Trade-o-Scope: Multi-Asset Price Tracker

Trade-o-Scope team presents the "Multi-Asset Price Tracker" indicator.

"Multi-Asset Price Tracker" is designed to help analyze price changes across multiple assets within time intervals you define.

Most screeners on the market track price changes over predefined periods, like 1H\4H\12H\1D\3D\7D\etc. Typically, they compare initial and current prices.

But what if you want to analyze assets' performance over arbitrary historical intervals?
Perhaps you want to spot which assets dropped most within 7 hours after a specific industry announcement? Or do you want to check which asset grew the most in January last year?
This is where the "Multi-Asset Price Tracker" shines. It lets you define arbitrary intervals and track price changes for selected assets.

Overview and functionality:
  • Define arbitrary time intervals in history for analyzing price changes.
  • Create up to 10 lists, each with up to 40 symbols to track. Populate lists with data from text files, Excel, or CSV. Lists are just multiline text strings, each line representing an individual symbol.
  • Switch between lists, with one active list at a time.
  • Specify up to 3 fixed symbols for additional analysis alongside active list symbols. You may use them as reference points to compare price changes of the symbols in the List.
  • Customize table appearance and position.
  • Set sorting criteria and direction for displayed values.
  • View the results in a table on the chart.

How it works:
"Multi-Asset Price Tracker" will track the symbol's price during the interval you define.
The indicator identifies each symbol's Start, Max, Min, and End prices during the interval. It then calculates relative changes: Start-to-Max, Start-to-Min, and Start-to-End.
The list of relative changes is ordered by the column chosen in settings and displayed on the chart.

List example (up to 10 Lists):
(up to 40 symbols per List)

Calculation example:
Symbol Start-price = $100
Symbol Max-price = $150
Symbol Min-price = $75
Symbol End-price = $110

Start-to-Max = 100% * (Max-price - Start-price) / Start-price = 100% * ($150 - $100) / $100 = 50%
Start-to-Min = 100% * (Min-price - Start-price) / Start-price = 100% * ($75 - $100) / $100 = -25%
Start-to-End = 100% * (End-price - Start-price) / Start-price = 100% * ($110 - $100) / $100 = 10%

Chart example:
In the provided chart, you can observe an example with a table generated by the indicator, along with manually added arrows and labels explaining the calculation process for an individual symbol from the list.

How to use:
1) Add "Multi-Asset Price Tracker" indicator to the chart
2) The indicator will ask you to define the start and the end of the interval using the mouse on the chart.
Voila! You'll see the table with sorted relative price changes based on default list values and settings.

3) Customize the indicator's settings:
  • Define the interval Start and End datetime.
  • Optionally, change the interval Start and End by clicking on the indicator name and dragging the vertical mark at the edges of the interval to a new position.
  • Define the Start and End price sources.
  • Choose a color to highlight the interval on the chart's background.
  • Set the table position, size, text size, and border size.
  • Specify the column for sorting and its direction.
  • Choose whether to sort chart symbols and fixed symbols together with list symbols or display them at the top of the table irrespective of their relative price change.
  • Enable fixed symbols if needed, and define up to 3 fixed symbols.
  • Define symbol lists, with up to 10 lists and 40 symbols each.
  • Select which List to make active - symbols from the active list will be calculated and displayed.
Catatan Rilis
Fixed indicator title
multiassetmultiassetspricechangescreenerstatisticstrade-o-scopeVolatilityWave Analysis

Skrip hanya-undangan

Akses ke skrip ini dibatasi hanya bagi pengguna yang telah diberi otorisasi oleh penulisnya dan biasanya membutuhkan pembayaran untuk dapat menggunakannya. Anda dapat menambahkannya ke favorit anda, tetapi anda hanya akan dapat menggunakannya setelah meminta izin dan mendapatkan aksesnya dari pembuat skripnya. HubungiTrade-o-Scope untuk informasi lebih lanjut, atau ikuti instruksi penulisnya dibawah ini.

Harap perhatikan bahwa ini adalah skrip pribadi yang hanya dapat diakses melalui undangan dan tidak dianalisis oleh moderator skrip. Kepatuhannya terhadap tata Tertib belum dapat dipastikan. TradingView tidak menyarankan untuk membayar untuk sebuah skrip dan menggunakannya kecuali anda 100% mempercayai pembuatnya dan memahami cara kerja skrip tersebut. Dalam banyak kasus, anda dapat menemukan alternatif skrip sumber terbuka yang bagus secara gratis di Skrip Komunitas kami.

Instruksi penulis

To get access to the indicator you can contact me via DM here or on socials.

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