Produksi Minyak & Gas

Perusahaan Perusahaan Inggris yang beroperasi di satu industri: produksi minyak & gas

Daftar di bawah berisi Perusahaan Inggris yang beroperasi di industri yang sama, produksi minyak & gas. Daftar ini membantu melacak kinerja mereka, laporan laba rugi, dan banyak lagi. Diurutkan berdasarkan metrik yang diperlukan, ini dapat menunjukkan saham-saham industri yang paling mahal seperti ENERGEAN PLC ORD GBP0.01 atau saham-saham dengan dinamika harga terbaik seperti INTEROIL EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION NOK5, sehingga membantu anda dalam merancang strategi dalam fokus apa pun.
Kap Pasar
Perubahan %
Volume Relatif
EPS terdilusi
Pertumbuhan EPS terdilusi
Imbal hasil dividen %
Penilaian Analis
0QZACONOCOPHILLIPS COM USD0.01111,66 B GBP105,66 USD−0,20%4,44 K0,6812,556,30 GBP−8,01%2,95%Mineral Energi
Pembelian kuat
0IDREOG RESOURCES INC COM USD0.0163,46 B GBP137,08 USD+0,15%2,1 K0,5411,039,29 GBP−7,71%3,72%Mineral Energi
0A71ANTERO RESOURCES CORPORATION USD0.0110,32 B GBP40,205 USD−0,76%10,63 K6,87279,770,11 GBP−94,82%0,00%Mineral Energi
0KTWRANGE RESOURCES CORP COM STK USD0.018,14 B GBP40,80 USD−0,29%4,31 K6,9520,721,47 GBP−64,74%0,78%Mineral Energi
HBRHARBOUR ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.000024,9 B GBP294,0 GBX+1,07%2,14 M1,1130,000,10 GBP7,05%Mineral Energi
0KZASM ENERGY COMPANY COM STK USD0.014,13 B GBP43,6 USD−1,63%2530,766,085,35 GBP+4,53%1,68%Mineral Energi
0K3SMURPHY OIL CORP COM USD13,94 B GBP32,2 USD−2,50%2,94 K2,6210,382,31 GBP−34,68%3,63%Mineral Energi
ENOGENERGEAN PLC ORD GBP0.011,94 B GBP1.058 GBX−0,09%197,2 K0,6512,020,88 GBP8,82%Mineral Energi
0HTFBLUENORD ASA NOK0.53982951,31 B GBP695 NOK+1,02%2550,1565,120,75 GBP−77,34%0,00%Mineral Energi
Pembelian kuat
0UG9ADVANTAGE ENERGY LTD COM NPV937,81 M GBP10,4 CAD+2,71%1000,5338,930,15 GBP−72,14%0,00%Mineral Energi
SQZSERICA ENERGY PLC ORD USD0.10594,62 M GBP154,7 GBX+1,58%988,13 K0,72−0,03 GBP−103,78%15,10%Mineral Energi
Pembelian kuat
0MDPGEOPARK LIMITED COM USD0.001449,95 M GBP11,0 USD−2,05%3,51 K0,685,611,47 GBP−17,32%5,36%Mineral Energi
PANRPANTHEON RESOURCES ORD GBP0.01419,86 M GBP36,85 GBX0,00%4,01 M0,82−0,01 GBP−531,25%0,00%Mineral Energi
Pembelian kuat
TLWTULLOW OIL PLC ORD GBP0.10336,16 M GBP23,04 GBX0,00%3,18 M0,4474,320,00 GBP0,00%Mineral Energi
ENQENQUEST PLC ORD GBP0.05251,81 M GBP13,42 GBX−1,32%1,81 M0,4915,600,01 GBP0,00%Mineral Energi
Pembelian kuat
RKHROCKHOPPER EXPLORATION ORD GBP0.01244,7 M GBP39,6 GBX+3,66%5,68 M0,8222,760,02 GBP−64,63%0,00%Mineral Energi
Pembelian kuat
CNECAPRICORN ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.06549180227,04 M GBP330,0 GBX+1,54%71,45 K1,76−0,86 GBP+51,39%0,00%Mineral Energi
GENLGENEL ENERGY ORD GBP0.10186,78 M GBP66,5 GBX−0,75%157,72 K0,57−0,12 GBP+76,95%0,00%Mineral Energi
