So what if I am right about this prediction ? I neither switch to long USDCAD nor short Oil ? Haha, that's life, isn't it ? But what is worse, is attempting to catch the late action and hoping to ride to the end of it. Don't do that ......unless you are sure what you are doing (do you?).
Now is not the time to be a Hero else your funds turn to zero or negative, stay cool and study the charts closely before taking any actions. And reduce your position size if necessary to mitigate risk as well in times like this. This is a special time where market gyrations have taken many by surprise and more may come as the coronavirus development is shaping outside of China. Will it ever end ? Nobody knows as a cure is still being developed. What's important is for the affected countries to contain it as much as possible , to reduce the number of people affected , restrict travel and contact and do the necessary hygiene steps to keep ourselves clean. May the Lord watch over us in this time of trouble, let our hearts not be troubled but continue to hold on to a ray of hope and faith. May his mercy rain down on earth and take care of the extremely vulnerable group - the diabetic, elderly, disabled, young babies, etc and provide wisdom to the government officials around the world to think of a good solution to combat this pervasive and anxiety-causing disease.