United Kingdom Real Private GDP per Capita

This is the first in a set of indicators I will be publishing.

Quite simply, my aim is to demystify GDP.

Lots of what is discussed in economic circles revolves around nominal GDP and evaluations of GDP that are skewed by government spending, inflation and often, sheer population.

In the same way that a country with lots of people might have a big GDP (even if the people are very poor and unproductive!), then the same can be said of government spending. After all, a country can have a very large GDP simply by juicing the economy up with government spending.

Yet, population and government spending by themselves are not indicators of productivity, innovation, or economic wealth.

Similarly, GDP is often juiced up by inflation and of course, a country with big inflation might have big GDP, but inflation can hardly be said to make anyone or any country wealthy.

So, my indicator for REAL PRIVATE GDP PER CAPITA aims to show GDP in a more honest light by adjustiing it for inflation, government spending, and population.

I hope it proves illuminating.
economyeducationalFundamental AnalysisUKunitedkingdom

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