T-Wave Pattern Identifier

A T-wave might describe a pattern where the price movement forms a "T" shape on the chart, which could involve:

Strong Vertical Movement (The Stem of the T):

This could represent a sharp, decisive move in one direction (up or down), often occurring in a single candle or a few candles. This movement could be seen as the "stem" of the T.
For example, a sudden spike up in price followed by a horizontal consolidation.
Horizontal Movement (The Cross of the T):

Following the sharp move, the price might consolidate sideways, forming a horizontal base or resistance/support level, which creates the top cross of the "T."
This could indicate a pause or a consolidation phase after a significant move, where the price moves within a narrow range.
Contexts Where a T-Wave Pattern Might Be Useful:
Breakout Scenarios: If a T-wave forms after a significant upward or downward movement, it could suggest a potential continuation in the direction of the initial move, especially if the price breaks out of the consolidation range.

Reversal Signals: Alternatively, the T-wave could act as a reversal pattern if the price fails to continue in the direction of the initial move and instead breaks out in the opposite direction.

T-Wave Logic Example:
Stem (Vertical Movement):
Identify a candle or series of candles with a significant price move (e.g., a large-bodied candle with a relatively small wick). This shows momentum in one direction.
Cross (Horizontal Movement):
Following the vertical move, identify a consolidation phase where the price moves sideways in a relatively tight range. This could be visualized as a series of small candles with overlapping highs and lows.
Chart patterns

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