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This library is a Pine Script™ programmers tool that provides functions to simplify the creation of compound conditions and alert messages. With these functions, scripts can use comma-separated "string" lists to specify condition groups from arbitrarily large "bool" arrays, offering a convenient way to provide highly flexible alert creation to script users without requiring numerous inputs in the "Settings/Inputs" menu.


Compound conditions

Compound conditions are essentially groups of two or more conditions, where each required condition must occur to produce a `true` result. Traders often combine conditions, including signals from various indicators, to drive and reinforce trade decisions. Similarly, programmers use compound conditions in logical operations to create scripts that respond dynamically to groups of events.

Condition conundrum

Providing flexible condition combinations to script users for signals and alerts often poses a significant challenge: input complexity. Conventionally, such flexibility comes at the cost of an extensive list of separate inputs for toggling individual conditions and customizing their properties, often resulting in complicated input menus that are difficult for users to navigate effectively. Furthermore, managing all those inputs usually entails tediously handling many extra variables and logical expressions, making such projects more complex for programmers.

Condensing complexity

This library introduces a technique using parsed strings to reference groups of elements from "bool" arrays, helping to simplify and streamline the construction of compound conditions and alert messages. With this approach, programmers can provide one or more "string" inputs in their scripts where users can list numbers corresponding to the conditions they want to combine.

For example, suppose you have a script that creates alert triggers based on a combination of up to 20 individual conditions, and you want to make inputs for users to choose which conditions to combine. Instead of creating 20 separate checkboxes in the "Settings/Inputs" tab and manually adding associated logic for each one, you can store the conditional values in arrays, make one or more "string" inputs that accept values listing the array item locations (e.g., "1,4,8,11"), and then pass the inputs to these functions to determine the compound conditions formed by the specified groups.

This approach condenses the input space, improving navigability and utility. Additionally, it helps provide high-level simplicity to complex conditional code, making it easier to maintain and expand over time.


This library contains three functions for evaluating compound conditions: `getCompoundConditon()`, `getCompoundConditionsArray()`, and `compoundAlertMessage()`. Each function has two overloads that evaluate compound conditions based on groups of items from one or two "bool" arrays. The sections below explain the functions' calculations and how to use them.

Referencing conditions using "string" index lists

Each function processes "string" values containing comma-separated lists of numerals representing the indices of the "bool" array items to use in its calculations (e.g., "4, 8, 12"). The functions split each supplied "string" list by its commas, then iterate over those specified indices in the "bool" arrays to determine each group's combined `true` or `false` state.

For convenience, the numbers in the "string" lists can represent zero-based indices (where the first item is at index 0) or one-based indices (where the first item is at index 1), depending on the function's `zeroIndex` parameter. For example, an index list of "0, 2, 4" with a `zeroIndex` value of `true` specifies that the condition group uses the first, third, and fifth "bool" values in the array, ignoring all others. If the `zeroIndex` value is `false`, the list "1, 3, 5" also refers to those same elements.

Zero-based indexing is convenient for programmers because Pine arrays always use this index format. However, one-based indexing is often more convenient and familiar for script users, especially non-programmers.

Evaluating one or many condition groups

The `getCompoundCondition()` function evaluates singular condition groups determined by its `indexList` parameter, returning `true` values whenever the specified array elements are `true`. This function is helpful when a script has to evaluate specific groups of conditions and does not require many combinations.

In contrast, the `getCompoundConditionsArray()` function can evaluate numerous condition groups, one for each "string" included in its `indexLists` argument. It returns arrays containing `true` or `false` states for each listed group. This function is helpful when a script requires multiple condition combinations in additional calculations or logic.

The `compoundAlertMessage()` function is similar to the `getCompoundConditionsArray()` function. It also evaluates a separate compound condition group for each "string" in its `indexLists` array, but it returns "string" values containing the marker (name) of each group with a `true` result. You can use these returned values as the `message` argument in alert() calls, display them in labels and other drawing objects, or even use them in additional calculations and logic.

Directional condition pairs

The first overload of each function operates on a single `conditions` array, returning values representing one or more compound conditions from groups in that array. These functions are ideal for general-purpose condition groups that may or may not represent direction information.

The second overloads accept two arrays representing upward and downward conditions separately: `upConditions` and `downConditions`. These overloads evaluate opposing directional conditions in pairs (e.g., RSI is above/below a level) and return upward and downward condition information separately in a tuple.

When using the directional overloads, ensure the `upConditions` and `downConditions` arrays are the same size, with the intended condition pairs at the same indices. For instance, if you have a specific upward RSI condition's value at the first index in the `upConditions` array, include the opposing downward RSI condition's value at that same index in the `downConditions` array. If a condition can apply to both directions (e.g., rising volume), include its value at the same index in both arrays.

