This is a base and easy trading strategy for comparing my other strategy.
The strategy consider K >= 80 is strong target in the last high period,
and consider K <=20 is the weak target in the last low period.
In the strong target, the strategy may increase long at the first day when K < 50, until 2/3 max order limitation or strong target become to weak.
In the weak target, the strategy may increase short at the first day when K > 50, until 2/3 max order limitation or strong target become to strong.
there are three orders for this strategy.
when the strong become to weak, it may use the remain 1/3 to save itself, and change the direction at the next k > 50
when the weak become to weak, it may use the remain 1/3 to save itself, and change the direction at the next k < 50
當 K>=80 它會認為目前是強勢股,偏多操作
當 K<=20 它會認為目前是強勢股,偏空操作
當標的為強勢股時,當第一次 K<50 會加碼多單,最多買進2/3的持股,直到轉弱
當標的為弱勢股時,當第一次 K>50 會加碼空單,最多買進2/3的持股,直到轉強
當強勢轉弱勢時,會使用剩下的1/3來拯救持股,在下次 k > 50 出清持股
當弱勢轉強勢時,會使用剩下的1/3來拯救持股,在下次 k < 50 出清持股