal está representada na cor laranja claro
A média 56 semanal está representada na cor roxa claro
O cruzamento das médias 8 e 21 semanal esta representado com uma cruz VERDE (Tendência de ALTA) e VERMELHA (Tendência de BAIXA) - este sinal esta desativado no gráfico mas você pode ativá-lo clicando no setup do gráfico
(1) Média 8, 21 e 56 no Semanal - mostra a média 8, 21, e 56 no gráfico
(2) Cruzamento das médias 8 e 21 Semanal - não está ativo mas você pode ativá-lo
(3) Cálculo do RSI
(4) barcolor() - marca a vela (Candle) com a cor verde (Mercado em Alta) e a cor vermelha (Mercado em Baixa)
(5) alertcondition () - você pode ativar o alerta no Tradingview
█ PONTOS DE COMPRA E VENDA - prováveis pontos
A indicação da posição de COMPRA é apresentada por uma seta na cor verde apontada para cima e a posição de VENDA por uma seta na cor vermelha apontada para baixo. As indicações de compra e venda são obtidas a partir da divergência na tendência do mercado.
PineCoders por tudo o que fazem, todas as ferramentas e ajuda que fornecem, e seu envolvimento em fazer uma comunidade melhor. Todos os PineCoders, Pine Pros e Pine Wizards, pessoas que compartilham seu trabalho e conhecimento por causa dele e ajudando os outros, estou muito feliz e muito grato.
Este indicador não é uma recomendação de compra e venda ele indica os pontos mais prováveis de compra e venda. Toda decisão de compra e venda é de sua responsabilidade
Rational Root TimelineThis script is based on RationalRoot's spiral btc chart. Since I dont know how to make spirals in pinescript I just flattened it out into a readable chart. All this shows is the log price for btc over a 4 year timeframe. I found it interesting how well things line up with this idea. The white circle just shows the current day price location. You need to be on the Daily timeframe to view this correctly.
Bitcoin Risk Indicator (Daily)This indicator calculates the risk of buying and selling BTC, if the risk is reaching the upper boundaries of 0.8 to 1 then BTC is either getting close to a market cycle top or is far over extended.
If BTC is below 0.4 then this inidicates the least amount of Risk to buy BTC.
Complete MA DivisionThis indicator simply divides two moving averages and calculates the slope of the resulting curve to show when an asset's momentum is slowing down. The original idea was in a recent youtube video by Ben Cowen . His indicator didn't show the complete history of the moving average, so I wanted to try a little trick to get the moving averages at the beginning of time even when using a large moving average period. I accomplished this by counting the number off current bars using the cum() function. After the count is hit, the period will be constant.
Changing the curve smoothing will smooth the actual curve. Both moving average periods should be divisible by the curve smoothing.
Changing the slope smoothness will dictate when the slope is starting to slow down. Keep this high to break through the noise.
Start of Red = Good time to sell
Start of Green = Good time to buy
There is a weird issue with the smoothness of the line so just keep your moving averages divisible by the curve smoothing. I couldn't figure that issue out yet.
Multiple Anchored VWAP [Morty]The Anchored VWAP (aVWAP) indicator ties VWAP calculations to a specific price bar chosen by the trader. Anchored VWAP allows you to specify the price bar where calculations begin, making it easy to see whether the bulls or bears have been in charge since a very specific point in time. The starting price bar that is chosen generally marks a shift in market psychology, such as a significant high or low, earnings, news, or other announcements. The Anchored VWAP line is charted using price and volume data from that significant event onward.
This indicator plots up to 4 aVWAP lines in the chart.
- plot up to 4 aVWAP lines
- custom start date of aVWAP
- custom line color
- optional label of starting price bar
- optional custom resolution
- 绘制多达4条aVWAP线
- 自定义aVWAP的开始日期
- 自定义线的颜色
- 可选的起始价格条的标签
- 可选的自定义分辨率
RSI Rising Crypto Trending StrategyThis is crypto and stock market trending strategy designed for long timeframes such as 4h+
From my tests it looks like it works better to trade crypto against crypto than trading against fiat.
Indicators used:
RSI for rising/falling of the trend
BB sidemarket
ROC sidemarket
Rules for entry
For long: RSI values are rising, and bb and roc tells us we are not in a sidemarket
For long: RSI values are falling, and bb and roc tells us we are not in a sidemarket
Rules for exit
We exit when we receive an opposite direction.
