How to make money online ?

Oleh dchua1969
Now, before you get too excited about it, I am not selling you any course, products or even membership , haha. If you get spam mails, FB advertisments, text messages about how someone can make money earning 4, 5, 6 or even 7 figures income online, you know for a fact these things :

1. Millions of people have attempted to sell something online to make money
(Only the top 10% or lesser really make good money, many are just struggling)

2. The notion that it is advertised as easy, no need software, special domain knowledge and yet can make more money than a regular job has enticed many to part with their hard earned money to these smooth talking course providers!

I too had my fair share trying to hawk wares online but with limited success. I discovered unless you have a unique product that is in high demand (like this ), else you would need to have a differentiating point so that others would come and visit your site.

So, in the past, I would search online everyday, read lots of news and articles trying to be the first to find the Holy Grail product , affordable and yet within my means to do the business. It was an uphill, stressful task.

Then, after much hits and misses, I discovered trading and stock investment. Of course, I lost money , burnt my accounts thinking I could retire early (dreams some course providers would sell you)..... I did not give up for some reasons and persevere and am proud to say this has now become one stream of income for me. And the best part, I love this business.

You see, in stock investment, you need not be the first to discover the company. That would be like buying IPOs , some like Amazon and FB or Macdonald would made you a millionaire but how many has that kind of foresight ? The good thing is anybody can catch the train to this path and at your own budget , time and risk appetite. There is something for everyone, that's the beauty.

For example, late last year, I had plough aside some capital to invest in many commodities, from corn, wheat, soy, copper, silver ,gold to agricultural companies like Yihai Kerry, Wilmar, etc. I am thankful to God for he has once more blessed me abundantly.

It is all about demand and supply ! The more buyers for this commodity, say Corn, the more the prices will be push up.So, you can be a buyer or seller online unlike the traditional mode of making money online - you need to be a seller only (you buy from wholesaler or manufacturer and in turn sell to retailers for a profit).

And you need not put in a lot of capital to start this business, which is what I like about it. You can now buy shares in fractional shares, very affordable and with more brokers offering zero commission, you net profits is even higher if you get it right.

And getting this game right is not difficult - just follow the trend. By that , I mean think big picture - who is the biggest, most popular social media company globally? Most would say FB , right ? Or in China, it would be Tencent who owns wechat and many other apps. They monopolised the market and that is why the government now is taking action against them.

So, if you can't be an influencer with millions of followers to make the advertisment income, consider this option. There are tons of free materials online, videos , books in library, etc that can make you sounds like an expert. Then, there is of course, my favourite social site, TV which offers a plethora of services - cool charts to begin with and different authors for you to follow. You can cross check your own analysis with others and do paper trader for a while before you gain more confidence.

Oh, did I say you need not be licensed to buy or sell shares ? I mean, other than the legal age required and you are not a bankrupt, the barriers to entry is really really low. There is no requirement on your educational background, job titles you held before, etc. The janitor can buy FB shares just like the CEO of a MNC company. No discrimination here !

Give yourself the opportunity and if you have any questions, ask around TV. Many people would be more than happy to help, for free.

Have fun and enjoy the ride up ! Or down (if you are selling)
Chart PatternsTrend AnalysisCorn

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