Now you need to know that on August 24, 2024, the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov by French authorities sent shockwaves through both the platform and its cryptocurrency, Toncoin (TON). Durov's arrest, reportedly tied to illegal activities on Telegram, has been widely seen as an attack on free speech, which has paradoxically boosted interest in both Telegram and Toncoin. This spotlight on Durov and his platforms presents both challenges and opportunities. While the surge in activity signals increased attention, the future is uncertain. The ongoing investigation and heightened regulatory scrutiny are likely to impact TON's market performance. Investors and users are closely watching for further legal actions, as they could have significant consequences for Telegram and Toncoin. With the regulatory landscape in flux, TON remains a risky investment until the legal situation stabilizes.
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Informasi dan publikasi tidak dimaksudkan untuk menjadi, dan bukan merupakan saran keuangan, investasi, perdagangan, atau rekomendasi lainnya yang diberikan atau didukung oleh TradingView. Baca selengkapnya di Persyaratan Penggunaan.