Cuation: Because this strategy uses no risk management, I recommend you takje care with it.
If you have any questions, let me know !
This script is only suggested for cryptocurrencies and weekly buying strategy which is long term.Using it in another markets(e.g forex,stock,e.t.c) is not suggested. The thing makes it different than other strategies we try to understand bull and bear seasons and buying selected crypto currency as using formula if weekly closing value crossover eight weeks simple moving avarage buy,else if selected crypto currency's weekly closing value crossunder eight weeks simple avarage sell. Eight week moving avarage is also uses weekly closing prices but for being able to use this strategy ,trading pair must have more than eight candles in weekly chart otherwise the 8 weeks simple moving avarage value cannot be calculated and script does not work.
This script has a chart called WBTS and it has following features:
Strategy group consist of 3 inputs:
1)Source: Close by default. Our whole strategy uses close values. You can change it but not suggested.
2)Loss Ratio: Because of the cases like the circumstances that manipulates market or high volatility , sometimes graphic show wrong buying signals and this ratio saves user from big money looses(Note : This ratio will always work when selling condition occurs to make user take his profit or prevent him to loss more money because of a wrong positive comes from the indicator.)
3)Reward Ratio : When selling condition happens it will exit user with more profit(if price is already higher than buying point) otherwise it will dimunish loss a bit(if user is below of buying point) or prevents looses(if user is in buying point when selling condition happened.
MA group consist of 2 inputs:
COLOR:Specifies color of the moving avarage.It is equal to #FF3232by hex color code by default.
LINE WIDTH: Specifies linewidth of the moving avarage. It is 2 by default.
GRAPHIC group consist of 2 inputs:
COLOR: It specifies the color of the line which consist of weekly closing prices. It is equal to #6666FF hex color code by default.
LINE WIDTH: Specifies linewidth of the line which consist of weekly closing prices. It is 2 by default.
STRATEGY EXECUTION YEAR: It will show the orders,profits and looses done by script after the input year giving in it.It is 2020 by default.
The last feature is strategy equity,it is not in one of these groups. User should click on settings button on the WBTS indicator than chose Style section and there is a deactivated check box near in the plot section if user activate it, the equity line will show in indicator's graph.
Logic of This Strategy:The story of this strategy began when I studied BTC's price movement from 2020 to today with 8 weeks simple moving avarage (it takes weekly closes as source) and weekly clossing values. I understood that there was a perfect interest between bull and bear market and following conditions:
and I tried same thing on the same and bigger time frames("for example i studied how the strategy works from the beginning to today with bitcoin and what is our final equity") with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and this made me saw better the relation between giving conditions and general market psychology, however I also witnessed some wrong positives coming by script and used a risk reward ratio to save user and set risk reward ratio 1/3 after a research.
For both conditions(buy_condition and sell_condition),when they are realised,script will alert users and an order will be triggered.
Before finishing the description,from settings/properties/ user can set initial capital,base currency,order size and type,but it is 100000 for initial_amount and 1 contract for order size by default.
In backtesting I used the options like the following example :
Initial capital=1000
Order size=40 USD
Properties place must set different by every single user according to his or her capital and order size must not be higher than his total money because this script is not the best or a good script for derivatives. It is only written for long term-crypto spot trading and I strongly recommend to users that margin may cause bad results and please do not use it with any margin or any market different than crypto market.
Thank you very much for reading)
Optimized Keltner Channels SL/TP Strategy for BTCThis strategy is optimized for Bitcoin with the Keltner Channel Strategy, which is TradingView's built-in strategy. In the original Keltner Channel Strategy, it was difficult to predict the timing of entry because the Buy and Sell signals floated in the middle of the candle in real time. This strategy is convenient because if the bitcoin price hits the top or bottom of the Keltner Channel and closes the closing price, you can enter Buy or Sell at the next candle start price. In addition, this strategy provides Stop Loss and Take Profit functions to maximize profit.
Recommended settings are below.
