


We are about to start the 23rd week of the year.

This post is written in order to raise awareness about numbers or numerology behind everything about us. It is not about religion or something to do with it. Consider to add gematria and/or esoteric knowledege to your fundamental analysis.

Let's see the numbers:

23 | 2/3 | 2/3= .666

23 is used to MARK the best players in games: FIFA, NBA, NFL... whatever... 23 has its own movie, (Jim Carrey)... see history.
23 is the week where the MARKets will be going up and playing it's own game.

- This year is 2018 = 218 = 6x6x6
- We are about to start week 23 (2/3=.666)
- In the 23rd week we have month and day six, it means 06/06/(6x6x6)
- In 180 days (60+60+60) Price touch 3 times BTC price 6660 usd:
- (2017) 11/06 Prices around 6660 USD
- (2018) 02/06 Prices around 6660 USD
- (2018) 04/06 Prices around 6660 USD
- Start at 6660 adding 666 you'll get the ATH
- In Physical coins of Bitcoin you can read: "1 troy oz 999 fine copper" (666 fine)
- English Gematria for "MARK of the Beast" = 666
- English Gematria for "Receive A MARK" = 666
- English Gematria for "A Satanic MARK" = 666
- As you can see, the number six (6) seems a key on bitcoin trading.
- Agenda 2030 (2x3=6) by UN aims a lot of things, one is to digitalize world money and people id's. (CHIP)
- Bitcoin White Paper: "A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash".

So, in this context, we would have something similar to:
Revelation 13:17 - And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:18(6+6+6) - Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Do you still think satoshi nakamoto is anonymous and bitcoin was born from nothing? LOL

No, this is not coincidence, please do your own research before bulling me. Just let the time told us like until now.

Bitcoin is Nimrod, i'ts the Architect of a new world.
Recommended Text: Sepher Yetzirah (Book of Formation)

This is not financial advise.
Do what ever you want.
Peace and Love.

PD: Let me read your thoughts.

- 06/06/2018 = 6+6+2+0+1+8= 23 | 2/3= .666 Thanks to bokeb for update.
- 6x6x6=216 Not 218 Thanks to Jkyd for correcting me.
- 06/06 = 16/06 for some powerfull groups.
- 16/06/2018 = 1+6+0+6+2+0+1+8 = 24 | 2+4 = 6 | again 6.
- (2017) 11/06 Prices around 6660 USD, so 11/06 is used as 911, it's a code.
- Before finishing week 23rd, we have 06/11, again 911.
- On 06/11 (911) is celebrated a festival to Mater Matuta, Roman goddess of the dawn, it means night to day, darkness falling and light rising up, Will price rise up??
- Remember 911??? 06/11

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