US Futures Momentum Overview

Oleh EdgeTools
The "US Futures Momentum Overview" indicator is designed to provide a comprehensive view of momentum across various U.S. futures markets. It calculates the Rate of Change (ROC) for multiple futures contracts and displays them as lines on a chart. Each futures market is plotted with a unique color for easy differentiation, allowing traders to quickly assess the momentum in different markets.


ROC Calculation: Measures the percentage change in price over a specified period, indicating the rate of change in momentum.

Futures Markets Covered: Includes major U.S. indices, commodities, and agricultural products.

How to Use:

Momentum Analysis: Observe the ROC lines for each futures market. A positive ROC indicates increasing momentum, while a negative ROC suggests decreasing momentum.

Trend Identification: Use the ROC values to identify strong trends in different markets. Markets with higher positive ROC values show stronger upward momentum.

Comparison: Compare momentum across various futures markets to identify which ones are showing stronger trends and might offer better trading opportunities.
Fundamental AnalysissentimentTrend Analysis

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