SF MARS Swing System

The MARS (moving average rating system) is a long-only trend following indicator that visualizes trend strength across short & medium time ranges and generates potential entry/exit points designed for swing trading & scalping

Trend Wave
Trend Ribbon
Potential Entry & Exit Targets


How To Use
Utilizing the potential entry & exit points displayed is recommended, however due to an immediate interest in a shorter timeframe as well, we have included trend ribbons as well for not only a confirmation of shifts in trend direction, but to also assist in shorter-term scalping methods in addition to swing trading.
A clear red-to-green transition for both the ribbons and the waves indicate bullish trend, and vice versa (green-to-red transition is bearish)

While it was designed with the concept of swing trading, you can see below that this indicator can prove to remain accurate within shorter time constraints as well.


As you adjust the chart to a larger range, you’ll notice that the waves are doing most of the work, while the ribbons essentially act as a second confirmation for trend analysis


surmountTrend Analysis

Skrip hanya-undangan

Akses ke skrip ini dibatasi hanya bagi pengguna yang telah diberi otorisasi oleh penulisnya dan biasanya membutuhkan pembayaran untuk dapat menggunakannya. Anda dapat menambahkannya ke favorit anda, tetapi anda hanya akan dapat menggunakannya setelah meminta izin dan mendapatkan aksesnya dari pembuat skripnya. HubungiSurmountInvest untuk informasi lebih lanjut, atau ikuti instruksi penulisnya dibawah ini.

TradingView tidak menyarankan untuk membayar untuk sebuah skrip dan menggunakannya kecuali anda 100% mempercayai pembuatnya dan memahami cara kerja skrip tersebut. Dalam banyak kasus, anda dapat menemukan alternatif skrip sumber terbuka yang bagus secara gratis di Skrip Komunitas kami.

Instruksi penulis

Please DM us on TradingView to access this indicator. Thank you!

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