Group markers

To simplify the generation of informative alert messages, the `compoundAlertMessage()` function assigns "string" markers to each condition group, where "marker" refers to the group's name. The `groupMarkers` parameter allows you to assign custom markers to each listed group. If not specified, the function generates default group markers in the format "M<x>", where "M" is short for "Marker" and "<x>" represents the group number starting from 1. For example, the default marker for the first group specified in the `indexLists` array is "M1".

The function's returned "string" values contain a comma-separated list with markers for each activated condition group (e.g., "M1, M4"). The function's second overload, which processes directional pairs of conditions, also appends extra characters to the markers to signify the direction. The default for upward groups is "▲" (e.g., "M1▲") and the default for downward ones is "▼" (e.g., "M1▼"). You can customize these appended characters with the `upChar` and `downChar` parameters.

Designing customizable alerts

We recommend following these primary steps when using this library to design flexible alerts for script users:

 1. Create text inputs for users to specify comma-separated lists of conditions with the input.string() or input.text_area() functions, and then collect all the input values in a "string" array. Note that each separate "string" in the array will represent a distinct condition group.
 2. Create arrays of "bool" values representing the possible conditions to choose from. If your script will process pairs of upward and downward conditions, ensure the related elements in the arrays align at the same indices.
 3. Call `compoundAlertMessage()` using the arrays from steps 1 and 2 as arguments to get the alert message text. If your script will use the text for alerts only, not historical display or calculation purposes, the call is necessary only on realtime bars.
 4. Pass the calculated "string" values as the `message` argument in alert() calls. We recommend calling the function only when the "string" is not empty (i.e., `messageText != ""`). To avoid repainting alerts on open bars, use barstate.isconfirmed in the condition to allow alert triggers only on each bar's close.
 5. Test the alerts. Open the "Create Alert" dialog box and select "Any alert() function call" in the "Condition" field. It is also helpful to inspect the strings with Pine Logs.

NOTE: Because the techniques in this library use lists of numbers to specify conditions, we recommend including a tooltip for the "string" inputs that lists the available numbers and the conditions they represent. This tooltip provides a legend for script users, making it simple to understand and utilize. To create the tooltip, declare a "const string" listing the options and pass it to the `input.*()` call's `tooltip` parameter. See the library's example code for a simple demonstration.


This library's example code demonstrates one possible way to offer a selection of compound conditions with "string" inputs and these functions. It uses three input.string() calls, each accepting a comma-separated list representing a distinct condition group. The title of each input represents the default group marker that appears in the label and alert text. The code collects these three input values in a `conditionGroups` array for use with the `compoundAlertMessage()` function.

In this code, we created two "bool" arrays to store six arbitrary condition pairs for demonstration:

 1. Bar up/down: The bar's close price must be above the open price for upward conditions, and vice versa for downward conditions.
 2. Fast EMA above/below slow EMA: The 9-period Exponential Moving Average of close prices must be above the 21-period EMA for upward conditions, and vice versa for downward conditions.
 3. Volume above average: The bar's volume must exceed its 20-bar average to activate an upward or downward condition.
 4. Volume rising: The volume must exceed that of the previous bar to activate an upward or downward condition.
 5. RSI trending up/down: The 14-period Relative Strength Index of close prices must be between 50 and 70 for upward conditions, and between 30 and 50 for downward conditions.
 6. High volatility: The 7-period Average True Range (ATR) must be above the 40-period ATR to activate an upward or downward condition.

We included a `tooltip` argument for the third input.string() call that displays the condition numbers and titles, where 1 is the first condition number.

The `bullConditions` array contains the `true` or `false` states of all individual upward conditions, and the `bearConditions` array contains all downward condition states. For the conditions that filter either direction because they are non-directional, such as "High volatility", both arrays contain the condition's `true` or `false` value at the same index. If you use these conditions alone, they activate upward and downward alert conditions simultaneously.

The example code calls `compoundAlertMessage()` using the `bullConditions`, `bearConditions`, and `conditionGroups` arrays to create a tuple of strings containing the directional markers for each activated group. On confirmed bars, it displays non-empty strings in labels and uses them in alert() calls. For the text shown in the labels, we used str.replace_all() to replace commas with newline characters, aligning the markers vertically in the display.

Look first. Then leap.


