Vidar - Trend Cipher (AUTO) / Alerts

Hi guys, todays indicator comes from the original Odin but has seen some hefty modifications to make it far more accurate based on some recent indicators and learnings. The name comes from Vidar that avenged Odin (fitting as its predecessor).

Vidar has two gears (pawn/king) to help you understand the probability and size of the trade. Kings crowns are weighted to have a larger upside and is intended to inform the trader that a larger position can be taken if he wanted too. Pawns are more "scalp" like signals and should be treated with smaller trades or top up positions between King's crowns.

The indicator also has a simple EMA ribbon to help with trend identification as well as a manipulation trigger to help understand price action outside of signals generated. Green diamonds are bullish closes and red diamonds are very bearish closes.

This is the automated version of Vidar and contains 4 different triggers to help you split your strategy between the strength of each signal.

As always if you want to discuss some TA or come chat about the indicators, or just hang out and chat crypto.
Catatan Rilis
Porting V2 update to automation version
Trend Analysis

Skrip hanya-undangan

Akses ke skrip ini dibatasi hanya bagi pengguna yang telah diberi otorisasi oleh penulisnya dan biasanya membutuhkan pembayaran untuk dapat menggunakannya. Anda dapat menambahkannya ke favorit anda, tetapi anda hanya akan dapat menggunakannya setelah meminta izin dan mendapatkan aksesnya dari pembuat skripnya. HubungiAevir untuk informasi lebih lanjut, atau ikuti instruksi penulisnya dibawah ini.

TradingView tidak menyarankan untuk membayar untuk sebuah skrip dan menggunakannya kecuali anda 100% mempercayai pembuatnya dan memahami cara kerja skrip tersebut. Dalam banyak kasus, anda dapat menemukan alternatif skrip sumber terbuka yang bagus secara gratis di Skrip Komunitas kami.

Instruksi penulis

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