
Tron (TRXU19) on BitMEX, Looking Higher (269% ROE on 6X Lev.)

Tron (TRXU19) has broken above resistance, it is now trading above EMA10 and EMA50 and is aiming to go higher.

The MACD has now entered the bull zone.
The RSI is bullish after hitting oversold recently. Oversold RSI is a great "buy" signal. Notice the huge bounce right after hitting oversold in the chart below: cuplikan

We can expect additional bullish action from Tron (TRXU19). This analysis is also valid for TRON (TRXBTC).

Main scenarios are drawn on the chart.

We have a full trade available for Tron (TRXU19) on BitMEX, this trade has over 269% Potential ROE (Profits Potential).

Hit like if you would like to see this full trade details (buy-in, leverage, targets, stop-loss, and additional information). If enough people hit like, we will know there is enough support.

This is not financial advice.

Thanks a lot for reading.

This is Alan Masters.

Previous analysis:

[TRXBTC](66%) TRON Bull Volume Comes In After Higher Low

TRXM19 (+183% ROE collected):
TRON (TRXM19) Breaks Above Resistance (150%+ More ROE Possible)
alanmastersBeyond Technical AnalysisbinancebitmexbittrexTechnical IndicatorskrakenTrend AnalysisTRONTRXTRXBTCTRXU19

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