Symbol Searcher [EmuMoon]

Introducing the EmuMoon 'Symbol Searcher'. Your go-to tool for quickly comparing and discovering the best coins/symbols to trade.

With this nifty tool, you can easily search and compare 40+ different coins/symbols simultaneously to find the most volatile ones, while also identifying coins that are already correlated to the ones you're trading. That way, you can diversify your portfolio and avoid putting all your eggs in one basket.🧺🐣

The Symbol Searcher lets you sort by volatility, correlation and weighted combinations of both. You can even input your own coins/symbols to see how they stack up. It's a fun way to explore the crypto/trading market and find new opportunities.

You can also add the 'Symbol Searcher' to the chart multiple times to display even more symbols. This works excellent with the other DCA Tools that are Advanced!


The EmuMoon 'Symbol Searcher' has a number of features, including:

• Optimal Coin Selection - The 'Top Picks' Table automatically populates with coins/symbols exhibiting the most desirable values that are well suited to trading.
• 'Sort By' Drop-Down - Explore a wide range of sorting options to discover coins/symbols that align with your target goals and preferences.
• Lookback Duration - Small or broad, you can specify the quantity of bars/candles that are used when performing internal calculations.
• Customisable View - Choose the Quantity of Pairs to Compare and also separately choose the Quantity of Pairs to Display.
• Real-Time Data - Receive up-to-the-minute data on coins/symbols, pick any time frame interval to make informed and timely choices.
• Quick & Easy - You can search, compare and analyse a wide range of coins with speed and convenience and no complex setup.
• Default Pairs - Carefully selected from Binance USDT Spot, the top 40 pairs with a 'Maximum Supply' based on the highest statistics at the time of creating. Add your own at any time.
• Connectivity - Use on the go, on any device. Settings menu and display tables have been optimized to look great on Mobile as well as PC, Browser, App, Laptop, Mobile, Tablet etc.
• Fast Loading - Streamlined array/table structure means enhanced script compile times, significantly improving script compiling times and timeout errors.


• Show Main Table - Show or hide the main coin selection table.
• Display X Pairs - Choose how many pairs to display.
• Compare X Pairs - Choose how many pairs to compare.
• Lookback - Choose the quantity of bars/candles to be used for the Correlation and Volatility calculations.
• Sort By - Choose how the main table is sorted.
• Show Top Picks Table - Show or hide the Top Picks Table.
• + Corr X Vol - Choose the quantity of High Correlation + High Volatility coins to show on the Top Picks Table.
• - Corr X Vol - Choose the quantity of Low Correlation + High Volatility coins to show on the Top Picks Table.
• o Corr X Vol - Choose the quantity of Neutral Correlation + High Volatility coins to show on the Top Picks Table.
• Symbol Input 1 - To check for correlation, the script utilizes coin slot number 1 as a reference, comparing it against all the coins numbered 2~40.
• Symbol Inputs 2~40 - Customize the coin inputs (2~40) according to your preference.
• Table Position - Adjust location of table plotted on chart. You can also add the 'Symbol Searcher' to the chart multiple times to display even more symbols. 🎉
• Info & Help - Some great information about the script and its features
• Text Size - Whether you are on PC, App, or Tablet, you can adjust the view to fit your device.


While statistics provide valuable insights, they should not be solely relied upon as an indicator of future results. This script serves as a tool traders can utilise to help gain an overview of the market landscape, and quickly compare and identify potential opportunities, enhancing their decision-making process. To use the indicator, simply input your chosen coins/symbols or use the defaults, select the quantity you want to compare, choose a sorting option, you can also generate a Top Picks list based on the highest performing values by using the +/-/o Corr X Vol quantity selections.
Catatan Rilis
V2.50 > V3.50

• Functional Addition - Added 'Enable Copy & Paste' checkbox and field. To use, simply Copy & Paste a list of coins and the Symbol Searcher will automatically compare them. Tick to enable and read (i) information to use.

• Cosmetic Addition - Updated Tutorial and Help/Information Sections (i)

• Functional Fix - Reduced coin selection from 40 to 39 to accommodate new Copy & Paste feature.

• Cosmetic Addition - Made it easier for users to interpret Top Picks table results with colour coding.
Catatan Rilis
V3.50 > V3.55

• Cosmetic Fix - For more clarity, updated some wording found in information (i) sections and tutorial.
Catatan Rilis
V3.55 > V4.00

• Functional Fix - Improved accuracy of data. Fixed bug with Correlation values displaying incorrectly occasionally.
educationalEMUemumoonmoonPortfolio managementscreenersearcherstatisticssymbolsymbolsearchertoolkit

Skrip hanya-undangan

Akses ke skrip ini dibatasi hanya bagi pengguna yang telah diberi otorisasi oleh penulisnya dan biasanya membutuhkan pembayaran untuk dapat menggunakannya. Anda dapat menambahkannya ke favorit anda, tetapi anda hanya akan dapat menggunakannya setelah meminta izin dan mendapatkan aksesnya dari pembuat skripnya. HubungiEmuMoon untuk informasi lebih lanjut, atau ikuti instruksi penulisnya dibawah ini.

TradingView tidak menyarankan untuk membayar untuk sebuah skrip dan menggunakannya kecuali anda 100% mempercayai pembuatnya dan memahami cara kerja skrip tersebut. Dalam banyak kasus, anda dapat menemukan alternatif skrip sumber terbuka yang bagus secara gratis di Skrip Komunitas kami.

Instruksi penulis

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