- length: 9
- multiplier: 1
- source: close
- (v) Use EMA
- Bands Style: Average True Range
- ATR Length: 19
- Stop Loss (%): 20
- Take Profit (%) : 20
- length: 9
- multiplier: 1
- source: close
- (v) Use EMA
- Bands Style: Average True Range
- ATR Length: 18
- Stop Loss (%): 20
- Take Profit (%) : 5
▶ Usefulness and Originality
- Stop Loss and Take Profit functions are available
- Convenient Buy and Sell entry compared to the original Keltner Channel Strategy
- Optimized for BTCUSD market (maximizing profits)
이 전략은 TradingView의 Built-in 전략인 Keltner Channel Strategy를 비트코인에 맞게 최적화되었습니다. 기존의 Keltner Channel Strategy는 Buy, Sell 신호가 캔들 중간에 실시간으로 떠서 진입 시점을 예측하기 어려운 불편함이 있었지만 이 전략은 비트코인 가격이 Keltner Channel 상단 혹은 하단을 찍고 종가를 마감하면 그 다음 캔들 시작가에서 Buy 혹은 Sell 진입이 가능하여 편리합니다. 또한, 이 전략은 Keltner Channel을 만나서 캔들을 마감한 가격 (bprice, sprice)을 시각적으로 plot을 제공하여 타점 및 차트를 보기에 편리하며 손절가 및 목표가를 지정한 백테스팅이 가능합니다.
Current to BTC [Morty]This indicator helps you find strong bull altcoin, it shows the ratio of the current symbol to BTC.
Donchian Channels help to identify trends.
Alts Bull coins:
When BTC goes sideway, they pump first.
Alts Bear coins:
When BTC goes sideway, they move sideway.
When BTC goes down, they go down harder.
{Gunzo} Stock to Flow (Gold, Silver, Dollar, Bitcoin)This indicator displays the Stock to Flow (S2F) ratio for popular commodities (Gold, Silver, Dollar, Euro, Bitcoin, Ethereum) in order to
compare them and determine which ones could be a good Store of Value (SoV).
Stock to Flow is a popular indicator used to predict commodities scarcity. It evaluates the total stock of a commodity against the total amount that can be produced during a year. This model supposes that if scarcity is increasing, the price is going to increase.
This model has been used over the last years on Bitcoin to determine if the asset was undervalued or overvalued, and even make prediction models on the future price.
This script is going to focus on the Stock to Flow ratio (total stock/amount produced) to compare the following assets over time :
Mining resources (mined) for Gold and Silver
Cryptos assets (mined) for Bitcoin and Ethereum
FIAT currencies (banknotes printed) for Dollar and Euro
The calculation of the Stock to Flow ratio evaluates the total stock of a commodity produced against the production made for a specific year. The data is calculated on a yearly basis, then interpolated to get monthly or daily values.
The main information needed to calculate the Stock to Flow ratio is the "yearly production" of a commodity. I tried to retrieve that information from the most reliable sources :
for Gold from research on
for Silver from research on
for Ethereum from research on
for Bitcoin from data source "QUANDL:BCHAIN/TOTBC" from
for Dollar from research on
for Euro from research on
Smoothing for interpolated data : Smoothing factor for assets that are calculated yearly and then interpolated (Gold, Silver, Dollar, Euro, and Ethereum)
Smoothing for non interpolated data : Smoothing factor for assets that are calculated daily and not interpolated (Bitcoin)
Display asset names : Display assets names in a colored rectangle on the right side of the chart
Display asset values : Display assets Stock to Flow ratio in a colored rectangle on the right side of the chart
Display key events for assets : Display important events for the assets at the bottom of the chart using the same color as the assets lines (for example Orange diamond is a Bitcoin halving). Please refer to the script code for the details of all events.
This script can be used on any asset available on TradingView as the data used is either static or external.
However I recommend using it the Gold asset from as the depth of the chart will be bigger (since 1980s).
It is recommended to used this script on the monthly timeframe as the chart data is calculated yearly and then interpolated.
Crypto swing correlation RSI and SMAThis is a crypto swing strategy, designed for long term periods and correlated pairs with crypto market total(or other coins used as correlation, however I recommend total of crypto or btc)
Its components are:
RSI with a very length
Correlation candles
Rules for entry:
For long : RSI is above 51 level and going higher and close of the candle is above the SMA
For short :RSI is below 49 and going lower and close of the candle is below the SMA
Rules for exit:
We exit when we encountered an opposite condition than the entry one, or based on take profit/stop loss levels.
If you have any questions let me know !
Full Crypto Swing Strategy ALMA Cross with MACDThis is a full crypto swing strategy designed.
From my testing it looks like it perform the best on timeframes 4h +.
