Hello Everybody
This indicator is designed to be used on the 5 Minute time frame and can provide both Long and short entries with the different degrees of strength.
Gold is the strongest, Blue is the mid strength and pink being the lowest strengths. when between bands its considered a no trade zone. The band strengths labelled on the chart for your convenience.
All of these have there own alerts for both long and short and will plot the chart when the conditions for entry are made.
This indicator also includes 4 different support and resistance zones to add some confluence to your entries these are also labelled. You will notice the bands also act as support and resistance so this
indicator will give you a clear picture of the current market.
This is as simple as waiting for the alert and checking the chart. Works best if you wait for the signal to be locked in.
Any questions shoot me a message and ill get back to you.
Enjoy this and trade safe
Stops saves lifes
Catatan Rilis
Have made a few changes for selecting the bands you want on the chart from the input menu instead of having to use settings.
These will turn the bands on and off individually, Keep in mind when you first load up only the Gold bands will be on.
Have also added the 4 Local supports and a function to have them On or Off via the input menu.
Catatan Rilis
Updates To alerts
Moving AveragesTrend Analysis

Skrip hanya-undangan

Akses ke skrip ini dibatasi hanya bagi pengguna yang telah diberi otorisasi oleh penulisnya dan biasanya membutuhkan pembayaran untuk dapat menggunakannya. Anda dapat menambahkannya ke favorit anda, tetapi anda hanya akan dapat menggunakannya setelah meminta izin dan mendapatkan aksesnya dari pembuat skripnya. HubungiPHANT0M untuk informasi lebih lanjut, atau ikuti instruksi penulisnya dibawah ini.

TradingView tidak menyarankan untuk membayar untuk sebuah skrip dan menggunakannya kecuali anda 100% mempercayai pembuatnya dan memahami cara kerja skrip tersebut. Dalam banyak kasus, anda dapat menemukan alternatif skrip sumber terbuka yang bagus secara gratis di Skrip Komunitas kami.

Instruksi penulis

Inggin menggunakan skrip ini pada chart?

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