SP500 long term target 2300 then 1650

We will have a dead cat bounce up to ~3200 to activate a butterfly target at 2300. Right on previous major LOW. We need AT LEAST 3200 for this to work.
Then another dead cat, and a fall to 1650, to complete a shark pattern.
Once we reach 1650, market could range between 1650 and 2500 for years.

It's blowing my mind how the 161% extensions (golden number) are aligned with key levels.
At 3400, 2300 and 1650.
It's bouncing. It will be chaotic but we will reach 3200
5-0 PatternBroadening WedgeButterflySharkSPX (S&P 500 Index)S&P 500 (SPX500)SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY)

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