This library exports the following functions:

getCompoundCondition(conditions, indexList, minRequired, zeroIndex)
  (Overload 1 of 2) Determines a compound condition based on selected elements from a `conditions` array.
    conditions (array<bool>): (array<bool>) An array containing the possible "bool" values to use in the compound condition.
    indexList (string): (series string) A "string" containing a comma-separated list of whole numbers representing the group of `conditions` elements to use in the compound condition. For example, if the value is `"0, 2, 4"`, and `minRequired` is `na`, the function returns `true` only if the `conditions` elements at index 0, 2, and 4 are all `true`. If the value is an empty "string", the function returns `false`.
    minRequired (int): (series int) Optional. Determines the minimum number of selected conditions required to activate the compound condition. For example, if the value is 2, the function returns `true` if at least two of the specified `conditions` elements are `true`. If the value is `na`, the function returns `true` only if all specified elements are `true`. The default is `na`.
    zeroIndex (bool): (series bool) Optional. Specifies whether the `indexList` represents zero-based array indices. If `true`, a value of "0" in the list represents the first array index. If `false`, a `value` of "1" represents the first index. The default is `true`.
  Returns: (bool) `true` if `conditions` elements in the group specified by the `indexList` are `true`, `false` otherwise.

getCompoundCondition(upConditions, downConditions, indexList, minRequired, allowUp, allowDown, zeroIndex)
  (Overload 2 of 2) Determines upward and downward compound conditions based on selected elements from `upConditions` and `downConditions` arrays.
    upConditions (array<bool>): (array<bool>) An array containing the possible "bool" values to use in the upward compound condition.
    downConditions (array<bool>): (array<bool>) An array containing the possible "bool" values to use in the downward compound condition.
    indexList (string): (series string) A "string" containing a comma-separated list of whole numbers representing the `upConditions` and `downConditions` elements to use in the compound conditions. For example, if the value is `"0, 2, 4"` and `minRequired` is `na`, the function returns `true` for the first value only if the `upConditions` elements at index 0, 2, and 4 are all `true`. If the value is an empty "string", the function returns `[false, false]`.
    minRequired (int): (series int) Optional. Determines the minimum number of selected conditions required to activate either compound condition. For example, if the value is 2, the function returns `true` for its first value if at least two of the specified `upConditions` elements are `true`. If the value is `na`, the function returns `true` only if all specified elements are `true`. The default is `na`.
    allowUp (bool): (series bool) Optional. Controls whether the function considers upward compound conditions. If `false`, the function ignores the `upConditions` array, and the first item in the returned tuple is `false`. The default is `true`.
    allowDown (bool): (series bool) Optional. Controls whether the function considers downward compound conditions. If `false`, the function ignores the `downConditions` array, and the second item in the returned tuple is `false`. The default is `true`.
    zeroIndex (bool): (series bool) Optional. Specifies whether the `indexList` represents zero-based array indices. If `true`, a value of "0" in the list represents the first array index. If `false`, a value of "1" represents the first index. The default is `true`.
  Returns: ([bool, bool]) A tuple containing two "bool" values representing the upward and downward compound condition states, respectively.

getCompoundConditionsArray(conditions, indexLists, zeroIndex)
  (Overload 1 of 2) Creates an array of "bool" values representing compound conditions formed by selected elements from a `conditions` array.
    conditions (array<bool>): (array<bool>) An array containing the possible "bool" values to use in each compound condition.
    indexLists (array<string>): (array<string>) An array of strings containing comma-separated lists of whole numbers representing the `conditions` elements to use in each compound condition. For example, if an item is `"0, 2, 4"`, the corresponding item in the returned array is `true` only if the `conditions` elements at index 0, 2, and 4 are all `true`. If an item is an empty "string", the item in the returned array is `false`.
    zeroIndex (bool): (series bool) Optional. Specifies whether the "string" lists in the `indexLists` represent zero-based array indices. If `true`, a value of "0" in a list represents the first array index. If `false`, a value of "1" represents the first index. The default is `true`.
  Returns: (array<bool>) An array of "bool" values representing compound condition states for each condition group. An item in the array is `true` only if all the `conditions` elements specified by the corresponding `indexLists` item are `true`. Otherwise, the item is `false`.

