No tickie, No laundry.

Simple really,.

Where has it left us, this historical Credit Cycle?


A collapse in Global Economic Activity.

The Highest ROC for Inflation in History.

The greatest unwind of Consumer Confidence in History.

The sharpest declines for Both M1/M2 Velocities in History.

The Lowest percentage of Employed Workers in History.

The Highest Homeless Population in History.


Dissention @ the FED with ONE EXCEPTION - there was complete
and total agreement among the Fed BOG Voting Members and

Simply read the Minutes - it's there in Black and White.

Carlo lays it all out, concerns surrounding VX Curve on Short End
of UST Curve, Asset VX, Asset Elevation, Inflation Target Remedy
and on and on it devolves.

They are engineering a Correction, period.

As Wave 4 Due South sets up, the Degenerate Gamblers and those
ignorant and unaware will be caught as the Tide is permitted to
go out for what will be the shortest Taper in recorded History.

A bluff, and then...

Well, that is frankly akin to asking a Shark what's for Dinner.

A renewed push by the Federal Reserve at unimaginable levels
of Shadow Banking Expansions.
Beyond Technical AnalysisESFundamental AnalysisNQTrend Analysisym

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