0EMBREACH SUBSEA ASA NOK1154,35 M GBP7,48 NOK+0,81%10,84 K1,979,030,06 GBP+24,57%4,74%Mineral Energi
Pembelian kuat
AETAFENTRA PLC ORD GBP0.10116,24 M GBP51,4 GBX0,00%243,1 K0,386,520,08 GBP0,00%Mineral Energi
Pembelian kuat
KISTKISTOS HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.1116,01 M GBP138,0 GBX−1,43%179,88 K0,38−0,56 GBP−306,41%0,00%Mineral Energi
Pembelian kuat
PHARPHAROS ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.05112,6 M GBP27,5 GBX+0,36%492,11 K0,68−0,04 GBP+59,35%4,14%Mineral Energi
ENWENWELL ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.0576,95 M GBP24,0 GBX0,00%32,59 K0,373,640,07 GBP−37,38%0,00%Mineral Energi
FOGFALCON OIL & GAS COM NPV (DI)75,53 M GBP7,65 GBX+15,04%1,32 M3,93−0,00 GBP+32,31%0,00%Mineral Energi
CASPCASPIAN SUNRISE PLC ORD GBP0.0166,52 M GBP2,95 GBX0,00%593,44 K1,013,01%Mineral Energi
TXPTOUCHSTONE EXPLORATION INC COM NPV (DI)65,75 M GBP28,3 GBX+0,89%520,63 K1,64−0,04 GBP−693,68%0,00%Mineral Energi
Pembelian kuat
ZPHRZEPHYR ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.00159,52 M GBP3,40 GBX0,00%2,99 M1,63−0,00 GBP−400,00%0,00%Mineral Energi
Pembelian kuat
HE1HELIUM ONE GLOBAL LTD ORD NPV (DI)53,88 M GBP0,905 GBX−0,55%34,15 M1,140,00%Mineral Energi
Pembelian kuat
0Q4GAWILCO LNG ASA NOK0.1043,95 M GBP4,250 NOK−2,63%1,07 K0,671,720,17 GBP+10,52%50,92%Mineral Energi
ECOECO ATLANTIC OIL & GAS LTD COM SHS NPV (DI)43,06 M GBP11,65 GBX−4,12%1,49 M2,04−0,04 GBP+7,85%0,00%Mineral Energi
0MO8SEABIRD EXPLORATION PLC USD0.2035,16 M GBP6,04 NOK+3,78%520,0127,800,02 GBP−79,51%8,47%Mineral Energi
Pembelian kuat
BORBORDERS & SOUTHERN PETROLEUM ORD GBP0.0129,83 M GBP3,68 GBX+2,23%3,47 M0,60−0,00 GBP0,00%0,00%Mineral Energi
Pembelian kuat
PXENPROSPEX ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.00129,59 M GBP7,26 GBX−1,36%232,99 K0,24−0,00 GBP−258,33%0,00%Mineral Energi
CEGCHALLENGER ENERGY GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0122,04 M GBP9,000 GBX0,00%826,68 K0,41−0,07 GBP−303,45%0,00%Mineral Energi
JOGJERSEY OIL & GAS PLC ORD GBP0.0121,56 M GBP66,0 GBX0,00%12,56 K0,08−0,16 GBP−10,27%0,00%Mineral Energi
CHARCHARIOT LIMITED ORD GBP0.0121,16 M GBP1,804 GBX+1,98%782,75 K0,25−0,01 GBP+6,25%0,00%Mineral Energi
Pembelian kuat
MATDPETRO MATAD LTD ORD USD0.0120,77 M GBP1,375 GBX−1,79%5,94 M1,630,00%Mineral Energi
PMGPARKMEAD GROUP(THE)PLC ORD GBP0.01519,39 M GBP17,25 GBX−2,82%63,5 K0,404,240,04 GBP0,00%Mineral Energi
0A7KHOUSTON AMERICAN ENERGY CORPORATION COM USD0.001(POST REV SPLIT)18,4 M GBP1,69 USD−2,32%200,00−0,24 GBP−1.826,51%0,00%Mineral Energi
SOUSOUND ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.0118,21 M GBP0,876 GBX0,00%1,58 M0,89−0,07 GBP−1.024,24%0,00%Mineral Energi
INDIINDUS GAS LTD ORD GBP0.0116,93 M GBP9,15 GBX−1,08%6220,002,610,04 GBP−74,57%0,00%Mineral Energi