getCompoundConditionsArray(upConditions, downConditions, indexLists, allowUp, allowDown, zeroIndex)
  (Overload 2 of 2) Creates two arrays of "bool" values representing compound upward and
downward conditions formed by selected elements from `upConditions` and `downConditions` arrays.
    upConditions (array<bool>): (array<bool>) An array containing the possible "bool" values to use in each upward compound condition.
    downConditions (array<bool>): (array<bool>) An array containing the possible "bool" values to use in each downward compound condition.
    indexLists (array<string>): (array<string>) An array of strings containing comma-separated lists of whole numbers representing the `upConditions` and `downConditions` elements to use in each compound condition. For example, if an item is `"0, 2, 4"`, the corresponding item in the first returned array is `true` only if the `upConditions` elements at index 0, 2, and 4 are all `true`. If an item is an empty "string", the items in both returned arrays are `false`.
    allowUp (bool): (series bool) Optional. Controls whether the function considers upward compound conditions. If `false`, the function ignores the `upConditions` array, and all elements in the first returned array are `false`. The default is `true`.
    allowDown (bool): (series bool) Optional. Controls whether the function considers downward compound conditions. If `false`, the function ignores the `downConditions` array, and all elements in the second returned array are `false`. The default is `true`.
    zeroIndex (bool): (series bool) Optional. Specifies whether the "string" lists in the `indexLists` represent zero-based array indices. If `true`, a value of "0" in a list represents the first array index. If `false`, a value of "1" represents the first index. The default is `true`.
  Returns: ([array<bool>, array<bool>]) A tuple containing two "bool" arrays:
- The first array contains values representing upward compound condition states determined using the `upConditions`.
- The second array contains values representing downward compound condition states determined using the `downConditions`.

compoundAlertMessage(conditions, indexLists, zeroIndex, groupMarkers)
  (Overload 1 of 2) Creates a "string" message containing a comma-separated list of markers representing active compound conditions formed by specified element groups from a `conditions` array.
    conditions (array<bool>): (array<bool>) An array containing the possible "bool" values to use in each compound condition.
    indexLists (array<string>): (array<string>) An array of strings containing comma-separated lists of whole numbers representing the `conditions` elements to use in each compound condition. For example, if an item is `"0, 2, 4"`, the corresponding marker for that item appears in the returned "string" only if the `conditions` elements at index 0, 2, and 4 are all `true`.
    zeroIndex (bool): (series bool) Optional. Specifies whether the "string" lists in the `indexLists` represent zero-based array indices. If `true`, a value of "0" in a list represents the first array index. If `false`, a value of "1" represents the first index. The default is `true`.
    groupMarkers (array<string>): (array<string>) Optional. If specified, sets the marker (name) for each condition group specified in the `indexLists` array. If `na`, the function uses the format `"M<x>"` for each group, where "M" is short for "Marker" and `<x>` represents the one-based index for the group (e.g., the marker for the first listed group is "M1"). The default is `na`.
  Returns: (string) A "string" containing a list of markers corresponding to each active compound condition.

compoundAlertMessage(upConditions, downConditions, indexLists, allowUp, allowDown, zeroIndex, groupMarkers, upChar, downChar)
  (Overload 2 of 2) Creates two "string" messages containing comma-separated lists of markers representing active upward and downward compound conditions formed by specified element groups from `upConditions` and `downConditions` arrays.
    upConditions (array<bool>) An array containing the possible "bool" values to use in each upward compound condition.
    downConditions (array<bool>) An array containing the possible "bool" values to use in each downward compound condition.
    indexLists (array<string>) An array of strings containing comma-separated lists of whole numbers representing the `upConditions` and `downConditions` element groups to use in each compound condition. For example, if an item is `"0, 2, 4"`, the corresponding group marker for that item appears in the first returned "string" only if the `upConditions` elements at index 0, 2, and 4 are all `true`.
    allowUp (bool) Optional. Controls whether the function considers upward compound conditions. If `false`, the function ignores the `upConditions` array and returns an empty "string" for the first tuple element. The default is `true`.
    allowDown (bool) Optional. Controls whether the function considers downward compound conditions. If `false`, the function ignores the `downConditions` array and returns an empty "string" for the second tuple element. The default is `true`.
    zeroIndex (bool) Optional. Specifies whether the "string" lists in the `indexLists` represent zero-based array indices. If `true`, a value of "0" in a list represents the first array index. If `false`, a value of "1" represents the first index. The default is `true`.
    groupMarkers (array<string>) Optional. If specified, sets the name (marker) of each condition group specified in the `indexLists` array. If `na`, the function uses the format `"M<x>"` for each group, where "M" is short for "Marker" and `<x>` represents the one-based index for the group (e.g., the marker for the first listed group is "M1"). The default is `na`.
    upChar (string) Optional. A "string" appended to all group markers for upward conditions to signify direction. The default is "▲".
    downChar (string) Optional. A "string" appended to all group markers for downward conditions to signify direction. The default is "▼".
  Returns: ([string, string]): A tuple of "string" values containing lists of markers corresponding to active upward and downward compound conditions, respectively.

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