SPX's weekly update. Second week of March 2021.

Don't be fooled by the weekly Doji, check link below.

- P/E @ 39.73. Up . 77 "Not Looking Good"
- Insiders Buy/Sell Ratio, i guess adjusted, still around 6.32 down .64 " Data still out of March's 1st.
(by end day, usually updated)
- SPX's Dividend Yield @ 1.49 Down by .03 (
Diving deeper in tops land)
-Our M2 study indicator is crossing below zero line.
- March is worse than February especially "Mid March" with top gain/lose past 20 years is Max 8.5%
Min(-12.5%). ( We are already 5.76% down )
- Continuous unemployment claims down 2.81 %.
- Weekly candle "Tradingview auto", text book beautiful Doji. ( Only 9 % success rate since 2003 check
related studies/link)
- Deviation : Weekly @ 31.29, with 76 % single pullback
Daily @ 10.79, with 64% single pullback.
- PC, is .7 up by .03 ( Traders are getting more puts than last week)
-GEX :-4, 000,000 (lowest reading since May 2011)
-DIX: No man's land .
-VIX: Just above our Green safe zone, and below our Red Danger zone. (No man's land)
- Stocks reltive to 200D MA:
SPX, gave us a single on March 4 for a bottom of 50D
NYSE, did not give us on four 50/100/150/200.
1/ We have a Beautiful text book "Doji", but with high
risk low success rate be careful. Check our study
for that since 2003 Dated : 14 November, 2020 (9% success rate @ bottoms)
2/ GEX is at it's lowest readings since 2011, 64% success rate we are @/near a bottom !!!!
3/ SPX's stocks above 50D MA gave us a bottom signal on March's 4, 2020 ( Kind of one day dip)
non the less it was a bottom so far till proven
4/ B%, March 4 was a bottom on daily, 90% success rate.
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I do more in depth studies of stocks on my twitter account. Hope you would enjoy it there as you are enjoying it here.

****** Past performance is no guarantee of future results***

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