For day traders, keeping a position is risky and costly, a popular strategy is to open a position ONLY when volatility is active, in other words, only when profitability is back. This indicator reveals the movements of the underlying profitability of a trading security in different time dimensions. This indicator calculates and displays price change percentage of MACD cycles, highlights those MACD cycles that are over the profitability threshold, helping traders identify range area, the start of a new trend and the fading of a trend. Multiple time frames: This indicator is designed for day trading, so suggested time frames are: 3m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1H. Users can try other time frames (< 1D) if it fits their trading practice. Range area in general: a small green column and a small red column appear alternately, or most columns are gray within the period. The start of a new trend: an outstanding green or red column means the macd cross brought a price change that was higher than the profitability threshold, which could mean a new trend, especially when it was from a range area. The fading of a trend: for instance, when green columns are getting smaller and red columns appear, a fading of bull trend could be on the way.
This is PRO version of Profitability Meter for Day Trading PRO excluded functions: Alert Function: allowing user to set alert for price change with Profitability, or set alert for statistics results. Statistics within Customisable Time Span: Percentage of MACD cycles with profitability, the average of price change(%) and MACD cycles count. Users can customize the time range by days,hours or bars (up to the maximum backtracking value that Tradingview allows). Subscribers of this indicator may apply for two-month free-trial of "Crypto Currency Profitability Rankings PRO with Customisable List"
Free trial of two-week: Please leave a comment asking for a trial, you should get access in 48 hours. In case it doesn't happen, please message the author. Visibility:Invite-Only
Format Configuration: Profitability Threshold: a percentage of price movement within a MACD cycle that a user thinks is good to define profitability, defval: 0.8%. Alertthreshold: Threshold percentage for alert. timeSpan: Time span for statistics timeSpanType: Time span type for statistics
Related Indicators: Crypto Currency Profitability Rankings Standard with Popular List (Protected): The Indicator calculates and compares the profitability of a group of popular crypto currencies - based on MACD cycles and user-defined time span, helping traders to find the most suitable trading security. Crypto Currency Profitability Rankings PRO with Customisable List (Invite-Only): Contact the author for a free trial.
Disclaim: By using or requesting access to this indicator, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted that this indicator is for study purposes only and it does NOT guarantee you will make money. I am not financial advisor and I am NOT responsible for any profits or losses you may incur by using this indicator! Users should make their own decisions, carefully assess risks and be responsible for investment and trading activities.
The latest updates override the previous description. Please check the updates.
这是日内交易盈利潜力指示仪的PRO版本 PRO专属功能: 预设警报:方便用户为赢利性变动和统计学结果设置警报。 统计功能:过去特定时间段的可赢利波动的百分比,波动百分比平均值和MACD周期计数。用户可以自定义时间幅度:可以用天数,小时数,蜡烛数(上至Tradingview最大回溯值) 本指标用户可以申请免费试用两个月“Crypto Currency Profitability Rankings PRO with Customisable List (Invite Only)”
相关指标: Crypto Currency Profitability Rankings Standard with popular list (Protected) 加密货币赢利潜力排行指标 标准版 热门列表: 指标计算和比对一组热门虚拟货币的可赢利属性 - 基于MACD波动周期和用户自定义的时间周期,帮助交易员发掘最适合自己赢利和风险偏好的交易品种。 Crypto Currency Profitability Rankings PRO with Customisable List (Invite-Only): 加密货币赢利潜力排行指标 PRO 自定义列表
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Message the author for a trial of the indicators.
A Trading Indicator Artisan and JAVA Programmer, dedicated to enhancing traders' productivity.
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