The below example has been adapted to BNB/USDT, using the entire period since 2017 until present day, with a comission of 0.03% ( which is the comission for the futures on binance).
Its components are :
MACD Histogram
Rules for entry
For long, we have a crossover of the fast alma with the slow one and the histogram is ascending.
For short, we have a crossunder of the fast alma with the slow one and the histogram is descending.
Rules for exit
We exit based on a risk management system for TP and SL, or when we receive an opposite condition than the initial one.
Regarding risk management
0.05 = 5% movement
2 = 200% movement
0.001 = 0.1% movement
If you have any questions, let me know !
Premium Rolling APY CalculatorThis script can see the rolling APY of future premiums calculated based on the remain days to expire date.
By default you can see the rolling APY for FTX BTC0924, and APY for BTC1231. You can also change the symbol from chart settings to whatever you need and still calculate in the same way.
PI_GRM Bitcoin Golden Ratio Multipier [wozdux]Golden Ratio Multiplier
Formula GRM=MA350(BTC USD) * (1.6;2;3;5;8;13;21)
The multiplier examines medium-and long-term time cycles.
For this, a multiple of 350 MA is used to determine the areas of potential resistance.
Additionally, fibo levels from the main line.
version 2021 year modification
Aggresive Scalper/Swing Crypto StrategyThis is a simple yet very efficient scalper long strategy adapted for low timeframes for crypto. Can also be used with bigger timeframes as a swinger.
Its main components are:
Price oscillator swing
Risk management for TP/SL
Rules for entry
We calculate the difference between the oscillator from the lowest low and the highest high. If the difference is positive, its a long potential. If its negative we exit from the long trade.
At the same time we check that the we have a crossover between the VIP vortex with the VIM vortex part.
Lastly we check that the current candle is bigger the second previous high.
Rules for exit
If we reach the take profit or the stop loss.
If we have a negative difference betwee LL and HH and VIP vortex crossunder with VIM vortex .
In this example I aimed for a 1:10 risk reward ratio, meaing that for every dollar lost, we will gain 10 when we win. Thus having a 10% minimum win rate will give us a profit over many trades.
If you have any questions, let me know !
Aroon Strategy long onlyThis is a simple long only strategy made of Aroon and Least Square moving average.
The rules are simple:
Long entry = crossover of upper part with the lower part from aroon and close of the candle is above the moving average
Long exit = crossunder of upper part with the lower part from aroon and close of the candle is below the moving average
IF you have any questions let me know !
3x EMA fast, 3 x MA slow + BB + PsarThis is a trend system which combines multiple fast EMA + mulitple slower SMA together with bollinger band channel and PSAR.
For entry rules the ones that I use are:
We are inside BB channel, psar is ascending, and our close is above all moving averages or below all EMA'S + 1 SMA
WE can exit either when our close is below all EMA's or when PSAR is descending or when we hit upper/lower BB levels
We are inside BB channel, psar is descnending, and our close is below all moving averages or below all EMA's + 1 SMA
WE can exit either when our close is above all EMA's or when PSAR is ascending or when we hit upper/lower BB levels
If you have any questions, let me know
Crypto RSI with RVI StrategyThis is a long only strategy adapted for crypto market.
Its idea is to take the most juice out of a long trend and cut the losses as soon as possible.
For this , its components are RSI with a very big length - 100 or 200 preferably and RVI.
Rules for entry
If RVI is in the buy zone and we have a crossover from RSI with the overbought level.
Rules for exit
With change condition : If RVI is in the sell zone and we have a cross under from RSI with the oversold level.
With stop loss : we have a SL based on movement in % of the price, recommendable between 5-10%.
If you have any questions let me know !
BTC Sentiment analysis RSI 2xEMAThis is a CRYPTO correlation strategy, which is using BTC sentiment with BITFINEX long and short ratios.
WIth them we are making from one side 2 RSI, one for long and another for short. And from another side, we are going to make multiple EMA's, using the ratios for long and short.
Rules for entry
For this scenario I created a long only strategy.
The long entry condition is : we have a crossover of the rsi long ratio with rsi short ratio and long ratio from BITFINEX is above the long EMA and short ratio from BITFINEX is below short EMA.
We exit when we get the opposite condition, in this case we have a crossunder of the rsi long ratio with rsi short ratio and long ratio from BITFINEX is below the long EMA and short ratio from BITFINEX is above short EMA.
If you have any questions, let me know !