Custom Date CVD

Oleh Intetics
This indicator allows setting a custom date for the beginning of cumulative volume delta calculations.
Why is it important? CVD shows aggressiveness of buyers and sellers. And in order for a bull run to sustain you need aggressive buyers hitting the ask. If the price goes up, but CVD goes down - unlikely this bull trend will last long.
You might want to choose a recent top or bottom as the start point and check whether the aggressiveness of market participants corresponds to the price movement since that peak. For example on the chart above we can see that the price was going up and down, but the aggressiveness clearly points down. Does it mean that we will have a long bear market? No. It means that until the aggressiveness starts pointing up we should not expect a bull market. It might happen tomorrow, or might happen in a month. Nobody knows. But until it starts happening - don't expect the real bull.
Additionally, candles where the aggressiveness went the opposite direction from the price are marked with a blue dot above them.
Note: the smaller the custom time frame of the indicator - the more correct the results are. However, the drawback is that shorter the lookback period will be. The actual length will depend on your subscription level and the number of subcandles of the selected instrument.
Candlestick analysisTrend Analysisvolumedelta

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