volume and volatility detector

Oleh tRADERlI-
This indicator can detect whether the market is active or not.
1. The green area indicates that the current market is active.
2. The volatility and market volume activity of the desktop will change color (green indicates active, red indicates inactive). You should try to avoid trading when the market is inactive.
3. the bright red and blue volume columns indicate that the current volume is relatively large.
Catatan Rilis
The table now can change in real time.
Catatan Rilis
Replaced the way to detect volatility, now when you saw a black background it means there might be a huge move in the future.

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Skrip ini dipublikasikan secara closed-source dan anda dapat menggunakannya dengan bebas. Anda dapat memfavoritkannya untuk digunakan pada grafik. Anda tidak dapat melihat atau mengubah kode sumbernya.

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