UPLUPLAND RESOURCES LTD ORD NPV16,1 M GBP1,175 GBX0,00%1,33 M0,200,00%Mineral Energi
SNDASUNDA ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.0002515,94 M GBP0,0625 GBX0,00%73,56 M1,06−0,00 GBP0,00%0,00%Mineral Energi
0JI3HUNTER GROUP ASA NOK0.038214,31 M GBP1,726 NOK+1,29%57,26 K0,881,830,07 GBP−89,43%0,00%Mineral Energi
ANGSANGUS ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.00212,16 M GBP0,275 GBX0,00%1,45 M0,040,00%Mineral Energi
STARSTAR ENERGY GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0000210,73 M GBP8,00 GBX−2,91%189,99 K0,80−0,05 GBP+79,15%0,00%Mineral Energi
UJOUNION JACK OIL PLC ORD GBP0.0510,39 M GBP9,76 GBX0,00%244,73 K1,179,650,01 GBP−45,99%5,64%Mineral Energi
TRPTOWER RESOURCES ORD GBP0.000019,44 M GBP0,0310 GBX−4,62%711,11 M0,390,00 GBP+100,00%0,00%Mineral Energi
Pembelian kuat
ORCAORCADIAN ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.0017,51 M GBP9,00 GBX−5,26%131,46 K5,68−0,01 GBP+26,74%0,00%Mineral Energi
SYNSYNERGIA ENERGY LTD NPV6,34 M GBP0,0486 GBX0,00%11,89 M0,57−0,00 GBP+75,00%0,00%Mineral Energi
ASTASCENT RESOURCES ORD GBP0.0056,3 M GBP2,04 GBX0,00%35,5 K0,07−0,01 GBP+96,42%0,00%Mineral Energi
NOGNOSTRUM OIL & GAS PLC ORD GBP0.015,42 M GBP3,30 GBX+1,23%30,22 K0,48−0,35 GBP−185,15%0,00%Mineral Energi
Pembelian kuat
BLOEBLOCK ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.00254,95 M GBP0,700 GBX+3,70%771,25 K0,36−0,00 GBP+41,18%0,00%Mineral Energi
RBDREABOLD RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.0014,33 M GBP0,0426 GBX0,00%12,35 M0,73−0,00 GBP−400,00%0,00%Mineral Energi
SENXSERINUS ENERGY PLC ORD NPV3,84 M GBP2,60 GBX0,00%1,39 K0,01−0,08 GBP−72,55%0,00%Mineral Energi
TOMTOMCO ENERGY PLC ORD NPV3,05 M GBP0,0750 GBX−3,85%4,61 M0,180,00%Mineral Energi
0EVEINTEROIL EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION NOK53,04 M GBP2,25 NOK+20,55%1240,12−0,59 GBP−127,51%0,00%Mineral Energi
UKOGUK OIL & GAS PLC ORD GBP0.0000012,59 M GBP0,0205 GBX0,00%64,3 M1,260,00%Mineral Energi
UOGUNITED OIL & GAS PLC ORD GBP0.000011,95 M GBP0,0970 GBX−7,62%43,09 M1,240,00%Mineral Energi
AADMEADM ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.011,41 M GBP0,225 GBX0,00%530 K1,240,00%Mineral Energi
NTVONATIVO RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.0000011,26 M GBP0,0020 GBX0,00%856,64 M1,10−0,00 GBP+89,86%0,00%Mineral Energi
NTOGNOSTRA TERRA OIL & GAS COMPANY PLC ORD GBP0.00011,24 M GBP0,0285 GBX+9,62%312,7 M6,74−0,00 GBP−300,00%0,00%Mineral Energi
BCEBEACON ENERGY PLC ORD NPV888,56 K GBP0,0048 GBX0,00%6,25 M0,290,00 GBP0,00%Mineral Energi
SDXSDX ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.01664,83 K GBP0,326 GBX0,00%786,82 K0,180,00%Mineral Energi
COROCORO ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.001501,7 K GBP0,0176 GBX0,00%58,13 M1,080,250,00 GBP0,00%Mineral Energi